1000 resultados para skimming flow
A finite element numerical study has been carried out on the isothermal flow of power law fluids in lid-driven cavities with axial throughflow. The effects of the tangential flow Reynolds number (Re-U), axial flow Reynolds number (Re-W), cavity aspect ratio and shear thinning property of the fluids on tangential and axial velocity distributions and the frictional pressure drop are studied. Where comparison is possible, very good agreement is found between current numerical results and published asymptotic and numerical results. For shear thinning materials in long thin cavities in the tangential flow dominated flow regime, the numerical results show that the frictional pressure drop lies between two extreme conditions, namely the results for duct flow and analytical results from lubrication theory. For shear thinning materials in a lid-driven cavity, the interaction between the tangential flow and axial flow is very complex because the flow is dependent on the flow Reynolds numbers and the ratio of the average axial velocity and the lid velocity. For both Newtonian and shear thinning fluids, the axial velocity peak is shifted and the frictional pressure drop is increased with increasing tangential flow Reynolds number. The results are highly relevant to industrial devices such as screw extruders and scraped surface heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nanofiltration (NF) of model sugar solutions and commercial oligosaccharide mixtures were studied in both dead-end and cross-flow modes. Preliminary trials, with a dead-end filtration cell, demonstrated the feasibility of fractionating monosaccharides from disaccharides and oligosaccharides in mixtures, using loose nanofiltration (NF-CA-50, NF-TFC-50) membranes. During the nanofiltration purification of a commercial oligosaccharide mixture, yields of 19% (w w-1) for the monosaccharides and 88% (w w-1) for di, and oligosaccharides were obtained for the NF-TFC-50 membrane after four filtration steps, indicating that removal of the monosaccharides is possible, with only minor losses of the oligosaccharide content of the mixture. The effects of pressure, feed concentration, and filtration temperature were studied in similar experiments carried out in a cross-flow system, in full recycle mode of operation. The rejection rates of the sugar components increased with increasing pressure, and decreased with both increasing total sugar concentration in the feed and increasing temperature. Continuous diafiltration (CD) purification of model sugar solutions and commercial oligosaccharide mixtures using NF-CA-50 (at 25oC) and DS-5-DL (at 60oC) membranes, gave yield values of 14 to 18% for the monosaccharide, 59 to 89% for the disaccharide and 81 to 98% for the trisaccharide present in the feed. The study clearly demonstrates the potential of cross flow nanofiltration in the purification of oligosaccharide mixtures from the contaminant monosaccharides.
Determination of digesta flow entering the omasal canal of dairy cows using different marker systems
Four studies were conducted to compare the effect of four indigestible markers (LiCoEDTA, Yb-acetate, Cr-mordanted straw and indigestible neutral-detergent fibre (INDF)) and three marker systems on the flow of digesta entering the omasal canal of lactating dairy cows. Samples of digesta aspirated from the omasal canal were pooled and separated using filtration and high-speed centrifugation into three fractions defined as the liquid phase, small particulate and large particulate matter. Co was primarily associated with the liquid phase, Yb was concentrated in small particulate matter, whilst Cr and INDF were associated with large particles. Digesta flow was calculated based on single markers or using the reconstitution system based on combinations of two (Co + Yb, Co + Cr and Co + INDF) or three markers (Co + Yb + Cr and Co + Yb + INDF). Use of single markers resulted in large differences between estimates of organic matter (OM) flow entering the omasal canal suggesting that samples were not representative of true digesta. Digesta appeared to consist of at least three phases that tended to separate during sampling. OM was concentrated in particulate matter, whilst the liquid phase consisted mainly of volatile fatty acids and inorganic matter. Yb was intimately associated with nitrogenous compounds, whereas Cr and INDF were concentrated in fibrous material. Current data indicated that marker systems based on Yb in combination with Cr or INDF are required for the accurate determination of OM, N and neutral-detergent fibre flow. In cases where the flow of water-soluble nutrients entering the omasal canal is also required, the marker system should also include Co.
The contribution of retinal flow (RF), extraretinal (ER), and egocentric visual direction (VD) information in locomotor control was explored. First, the recovery of heading from RF was examined when ER information was manipulated; results confirmed that ER signals affect heading judgments. Then the task was translated to steering curved paths, and the availability and veracity of VD were manipulated with either degraded or systematically biased RE Large steering errors resulted from selective manipulation of RF and VD, providing strong evidence for the combination of RF, ER, and VD. The relative weighting applied to RF and VD was estimated. A point-attractor model is proposed that combines redundant sources of information for robust locomotor control with flexible trajectory planning through active gaze.
The results from applying a sensor fusion process to an adaptive controller used to balance all inverted pendulum axe presented. The goal of the sensor fusion process was to replace some of the four mechanical measurements, which are known to be sufficient inputs for a linear state feedback controller to balance the system, with optic flow variables. Results from research into the psychology of the sense of balance in humans were the motivation for the investigation of this new type of controller input. The simulated model of the inverted pendulum and the virtual reality environments used to provide the optical input are described. The successful introduction of optical information is found to require the preservation of at least two of the traditional input types and entail increased training till-le for the adaptive controller and reduced performance (measured as the time the pendulum remains upright)
This paper describes a region-based algorithm for deriving a concise description of a first order optical flow field. The algorithm described achieves performance improvements over existing algorithms without compromising the accuracy of the flow field values calculated. These improvements are brought about by not computing the entire flow field between two consecutive images, but by considering only the flow vectors of a selected subset of the images. The algorithm is presented in the context of a project to balance a bipedal robot using visual information.
When a computer program requires legitimate access to confidential data, the question arises whether such a program may illegally reveal sensitive information. This paper proposes a policy model to specify what information flow is permitted in a computational system. The security definition, which is based on a general notion of information lattices, allows various representations of information to be used in the enforcement of secure information flow in deterministic or nondeterministic systems. A flexible semantics-based analysis technique is presented, which uses the input-output relational model induced by an attacker's observational power, to compute the information released by the computational system. An illustrative attacker model demonstrates the use of the technique to develop a termination-sensitive analysis. The technique allows the development of various information flow analyses, parametrised by the attacker's observational power, which can be used to enforce what declassification policies.
An efficient algorithm is presented for the solution of the equations of isentropic gas dynamics with a general convex gas law. The scheme is based on solving linearized Riemann problems approximately, and in more than one dimension incorporates operator splitting. In particular, only two function evaluations in each computational cell are required. The scheme is applied to a standard test problem in gas dynamics for a polytropic gas
An efficient algorithm is presented for the solution of the steady Euler equations of gas dynamics. The scheme is based on solving linearised Riemann problems approximately and in more than one dimension incorporates operator splitting. The scheme is applied to a standard test problem of flow down a channel containing a circular arc bump for three different mesh sizes.