880 resultados para thermoplastic extrusion


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Les travaux de ce mémoire traitent du problème d’ordonnancement et d’optimisation de la production dans un environnement de plusieurs machines en présence de contraintes sur les ressources matérielles dans une usine d’extrusion plastique. La minimisation de la somme pondérée des retards est le critère économique autour duquel s’articule cette étude car il représente un critère très important pour le respect des délais. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une approche exacte via une formulation mathématique capable des donner des solutions optimales et une approche heuristique qui repose sur deux méthodes de construction de solution sérielle et parallèle et un ensemble de méthodes de recherche dans le voisinage (recuit-simulé, recherche avec tabous, GRASP et algorithme génétique) avec cinq variantes de voisinages. Pour être en totale conformité avec la réalité de l’industrie du plastique, nous avons pris en considération certaines caractéristiques très fréquentes telles que les temps de changement d’outils sur les machines lorsqu’un ordre de fabrication succède à un autre sur une machine donnée. La disponibilité des extrudeuses et des matrices d’extrusion représente le goulot d’étranglement dans ce problème d’ordonnancement. Des séries d’expérimentations basées sur des problèmes tests ont été effectuées pour évaluer la qualité de la solution obtenue avec les différents algorithmes proposés. L’analyse des résultats a démontré que les méthodes de construction de solution ne sont pas suffisantes pour assurer de bons résultats et que les méthodes de recherche dans le voisinage donnent des solutions de très bonne qualité. Le choix du voisinage est important pour raffiner la qualité de la solution obtenue. Mots-clés : ordonnancement, optimisation, extrusion, formulation mathématique, heuristique, recuit-simulé, recherche avec tabous, GRASP, algorithme génétique


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L’objectif du vaste projet de recherche dans lequel s’inscrit ce mémoire est de guérir le diabète de type 1 en fabriquant un pancréas bioartificiel vascularisé contenant des cellules bêta (i.e. les cellules sécrétant l’insuline). Ce dispositif permettrait de rendre aux personnes atteintes par le diabète de type 1 la capacité de sécréter par elles-mêmes de l’insuline et de réguler leur glycémie. La vascularisation est actuellement un enjeu de taille dans le domaine du génie tissulaire. La plupart des tissus incorporant des cellules générées par le génie tissulaire sont actuellement fortement limités en épaisseur faute d’être vascularisés adéquatement. Pour les tissus dont l’épaisseur dépasse 400 μm, la vascularisation est nécessaire à la survie de la plupart des cellules qui autrement souffriraient d’hypoxie, les empêchant ainsi d’accomplir leurs fonctions [1]. Ce mémoire présente le développement et la mise en service d’un dispositif d’extrusion tridimensionnelle de sucre vitrifié pour la vascularisation d’un pancréas bioartificiel. Ce dispositif a été développé au laboratoire de recherche sur les procédés d’impression 3D ainsi qu’au bureau de design du département de génie mécanique de l’Université Laval. Grâce à cette technique d’impression 3D novatrice et à la caractérisation du procédé, il est maintenant possible de produire rapidement et avec précision des structures temporaires en sucre vitrifié pour la fabrication de réseaux vasculaires tridimensionnels complexes. Les structures temporaires peuvent, après leur production, être utilisées pour réaliser le moulage rapide de constructions vascularisées avec des matériaux tels que du polydiméthylsiloxane (PDMS) ou des hydrogels chargés de cellules biologiques. De par la nature du matériel utilisé, les moules temporaires peuvent être facilement et rapidement dissous dans une solution aqueuse et laisser place à un réseau de canaux creux sans créer de rejets toxiques, ce qui représente un avantage majeur dans un contexte de bio-ingénierie.


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Nell’ambito di questa ricerca sono stati sviluppati modelli in grado di prevedere le dimensioni dei grani dopo il processo di estrusione di alcune leghe serie 6XXX, in particolare AA6060, AA6063 e AA6082. Alcuni modelli matematici proposti in letteratura sono stati presi in considerazione e implementati su Qform, codice FEM in grado di simulare processi di deformazione plastica. Sono state condotte diverse campagne sperimentali, tra cui una di visioplasticità necessaria per ottenere dati sperimentali che permettessero la validazione del Codice (modellazione dell’attrito, dello scambio termico, del flow stress del materiale). Altre prove di microestrusione ed estrusione inversa hanno fornito dati sperimentali che sono stati messi in correlazione con i risultati numerici di una serie di simulazioni. Infine è stata effettuata una campagna sperimentale di estrusione industriale a tutti gli effetti, ottenendo un profilo dalla geometria piuttosto complessa in lega AA6063, i dati ricavati hanno permesso : • la validazione di un modello unico di ricristallizzazione dinamica, • la valutazione di modelli per la predizione del comportamento durante recristallizzazione statica


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Este estudo investiga a otimização da resistência ao cisalhamento no plano de juntas de sobreposição co-curadas do compósito termoplástico unidirecional auto-reforçado de polietileno de baixa densidade reciclado reforçado por fibras de polietileno de ultra alto peso molecular através da relação desta resistência com os parâmetros processuais de prensagem a quente para a conformação da junta (pressão, temperatura, tempo e comprimento). A matriz teve sua estrutura química analisada para verificar potenciais degradações devidas à sua origem de reciclagem. Matriz e reforço foram caracterizados termicamente para definir a janela de temperatura de processamento de junta a ser estudada. A elaboração das condições de cura dos corpos de prova foi feita de acordo com a metodologia de Projeto de Experimento de Superfície de Resposta e a relação entre a resistência ao cisalhamento das juntas e os respectivos parâmetros de cura foi obtida através de equação de regressão gerada pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários. A caracterização mecânica em tração do material foi analisada micro e macromecanicamente. A análise química da matriz não demonstrou a presença de grupos carboxílicos que evidenciassem degradação por ramificações de cadeia e reticulação advindos da reciclagem do material. As metodologias de ensaio propostas demonstraram ser eficazes, podendo servir como base para a constituição de normas técnicas. Demonstrou-se que é possível obter juntas com resistência ótima ao cisalhamento de 6,88 MPa quando processadas a 1 bar, 115°C, 5 min e com 12 mm. A análise da fratura revelou que a ruptura por cisalhamento das juntas foi precedida por múltiplas fissuras longitudinais induzidas por sucessivos debondings, tanto dentro quanto fora da junta, devido à tensão transversal acumulada na mesma, proporcional a seu comprimento. A temperatura demonstrou ser o parâmetro de processamento mais relevante para a performance da junta, a qual é pouco afetada por variações na pressão e tempo de cura.


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Driven by environmental reasons and the expected depletion of crude oil, bio-based polymers are currently undergoing a renaissance in the attempt to replace fossil-based ones. The present work aims at contributing in the development of the steps that start from biomass and move to new polymeric multifunctional materials. The study focuses on two bio-based building blocks (itaconic and vanillic acids) characterized by exploitable functionalities, i.e. a lateral double bond and a substituted aromatic ring respectively, able to confer interesting properties to the final polymers. The lateral double bond of dimethyl itaconate was functionalized via thia-Michael addition reaction obtaining a thermo-stable building block that can undergo polycondensation under classical conditions of reaction. The addition of a long lateral chain allows the polymer to express antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus making it attractive for packaging and targeting antimicrobial applications. Moreover, the architecture of the homopolymer was modified by means of copolymerization with dimethyl 2,5-furandicarboxylate thus improving the rigidity and obtaining a thermo-processable material. Potential applications as thermoset or thermoplastic material have been discussed. As concerns vanillic acid, the presence of aromatic rings on the polymer backbone imparts high thermal stability, but brittle behaviour in the homopolymer. Therefore, the architecture of the polyester was successfully tuned by means of copolymerization with a flexible bio-based comonomer, i.e. ω-pentadecalactone, providing processable random copolymers. An in depth investigation of water transport mechanism has been undertaken on the synthesized polyesters. Since the copolymers present a succession of aromatic and aliphatic units, as a consequence of the chemical structure water vapor permeability interposes between polyethylene and poly(ethylene terephthalate) proving that the copolyesters are suitable for packaging applications. Moving towards a sustainable model of development, novel sustainable synthetic pathways for the eco-design of new bio-based polymeric structures with high value functionalities and different potential applications have been successfully developed.


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The objective of this dissertation is the evaluation of the exploitability of corn cobs as natural additives for bio-based polymer matrices, in order to hone their properties while keeping the fundamental quality of being fully bio-derived. The first part of the project has the purpose of finding the best solvent and conditions to extract antioxidants and anti-degrading molecules from corn cobs, exploiting room and high-temperature processes, traditional and advanced extraction methods, as well as polar and nonpolar solvents. The extracts in their entirety are then analysed to evaluate their antioxidant content, in order to select the conditions able to maximise their anti-degrading properties. The second part of the project, instead, focuses on assessing chemical and physical properties of the best-behaving extract when inserted in a polymeric matrix. To achieve this, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and poly (butylene succinate – co – adipate) (PBSA) are employed. These samples are obtained through extrusion and are subsequently characterised exploiting the DSC equipment and a sinusoidally oscillating rheometer. In addition, extruded polymeric matrices are subjected to thermal and photo ageing, in order to identify their behaviour after different forms of degradation and to assess their performances with respect to synthetically produced anti-degrading additives.


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Over the last decade, graphene and related materials (GRM) have drawn significant interest and resources for their development into the next generation of composite materials. This is because these nanoparticles have the ability to operate as reinforcing additives capable of imparting considerable mechanical property increases while also embedding multi-functional advantages on the host matrix. Because graphene and 2D materials are still in their early stages, the relative maturity of different types of composite systems varies. As a result, certain nanocomposite systems are currently commercially accessible, while others are not yet sufficiently developed to enter the market. A substantial emphasis has been placed on developing thermoplastic and thermosetting materials that combine a variety of mechanical and functional qualities. These include higher strength and stiffness, increased thermal and electrical conductivity, improved barrier properties, fire retardancy, and others, with the ultimate goal of providing multifunctionality to already employed composites. The work presented in this thesis investigates the use and benefits that GRM could bring to composites for a variety of applications, with the goal of realizing multifunctional components with improved properties that leads to lightweight and, as a result, energy and cost savings and pollution reduction in the environment. In particular, we worked on the following topics: • Benchmarking of commercial GRM-based master batches; • GRM-coatings for water uptake reduction; • GRM as thermo-electrical anti-icing /de-icing system; • GRM for Out of Oven curing of composites.


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Bone disorders have severe impact on body functions and quality life, and no satisfying therapies exist yet. The current models for bone disease study are scarcely predictive and the options existing for therapy fail for complex systems. To mimic and/or restore bone, 3D printing/bioprinting allows the creation of 3D structures with different materials compositions, properties, and designs. In this study, 3D printing/bioprinting has been explored for (i) 3D in vitro tumor models and (ii) regenerative medicine. Tumor models have been developed by investigating different bioinks (i.e., alginate, modified gelatin) enriched by hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to increase printing fidelity and increase biomimicry level, thus mimicking the organic and inorganic phase of bone. High Saos-2 cell viability was obtained, and the promotion of spheroids clusters as occurring in vivo was observed. To develop new syntethic bone grafts, two approaches have been explored. In the first, novel magnesium-phosphate scaffolds have been investigated by extrusion-based 3D printing for spinal fusion. 3D printing process and parameters have been optimized to obtain custom-shaped structures, with competent mechanical properties. The 3D printed structures have been combined to alginate porous structures created by a novel ice-templating technique, to be loaded by antibiotic drug to address infection prevention. Promising results in terms of planktonic growth inhibition was obtained. In the second strategy, marine waste precursors have been considered for the conversion in biogenic HA by using a mild-wet conversion method with different parameters. The HA/carbonate ratio conversion efficacy was analysed for each precursor (by FTIR and SEM), and the best conditions were combined to alginate to develop a composite structure. The composite paste was successfully employed in custom-modified 3D printer for the obtainment of 3D printed stable scaffolds. In conclusion, the osteomimetic materials developed in this study for bone models and synthetic grafts are promising in bone field.


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Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are well renowned for their excellent mechanical properties, superior strength-to-weight characteristics, low thermal expansion coefficient, and fatigue resistance over any conventional polymer or metal. Due to the high stiffness of carbon fibers and thermosetting matrix, CFRP laminates may display some drawbacks, limiting their use in specific applications. Indeed, the overall laminate stiffness may lead to structural problems arising from their laminar structure, which makes them susceptible to structural failure by delamination. Moreover, such stiffness given by the constituents makes them poor at damping vibration, making the component more sensitive to noise and leading, at times, to delamination triggering. Nanofibrous mat interleaving is a smart way to increase the interlaminar fracture toughness: the use of thermoplastic polymers, such as poly(ε- caprolactone) (PCL) and polyamides (Nylons), as nonwovens are common and well established. Here, in this PhD thesis, a new method for the production of rubber-rich nanofibrous mats is presented. The use of rubbery nanofibers blended with PCL, widely reported in the literature, was used as matrix tougheners, processing DCB test results by evaluating Acoustic Emissions (AE). Moreover, water-soluble electrospun polyethylene oxide (PEO) nanofibers were proposed as an innovative method for reinforcing layers and hindering delamination in epoxy-based CFRP laminates. A nano-modified CFRP was then aged in water for 1 month and its delamination behaviour compared with the ones of the commercial laminate. A comprehensive study on the use of nanofibers with high rubber content, blended with a crystalline counterpart, as enhancers of the interlaminar properties were then investigated. Finally, PEO, PCL, and Nylon 66 nanofibers, plain or reinforced with Graphene (G), were integrated into epoxy-matrix CFRP to evaluate the effect of polymers and polymers + G on the laminate mechanical properties.


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This study investigates the effect of an additive process in manufacturing of thick composites. Airstone 780 E epoxy resin and 785H Hardener system is used in the analysis since it is widely used wind turbine blade, namely thick components. As a fiber, fabric by SAERTEX (812 g/m2) with a 0-90 degrees layup direction is used. Temperature overshoot is a major issue during the manufacturing of thick composites. A high temperature overshoot leads to an increase in residual stresses. These residual stresses are causing warping, delamination, dimensional instability, and undesired distortion of composite structures. A coupled thermo-mechanical model capable of predicting cure induced residual stresses have been built using the commercial FE software Abaqus®. The possibility of building thick composite components by means of adding a finite number of sub-laminates has been investigated. The results have been compared against components manufactured following a standard route. The influence of pre-curing of the sub-laminates has also been addressed and results compared with standard practice. As a result of the study, it is found that introducing additive process can prevent temperature overshoot to occur and benefits the residual stresses generation during the curing process. However, the process time required increases by 50%, therefore increasing the manufacturing costs. An optimized cure cycle is required to minimize process time and cure induced defects simultaneously.