954 resultados para solar PV power systems


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Reinforcement Learning (RL) refers to a class of learning algorithms in which learning system learns which action to take in different situations by using a scalar evaluation received from the environment on performing an action. RL has been successfully applied to many multi stage decision making problem (MDP) where in each stage the learning systems decides which action has to be taken. Economic Dispatch (ED) problem is an important scheduling problem in power systems, which decides the amount of generation to be allocated to each generating unit so that the total cost of generation is minimized without violating system constraints. In this paper we formulate economic dispatch problem as a multi stage decision making problem. In this paper, we also develop RL based algorithm to solve the ED problem. The performance of our algorithm is compared with other recent methods. The main advantage of our method is it can learn the schedule for all possible demands simultaneously.


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This paper presents a Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach to economic dispatch (ED) using Radial Basis Function neural network. We formulate the ED as an N stage decision making problem. We propose a novel architecture to store Qvalues and present a learning algorithm to learn the weights of the neural network. Even though many stochastic search techniques like simulated annealing, genetic algorithm and evolutionary programming have been applied to ED, they require searching for the optimal solution for each load demand. Also they find limitation in handling stochastic cost functions. In our approach once we learn the Q-values, we can find the dispatch for any load demand. We have recently proposed a RL approach to ED. In that approach, we could find only the optimum dispatch for a set of specified discrete values of power demand. The performance of the proposed algorithm is validated by taking IEEE 6 bus system, considering transmission losses


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A 36 minute covering transformer testing, use in three-phase connections and power systems by Prof Jan Sykulski of the University of Southampton.


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El sector de pasta i paper és considerat un dels set sectors industrials més intensius en consum energètic. La producció i consum d'electricitat i de vapor esdevenen les fonts majoritàries d'emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle en aquest sector industrial. Les fàbriques papereres poden assolir objectius de reducció d'emissions mitjançant reducció en origen (substitució de combustibles, introducció d'energies renovables) o bé a partir de mesures d'eficiència energètica en el propi procés. En aquest context, s'ha desenvolupat un mètode de distribució d'emissions que permet assignar a cada unitat d'operació del procés paperer, el seu grau de responsabilitat en emissions. També s'han avaluat diferents mètodes de càlcul de factors d'emissió de vapor i electricitat, tant per plantes de cogeneració com per sistemes individuals. A partir d'aquesta avaluació s'han proposat nous mètodes alternatius als analitzats. Aquests mètodes i els factors d'emissions s'han aplicat a dues fàbriques papereres catalanes.


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La calidad de energía eléctrica incluye la calidad del suministro y la calidad de la atención al cliente. La calidad del suministro a su vez se considera que la conforman dos partes, la forma de onda y la continuidad. En esta tesis se aborda la continuidad del suministro a través de la localización de faltas. Este problema se encuentra relativamente resuelto en los sistemas de transmisión, donde por las características homogéneas de la línea, la medición en ambos terminales y la disponibilidad de diversos equipos, se puede localizar el sitio de falta con una precisión relativamente alta. En sistemas de distribución, sin embargo, la localización de faltas es un problema complejo y aún no resuelto. La complejidad es debida principalmente a la presencia de conductores no homogéneos, cargas intermedias, derivaciones laterales y desbalances en el sistema y la carga. Además, normalmente, en estos sistemas sólo se cuenta con medidas en la subestación, y un modelo simplificado del circuito. Los principales esfuerzos en la localización han estado orientados al desarrollo de métodos que utilicen el fundamental de la tensión y de la corriente en la subestación, para estimar la reactancia hasta la falta. Como la obtención de la reactancia permite cuantificar la distancia al sitio de falta a partir del uso del modelo, el Método se considera Basado en el Modelo (MBM). Sin embargo, algunas de sus desventajas están asociadas a la necesidad de un buen modelo del sistema y a la posibilidad de localizar varios sitios donde puede haber ocurrido la falta, esto es, se puede presentar múltiple estimación del sitio de falta. Como aporte, en esta tesis se presenta un análisis y prueba comparativa entre varios de los MBM frecuentemente referenciados. Adicionalmente se complementa la solución con métodos que utilizan otro tipo de información, como la obtenida de las bases históricas de faltas con registros de tensión y corriente medidos en la subestación (no se limita solamente al fundamental). Como herramienta de extracción de información de estos registros, se utilizan y prueban dos técnicas de clasificación (LAMDA y SVM). Éstas relacionan las características obtenidas de la señal, con la zona bajo falta y se denominan en este documento como Métodos de Clasificación Basados en el Conocimiento (MCBC). La información que usan los MCBC se obtiene de los registros de tensión y de corriente medidos en la subestación de distribución, antes, durante y después de la falta. Los registros se procesan para obtener los siguientes descriptores: a) la magnitud de la variación de tensión ( dV ), b) la variación de la magnitud de corriente ( dI ), c) la variación de la potencia ( dS ), d) la reactancia de falta ( Xf ), e) la frecuencia del transitorio ( f ), y f) el valor propio máximo de la matriz de correlación de corrientes (Sv), cada uno de los cuales ha sido seleccionado por facilitar la localización de la falta. A partir de estos descriptores, se proponen diferentes conjuntos de entrenamiento y validación de los MCBC, y mediante una metodología que muestra la posibilidad de hallar relaciones entre estos conjuntos y las zonas en las cuales se presenta la falta, se seleccionan los de mejor comportamiento. Los resultados de aplicación, demuestran que con la combinación de los MCBC con los MBM, se puede reducir el problema de la múltiple estimación del sitio de falta. El MCBC determina la zona de falta, mientras que el MBM encuentra la distancia desde el punto de medida hasta la falta, la integración en un esquema híbrido toma las mejores características de cada método. En este documento, lo que se conoce como híbrido es la combinación de los MBM y los MCBC, de una forma complementaria. Finalmente y para comprobar los aportes de esta tesis, se propone y prueba un esquema de integración híbrida para localización de faltas en dos sistemas de distribución diferentes. Tanto los métodos que usan los parámetros del sistema y se fundamentan en la estimación de la impedancia (MBM), como aquellos que usan como información los descriptores y se fundamentan en técnicas de clasificación (MCBC), muestran su validez para resolver el problema de localización de faltas. Ambas metodologías propuestas tienen ventajas y desventajas, pero según la teoría de integración de métodos presentada, se alcanza una alta complementariedad, que permite la formulación de híbridos que mejoran los resultados, reduciendo o evitando el problema de la múltiple estimación de la falta.


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The National Grid Company plc. owns and operates the electricity transmission network in England and Wales, the day to day running of the network being carried out by teams of engineers within the national control room. The task of monitoring and operating the transmission network involves the transfer of large amounts of data and a high degree of cooperation between these engineers. The purpose of the research detailed in this paper is to investigate the use of interfacing techniques within the control room scenario, in particular, the development of an agent based architecture for the support of cooperative tasks. The proposed architecture revolves around the use of interface and user supervisor agents. Primarily, these agents are responsible for the flow of information to and from individual users and user groups. The agents are also responsible for tackling the synchronisation and control issues arising during the completion of cooperative tasks. In this paper a novel approach to human computer interaction (HCI) for power systems incorporating an embedded agent infrastructure is presented. The agent architectures used to form the base of the cooperative task support system are discussed, as is the nature of the support system and tasks it is intended to support.


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This paper arises from a doctoral thesis comparing the impact of alternative installer business models on the rate at which microgeneration is taken up in homes and installation standards across the UK. The paper presents the results of the first large-scale academic survey of businesses certified to install residential microgeneration. The aim is to systematically capture those characteristics which define the business model of each surveyed company, and relate these to the number, location and type of technologies that they install, and the quality of these installations. The methodology comprised a pilot web survey of 235 certified installer businesses, which was carried out in June last year and achieved a response rate of 30%. Following optimisation of the design, the main web survey was emailed to over 2000 businesses between October and December 2011, with 317 valid responses received. The survey is being complemented during summer 2012 by semi-structured interviews with a representative sample of installers who completed the main survey. The survey results are currently being analysed. The early results indicate an emerging and volatile market where solar PV, solar hot water and air source heat pumps are the dominant technologies. Three quarters of respondents are founders of their installer business, while only 22 businesses are owned by another company. Over half of the 317 businesses have five employees or less, while 166 businesses are no more than four years old. In addition, half of the businesses stated that 100% of their employees work on microgeneration-related activities. 85% of the surveyed companies have only one business location in the UK. A third of the businesses are based either in the South West or South East regions of England. This paper outlines the interim results of the survey combined with the outcomes from additional interviews with installers to date. The research identifies some of the business models underpinning microgeneration installers and some of the ways in which installer business models impact on the rate and standards of microgeneration uptake. A tentative conclusion is that installer business models are profoundly dependent on the levels and timing of support from the UK Feed-in Tariffs and Renewable Heat Incentive.


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Clustering methods are increasingly being applied to residential smart meter data, providing a number of important opportunities for distribution network operators (DNOs) to manage and plan the low voltage networks. Clustering has a number of potential advantages for DNOs including, identifying suitable candidates for demand response and improving energy profile modelling. However, due to the high stochasticity and irregularity of household level demand, detailed analytics are required to define appropriate attributes to cluster. In this paper we present in-depth analysis of customer smart meter data to better understand peak demand and major sources of variability in their behaviour. We find four key time periods in which the data should be analysed and use this to form relevant attributes for our clustering. We present a finite mixture model based clustering where we discover 10 distinct behaviour groups describing customers based on their demand and their variability. Finally, using an existing bootstrapping technique we show that the clustering is reliable. To the authors knowledge this is the first time in the power systems literature that the sample robustness of the clustering has been tested.


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Test method for integrated solar- biomass systems - Long term prediction trough short term measurementsSP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and SERC, Dalarna University have in cooperation developed a test method for integrated solar and biomass systems. The test method is performed under six days including two summer days, two winter days and two spring/autumn days true to real weather conditions and loads for a single family house. The aim of the test method is to get information about a Combisystem’s annual performance and operation throughout a short term test. Seven different solar Combisystems have been tested within the project together with a pellet boiler without solar collectors. In addition to that a comparative testing has been performed at the two laboratories at SP and at SERC on the same Combisystem. The test method developed within the project has been proved to withstand the aim of the project, which is to be able to compare the performance between the systems. The test method is also suitable for identification of possible operation problems so they can be taken care of and consequently improves the system.The project and the system testing reveal that it is in general favorable to combine biomass pellets with solar heating. Pellet boilers has normally a low performance during the summer period but combined with a solar collector the boiler can be switch off during this period. There are however big differences in performance between the tested. The efficiency of the pellet boiler is highly dependent of the operating conditions and elements like heat losses from the system, system configuration and control strategy have great influence of the performance of the system and the emissions. On the other hand, the performance and the size of the solar collectors have a minor effect on the overall system performance. There is obviously a big potential for improvement of the system´s performance and the developed test method is an essential way to implement this perfection.


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This paper reports on determination of structurally constrained controllers for linear uncertain time-invariant systems from state controllers. It is shown that practical structures such as output and decentralized controllers may be derived from state feedback controllers. A previously studied load frequency control of a two-area interconnected power system is considered to illustrate the proposed approach.


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Short-term load forecasting is fundamental for the reliable and efficient operation of power systems. Despite its importance, accurate prediction of loads is problematic and far remote. Often uncertainties significantly degrade performance of load forecasting models. Besides, there is no index available indicating reliability of predicted values. The objective of this study is to construct prediction intervals for future loads instead of forecasting their exact values. The delta technique is applied for constructing prediction intervals for outcomes of neural network models. Some statistical measures are developed for quantitative and comprehensive evaluation of prediction intervals. According to these measures, a new cost function is designed for shortening length of prediction intervals without compromising their coverage probability. Simulated annealing is used for minimization of this cost function and adjustment of neural network parameters. Demonstrated results clearly show that the proposed methods for constructing prediction interval outperforms the traditional delta technique. Besides, it yields prediction intervals that are practically more reliable and useful than exact point predictions.


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Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) is very important from the power systems grid operation point of view. STLF involves forecasting load demand in a short term time frame. The short term time frame may consist of half hourly prediction up to weekly prediction. Accurate forecasting would benefit the utility in terms of reliability and stability of the grid ensuring adequate supply is present to meet with the load demand. Apart from that it would also affect the financial performance of the utility company. An accurate forecast would result in better savings while maintaining the security of the grid. This paper outlines the STLF using a novel hybrid online learning neural network, known as the Gaussian Regression (GR). This new hybrid neural network is a combination of two existing online learning neural networks which are the Gaussian Adaptive Resonance Theory (GA) and the Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN). Both GA and GRNN implemented online learning, but each of them suffers from limitation. Originally GA is used for unsupervised clustering by compressing the training samples into several categories. A supervised version of GA is available, namely Gaussian ARTMAP (GAM). However, the GAM is still not capable on solving regression problem. On the other hand, GRNN is designed for solving real value estimation (regression) problem, but the learning process would involve of memorizing all training samples, hence high computational cost. The hybrid GR is considered an enhanced version of GRNN with compression ability while still maintains online learning properties. Simulation results show that GR has comparable prediction accuracy and has less prototype as compared to the original GRNN as well as the Support Vector Regression.


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