926 resultados para temporary pond
Water quality problems are reported to be the factor limiting prawn production in the local prawn farm. This investigation was carried out to monitor water quality and its relationship to physical, chemical and biological conditions in the ponds in order to establish what factors should be monitored in order to predict problems. Pond collapse was found to be associated with high concentrations of ammonium, high pH and blue-green algae dominated phytoplankton populations. There was no easy means of predicting the imminent collapse of ponds as the phenomenon was never associated with the extreme of any of the conditions monitored. Rather it seemed to be related to the stability of the pond's algal population, which was largely unaccounted for. Recommendations toward improving water quality are proposed.
Lesões sistêmicas peri e pré-natais alteram o desenvolvimento do SNC, levando a problemas cognitivos e motores em crianças que podem perdurar por toda a vida. Um tipo particular de lesão é a hipóxia-isquemia (HI), caracterizada pela interrupção momentânea ou permanente do fluxo sanguíneo. Um dos mecanismos propostos para as lesões decorrentes da HI é a excitotoxicidade glutamatérgica. O uso de inibidores da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica tem sido estudados em diversos modelos de HI. Neste trabalho, avaliamos os efeitos morfofuncionais da administração de um antagonista não-competitivo do receptor de glutamato NMDA sobre o desenvolvimento do cerebelo. Ratas no 18 dia de gestação foram anestesiadas, os cornos uterinos expostos e as 4 artérias uterinas obstruídas por 45 minutos (Grupo H). Animais controle tiveram os úteros expostos, sem a obstrução (Grupo S). Após a cirurgia a gestação prosseguiu. Somente animais nascidos a termo foram utilizados. Um dia após o nascimento, metade de cada ninhada foi designada para receber MK801, 0,3mg/kg/dia, (grupos SM e HM) e a outra metade recebeu solução salina (grupos SS e HS), por 5 dias. Após anestesia e perfusão-fixação com paraformaldeído 4% aos 9, 23, 30 e 60 dias pós-natais, cortes parassagitais do cerebelo foram obtidos em criótomo e submetidos à imunohistoquímica para calbindina, GFAP, GLAST, PDGFRα e MBP. A partir de 45 dias de vida, os animais foram testados em vários de testes comportamentais: labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE), campo vazado (CV), ROTAROD, teste de caminhada sobre barras (ladder test) e teste do comprimento da passada (stride length). Aos 9 dias, a espessura da árvore dendrítica era menor nos animais SM, HS/HM, demonstrando efeitos deletérios tanto do MK801 quanto da HI. Menor número de células PDGFRα+ foi observado nos animais HS/HM, sem efeitos da administração de MK801. Aos 23 dias, maior número de células PDGFRα+ foi observado nos animais HM comparado aos outros 3 grupos, indicando efeito neuroprotetor do MK801. Nessa idade, menor número de fibras mielinizadas (MBP+) foi observada nos animais HS, e a administração de MK801 parece reverter estes efeitos. Aos 9 dias a distribuição de GLAST estava alterada nos animais HS, com os efeitos da HI parcialmente revertidos pelo MK801. Não foram observados efeitos da HI ou do MK801 sobre comportamentos relacionados a ansiedade pelo LCE, assim como na latência de queda no ROTAROD. HI piora a performance motora no ladder test. No teste do CV, não observamos efeitos da HI sobre a busca por novidade assim como sobre a atividade locomotora espontânea. No entanto, MK801 diminui comportamentos de autolimpeza e a atividade locomotora espontânea. Menor variação das passadas foi observada em decorrência da administração de MK801 no stride length, com nenhum efeito da HI. Nossos resultados demonstram que a inibição do receptor NMDA tem um efeito neuroprotetor sobre os progenitores de oligodendrócitos e mielinização, provavelmente pela manutenção da capacidade proliferativa por um período maior. A atividade do receptor NMDA exerce importante papel na diferenciação das células de Purkinje, assim como na distribuição do transportador GLAST, corroborando a importância deste receptor na gênese das lesões causadas pela HI.
A Bacia Hidrográfica Lagos São João, localizada no sudoeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, abrange 13 municípios que abrigam cerca de 520 mil habitantes. Na temporada de férias esse número sobe para mais de 1 milhão de pessoas. A pastagem constitui o principal tipo de uso do solo, em seguida vem as áreas urbanas e as salinas. A partir da década de 1960 essa região passou a receber maior contingente populacional, tanto de veranistas quanto de moradores fixos, beneficiados pela implantação de novas vias de acesso, como a Ponte Rio-Niteroi e pela construção da represa de Juturnaíba, que ampliou o abastecimento de água dos municípios. Surge neste contexto a especulação imobiliária, que acelera a ocupação das terras próximas a Lagoa de Araruama. Rapidamente essas terras foram loteadas e o setor da construção civil foi ganhando força. Entretanto, a região não contou com adequado planejamento, e os investimentos em saneamento básico e outras infraestruturas urbanas não acompanharam o ritmo da construção civil, que cada vez mais investia em casas, prédios e condomínios, que ampliaram consideravelmente a área urbana e a ocupação da zona costeira. Sendo assim, ficou visível o aumento da malha urbana e a ocupação de áreas impróprias, como as margens dos corpos hídricos, os manguezais, dunas e restingas, além da redução da cobertura vegetal. Dessa forma, foi substancial a perda de qualidade ambiental na região, sobretudo, com relação a água da lagoa e dos rios, que passaram a receber maior volume de efluentes sem tratamento. O potencial turístico da região tem sido explorado e provocado altos investimentos dos agentes de especulação imobiliária, entretanto além de promover a ocupação em áreas irregulares, leva a privatização de espaços públicos e incentiva o fenômeno da segunda residência. A chegada de novos turistas iniciou o processo de desenvolvimento do turismo e, consequentemente, a redução da produção salineira. Com isso, o espaço local ganhou novos significados, inseridos pela lógica da urbanização turística. Foi essa nova lógica transformadora que, gradativamente, valorizou a paisagem local, ampliando e encarecendo o seu consumo. Além de ampliar as transformações espaciais, tendo em vista a expansão da malha urbana verificada nas imagens de satélites, atuais, que foram comparadas com fotografias aéreas de décadas anteriores. Todas as transformações ocorridas na região apresentam alguma relação com o desencadeamento de novos problemas ambientais identificados nos seus ecossistemas, sobretudo a Lagoa de Araruama, ou a ampliação de problemas anteriormente existentes.
We investigated the use of otolith morphology to indicate the stock structure of an exploited serranid coral reef fish, Plectropomus leopardus, on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. Otoliths were measured by traditional one-and two-dimensional measures (otolith length, width, area, perimeter, circularity, and rectangularity), as well as by Fourier analysis to capture the finer details of otolith shape. Variables were compared among four regions of the GBR separated by hundreds of kilometers, as well as among three reefs within each region, hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers apart. The temporal stability in otolith structure was examined by comparing two cohorts of fully recruited four-year-old P. leopardus collected two years before and two years after a signif icant disturbance in the southern parts of the GBR caused by a large tropical cyclone in March 1997. Results indicated the presence of at least two stocks of P. leopardus, although the structure of each stock varied depending on the cohort considered. The results highlight the importance of incorporating data from several years in studies using otolith morphology to discriminate temporary and possibly misleading signals from those that indicate persistent spatial structure in stocks. We conclude that otolith morphology can be used as an initial step to direct further research on groups of P. leopardus that have lived at least a part of their life in different environments.
Estimates of the abundance of American horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) are important to determine egg production and to manage populations for the energetic needs of shorebirds that feed on horseshoe crab eggs. In 2003, over 17,500 horseshoe crabs were tagged and released throughout Delaware Bay, and recaptured crabs came from spawning surveys that were conducted during peak spawning. We used two release cohorts to test for a temporary effect of tagging on spawning behavior and we adjusted the number of releases according to relocation rates from a telemetry study. The abundance estimate was 20 million horseshoe crabs (90 % confidence interval: 13−28 million), of which 6.25 million (90% CI: 4.0−8.8 million) were females. The combined harvest rate for Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, and Maryland in 2003 was 4% (90% CI: 3−6%) of the abundance estimate. Over-wintering of adults in Delaware Bay could explain, in part, differences in estimates from ocean-trawl surveys. Based on fecundity of 88,000 eggs per female, egg production was 5.5×1011 (90% CI: 3.5×1011, 7.7×1011), but egg availability for shorebirds also depended on overlap between horseshoe crab and shorebird migrations, density-dependent bioturbation, and wave-mediated vertical transport.
Integrating agriculture aquaculture that would draw inputs from on farm sources is viewed as a viable option to improve the productivity, income and resource use efficiency of existing farms in Bangladesh. To assess the existing resource availability, use pattern and efficiency before introducing new aquaculture technology within the existing farm systems, a survey of 330 pond operating farm households was conducted in six selected unions from two thanas (subdistricts) of Bangladesh.
Systems for selection of species for smallholder aquaculture are presented. These are: food fits; management decisions; and economic criteria. Food fits suggests categorizing pond food resources into a few categories based loosely on the instrinsic traits of food which effect their selectivity by predators. Using management decision techniques, potential polycultures might also be compared with each other and with monoculture. Under economic criteria (and for species known in local markets), one could combine the Ff values of various species under monoculture with their particular market price to get a proper bioeconomic selection index: (marked price x 1/Ff).
The article focuses on the types of training needed in African aquaculture development. The author suggested that rather than needing less training, extension agents and others who operate in the idiosyncratic world of the poor African farmer, need a far deeper understanding of fish culture (particularly the basics of pond dynamics and ecology) than do those who can take advantage of industrialized-country infrastructure.
Fish production on Malawian smallholdings is generally limited by the quantity and quality of inputs to the pond (Brummett and Noble 1995). The timing of labor availability and other farm activities limit the amount farmers put into their ponds resulting in lower growth rates and yields. There is potential for improving production and yields through modifications of production schedules to accommodate other farming activities. Limited material and labor inputs among farming system enterprises can be better allocated by considering seasonal availability of inputs and adapting the pond and fish farming technology to the farming system. This case from Malawi demonstrates that aquaculture technology that neglects the annual cycle of events and constraints on the farm will not be easily integrated into the farming system. Focusing on technology that maximizes fish production rather than facilitation of adoption and integration has been a feature of the majority of African smallholder agriculture/aquaculture projects. Farming Systems Research (FSR) must identify niches and opportunities for system improvement for it to be worth supporting as a development intervention.
The need to estimate percentages and/or numbers occurs frequently during practical research work; accurate but rapid estimates can be useful when planning research programmes. Charts are provided that may be used as a visual aid to estimating numbers of animals/plants in a specific situation, for example, the number of fish fry in a subsample from a hatchery tank, or the percentage composition of a sample such as the percentage algal cover in a pond.
Women in India are involved in various facets of shrimp (Penaeus monodon; Penaeus indicus) farming, including pond construction, seed collection, collection of feed materials and preparation of feeds, pond maintenance and post-harvest handling. This study indicates that 40% of laborers involved in shrimp farm construction are women. The various roles of women in shrimp farming are also described.
Freshwater pearl culture is growing as a source of employment and income in many Southeast Asian countries. Bangladesh, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam have initiated freshwater pearl culture projects in recent years. In India, the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture is carrying out research on identification of suitable local pearl mussel species (Genera Lamellidens)defining appropriate surgical implantation procedures, developing post-operative care procedures and captive pond culture of mussels.
Analyses of pond water and mud samples show that nitrifying bacteria (including ammonifying bacteria, nitrite bacteria, nitrobacteria and denitrifying bacteria) are in general closely correlated with various physico-chemical factors, ammonifying bacteria are mainly correlated with dissolved oxygen; denitrifying bacteria are inversely correlated with phosphorus; nitrite bacteria are closely correlated with nitrites, nitrobacteria are inversely correlated with ammoniac nitrogen. The nitrifying bacteria are more closely correlated with heterotrophic bacteria. Nitrobacteria are inversely correlated with anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria. The correlation is quite weak between all the nitrite bacteria which indicates that the nitrite bacteria have a controlling and regulating function in water quality and there is no interdependence as each plays a role of its own. The paper also discusses how the superficial soil (pond mud down to 3.5 cm deep) and different layers of the mud affect the biomass of bacteria. The study shows that the top superficial layer (down to 1.5 cm deep) is the major area for decomposing and converting organic matter.
Currently there are 2 sources of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii production in Vietnam - natural production from the rivers and canals and aquaculture production from ponds and ricefields. An account is given of the production of this prawn in the Mekong Delta. The prawns are harvested primarily by a common small scale method using shelter traps. The total annual freshwater prawn production in Vietnam during 1985-90 was reported to vary from 5000 to 8000 tons, most of it from natural fisheries; although there are no official statistics on the production of farmed prawns, the amount is believed to be very small. The grow-out system includes intensive monospecies pond culture, and semi-intensive or extensive integrated rice-prawn or vegetable-prawn culture.
The hatching rates of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) eggs on four natural substrates: the roots of Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes), water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), pond weed (Ceratophyllum dermasum) and green grass leaves (Commelina sp.), and four artificial substrates: sisal mats, nylon mats, papyrus mats and kakaban mats, was assessed. Concrete slabs were used as control. The natural substrates performed better than the artificial ones. Pistia roots gave the best mean hatching rate of 66.2 ± 3.62%. Green grass leaves were second with a mean rate of 54.0 ± 3.46%, water hyacinth was third with 49.7 ± 3.16% and Ceratophyllum fourth with a mean of 13.0 ± 2.37%. Concrete slabs gave a mean rate of 18.6 ± 2.8%, sisal mats 18.6 ± 2.0%, papyrus 12.2 ± 1.2% and kakaban 11.8 ± 1.9%. Nylon mats were the last, with a mean rate of 4.0 ± 0.7%. The best performing natural substrates were those with the ability to float and thin fibrous roots that seemed to allow higher aeration of the eggs during incubation. The cost of using natural substrates was minimal.