955 resultados para stiffness tomography


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DNA and other biopolymers differ from classical polymers because of their torsional stiffness. This property changes the statistical character of their conformations under tension from a classical random walk to a problem we call the “torsional directed walk.” Motivated by a recent experiment on single lambda-DNA molecules [Strick, T. R., Allemand, J.-F., Bensimon, D., Bensimon, A. & Croquette, V. (1996) Science 271, 1835–1837], we formulate the torsional directed walk problem and solve it analytically in the appropriate force regime. Our technique affords a direct physical determination of the microscopic twist stiffness C and twist-stretch coupling D relevant for DNA functionality. The theory quantitatively fits existing experimental data for relative extension as a function of overtwist over a wide range of applied force; fitting to the experimental data yields the numerical values C = 120 nm and D = 50 nm. Future experiments will refine these values. We also predict that the phenomenon of reduction of effective twist stiffness by bend fluctuations should be testable in future single-molecule experiments, and we give its analytic form.


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The spindle pole body (SPB) is the major microtubule-organizing center of budding yeast and is the functional equivalent of the centrosome in higher eukaryotic cells. We used fast-frozen, freeze-substituted cells in conjunction with high-voltage electron tomography to study the fine structure of the SPB and the events of early spindle formation. Individual structures were imaged at 5–10 nm resolution in three dimensions, significantly better than can be achieved by serial section electron microscopy. The SPB is organized in distinct but coupled layers, two of which show ordered two-dimensional packing. The SPB central plaque is anchored in the nuclear envelope with hook-like structures. The minus ends of nuclear microtubules (MTs) are capped and are tethered to the SPB inner plaque, whereas the majority of MT plus ends show a distinct flaring. Unbudded cells containing a single SPB retain 16 MTs, enough to attach to each of the expected 16 chromosomes. Their median length is ∼150 nm. MTs growing from duplicated but not separated SPBs have a median length of ∼130 nm and interdigitate over the bridge that connects the SPBs. As a bipolar spindle is formed, the median MT length increases to ∼300 nm and then decreases to ∼30 nm in late anaphase. Three-dimensional models confirm that there is no conventional metaphase and that anaphase A occurs. These studies complement and extend what is known about the three-dimensional structure of the yeast mitotic spindle and further our understanding of the organization of the SPB in intact cells.


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Metaphase nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), one of four types of chromosome bands, are located on human acrocentric chromosomes. They contain r-chromatin, i.e., ribosomal genes complexed with proteins such as upstream binding factor and RNA polymerase I, which are argyrophilic NOR proteins. Immunocytochemical and cytochemical labelings of these proteins were used to reveal r-chromatin in situ and to investigate its spatial organization within NORs by confocal microscopy and by electron tomography. For each labeling, confocal microscopy revealed small and large double-spotted NORs and crescent-shaped NORs. Their internal three-dimensional (3D) organization was studied by using electron tomography on specifically silver-stained NORs. The 3D reconstructions allow us to conclude that the argyrophilic NOR proteins are grouped as a fiber of 60–80 nm in diameter that constitutes either one part of a turn or two or three turns of a helix within small and large double-spotted NORs, respectively. Within crescent-shaped NORs, virtual slices reveal that the fiber constitutes several longitudinally twisted loops, grouped as two helical 250- to 300-nm coils, each centered on a nonargyrophilic axis of condensed chromatin. We propose a model of the 3D organization of r-chromatin within elongated NORs, in which loops are twisted and bent to constitute one basic chromatid coil.


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We are developing quantitative assays to repeatedly and noninvasively image expression of reporter genes in living animals, using positron emission tomography (PET). We synthesized positron-emitting 8-[18F]fluoroganciclovir (FGCV) and demonstrated that this compound is a substrate for the herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase enzyme (HSV1-TK). Using positron-emitting FGCV as a PET reporter probe, we imaged adenovirus-directed hepatic expression of the HSV1-tk reporter gene in living mice. There is a significant positive correlation between the percent injected dose of FGCV retained per gram of liver and the levels of hepatic HSV1-tk reporter gene expression (r2 > 0.80). Over a similar range of HSV1-tk expression in vivo, the percent injected dose retained per gram of liver was 0–23% for ganciclovir and 0–3% for FGCV. Repeated, noninvasive, and quantitative imaging of PET reporter gene expression should be a valuable tool for studies of human gene therapy, of organ/cell transplantation, and of both environmental and behavioral modulation of gene expression in transgenic mice.


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The positional relationships among all of the visible organelles in a densely packed region of cytoplasm from an insulin secreting, cultured mammalian cell have been analyzed in three dimensions (3-D) at ≈6 nm resolution. Part of a fast frozen/freeze-substituted HIT-T15 cell that included a large portion of the Golgi ribbon was reconstructed in 3-D by electron tomography. The reconstructed volume (3.1 × 3.2 × 1.2 μm3) allowed sites of interaction between organelles, and between microtubules and organellar membranes, to be accurately defined in 3-D and quantitatively analyzed by spatial density analyses. Our data confirm that the Golgi in an interphase mammalian cell is a single, ribbon-like organelle composed of stacks of flattened cisternae punctuated by openings of various sizes [Rambourg, A., Clermont, Y., & Hermo, L. (1979) Am. J. Anat. 154, 455–476]. The data also show that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a single continuous compartment that forms close contacts with mitochondria, multiple trans Golgi cisternae, and compartments of the endo-lysosomal system. This ER traverses the Golgi ribbon from one side to the other via cisternal openings. Microtubules form close, non-random associations with the cis Golgi, the ER, and endo-lysosomal compartments. Despite the dense packing of organelles in this Golgi region, ≈66% of the reconstructed volume is calculated to represent cytoplasmic matrix. We relate the intimacy of structural associations between organelles in the Golgi region, as quantified by spatial density analyses, to biochemical mechanisms for membrane trafficking and organellar communication in mammalian cells.


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Cross-sectional positron emission tomography (PET) studies find that cognitively normal carriers of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ɛ4 allele, a common Alzheimer's susceptibility gene, have abnormally low measurements of the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRgl) in the same regions as patients with Alzheimer's dementia. In this article, we characterize longitudinal CMRgl declines in cognitively normal ɛ4 heterozygotes, estimate the power of PET to test the efficacy of treatments to attenuate these declines in 2 years, and consider how this paradigm could be used to efficiently test the potential of candidate therapies for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. We studied 10 cognitively normal ɛ4 heterozygotes and 15 ɛ4 noncarriers 50–63 years of age with a reported family history of Alzheimer's dementia before and after an interval of approximately 2 years. The ɛ4 heterozygotes had significant CMRgl declines in the vicinity of temporal, posterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex, basal forebrain, parahippocampal gyrus, and thalamus, and these declines were significantly greater than those in the ɛ4 noncarriers. In testing candidate primary prevention therapies, we estimate that between 50 and 115 cognitively normal ɛ4 heterozygotes are needed per active and placebo treatment group to detect a 25% attenuation in these CMRgl declines with 80% power and P = 0.005 in 2 years. Assuming these CMRgl declines are related to the predisposition to Alzheimer's dementia, this study provides a paradigm for testing the potential of treatments to prevent the disorder without having to study thousands of research subjects or wait many years to determine whether or when treated individuals develop symptoms.


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Three-dimensional imaging of the Earth's interior, called seismic tomography, has achieved breakthrough advances in the last two decades, revealing fundamental geodynamical processes throughout the Earth's mantle and core. Convective circulation of the entire mantle is taking place, with subducted oceanic lithosphere sinking into the lower mantle, overcoming the resistance to penetration provided by the phase boundary near 650-km depth that separates the upper and lower mantle. The boundary layer at the base of the mantle has been revealed to have complex structure, involving local stratification, extensive structural anisotropy, and massive regions of partial melt. The Earth's high Rayleigh number convective regime now is recognized to be much more interesting and complex than suggested by textbook cartoons, and continued advances in seismic tomography, geodynamical modeling, and high-pressure–high-temperature mineral physics will be needed to fully quantify the complex dynamics of our planet's interior.


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Patients suffering from schizophrenia display subtle cognitive abnormalities that may reflect a difficulty in rapidly coordinating the steps that occur in a variety of mental activities. Working interactively with the prefrontal cortex, the cerebellum may play a role in coordinating both motor and cognitive performance. This positron-emission tomography study suggests the presence of a prefrontal-thalamic-cerebellar network that is activated when normal subjects recall complex narrative material, but is dysfunctional in schizophrenic patients when they perform the same task. These results support a role for the cerebellum in cognitive functions and suggest that patients with schizophrenia may suffer from a "cognitive dysmetria" due to dysfunctional prefrontal-thalamic-cerebellar circuitry.


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Regional cerebral blood flow was measured with positron-emission tomography during two encoding and two retrieval tasks that were designed to compare memory for object features with memory for object locations. Bilateral increases in regional cerebral blood flow were observed in both anterior and posterior regions of inferior temporal cortex and in ventral regions of prestriate cortex, when the condition that required retrieval of object locations was subtracted from the condition that required retrieval of object features. During encoding, these changes were less pronounced and were restricted to the left inferior temporal cortex and right ventral prestriate cortex. In contrast, both encoding and retrieval of object location were associated with bilateral changes in dorsal prestriate and posterior parietal cortex. Finally, the two encoding conditions activated left frontal lobe regions preferentially, whereas the two retrieval conditions activated right frontal lobe regions. These findings confirm that, in human subjects, memory for object features is mediated by a distributed system that includes ventral prestriate cortex and both anterior and posterior regions of the inferior temporal gyrus. In contrast, memory for the locations of objects appears to be mediated by an anatomically distinct system that includes more dorsal regions of prestriate cortex and posterior regions of the parietal lobe.


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The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia proposes that hyperactivity of dopaminergic transmission is associated with this illness, but direct observation of abnormalities of dopamine function in schizophrenia has remained elusive. We used a newly developed single photon emission computerized tomography method to measure amphetamine-induced dopamine release in the striatum of fifteen patients with schizophrenia and fifteen healthy controls. Amphetamine-induced dopamine release was estimated by the amphetamine-induced reduction in dopamine D2 receptor availability, measured as the binding potential of the specific D2 receptor radiotracer [123I] (S)-(-)-3-iodo-2-hydroxy-6-methoxy-N-[(1-ethyl-2-pyrrolidinyl) methyl]benzamide ([123I]IBZM). The amphetamine-induced decrease in [123I]IBZM binding potential was significantly greater in the schizophrenic group (-19.5 +/- 4.1%) compared with the control group (-7.6 +/- 2.1%). In the schizophrenic group, elevated amphetamine effect on [123I]IBZM binding potential was associated with emergence or worsening of positive psychotic symptoms. This result suggests that psychotic symptoms elicited in this experimental setting in schizophrenic patients are associated with exaggerated stimulation of dopaminergic transmission. Such an observation would be compatible with an abnormal responsiveness of dopaminergic neurons in schizophrenia.


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Pathogenesis of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in rhesus macaques begins with acute viremia and then progresses to a distributed infection in the solid lymphoid tissues, which is followed by a process of cellular destruction leading to terminal disease and death. Blood and tissue specimens show the progress of infection at the cellular level but do not reveal the pattern of infection and host responses occurring throughout the body. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with intravenous 2-18F-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) could identify activated lymphoid tissues in a living animal and whether this pattern would reflect the extent of SIV infection. PET images from SIV-infected animals were distinguishable from uninfected controls and revealed a pattern consistent with widespread lymphoid tissue activation. Significant FDG accumulation in colon along with mesenteric and ileocaecal lymph nodes was found in SIV infection, especially during terminal disease stages. Areas of elevated FDG uptake in the PET images were correlated with productive SIV infection using in situ hybridization as a test for virus replication. PET-FDG images of SIV-infected animals correlated sites of virus replication with high FDG accumulation. These data show that the method can be used to evaluate the distribution and activity of infected tissues in a living animal without biopsy. Fewer tissues had high FDG uptake in terminal animals than midstage animals, and both were clearly distinguishable from uninfected animal scans.


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Positron emission tomography (PET) with L-[methyl-11C]methionine was explored as an in vivo, noninvasive, quantitative method for measuring the protein synthesis rate (PSR) in paraspinal and hind limb muscles of anesthetized dogs. Approximately 25 mCi (1 Ci = 37 GBq) of L-[methyl-11C]methionine was injected intravenously, and serial images and arterial blood samples were acquired over 90 min. Data analysis was performed by fitting tissue- and metabolite-corrected arterial blood time-activity curves to a three-compartment model and assuming insignificant transamination and transmethylation in this tissue. PSR was calculated from fitted parameter values and plasma methionine concentrations. PSRs measured by PET were compared with arterio-venous (A-V) difference measurements across the hind limb during primed constant infusion (5-6 h) of L-[1-13C, methyl-2H3]methionine. Results of PET measurements demonstrated similar PSRs for paraspinal and hind limb muscles: 0.172 +/- 0.062 vs. 0.208 +/- 0.048 nmol-1.min-1.(g of muscle)-1 (P = not significant). PSR determined by the stable isotope technique was 0.27 +/- 0.050 nmol-1.min-1.(g of leg tissue)-1 (P < 0.07 from PET) and indicated that the contribution of transmethylation to total hind limb methionine utilization was approximately 10%. High levels of L-[methyl-11C]methionine utilization by bone marrow were observed. We conclude that muscle PSR can be measured in vivo by PET and that this approach offers promise for application in human metabolic studies.


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We used positron emission tomography (PET) to examine the role of the hippocampal formation in implicit and explicit memory. Human volunteers studied a list of familiar words, and then they either provided the first word that came to mind in response to three-letter cues (implicit memory) or tried to recall studied words in response to the same cues (explicit memory). There was no evidence of hippocampal activation in association with implicit memory. However, priming effects on the implicit memory test were associated with decreased activity in extrastriate visual cortex. On the explicit memory test, subjects recalled many target words in one condition and recalled few words in a second condition, despite trying to remember them. Comparisons between the two conditions showed that blood-flow increases in the hippocampal formation are specifically associated with the conscious recollection of studied words, whereas blood-flow increases in frontal regions are associated with efforts to retrieve target words. Our results help to clarify some puzzles concerning the role of the hippocampal formation in human memory.