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The present article explores major challenges facing career psychology, specifically within the field of career education. Several issues are identified including the need for more effective links between theory and practice, the movement towards constructivist theories and the related challenges of applying such theories. These issues are explored within the context of the reformulation of career education and through the lens of the constructivist Systems Theory Framework of career development and its applied activity, the My Systems of Career Influences.


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This paper examines the potential for cluster associations to act globally, enabled by information computer technology (ICT). In particular, it explores the relationship between cooperation and organizational structures and systems of action in developing an ICT capability. The slow up-take of ICT and the problems involved is also becoming of increased interest to policymakers. This paper outlines how, through the use of cluster associations based on co-operation and effective structures and systems, this can be maximized. The proposition introduced in this paper argues that cluster associations with low power-dependence and decentralized structures are better able to provide the necessary support that such SMEs require to utilize the technology


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Orally disintegrating Tablets (ODTs), also known as fast-disintegrating, fast-melt or fast-dissolving tablets, are a relatively novel dosage technology that involves the rapid disintegration or dissolution of the dosage form into a solution or suspension in the mouth without the need for water. The solution containing the active ingredients is swallowed, and the active ingredients are then absorbed through the gastrointestinal epithelium to reach the target and produce the desired effect. Formulation of ODTs was originally developed to address swallowing difficulties of conventional solid oral dosage forms (tablets and capsules) experienced by wide range of patient population, especially children and elderly. The current work investigates the formulation and development of ODTs prepared by freeze drying. Initial studies focused on formulation parameters that influence the manufacturing process and performance of lyophilised tablets based on excipients used in commercial products (gelatin and saccharides). The second phase of the work was followed up by comprehensive studies to address the essential need to create saccharide free ODTs using naturally accruing amino acids individually or in combinations. Furthermore, a factorial design study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of delivering multiparticulate systems of challenging drugs using a novel formulation that exploited the electrostatic associative interaction between gelatin and carrageenan. Finally, studies aimed to replace gelatin with ethically and morally accepted components to the end users were performed and the selected binder was used in factorial design studies to investigate and optimise ODT formulations that incorporated drugs with varies physicochemical properties. Our results show that formulation of elegant lyophilised ODTs with instant disintegration and adequate mechanical strength requires carful optimisation of gelatin concentration and bloom strength in addition to saccharide type and concentration. Successful formulation of saccharides free lyophilised ODTs requires amino acids that crystallise in the frozen state or display relatively high Tg', interact and integrate completely with the binder and, also, display short wetting time with the disintegrating medium. The use of an optimised mixture of gelatin, carrageenan and alanine was able to create viscous solutions to suspend multiparticulate systems and at the same time provide tablets with short disintegration times and adequate mechanical properties. On the other hand, gum arabic showed an outstanding potential for use as a binder in the formulation of lyophilised ODTs. Compared to gelatin formulations, the use of gum arabic simplified the formulation stages, shortened the freeze drying cycles and produced tablets with superior performance in terms of the disintegration time and mechanical strength. Furthermore, formulation of lyophilised ODTs based on gum arabic showed capability to deliver diverse range of drugs with advantages over commercial products.


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This paper examines the connected speech process described by Wells (1982b) as the T to R rule in the West Midlands speech variety associated with the Black Country. The T to R rule is well known as a linguistic marker of local varieties of the middle and far north of England. Less well understood is its position in the phonological systems of Midlands varieties. Varieties of the Midlands of England are underresearched in comparison with varieties of the north, and what is known about the application of the T to R rule in this transitional dialect area is correspondingly nebulous. This paper focuses on the Black Country area, and examines the possible outputs in the contexts which give rise to /t/ becoming [?] in local varieties of the north. I examine the written and spoken evidence which suggests that the T to R rule does indeed operate in the Black Country variety. My analysis focuses on possible phonetic outcomes of the T to R rule across time. In my conclusion, I discuss briefly the possibility that, lying on a bundle of isoglosses separating north from south, the variety of the Black Country reflects this in that a T to [?] rule, rather than a T to R rule, is the dominant output of this connected speech process in the Black Country.


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The Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP) approach was originally developed for analysing the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model in the study of spin glass models and has been employed since then mainly in the context of extensively connected systems whereby each dynamical variable interacts weakly with the others. Recently, we extended this method for handling general intensively connected systems where each variable has only O(1) connections characterised by strong couplings. However, the new formulation looks quite different with respect to existing analyses and it is only natural to question whether it actually reproduces known results for systems of extensive connectivity. In this chapter, we apply our formulation of the TAP approach to an extensively connected system, the Hopfield associative memory model, showing that it produces identical results to those obtained by the conventional formulation.


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The design and synthesis of safe and efficient nonviral vectors for gene delivery has attracted significant attention in recent years. Previous experiments have revealed that the charge density of a polycation (the carrier) plays a crucial role in complexation and the release of the gene from the complex in the cytosol. In this work, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation approach to study the complexation of short strand duplex RNA with six cationic carrier systems of varying charge and surface topology. The simulations reveal detailed molecular-level pictures of the structures and dynamics of the RNA-polycation complexes. Estimates for the binding free energy indicate that electrostatic contributions are dominant followed by van der Waals interactions. The binding free energy between the 8(+)polymers and the RNA is found to be larger than that of the 4(+)polymers, in general agreement with previously published data. Because reliable binding free energies provide an effective index of the ability of the polycationic carrier to bind the nucleic acid and also carry implications for the process of gene release within the cytosol, these novel simulations have the potential to provide us with a much better understanding of key mechanistic aspects of gene-polycation complexation and thereby advance the rational design of nonviral gene delivery systems.


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Understanding the cultural value systems of nations is a key factor in anticipating the behaviour of business managers and employees in a specific business environment. Many research studies have acknowledged the impact of culture on communication across nations and its impact on business operations, however no study has attempted to measure and quantify the cultural orientations of people originating from one nation, but working in two different national settings. This study adopted Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's framework to examine cultural dimensions of a total of 580 Indian respondents comprising two groups: 429 Indian natives living and working in India and 151 Indian migrants living and working in the USA. It initially compares the cultural orientations of the total population of each of the two groups and then examines cultural differences in the same based on demographic characteristics consisting of occupation, gender, age, and level of education. The study found significant cultural value differences between the two groups on both levels of analysis. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed in detail.


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This paper examines the developments in the field of career management in a cross-national comparative context. It investigates a wide range of career practices via two large-scale surveys in 108 Indian and 194 British organisations. The influence of a number of organisational characteristics on career practices is analysed. The study has identified a number of similarities as well as differences in the career management systems of firms operating in both India and Britain. Theoretical and managerial implications for the fields of careers and international HRM are discussed.


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Developing effective health care organizations is increasingly complex as a result of demographic changes, globalization, and developments in medicine. This study examines the potential contribution of organizational behavior theory and research by investigating the relationship between systems of human resource management (HRM) practices and effectiveness of patient care in hospitals. Relatively little research has been conducted to explore these issues in health care settings. In a sample of 52 hospitals in England, we examine the relationship between the HRM system and health care outcome. Specifically, we study the association between high performance HRM policies and practices and standardized patient mortality rates. The research reveals that, after controlling for prior mortality and other potentially confounding factors such as the ratio of doctors to patients, greater use of a complementary set of HRM practices has a statistically and practically significant relationship with patient mortality. The findings suggest that managers and policy makers should focus sharply on improving the functioning of relevant HR management systems in health care organizations as one important means by which to improve patient care. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper uses evidence gathered in two perception studies ofAustralasian and British accounting academics to reflect on aspects of the knowledge production systemwithin accounting academe. We provide evidence of the representation of multiple paradigms in many journals that are scored by participants as being of high quality. Indeed most of the journals we surveyed are perceived by accounting academics as incorporating research from more than one paradigm. It is argued that this ‘catholic’ approach by journal editors and the willingness of many respondents in our surveys to score journals highly on material they publish from both paradigm categories reflects a balanced acceptance of the multi-paradigmatic state of accounting research. Our analysis is set within an understanding of systems of accounting knowledge production as socially constructed and as playing an important role in the distribution of power and reward in the academy. We explore the impact of our results on concerns emerging from the work of a number of authors who carefully expose localised 'elites'. The possibilities for a closer relationship between research emerging from a multi-paradigm discipline and policy setting and practice are also discussed. The analysis provides a sense of optimism that the broad constituency of accounting academics operates within an environment conducive for the exchange of ideas. That optimism is dampened by concerns about the impact of local 'elites' and the need for more research on their impact on accounting academe.


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The last decade or so has witnessed the emergence of the national innovation system (NIS) phenomenon. Since then, many scholars have investigated NIS and its implementation in different countries. However, there are very few investigations into the relationship between the NIS of a country and its national innovation capacity. This paper aims to make a contribution in this area by examining the link that currently exists between these two topics. Whilst examining this relationship, we also explore internationalisation and technology transfer, being cognate areas that have been investigated during the same period. This follows our assertion that the link between NIS and national innovation capacity is the mechanism of internationalisation and technology transfer. The NIS approach was introduced in the late 1980s (see Freeman, 1987; Dosi et al., 1988) and further elaborated later (see Lundvall, 1992; Nelson, 1993; Edquist, 1997). In essence, a country?s NIS is a historically grown subsystem of the entire national economy consisting of organisations and institutions which play a major role in the innovative activity in the country. In the NIS approach, interactions within organisations as well as the interplay between organisations and institutions are of central importance. The NIS approach has been used to reveal the structure of the innovation processes and the main actors involved in them in industrialised and emerging countries. Although the national focus remains strong, it has been accompanied by studies seeking to analyse the notion of systems of innovation at an international level and at a sub-national scale (Archibugi et al., 1999). Dosi in the edition of Archibugi et al. (1999) argues that the general background of the discussion of national systems is the observation of non-random distributions across countries of: corporate capabilities; organisational forms; strategies; and ultimately revealed performances, in terms of production efficiency and inputs productivities, rates of innovation, rates of adoption/diffusion of innovation themselves, dynamics of market shares on the world markets, growth of income and employment. They also mention that there are several approaches to NIS. Nelson (1993) focuses upon the specificities of national institutions and policies supporting directly or indirectly innovation, diffusion and skills accumulation. Patel and Pavitt (1991) have stressed the links between the national patterns of technological accumulation and the competencies and innovative strategies of a few major national companies. Amable et al (1997) and Soskice (1993) and Zysman (1994) focus on the specifics of national institutions including, for example, the forms of organization, financial and labour markets, training institutions, forms of state intervention in the economy etc. However, the most common reference is by Lundvall (1992) who argues that the focus on the national level is associated with the fact that national economies vary according to their production system and their institutional framework and these differences are in turn strengthened by different historical experiences, language and culture. On the other hand, the national innovation capability consists of abilities to create and carry new technological possibilities through to economic practice. The term covers a wide range of activities from capability to invent to capability to innovate and to capability to improve existing technology beyond the original design parameters (Kim, 1997). The term innovation is often associated by many with technological change at international frontiers. However, technological capability is not the same as innovation capability. Technological capability refers to assimilation, use, adaptation, and change to existing technologies. It also enables the creation of new technologies and development of new products and processes in response to changing economic environments. It denotes operational command over knowledge (Kim, 1997). It is manifested not merely by the knowledge possessed, but, more important, by the uses to which that knowledge can be put and by the proficiency with which it is applied in the activities of investment and production and in the creation of new knowledge (Westphal et al., 1985). Therefore, the analytical framework that is used in this paper is based on the way a country derives from its NIS a national innovation capacity. There are two perspectives that are identified on this way. These are internationalisation and technology transfer. Even though NIS is not directly related to national innovation capacity, to achieve national innovation capacity from NIS, the country should have the ability for technology transfer. Technology transfer is a link between these two phenomena. On the other hand, internationalisation can be either the input or the output of the relationship between NIS and national innovation capability. If a company is investing in a country because of its national innovation capacity, this can be regarded as an input to the relationship between NIS and national innovation capacity. If this company is investigating the national innovation capacity of a country then, for its internationalisation, the national innovation capacity should be important, which in turn means this company is active in innovation and innovation is also an important success factor. The interrelationship between the investment of the company and the NIS of the country (assuming that the country is competent and competitive in technology transfer) will generate and improve that country?s national innovation capacity. This is the output of internationalisation from the relationship between NIS and national innovation capacity. When companies are evaluating whether to internationalise, they investigate certain factors in the countries in which they are considering to invest. The ability to transfer technology is dependent on ability to adopt a new technology and also on the learning derived from this technology. If countries wish to attract innovation related investment they need to show their ability to have a NIS and also the capability to transfer technology. Without the technology transfer capability, the NIS is not functioning. Therefore, companies that internationalise will investigate the factors common to NIS, technology transfer, and their business needs. Through this paper we will demonstrate this link though its mechanisms. Our research will be through extensive literature review and identifying relevant aspects of previous research carried out by the authors. It will investigate certain factors of different countries that are successful in attracting innovation related foreign direct investment. Through these, we will point out the factors that are important for the link and mechanisms of NIS and national innovation capability.


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A two-tier study is presented in this thesis. The first involves the commissioning of an extant but at the time, unproven bubbling fluidised bed fast pyrolysis unit. The unit was designed for an intended nominal throughput of 300 g/h of biomass. The unit came complete with solids separation, pyrolysis vapour quenching and oil collection systems. Modifications were carried out on various sections of the system including the reactor heating, quenching and liquid collection systems. The modifications allowed for fast pyrolysis experiments to be carried out at the appropriate temperatures. Bio-oil was generated using conventional biomass feedstocks including Willow, beechwood, Pine and Miscanthus. Results from this phase of the research showed however, that although the rig was capable of processing biomass to bio-oil, it was characterised by low mass balance closures and recurrent operational problems. The problems included blockages, poor reactor hydrodynamics and reduced organic liquid yields. The less than optimal performance of individual sections, particularly the feed and reactor systems of the rig, culminated in a poor overall performance of the system. The second phase of this research involved the redesign of two key components of the unit. An alternative feeding system was commissioned for the unit. The feed system included an off the shelf gravimetric system for accurate metering and efficient delivery of biomass. Similarly, a new bubbling fluidised bed reactor with an intended nominal throughput of 500g/h of biomass was designed and constructed. The design leveraged on experience from the initial commissioning phase with proven kinetic and hydrodynamic studies. These units were commissioned as part of the optimisation phase of the study. Also as part of this study, two varieties each, of previously unreported feedstocks namely Jatropha curcas and Moringa olifiera oil seed press cakes were characterised to determine their suitability as feedstocks for liquid fuel production via fast pyrolysis. Consequently, the feedstocks were used for the production of pyrolysis liquids. The quality of the pyrolysis liquids from the feedstocks were then investigated via a number of analytical techniques. The oils from the press cakes showed high levels of stability and reduced pH values. The improvements to the design of the fast pyrolysis unit led to higher mass balance closures and increased organic liquid yields. The maximum liquid yield obtained from the press cakes was from African Jatropha press cake at 66 wt% on a dry basis.


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Understanding the molecular mechanism of gene condensation is a key component to rationalizing gene delivery phenomena, including functional properties such as the stability of the gene-vector complex and the intracellular release of the gene. In this work, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation approach to study the complexation of short strand duplex RNA with four cationic carrier systems of varying charge and surface topology at different charge ratios. At lower charge ratios, polymers bind quite effectively to siRNA, while at high charge ratios, the complexes are saturated and there are free polymers that are unable to associate with RNA. We also observed reduced fluctuations in RNA structures when complexed with multiple polymers in solution as compared to both free siRNA in water and the single polymer complexes. These novel simulations provide a much better understanding of key mechanistic aspects of gene-polycation complexation and thereby advance progress toward rational design of nonviral gene delivery systems.


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This thesis presents a numerical and experimental investigation on applications of ultralong Raman fibre lasers in optical communications, supercontinuum generation and soliton transmission. The research work is divided in four main sections. The first involves the numerical investigation of URFL intra-cavity power and the relative intensity noise transfer evolution along the transmission span. The performance of the URFL is compared with amplification systems of similar complexity. In the case of intracavity power evolution, URFL is compared with a first order Raman amplification system. For the RIN transfer investigation, URFL is compared with a bi-directional dual wavelength pumping system. The RIN transfer function is investigated for several cavity design parameters such as span length, pump distribution and FBG reflectivity. The following section deals with experimental results of URFL cavities. The enhancement of the available spectral bandwidth in the C-band and its spectral flatness are investigated for single and multi-FBGs cavity system. Further work regarding extended URFL cavity in combination with Rayleigh scattering as random distributed feedback produced a laser cavity with dual wavelength outputs independent to each other. The last two sections relate to URFL application in supercontinuum (SC) generation and soliton transmission. URFL becomes an enhancement structure for SC generation. This thesis shows successful experimental results of SC generation using conventional single mode optical fibre and pumped with a continuous wave source. The last section is dedicated to soliton transmission and the study of soliton propagation dynamics. The experimental results of exact soliton transmission over multiple soliton periods using conventional single mode fibre are shown in this thesis. The effect of the input signal, pump distribution, span length and FBGs reflectivity on the soliton propagation dynamics is investigated experimentally and numerically.


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We devise a message passing algorithm for probabilistic inference in composite systems, consisting of a large number of variables, that exhibit weak random interactions among all variables and strong interactions with a small subset of randomly chosen variables; the relative strength of the two interactions is controlled by a free parameter. We examine the performance of the algorithm numerically on a number of systems of this type for varying mixing parameter values.