973 resultados para sparse matrix technique
We describe an improved multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) scheme for genotyping Staphylococcus aureus. We compare its performance to those of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and spa typing in a survey of 309 strains. This collection includes 87 epidemic methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains of the Harmony collection, 75 clinical strains representing the major MLST clonal complexes (CCs) (50 methicillin-sensitive S. aureus [MSSA] and 25 MRSA), 135 nasal carriage strains (133 MSSA and 2 MRSA), and 13 published S. aureus genome sequences. The results show excellent concordance between the techniques' results and demonstrate that the discriminatory power of MLVA is higher than those of both MLST and spa typing. Two hundred forty-two genotypes are discriminated with 14 VNTR loci (diversity index, 0.9965; 95% confidence interval, 0.9947 to 0.9984). Using a cutoff value of 45%, 21 clusters are observed, corresponding to the CCs previously defined by MLST. The variability of the different tandem repeats allows epidemiological studies, as well as follow-up of the evolution of CCs and the identification of potential ancestors. The 14 loci can conveniently be analyzed in two steps, based upon a first-line simplified assay comprising a subset of 10 loci (panel 1) and a second subset of 4 loci (panel 2) that provides higher resolution when needed. In conclusion, the MLVA scheme proposed here, in combination with available on-line genotyping databases (including http://mlva.u-psud.fr/), multiplexing, and automatic sizing, can provide a basis for almost-real-time large-scale population monitoring of S. aureus.
Until recently, microbial identification in clinical diagnostic laboratories has mainly relied on conventional phenotypic and gene sequencing identification techniques. The development of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) devices has revolutionized the routine identification of microorganisms in clinical microbiology laboratories by introducing an easy, rapid, high throughput, low-cost, and efficient identification technique. This technology has been adapted to the constraint of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has the potential to replace and/or complement conventional identification techniques for both bacterial and fungal strains. Using standardized procedures, the resolution of MALDI-TOF MS allows accurate identification at the species level of most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains with the exception of a few difficult strains that require more attention and further development of the method. Similarly, the routine identification by MALDI-TOF MS of yeast isolates is reliable and much quicker than conventional techniques. Recent studies have shown that MALDI-TOF MS has also the potential to accurately identify filamentous fungi and dermatophytes, providing that specific standardized procedures are established for these microorganisms. Moreover, MALDI-TOF MS has been used successfully for microbial typing and identification at the subspecies level, demonstrating that this technology is a potential efficient tool for epidemiological studies and for taxonomical classification.
Several primary techniques have been developed through which soil aggregate road material properties may be improved. Such techniques basically involve a mechanism of creating a continuous matrix system of soil and/or aggregate particles, interlocked through the use of some additive such as portland cement, lime, or bituminous products. Details by which soils are stabilized vary greatly, but they are dependent on the type of stabilizing agent and nature of the soil, though the overall approach to stabilization has the common feature that improvement is achieved by some mechanism(s) forcing individual particles to adhere to one another. This process creates a more rigid material, most often capable of resisting the influx of water during freezing, loss of strength due to high moisture content and particle dispersion during thawing, and loss of strength due to migration of fines and/or water by capillarity and pumping. The study reported herein, took a new and relatively different approach to strengthening of soils, i.e., improvement of roadway soils and/or soil-aggregate materials by structural reinforcement with randomly oriented fibers. The purpose of the study was to conduct a laboratory and field investigation into the potential of improving (a) soil-aggregate surfaced and subgrade materials, including those that are frost-prone and/or highly moisture susceptible, and (b) localized base course materials, by uniting such materials through fibrous reinforcement. The envisioned objective of the project was the development of a simple construction technique(s) that could be (a) applied on a selective basis to specific areas having a history of poor performance, or (b) used for improvement of potential base materials prior to surfacing. Little background information on such purpose and objective was available. Though the envisioned process had similarities to fibrous reinforced concrete, and to fibrous reinforced resin composites, the process was devoid of a cementitious binder matrix and thus highly dependent on the cohesive and frictional interlocking processes of a soil and/or aggregate with the fibrous reinforcement; a condition not unlike the introduction of reinforcing bars into a concrete sand/aggregate mixture without benefit of portland cement. Thus the study was also directed to answering some fundamental questions: (1) would the technique work; (2) what type or types of fibers are effective; (3) are workable fibers commercially available; and (4) can such fibers be effectively incorporated with conventional construction equipment, and employed in practical field applications? The approach to obtaining answers to these questions, was guided by the philosophy that an understanding of basic fundamentals was essential to developing a body of engineering knowledge, that would serve as the basis for eventual development of design procedures with fibrous products for the applications previously noted.
This report discusses the feasibility of using infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) as a viable technique that can quickly provide information on cement composition prior to use. The PAS technique is of interest because the cost is much lower than for other types of instrumentation used for mineral analysis, it requires virtually no sample preparation, and it can perform multi-component analysis in a matter of minutes. Feasibility of the technique was based on the ability of PAS to identify and quantify sulfate species and major cement matrix components. Strengths and limitations of the technique are presented.
BACKGROUND: Sclerotherapy of telangiectasias and reticular leg veins can be unpleasant and painful for some patients. OBJECTIVE: To determine pain level with two different sclerotherapy techniques in a prospective randomized trial. METHODS: Patients with symmetrical telangiectasias and reticular veins on both legs (C(1A) or (S)E(P)A(S)P(N1) were randomized to the standard (successive injections of chromated glycerin mixed with one-third lidocaine-epinephrine 1%) or two-step technique (first treating only reticular veins with a single injection at the base of each cluster of telangiectasias and then successively injecting all remaining telangiectasias a few minutes later. Pain was assessed using a 100-point visual analogue scale (0 = no pain, 100 = maximum pain). RESULTS: Data from 53 consecutive patients could be evaluated. The two-step technique was significantly less painful (28.2) than the standard technique (40.6, p < .001). CONCLUSION: The two-step technique with chromated glycerin mixed with one-third lidocaine-epinephrine 1% significantly reduces sclerotherapy pain. This may be a useful technique for patients who are particularly sensitive or afraid of sclerotherapy.
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) has been widely used for many years in various applications, such as environmental and water samples, food and fragrance analysis, or biological fluids. The aim of this study was to suggest the SPME method as an alternative to conventional techniques used in the evaluation of worker exposure to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX). Polymethylsiloxane-carboxen (PDMS/CAR) showed as the most effective stationary phase material for sorbing BTEX among other materials (polyacrylate, PDMS, PDMS/divinylbenzene, Carbowax/divinylbenzene). Various experimental conditions were studied to apply SPME to BTEX quantitation in field situations. The uptake rate of the selected fiber (75 μm PDMS/CAR) was determined for each analyte at various concentrations, relative humidities, and airflow velocities from static (calm air) to dynamic (>200 cm/s) conditions. The SPME method also was compared with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health method 1501. Unlike the latter, the SPME approach fulfills the new requirement for the threshold limit value-short term exposure limit (TLV-STEL) of 2.5 ppm for benzene (8 mg/m3).
We report magnetic and magneto-optical measurements of two Mn12 single-molecule magnet derivatives isolated in organic glasses. Field-dependent magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) intensity curves (hysteresis cycles) are found to be essentially identical to superconducting quantum interference device magnetization results and provide experimental evidence for the potential of the optical technique for magnetic characterization. Optical observation of magnetic tunneling has been achieved by studying the decay of the MCD signal at weak applied magnetic field
Multi-phase postmortem CT angiography (MPMCTA) is recognized as a valuable tool to explore the vascular system, with higher sensitivity than conventional autopsy. However, a limitation is the impossibility to diagnose pulmonary embolism (PE) due to post-mortem blood clots situated in pulmonary arteries. The purpose of this study was to explore an eventual possibility to distinguish between real PE and artefacts mimicking PE. Our study included 416 medico-legal cases. All of them underwent MPMCTA, conventional autopsy and histological examination. We selected cases presenting arterial luminal filling defects in the pulmonary arteries. Their radiological interpretation was confronted to the one of autopsy and histological examination. We also investigated an eventual correlation between artefacts in pulmonary arteries and those in other parts of the vascular system. In 123 cases, filling defects of pulmonary arteries were described during MPMCTA. In 57 cases, this was interpreted as artefact and in 4 cases as suspected PE. In 62 cases only a differential diagnosis was made. Autopsy and histology could clearly identify the artefacts as such. Only one case of real PE was radiologically misinterpreted as artefact. In 6 of the 62 cases with no interpretation a PE was diagnosed. In 3 out of 4 suspected cases, PE was confirmed. We found out that filling defects in pulmonary arteries are nearly always associated to other vascular artefacts. Therefore, we suggest following some rules for radiological interpretation in order to allow a reliable diagnosis of pulmonary embolism after MPMCTA.
BACKGROUND: Gastric banding still represents one of the most widely used bariatric procedures. It provides acceptable weight loss in many patients, but has frequent long-term complications. Because different types of bands may lead to different results, we designed a randomized study to compare the Lapband® with the SAGB®. We hereby report on the long-term results. METHODS: Between December 1998 and June 2002, 180 morbidly obese patients were randomized between Lapband® or SAGB®. Weight loss, long-term morbidity, and need for reoperation were evaluated. RESULTS: Long-term weight loss did not differ between the two bands. Patients who maintained their band had an acceptable long-term weight loss of between 50 and 60 % EBMIL. In both groups, about half the patients developed long-term complications, with about 50 % requiring major redo surgery. There was no difference in the overall rates of long-term complications or failures between the two groups, but patients who had a Lapband® were significantly more prone to develop band slippage/pouch dilatation (13.3 versus 0 %, p < 0,001). CONCLUSIONS: Although in the absence of complication, gastric banding leads to acceptable weight loss; the long-term complication and major reoperation rates are very high independently from the type of band used or on the operative technique. Gastric banding leads to relatively poor overall long-term results and therefore should not be considered the procedure of choice for the treatment of morbid obesity. Patients should be informed of the limited overall weight loss and the very high complication rates.
Yhteenveto: Käytännöllinen oikeanpuoleinen viiltogastropeksia mahalaukun laajentumisen ja kiertymisen hoitona tai ennaltaehkäisynä
Résumé Le staphylocoque doré est un pathogène responsable d'une grande variété de maladies chez l'être humain. Il est extrêmement bien équipé de facteurs de virulence, dont les adhésines. Jusqu'à présent, 21 protéines liant des composants de tissus de l'hôte ("microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules, MSCRAMM") ont été identifiées, par exemple le "clumping factor" A (CIfA) ou la "fibronectin-binding protein" A (FnBPA). Néanmoins, pour la plupart de ces protéines, leur rôle dans la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré reste à être élucidé. Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer à ce processus. Premièrement, les "MSCRAMM" CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ et SasK ont été exprimés dans une bactérie substitut, Lactococcus lactis, et testés pour leurs propriétés adhésives et leur pathogénicité dans un modèle d'endocardite expérimentale (voir chapitre 1). Cette technique a préalablement été utilisée avec succès et a l'avantage d'éviter le contexte complexe des redondances et systèmes de régulations propres au staphylocoque doré. Les résultats montrent que, de tous les facteurs de virulence testés, seuls CIfA et FnBPA sont d'importance primordiale dans le développement d'endocardite expérimentale. En ce qui concerne l'internalisation dans les cellules endothéliales, seulement FnPBA et FnBPB en sont capables. En outre, l'adhérence à chacun des ligands testés (fibrinogène, fibronectine, kératine, élastine, collagène, et les caillots de fibrine et plaquettes) est très spécifique et est médiée par une ou plusieures adhésines provenant du staphylocoque doré. Par conséquence, ces protéines pourraient représenter des cibles potentielles pour de futures thérapies anti-adhésives contre le staphylocoque doré. Deuxièmement, l'expression des facteurs de virulence décrits dans le chapitre 1 par les souches recombinantes de lactocoques a été vérifiée par une nouvelle méthode utilisant la spectrométrie de masse (voir chapitre 2). L'expression de toutes ces protéines par les souches recombinantes a pu être confirmée. Cette méthode pourrait être de grande valeur dans la vérification de la présence de protéines quelconques dans toutes sortes d'applications. Troisièmement, deux facteurs de virulence du staphylocoque, CIfA et une forme tronquée de FnBPA, ont été exprimés de façon simultanée dans une souche recombinante de lactocoque (voir chapitre 3}. Contrairement à une souche exprimant la FnBPA entière, une souche exprimant la forme tronquée de FnPBA, qui ne contient plus le domaine capable de lier le fibrinogène, perd complètement sa capacité d'infecter dans le modèle d'endocardite expérimentale. Par contre, il est montré que, en cas de complémentation de la forme tronquée de FnPBA avec le domaine de liaison au fibrinogène de CIfA dans la souche double recombinante, le phénotype intégral de FnBPA est récupéré. En conséquence, les facteurs de virulence sont capables de coopérer dans le but de la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré. Summary Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen causing a wide variety of disease. It is extremely well equipped with both secreted and surface-attached virulence factors, which can act as adhesins to host tissues. In total, twenty-one microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) have been identified, so far. These include well-characterized adhesins such as clumping factor A (CIfA) or fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA). However, for most of them their potential role in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections remains to be elucidated. This has been attempted in this thesis work. Firstly, the staphylococcal MSCRAMMs CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ, and SasK have been expressed in a surrogate bacterium, Lactococcus lactis, and tested for their in vitro adherence properties and their pathogenicity in the rat model of experimental endocarditis (see chapter 1). This model has successfully been used previously, and has the advantage of bypassing the complex S. aureus background of redundancies and differential regulation. Here, it is shown that of the seventeen tested potential virulence factors, only CIfA and FnBPA are critical for the pathogenesis of experimental endocarditis in rats, while internalization into bovine endothelial cells is mediated exclusively by FnBPA and FnBPB. In addition, the adherence to specific host ligands (fibrinogen, fibronectin, keratin, elastin, collagen, and fibrin-platelet clots) is highly specific and mediated by one or few staphylococcal adhesins, respectively. Thus, these surface proteins may represent potential targets for an anti-adhesive strategy against S. aureus infections. Secondly, the expression of the staphylococcal proteins by L. lactis recombinants described in chapter 1 was tested by a novel method using mass spectrometry (see chapter 2). The expression of all the staphylococcal proteins by the respective recombinant lactococcal strain could be confirmed. This method may prove to be of great value in the confirmation of the presence of any given protein in various experimental settings. Thirdly, two staphylococcal virulence factors, CIfA and a truncated form of FnBPA, were expressed simultaneously in one recombinant lactococcal strain (see chapter 3). In contrast to a recombinant strain expressing full-length FnPBA, a recombinant strain expressing a truncated FnPBA, lacking the domain capable of binding fibrinogen, completely lost infectivity in experimental endocarditis. However, it is shown that the complementation of the truncated form of FnBPA with the fibrinogenbinding domain of CIfA in a double recombinant strain results in the recovery of the complete phenotype of full-length FnBPA. Thus, virulence factors can cooperate in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections.
Matrix sublimation has demonstrated to be a powerful approach for high-resolution matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) imaging of lipids, providing very homogeneous solvent-free deposition. This work presents a comprehensive study aiming to evaluate current and novel matrix candidates for high spatial resolution MALDI imaging mass spectrometry of lipids from tissue section after deposition by sublimation. For this purpose, 12 matrices including 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), sinapinic acid (SA), α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA), 2,6-dihydroxyacetphenone (DHA), 2',4',6'-trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP), 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (3-HPA), 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene (DMAN), 1,8,9-anthracentriol (DIT), 1,5-diaminonapthalene (DAN), p-nitroaniline (NIT), 9-aminoacridine (9-AA), and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) were investigated for lipid detection efficiency in both positive and negative ionization modes, matrix interferences, and stability under vacuum. For the most relevant matrices, ion maps of the different lipid species were obtained from tissue sections at high spatial resolution and the detected peaks were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight/time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) mass spectrometry. First proposed for imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) after sublimation, DAN has demonstrated to be of high efficiency providing rich lipid signatures in both positive and negative polarities with high vacuum stability and sub-20 μm resolution capacity. Ion images from adult mouse brain were generated with a 10 μm scanning resolution. Furthermore, ion images from adult mouse brain and whole-body fish tissue sections were also acquired in both polarity modes from the same tissue section at 100 μm spatial resolution. Sublimation of DAN represents an interesting approach to improve information with respect to currently employed matrices providing a deeper analysis of the lipidome by IMS.
Background and objective: Asthma is one of the most frequent chronic diseases affecting children and adolescents. Good compliance is indispensable for effective treatment since a suboptimal use of inhalation devices can result in decreased therapeutic efficacy and increased morbidity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the inhalation technique of paediatric patients visiting a specialized consultation clinic of a university hospital. Design: Observational prospective study during a 3-month period. Setting Specialized consultation clinic of a university hospital. Main outcome measures: This study involved 40 outpatient infants, children and adolescents visiting alone or with their parent(s). Patients' data (age, sex, weight, diagnostic, reason for consulting, previous consultations) and their medicines were compiled using an ad hoc form. Filmed sequences of the inhalation procedure used by each child were reviewed independently by members of an interdisciplinary team consisting in a physician, a pharmacist, a nurse and a physiotherapist. A score of 1 was assigned to each correct step in the procedure, and a score of 0 to an incorrect step. A perfect procedure implied 12 correct steps. Results: Thirty patients were treated with a metered-dose inhaler and an inhalation chamber (Babyhaler or AeroChamber Plus); ten other patients were treated with a dry powder inhaler (Diskus or Turbuhaler). The agreement between the members of the interdisciplinary team was considered satisfactory. Nine patients (22.5%) reached an average score lower than 7, 18 patients (45%) a score between 7 and 10 and 13 (32.5%) a score equal to or better than 10. No patient reached the maximum score of 12. Users of the metered-dose inhalers (average score = 9.2) showed a better technique than users of the dry powder inhalers (average score = 7.4). Disappointingly, the score was not improved during a second consultation or following regular consultations. Conclusions: Video recording is a simple method to evaluate the degree of mastery of an inhalation procedure in paediatric patients. The method allows a convenient and efficient identification of suboptimal procedure steps by the hospital staff, and opens the way to patient-specific teaching. In two-thirds of juvenile patients, their inhalation technique was suboptimal despite initial training. This study shows conclusively that the inhalation technique in paediatric patients must be monitored during each examination, and teaching measures taken to improve it when necessary.
Objectifs: Evaluer la technique de reconstruction itérative VEO en tomodensitométrie (TDM) du thorax chez l'enfant. Matériels et méthodes: Etude prospective, basée sur 20 patients (7-18 ans), suivis pour mucoviscidose et adressés pour TDM de suivi. Dix patients (groupe A) ont eu une acquisition basse-dose habituelle (BD). Dix patients (groupe B) ont eu une acquisition très-basse-dose (TBD) et ultra-basse-dose (UBD). Les acquisitions BD étaient reconstruites par rétroprojection filtrée (RPF), les acquisitions TBD et UBD étaient reconstruites par RPF et VEO. L'évaluation de VEO était basée sur la réduction de dose et la qualité des images (mesures de bruit et scores de visualisation des structures pulmonaires). Résultats: Une réduction de dose d'environ 50% était obtenue dans le groupe B. La réduction du bruit en VEO par rapport aux RPF était de 55% en TBD et de 75% en UBD. En VEO, une amélioration des scores de visualisation des structures pulmonaires était obtenue en TBD et UBD. Cependant, en VEO-UBD, la visualisation des structures distales demeuraient parfois insuffisante et celle des structures proximales était altérée par une modification de texture de l'image. Conclusion: Malgré une altération possible de la texture de l'image en UBD, la technique de reconstruction VEO est performante en réduction de dose et amélioration des images.