877 resultados para shortage of prey


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Purpose – The Gippsland Mental Health Vacation School program has been shown to positively change student participants’ interest and attitudes to living and working in a rural area. A range of factors are impacting on the future viability of the initiative including: limitations on the number of student participants, the reusability of content, staffing, time pressures, a dwindling funding base, and a drop-off in interest in living and working in a rural setting. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – A three-phase Delphi Study was employed to engage with expert knowledge of the program’s key stakeholder groups (student participants and service provider staff) in order to inform the initial steps of shifting the program toward a blended model, distributed across space and time. Findings – The results suggest that: first, the current mode of delivery, a week-long intensive face-to-face format, should be transitioned to a more sustainable blended learning approach that includes both on-line content and an in situ component; and second, trailing the use of social media as a mechanism to maintain student interest in rural mental health work following the vacation school. Originality/value – This study highlights how the transition to a sustainable approach to the delivery of a novel rural mental health workforce recruitment strategy was informed through a three-phase Delphi Study that involved the key stakeholders (groups of student participants and service provider staff). The study has important implications for addressing the shortage of mental health practitioners in rural areas. It will and be of interest to educators, administrators, researchers and bureaucrats.


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Many species of birds breeding on ocean beaches and in coastal dunes are of global conservation concern. Most of these species rely on invertebrates (e.g. insects, small crustaceans) as an irreplaceable food source, foraging primarily around the strandline on the upper beach near the dunes. Sandy beaches are also prime sites for human recreation, which impacts these food resources via negative trampling effects. We quantified acute trampling impacts on assemblages of upper shore invertebrates in a controlled experiment over a range of foot traffic intensities (up to 56 steps per square metre) on a temperate beach in Victoria, Australia. Trampling significantly altered assemblage structure (species composition and density) and was correlated with significant declines in invertebrate abundance and species richness. Trampling effects were strongest for rare species. In heavily trafficked plots the abundance of sand hoppers (Amphipoda), a principal prey item of threatened Hooded Plovers breeding on this beach, was halved. In contrast to the consistently strong effects of trampling, natural habitat attributes (e.g. sediment grain size, compactness) were much less influential predictors. If acute suppression of invertebrates caused by trampling, as demonstrated here, is more widespread on beaches it may constitute a significant threat to endangered vertebrates reliant on these invertebrates. This calls for a re-thinking of conservation actions by considering active management of food resources, possibly through enhancement of wrack or direct augmentation of prey items to breeding territories.


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Dada a importância que é atribuída à leitura, entendida como ferramenta essencial para a plena inserção dos cidadãos na sociedade, a luta pela melhoria dos níveis de leitura e literacia da população portuguesa tornou-se um desígnio nacional bastante enfatizado nas últimas décadas. Vários estudos sobre hábitos de leitura efectuados na década de 80/90, quer a nível nacional quer internacional, vieram pôr a descoberto as fragilidades de Portugal e o seu atraso em relação aos restantes países da Europa. Os portugueses não revelavam as competências necessárias para ter sucesso na sociedade da informação. O sistema educativo tem um papel chave na mudança que é urgente operar, residindo os alicerces dessa mudança na promoção da leitura e da literacia. É neste contexto que surge a criação da Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares, lançada em 1996, como medida conjunta do Ministério da Educação e da Cultura, com vista a criar condições para que os portugueses pudessem alcançar níveis de leitura mais favoráveis e mais próximos dos restantes países europeus. A promoção da leitura passa a ser uma área de intervenção prioritária das bibliotecas escolares em Portugal. Face aos baixos níveis de literacia dos alunos portugueses, revelados pelo PISA 2000, o governo dá continuidade às suas políticas de promoção da leitura e da literacia. No ano de 2007 é apresentado o Plano Nacional de Leitura (PNL), fazendo-se o apelo à mobilização de todos como condição essencial para a sua eficácia - elevar os níveis de literacia dos portugueses. É importante dar nota que o PNL e as Bibliotecas Escolares estão fortemente conectados, funcionando estas como os “alicerces” que suportam o desenvolvimento dos projectos do PNL. Os resultados desta “parceria” e de todas as iniciativas com vista à promoção da leitura e da literacia têm-se revelado bastante profícuos, e a prová-lo estão os resultados do PISA 2009. Tendo os anos de 2000 e 2009 como domínio de referência a leitura, constatou-se que nesse período de tempo houve uma clara melhoria dos níveis de literacia dos portugueses. Não obstante uma ligeira descida verificada nos resultados do ano de 2012, a OCDE sublinhou as melhorias que o país obteve desde que começou a ser avaliado. No entanto, julgamos pertinente dar nota que, para além desta evolução se ter verificado não apenas em Portugal, há países que evoluíram de forma muito mais acelerada, encontrando-se numa posição mais favorável que Portugal (25º posição), no ranking dos países da OCDE. Com o estudo que aqui apresentamos, baseado na análise de um universo de 8 bibliotecas escolares do concelho de Felgueiras, pretendemos conhecer a realidade destas bibliotecas dentro do contexto nacional. Foi nosso objetivo verificar se cumprem o seu papel na promoção dos hábitos de leitura e da literacia, de que forma o fazem, e as dificuldades concretas com que se deparam. As conclusões apontam-nos para uma realidade que não difere muito da realidade das restantes bibliotecas do país, das quais temos conhecimento. Os professores bibliotecários cumprem o seu papel na promoção dos hábitos de leitura, deparando-se com a falta de apoio de meios humanos, aspecto que se tem agravado de forma preocupante nos últimos anos. A conjuntura atual de desinvestimento nos serviços públicos, não poderia deixar de se fazer sentir. Constatamos no entanto que, apesar das adversidades, as BEs não se reduzem a meros centros de recursos e a locais de lazer para quem as queira visitar. Têm um papel ativo, tomam incitativas diversas de promoção da leitura / literacia, nos moldes definidos pelo MABE, com estímulo à leitura autónoma. Procuram articular as suas acções com os docentes e, em simultâneo, vencer a relativa indiferença e desinteresse destes pela biblioteca, motivando-os para as suas actividades e procurando levá-los a ver na BE um parceiro ativo, capaz de os apoiar na concretização dos programas curriculares e na análise de resultados escolares dos alunos como base para delinear estratégias pedagógicas comuns. Por fim, constatamos que apesar de as BEs procurarem integrar nas suas atividades a comunidade exterior à escola, a adesão, sobretudo das famílias, tem sido débil: os encarregados de educação aderem relativamente bem ao papel de público passivo, mas não assumem o papel de interlocutores ativos, como se pretende. Estas conclusões, ousamos dizer, remetem-nos para a necessidade urgente de uma reflexão séria por parte do Estado Português, em relação à Educação e às suas prioridades.


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Individual specialization is widespread among wild populations. While its fitness consequences are central in predicting the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of populations, they remain poorly understood. Long-term individual foraging specializations occur in male Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella) and Australian (A. pusillus doriferus) fur seals. Strong selective pressure is expected in these highly dimorphic and polygynous species, raising the question of the fitness payoffs associated with different foraging strategies. We investigated the relationship between individual isotopic niche (a proxy of foraging specialization), body size and condition, and an index of reproductive success (harem size) in territorial males. Individuals varied greatly in their skin and fur isotopic values reflecting a range of foraging strategies within the two populations. However, in both species, isotopic niche was not correlated to body size, condition or mating success (R (2)/ρ < 0.06). Furthermore, no foraging niche was predominant in either species, which would have indicated a substantial long-term fitness benefit of a particular strategy via a higher survival rate. These results suggest that the fitness consequences of a foraging strategy depend not only on the quality of prey and feeding habitat but also on an individual's hunting efficiency and skills.


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Over the last decade health care delivery has shifted from hospitals to the community resulting in a significant reduction of hospital-based clinical placements for nursing students to practice and learn. Studies have emerged describing this problem and outlining the ways in which Colleges and Universities have attempted to deal with the acute shortage of clinical areas in nursing and other health care programs. Several studies describe the development of community-based clinical experiences, and some of these examined students’ perceptions. One finding appears to be constant: student perceptions of community experiences have an effect on their learning outcomes. There is an increasing need to teach nursing students in community settings both to contend with the shortage of hospital-based placements and to prepare students for future practice. Pediatric hospitals are no longer able to provide as many clinical placements as they once did. This has created a problem for college nursing departments. Over the past five years, John Abbott College’s pediatric nursing teachers have attempted to deal with this problem in numerous ways; however, students and faculty were dissatisfied with the solutions as there was a lack of development of the pediatric community clinical component. The purpose of this study is to explore nursing students’ perceptions of pediatric community experiences both prior to the start of the clinical rotation and following the experience. Student perceptions of nursing in community settings are an important element in the level of student satisfaction and ultimately their learning in pediatric clinical settings. In order to explore the John Abbott College’s nursing students’ perceptions, data was collected from a small segment of the population. Students’ perceptions were explored quantitatively through the use of questionnaires using a Likert scale administered both prior to the clinical experience and following the experience; and qualitatively, using content analysis of reflective journals and focus group discussions. The results of the study demonstrated that prior to the community rotations; students did not know what the experience would involve. They felt apprehensive due to being inadequately prepared for the experience and questioned the actual learning they would acquire from a community setting. Following the pediatric community experience, students perceived benefits to their learning particularly in the development of their abilities to communicate with children, and to recognize and apply principles of growth and development to children of different age groups and with different health needs. In addition, students perceived an increase in their self- confidence when teaching children. They also developed an appreciation of the role of the nurse in health promotion for individuals’ in community settings. Furthermore, students described an increase in their awareness of resources that are available in the community. Overall, students were satisfied with their pediatric community clinical experience. The results of this study indicate that adequate student preparation is required prior to the community clinical experience. This preparation would include a clear description of the clinical objectives and associated learning activities, as well as an explicit explanation of the evaluation process. Finally, it is recommended that the pediatric nursing teachers continue to search for community clinical areas that can enhance student learning in pediatrics. This study contributes to the literature on community experiences for nursing students since it explored students’ perceptions before and after the community clinical rotation.


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Tradicionalmente, la consolidación de la seguridad energética en Estados Unidos se ha mostrado como un asunto de seguridad nacional. En especial, la escasez de recursos energéticos ha sido vista como un problema existencial que requiere de medidas de emergencia en el marco de un proceso de securitización. Sin embargo, esta investigación surgiere que el tema ha sido mayoritariamente politizado a inicios del siglo XXI. Quizá este proceso de securitización tan solo fue implícitamente planteado con ocasión de la invasión a Irak en 2003, en la medida en que dicha intervención pudo haberse inspirado por la necesidad de derrocar a un régimen que había impedido el acceso estadounidense a recursos petroleros iraquíes. En este orden de ideas, la investigación analiza las políticas de seguridad energética de los gobiernos de George W. Bush y Barack H. Obama con el propósito de entender el grado en el que estas estuvieron vinculadas a sus respectivas agendas de seguridad nacional.


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Con el fin de identificar la situación actual acerca del manejo y tratamien­to de los desechos en los municipios de la Región Brunca de Costa Rica y debido a la importancia que este problema tiene a escala nacional, producto de la inexperiencia y la poca educación existente acerca de los mecanismos para enfrentarlo, se realizó la presente investigación, que contempló una etapa de campo en la cual se visitaron los seis cantones de la Región, para obtener información administrativa y visitar los lugares donde actualmente se deposita la basura. Esto permitió confirmar que todos los municipios regionales tienen serios problemas para enfrentar el compromiso de recolectar y manejar los desechos que se producen en su cantón. La falta de censos y tarifas actualizadas limitan la posibilidad de planificar estrategias y tomar decisiones al respecto, y su antiguo modelo de recolección ha colapsado, por lo que las municipalida­des requieren de capacitación y asesoría para enfrentar el problema. Capacitación, educación, financiamiento, separación y reciclaje, son algunas de las acciones requeridas para enfrentar la situación. ABSTRACT This study was carried out identify the current situation of garbage management and treatment in Costa Rica's southern Brunca Región, since this problem achieves national proportions resulting from lark of experience and education on the ways to face it. The study included field research in the six counties of the región to obtain information on the administration of the garbage and garbage disposal sites themselves. This enabled us to confirm that the region's municipalities (local governments) actually have serious problems in their commitment to pick up and manage garbage. The shortage of census and up-dated fares restrict their chances to plan strategies and make significant decisions. In addition, their obsolete garbage disposal systems have collapsed. Consequently, the municipalities require training and advising, together with funding, education, garbage sorting techniques and recycling methods for them to face the problem properly.