995 resultados para surgery reconstruction
La persistance d'une veine cave supérieure gauche (VCSG) est une entité relativement fréquente dans le cadre des malformations cardiaques congénitales. Le but de cette étude est d'analyser à quel moment le diagnostic de la persistance de la VCSG est effectué, à quel moment le diagnostic des éventuelles anomalies du sinus coronarien associées est effectué, et de l'impact global de la persistance d'une VCSG sur la mortalité et la morbidité des patients après chirurgie cardiaque pour une malformation cardiaque congénitale. Analyse rétrospective d'une cohorte d'enfants ayant subi une chirurgie cardiaque avec circulation extracorporelle pour une malformation cardiaque congénitale. Trois-cent septante et un patients ont été inclus dans l'étude avec un âge médian de 2.75 ans (IQR 0.65-6.63). Parmi eux, 47 patients présentaient une persistance de la VCSG (12.7%), et cette persistance de la VCSG a été identifiée par échocardiographie dans le cadre du bilan préopératoire chez 39 patients (83%). Trois patients (6.4%) présentant une persistance de la VCSG, ont développé après chirurgie cardiaque, une obstruction significative de la voie d'entrée du ventricule gauche qui a aboutit à un débit cardiaque anormal ou à une hypertension pulmonaire secondaire. Chez huit patients (17%), la persistance de la VCSG, était associée à un défaut partiel ou total de fermeture du sinus coronarien et dans deux cas (4%) à une atrésie de l'ostium du sinus coronarien. La durée de la ventilation mécanique était plus courte de façon significative dans le groupe contrôle (1.2 vs. 3.0 jours, p = 0.004), tandis que la durée de séjour aux soins intensifs ne différait pas. La mortalité était significativement moins élevée dans le groupe contrôle que dans le groupe de patient avec persistance de la VCSG (2.5 vs. 10.6 %, p = 0.004). Les résultats de cette étude montrent que la persistance de la VCSG en association avec une malformation cardiaque congénitale augmente le risque de mortalité chez les enfants qui subissent une chirurgie cardiaque avec circulation extracorporelle. La mise en évidence d'une persistance de la VCSG et des anomalies associées, s'impose pour éviter des complications pendant et après une chirurgie cardiaque.
Few studies have aimed to reconstruct landscape change in the area of Eretria (South Central Euboea, Greece) during the last 6000 years. The aim of this paper is to partially fill in this gap by examining the interaction be- tween Mid- to Late Holocene shoreline evolution and human occupation, which is documented in the area from the Late Neolithic to the Late Roman period (with discontinuities). Evidence of shoreline displacements is derived from the study of five boreholes (maximum depth of 5.25 m below the surface) drilled in the lowlands of Eretria. Based on sedimentological analyses and micro/macrofaunal identifications, different facies have been identified in the cores and which reveal typical features of deltaic progradation with marine, lagoonal, fluvio- deltaic and fluvial environments. In addition, a chronostratigraphy has been obtained based on 20 AMS 14C radio- carbon dates performed on samples of plant remains and marine/lagoonal shells found in situ. The main sequences of landscape reconstruction in the plain of Eretria can be summarized as follows: a marine environ- ment predominated from ca. 4000 to 3200 cal. BC and a gradual transition to shallow marine conditions is ob- served ca. 3200-3000 cal. BC due to the general context of deltaic progradation west of the ancient city. Subsequently, from ca. 3000 to 2000 cal. BC, a lagoon occupied the area in the vicinity of the Temple of Apollo and the settlement's development was restricted to several fluvio-deltaic levees, thus severely limiting human activities in the plain. From ca. 2000 to 800 cal. BC, a phase of shallow marine presence prevailed and constrained settlement on higher ground, forcing abandonment of the major part of the plain. Finally, since the eighth century BC, the sea has regressed southward and created the modern landscape.
We describe the case of a man with a history of complex partial seizures and severe language, cognitive and behavioural regression during early childhood (3.5 years), who underwent epilepsy surgery at the age of 25 years. His early epilepsy had clinical and electroencephalogram features of the syndromes of epilepsy with continuous spike waves during sleep and acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome), which we considered initially to be of idiopathic origin. Seizures recurred at 19 years and presurgical investigations at 25 years showed a lateral frontal epileptic focus with spread to Broca's area and the frontal orbital regions. Histopathology revealed a focal cortical dysplasia, not visible on magnetic resonance imaging. The prolonged but reversible early regression and the residual neuropsychological disorders during adulthood were probably the result of an active left frontal epilepsy, which interfered with language and behaviour during development. Our findings raise the question of the role of focal cortical dysplasia as an aetiology in the syndromes of epilepsy with continuous spike waves during sleep and acquired epileptic aphasia.
Introduction: Ankle sprains affect 200'000 persons/year in Switzerland. Most incidences are successfully treated by conservative measures but 20% require reconstruction for symptomatic chronic lateral ankle instability. This study evaluates the functional outcome after a modified Broström-Gould technique as measured by different clinical scores and compares the functional outcome of this technique with other surgical treatments of ankle instability. Methods: This retrospective cohort study evaluates 47 patients who underwent a modified Broström-Gould procedure using suture anchors to refix the lateral ankle capsuloligamentary structures at our institution from 2005 to 2009 with a minimum follow-up of one year (13-72 Mo). All patients were operated by one single surgeon and evaluated by an independent examiner. The function was assessed using 4 scores including: the AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society's Score) hindfoot score; the FAAM (Foot and Ankle Ability Measurement); the CAIT (Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool); the CAIS (Chronic Ankle Instability Scale). Results: Six patients were excluded leaving 41 patients for examination. 34 patients (83%) thought that their ankle was more stable after the surgery, 7 (17%) did not feel any difference. 27 patients were very satisfied, 11 satisfied and 3 not satisfied. Reasons for non satisfaction included persistent instability and pain. Ankle mobility returned to normal in 93% of patients. Five patients had transcient hypoesthesy in the area of the superficial peroneal nerve. One patient suffered from a superficial infection treated successfully by local measures. 80% had the perception of a normal ankle, 20% thought to be below normal. At follow-up the AOFAS was 89/100 (37-100), the FAAM 85/100% (35-100%), the CAIT 20/30 (5-30), and the CAIS 74/100% (27-100%). Conclusions: The modified Broström-Gould procedure, which belongs to the anatomic ankle stabilizations is relatively simple and offers good outcome that satisfied 93% of the patients in the present study. No active stabilisator is sacrificed. Preservation of the ankle mobility is better and the complication rate is lower than after non-anatomical procedures described in the literature. The CAIT appeared as the most severe score compared to the other scales used in our study.
INTRODUCTION: Gamma knife surgery (GKS) for vestibular schwannomas (VS) has a long-term clinical and scientific track record. After a period of de-escalation of dose prescription, results show a high rate of tumor control with improvement of clinical outcome (less than 1% facial palsy, 50-70% hearing preservation). Régis et al. (J Neurosurg 2013;119 Suppl.:105-11) suggested recently that proactive GKS management in intracanalicular tumors is better than a « wait and see » strategy when hearing is still useful at the time of diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on these previous findings, we prospectively analyzed 190 vestibular schwannomas (VS), treated with GKS as first intention over a period of 4 years (2010-2014). We concentrated on patient, tumor and dosimetric characteristics. Special attention was given on the dose to the cochlea and its impact in maintaining serviceable hearing. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 1.3years (range 0.6-3.6). Preoperative serviceable hearing was present in 63.11% patients. The mean maximal diameter was 15.1mm (range 5-29.5). The size and volume of the tumor corresponded to Koos grade I, II, III and IV in 15.9%, 34.8%, 45.4% and 3.8% of the cases, respectively. The mean target volume was 1.24cm(3) (0.017-7.8). The mean prescription isodose volume was 1.6 cc (0.032-8.5). The mean marginal dose was 12Gy (11-12). The mean maximal dose received by the cochlea in patients with GR class 1 and 2 was 4.1Gy (1.5-7.6). Our preliminary neuroradiological follow-up shows 97% tumor control, with 45% shrinkage. Patients presenting with GR class 1 and class 2 at baseline retained serviceable hearing in 85% of cases. Among the patients with a follow-up of at least one year, those with Koos I tumors had the highest probability to maintain identical level of hearing after GKS. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data suggest that Koos I patients should be treated early with GKS, before tumor growth and/or hearing deterioration, as they have the highest probability of hearing preservation.
INTRODUCTION: Hidradenitis suppurativa of the groin is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Radical surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Often split-skin grafting or wound healing by secondary intention are used for defect closure, sometimes with disfiguring results. We describe our experience with radical excision of localised inguinal hidradenitis suppurativa and immediate defect closure with a medial thigh lift. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Our hospital database was searched for all patients presenting to our institution for surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa between 2001 and 2006. Only patients with hidradenitis confined to the groin were included. Exclusion criteria were simple abscess incisions, recurrence after previous grafting or flap surgery and extension of the disease outside the groin and presence of clinical signs of infection at the time of surgery. We documented patient demographics, sizes of defects, complications, time of follow-up, recurrences and patient satisfaction. RESULTS: A total of 8 patients with localised inguinal hidradenitis suppurativa were identified and 15 thigh lifts were performed. Defect size assessed on pathologic examination of the excised specimens averaged 15.9 cm x 4.3 cm x 1.3 cm (length x width x depth). All wounds but one healed primarily. Functional and aesthetic results were satisfactory. No major complications and no irritations of the genital area were observed. No recurrences were observed either. CONCLUSION: We propose the medial thigh lift to be considered for immediate defect closure after radical excision of localised inguinal hidradenitis suppurativa provided that no perifocal signs of infection are present after debridement.
Sternal osteomyelitis and poststernotomy mediastinitis is a severe and life-threatening complication after the cardiac surgery. The incidence ranges up to 3% with a mortality rate up to 29%. In addition, postoperative infections after sternotomy are associated with prolonged hospital stay, increased healthcare costs and impaired quality of patient life, representing an economic and social burden. The emergence of increasing antimicrobial resistant bacteria augments the importance of postsurgical infections since the antimicrobial choices are becoming limited. Furthermore, the incidence of infection is an indicator for the quality of patient care in the international benchmark studies. Although several therapy strategies are nowadays present in clinical practice, there is a lack of evidence-based surgical consensus for treatment of this surgical complication. In most cases the poststernotomy mediastinitis involves surgical revision with debridement, open dressing and/or vacuum-assisted therapy. After the granulation tissue on open chest wound is achieved, secondary closure and/or reconstruction with vascularized soft tissue flaps, such as omentum or pectoral muscle is performed. It seems there is a need for more effective surgical treatment of poststernotomy wound infections, which may address the prolonged hospitalization and reduce the number of surgical interventions and with this also the perioperative morbidity. In light of this we propose a randomized study comparing new delayed primary closure of the sternum to the secondary vacuum-assisted closure.
Antibiotics have a well-documented efficacy in the treatment of established infections and as prophylactic agents in medically compromised patients. However, the systematic administration of antibiotics to prevent local infections in fit patients is much more controversial. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the justification for prophylactic usage of antibiotics to prevent wound infection and to reason out the most appropriate antibiotic guidelines taking into account available scientific data and studies by other authors. Numerous clinical trials question the efficacy of antibiotics in preventing wound infection. While some studies establish that antibiotics reduce the incidence of postoperative infections, others compare their efficacy to that of placebo. Thus, scientific literature suggests that every oral surgical intervention is not tributary of systematic antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent local infections. Intrinsic surgical risk factors and the patient"s individual circumstances must be taken into account. Even though the efficacy of other antibiotics cannot be ruled out due to our limited comprehension of the bacteriologic interrelations intervening in the pathogenesis of postextraction local infection, the amoxicillin-clavulanic acid combination theoretically covers the complete odontogenic bacterial spectrum in Spain. When the prophylactic use of antibiotics is indicated, this should be performed preoperatively, at high doses, and its extent should not exceed 24 hours. Special attention should be paid to antiinfectious local measures that can minimize infection risk during the wound"s healing period
The present study describes some of the applications of ultrasound in bone surgery, based on the presentation of two clinical cases. The Piezosurgery® ultrasound device was used (Tecnología Mectron Medical, Carasco, Italy). In one case the instrument was used to harvest a chin bone graft for placement in a bone defect at level 1.2, while in the other case a bony window osteotomy was made in the external wall of the maxillary sinus, in the context of a sinus membrane lift procedure. The Piezosurgery® device produces specific ultrasound frequency modulation (25-29 kHz), and has been designed to secure increased precision in application to bone surgery. This instrument produces selective sectioning of the mineralized bone structures, and causes less intra- and postoperative bleeding. One of the advantages of the Piezosurgery® device is that it can be used for maxillary sinus lift procedures in dental implant placement. In this context it considerably lessens the risk of sinus mucosa laceration by preparing the bony window in the external wall of the upper maxilla, and can be used to complete the lifting maneuver. The use of ultrasound in application to hard tissues can be regarded as a slow technique compared with the conventional rotary instruments, since it requires special surgical skill and involves a certain learning curve.
The aim of this study was to develop an ambulatory system for the three-dimensional (3D) knee kinematics evaluation, which can be used outside a laboratory during long-term monitoring. In order to show the efficacy of this ambulatory system, knee function was analysed using this system, after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) lesion, and after reconstructive surgery. The proposed system was composed of two 3D gyroscopes, fixed on the shank and on the thigh, and a portable data logger for signal recording. The measured parameters were the 3D mean range of motion (ROM) and the healthy knee was used as control. The precision of this system was first assessed using an ultrasound reference system. The repeatability was also estimated. A clinical study was then performed on five unilateral ACL-deficient men (range: 19-36 years) prior to, and a year after the surgery. The patients were evaluated with the IKDC score and the kinematics measurements were carried out on a 30 m walking trial. The precision in comparison with the reference system was 4.4 degrees , 2.7 degrees and 4.2 degrees for flexion-extension, internal-external rotation, and abduction-adduction, respectively. The repeatability of the results for the three directions was 0.8 degrees , 0.7 degrees and 1.8 degrees . The averaged ROM of the five patients' healthy knee were 70.1 degrees (standard deviation (SD) 5.8 degrees), 24.0 degrees (SD 3.0 degrees) and 12.0 degrees (SD 6.3 degrees for flexion-extension, internal-external rotation and abduction-adduction before surgery, and 76.5 degrees (SD 4.1 degrees), 21.7 degrees (SD 4.9 degrees) and 10.2 degrees (SD 4.6 degrees) 1 year following the reconstruction. The results for the pathologic knee were 64.5 degrees (SD 6.9 degrees), 20.6 degrees (SD 4.0 degrees) and 19.7 degrees (8.2 degrees) during the first evaluation, and 72.3 degrees (SD 2.4 degrees), 25.8 degrees (SD 6.4 degrees) and 12.4 degrees (SD 2.3 degrees) during the second one. The performance of the system enabled us to detect knee function modifications in the sagittal and transverse plane. Prior to the reconstruction, the ROM of the injured knee was lower in flexion-extension and internal-external rotation in comparison with the controlateral knee. One year after the surgery, four patients were classified normal (A) and one almost normal (B), according to the IKDC score, and changes in the kinematics of the five patients remained: lower flexion-extension ROM and higher internal-external rotation ROM in comparison with the controlateral knee. The 3D kinematics was changed after an ACL lesion and remained altered one year after the surgery
The omega-loop gastric bypass (OLGBP), also called "mini-gastric bypass" or "single-anastomosis" gastric bypass is a form of gastric bypass where a long, narrow gastric pouch is created and anastomosed to the jejunum about 200- 250 cm from the angle of Treitz in an omega loop fashion, thereby avoiding a jejuno-jejunostomy.Proponents of the OLGBP claim that it is a safer and simpler operation than the traditional Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), easier to teach, that gives the same results in terms of weight loss than the RYGBP. One randomized study comparing the two techniques showed similar results after five years.The OLGBP is criticized because it creates an anastomosis between the gastric pouch and the jejunum where a large amount of biliopancreatic juices travel, thereby creating a situation where reflux of the latter into the stomach and distal esophagus is likely to develop. Such a situation has clearly been associated, in several animal studies, with an increased incidence of gastric cancer, especially at or close to the gastro-jejunostomy, and with an increased risk of lower esophageal cancer. In clinical practice, omega-loop gastrojejunostomies such as those used for reconstruction after gastric resection for benign disease or distal gastric cancer have been associated with the so called classical anastomotic cancer, linked to biliary reflux into the stomach, despite the fact that epidemiological studies about this do not show uniform results. Although no evidence at the present time links OLGBP to an increased risk of gastric cancer in the human, this possibility raises a concern among many bariatric surgeons, especially in the view that bariatric surgery is performed in relatively young patients with a long life expectancy, hence prone to develop cancer if indeed the risk is increased. Another arguments used against the OLGBP is that the jejuno-jejunostomy in the traditional RYGBP is easy to perform and associated with virtually no complication.Supporters of the OLGBP claim that the liquid that refluxes into the stomach after their procedure is not pure bile and pancreatic juice, but a combination of those with jejunal secretions, and that the latter is not as harmful. We would urge the proponents of the OLGBP to undertake the necessary animal studies to show that their assumption is indeed true before the procedure is performed widely, possibly leading to the development of hundreds of late gastric or esophageal carcinoma in the bariatric population. In the meantime, we strongly believe that RYGBP should remain the gold standard in gastric bypass surgery for morbid obesity.
The purpose of preoperative assessment is to evaluate the patient's health status, to address known or unidentified co-morbidities and to perform adequate complementary exams if necessary. On the other hand, it allows to prepare and protect the patient in order to reduce perioperative risk. The assessment consists of patient's history and physical examination, both focusing on cardiovascular and respiratory assessment. Complementary exams have to be chosen selectively depending on the patient's risk factors and the type of surgery. They are indicated if their result leads to a potential patient's benefit only, either by a modification in anesthetic and/or surgical management or by introduction of a pharmacological strategy, adequate and maximal if necessary, especially for cardioprotection.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Fracture of the tibial pilon is a rare injury and its treatment remains difficult. The aim of this study was to report the complications and long term results of internal fixation using a technique which respects soft tissues and in which little material was used. MATERIAL: From 1985 to 1990, 48 patients with 51 fractures of the tibial pilon were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. All patients were submitted to a clinical and radiological review. METHODS: Both the Rüedi/Allgöwer and the AO-classification were used and determined by standard X-rays. Surgical procedure was performed with a 2 or 3 1/3 tube AO-plates and the peroneus was always fixed if fractured. Intraoperative reconstruction was analyzed. Subjective and objective scoring were used according to Olerud and Molander and the ankle arthritis was scored according to the classification determined by the SOFCOT in 1992. RESULTS: A minimal follow-up of 1 year for all cases was obtained, based on our own files. Thirty-eight patients (40 fractures) were evaluated after an average period of 88 months (56 to 124 months). Five patients developed cutaneous infection, three developed deep infection and four developed superficial skin necrosis. One aseptic non-union necessitated reoperation after 14 months. Two ankles had joint fusion after 19 and 25 months respectively due to severe arthritis. In six cases infectious and non-infectious complications led to surgical revision. According to the Olerud and Molander score, 15 per cent of the results were excellent, 45 per cent were good, 30 per cent were fair and 10 per cent poor. DISCUSSION: Literature shows a wide range of results following this surgical procedure. This is due to the difference in the type of trauma, classification system used, material used for the internal fixation and method of evaluation. The classification system of Rüedi and Allgöwer is the most commonly used but has a rather subjective tendency, especially between type II and type III. Treatment is difficult, especially for comminutive fractures associated with soft tissue damage. In this case, open reduction and internal fixation could increase iatrogenic lesions. For this reason surgical procedure can be delayed for several days, little material is used and soft tissue manipulation is reduced to minimum. In other study reports, the use of external fixation with or without minimal internal fixation have produced less complications without improving long term results. CONCLUSION: Analysis and comparison of study reports are difficult because of the absence of consensus in classification system and evaluation methods. The AO-classification, apparently the most objective, will probably be more and more used in the future. Treatment must be adapted to the bony lesion and soft tissue damage. Open reduction and internal fixation must be reserved for a specific group of lesion.
Free-breathing whole-heart coronary MRA with 3D radial SSFP and self-navigated image reconstruction.
Respiratory motion is a major source of artifacts in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Free-breathing techniques with pencil-beam navigators efficiently suppress respiratory motion and minimize the need for patient cooperation. However, the correlation between the measured navigator position and the actual position of the heart may be adversely affected by hysteretic effects, navigator position, and temporal delays between the navigators and the image acquisition. In addition, irregular breathing patterns during navigator-gated scanning may result in low scan efficiency and prolonged scan time. The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a self-navigated, free-breathing, whole-heart 3D coronary MRI technique that would overcome these shortcomings and improve the ease-of-use of coronary MRI. A signal synchronous with respiration was extracted directly from the echoes acquired for imaging, and the motion information was used for retrospective, rigid-body, through-plane motion correction. The images obtained from the self-navigated reconstruction were compared with the results from conventional, prospective, pencil-beam navigator tracking. Image quality was improved in phantom studies using self-navigation, while equivalent results were obtained with both techniques in preliminary in vivo studies.
BACKGROUND: Preoperative marking is of primary importance in body contouring and when precise simulation of skin excisions is difficult. Because the "cut as you go" principle can be delicate, especially in patients after massive weight loss, a simple and quick method is needed for preoperative planning. We suggest an approach that helps visualize the optimal skin incision lines and simulates the postoperative result by body taping. METHODS: Twelve patients who underwent abdominal contouring, including classic and vertical abdominoplasties as well as dog ear and scar revision, were prospectively analyzed. The skin to be excised was preoperatively folded, taped, and then marked. The area marked was measured and compared with the actual intraoperatively resected area and the postoperative result was evaluated after 1 year by the patients and three surgeons. RESULTS: With body taping, an 83% congruence between the preoperative planning and the surgery was obtained and only two patients had additional skin resected. No wound dehiscence and flap necrosis occurred and patients as well as surgeons scored the final body contour positively. CONCLUSION: Body taping is a simple, quick, and economic method for planning contour surgery with high accuracy as demonstrated by the low rate of intraoperative changes of the planned resection and low complication rate.