943 resultados para set-point


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The connections between convexity and submodularity are explored, for purposes of minimizing and learning submodular set functions.

First, we develop a novel method for minimizing a particular class of submodular functions, which can be expressed as a sum of concave functions composed with modular functions. The basic algorithm uses an accelerated first order method applied to a smoothed version of its convex extension. The smoothing algorithm is particularly novel as it allows us to treat general concave potentials without needing to construct a piecewise linear approximation as with graph-based techniques.

Second, we derive the general conditions under which it is possible to find a minimizer of a submodular function via a convex problem. This provides a framework for developing submodular minimization algorithms. The framework is then used to develop several algorithms that can be run in a distributed fashion. This is particularly useful for applications where the submodular objective function consists of a sum of many terms, each term dependent on a small part of a large data set.

Lastly, we approach the problem of learning set functions from an unorthodox perspective---sparse reconstruction. We demonstrate an explicit connection between the problem of learning set functions from random evaluations and that of sparse signals. Based on the observation that the Fourier transform for set functions satisfies exactly the conditions needed for sparse reconstruction algorithms to work, we examine some different function classes under which uniform reconstruction is possible.


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This thesis presents two different forms of the Born approximations for acoustic and elastic wavefields and discusses their application to the inversion of seismic data. The Born approximation is valid for small amplitude heterogeneities superimposed over a slowly varying background. The first method is related to frequency-wavenumber migration methods. It is shown to properly recover two independent acoustic parameters within the bandpass of the source time function of the experiment for contrasts of about 5 percent from data generated using an exact theory for flat interfaces. The independent determination of two parameters is shown to depend on the angle coverage of the medium. For surface data, the impedance profile is well recovered.

The second method explored is mathematically similar to iterative tomographic methods recently introduced in the geophysical literature. Its basis is an integral relation between the scattered wavefield and the medium parameters obtained after applying a far-field approximation to the first-order Born approximation. The Davidon-Fletcher-Powell algorithm is used since it converges faster than the steepest descent method. It consists essentially of successive backprojections of the recorded wavefield, with angular and propagation weighing coefficients for density and bulk modulus. After each backprojection, the forward problem is computed and the residual evaluated. Each backprojection is similar to a before-stack Kirchhoff migration and is therefore readily applicable to seismic data. Several examples of reconstruction for simple point scatterer models are performed. Recovery of the amplitudes of the anomalies are improved with successive iterations. Iterations also improve the sharpness of the images.

The elastic Born approximation, with the addition of a far-field approximation is shown to correspond physically to a sum of WKBJ-asymptotic scattered rays. Four types of scattered rays enter in the sum, corresponding to P-P, P-S, S-P and S-S pairs of incident-scattered rays. Incident rays propagate in the background medium, interacting only once with the scatterers. Scattered rays propagate as if in the background medium, with no interaction with the scatterers. An example of P-wave impedance inversion is performed on a VSP data set consisting of three offsets recorded in two wells.


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Lan honekin bilatu nahi izan dugun helburu nagusia Lehen Hezkuntzako umeek gizarteak transmititzen dituen genero rol eta estereotipoak zenbateraino barneratuta dituzten aztertzea izan da. Horretarako, hainbat adituren hitzak kontuan hartuz, gizartean genero rol eta estereotipoak transmititzen dituzten esparru ezberdinak behatu eta errealitatearen diagnostiko txiki bat egin dugu Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasgela batean ikerketa parte-hartzailea metodotzat hartuta. Ikasgelako esku-hartzean lorturako emaitzetan oinarrituta eta hasieran planteatutako galderei erantzuna emanez ondorioak atera ditugu; lan hau, aurrera begira, oinarri gisa, lagungarria izango delakoan hezkuntza hezkidetzailea eta parekidetasuna lortzera bidean. EUSKARA.


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Metallic glasses have typically been treated as a “one size fits all” type of material. Every alloy is considered to have high strength, high hardness, large elastic limits, corrosion resistance, etc. However, similar to traditional crystalline materials, properties are strongly dependent upon the constituent elements, how it was processed, and the conditions under which it will be used. An important distinction which can be made is between metallic glasses and their composites. Charpy impact toughness measurements are performed to determine the effect processing and microstructure have on bulk metallic glass matrix composites (BMGMCs). Samples are suction cast, machined from commercial plates, and semi-solidly forged (SSF). The SSF specimens have been found to have the highest impact toughness due to the coarsening of the dendrites, which occurs during the semi-solid processing stages. Ductile to brittle transition (DTBT) temperatures are measured for a BMGMC. While at room temperature the BMGMC is highly toughened compared to a fully glassy alloy, it undergoes a DTBT by 250 K. At this point, its impact toughness mirrors that of the constituent glassy matrix. In the following chapter, BMGMCs are shown to have the capability of being capacitively welded to form single, monolithic structures. Shear measurements are performed across welded samples, and, at sufficient weld energies, are found to retain the strength of the parent alloy. Cross-sections are inspected via SEM and no visible crystallization of the matrix occurs.

Next, metallic glasses and BMGMCs are formed into sheets and eggbox structures are tested in hypervelocity impacts. Metallic glasses are ideal candidates for protection against micrometeorite orbital debris due to their high hardness and relatively low density. A flat single layer, flat BMG is compared to a BMGMC eggbox and the latter creates a more diffuse projectile cloud after penetration. A three tiered eggbox structure is also tested by firing a 3.17 mm aluminum sphere at 2.7 km/s at it. The projectile penetrates the first two layers, but is successfully contained by the third.

A large series of metallic glass alloys are created and their wear loss is measured in a pin on disk test. Wear is found to vary dramatically among different metallic glasses, with some considerably outperforming the current state-of-the-art crystalline material (most notably Cu₄₃Zr₄₃Al₇Be₇). Others, on the other hand, suffered extensive wear loss. Commercially available Vitreloy 1 lost nearly three times as much mass in wear as alloy prepared in a laboratory setting. No conclusive correlations can be found between any set of mechanical properties (hardness, density, elastic, bulk, or shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, frictional force, and run in time) and wear loss. Heat treatments are performed on Vitreloy 1 and Cu₄₃Zr₄₃Al₇Be₇. Anneals near the glass transition temperature are found to increase hardness slightly, but decrease wear loss significantly. Crystallization of both alloys leads to dramatic increases in wear resistance. Finally, wear tests under vacuum are performed on the two alloys above. Vitreloy 1 experiences a dramatic decrease in wear loss, while Cu₄₃Zr₄₃Al₇Be₇ has a moderate increase. Meanwhile, gears are fabricated through three techniques: electrical discharge machining of 1 cm by 3 mm cylinders, semisolid forging, and copper mold suction casting. Initial testing finds the pin on disk test to be an accurate predictor of wear performance in gears.

The final chapter explores an exciting technique in the field of additive manufacturing. Laser engineered net shaping (LENS) is a method whereby small amounts of metallic powders are melted by a laser such that shapes and designs can be built layer by layer into a final part. The technique is extended to mixing different powders during melting, so that compositional gradients can be created across a manufactured part. Two compositional gradients are fabricated and characterized. Ti 6Al¬ 4V to pure vanadium was chosen for its combination of high strength and light weight on one end, and high melting point on the other. It was inspected by cross-sectional x-ray diffraction, and only the anticipated phases were present. 304L stainless steel to Invar 36 was created in both pillar and as a radial gradient. It combines strength and weldability along with a zero coefficient of thermal expansion material. Only the austenite phase is found to be present via x-ray diffraction. Coefficient of thermal expansion is measured for four compositions, and it is found to be tunable depending on composition.


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A composite stock of alkaline gabbro and syenite is intrusive into limestone of the Del Carmen, Sue Peake and Santa Elena Formations at the northwest end of the Christmas Mountains. There is abundant evidence of solution of wallrock by magma but nowhere are gabbro and limestone in direct contact. The sequence of lithologies developed across the intrusive contact and across xenoliths is gabbro, pyroxenite, calc-silicate skarn, marble. Pyroxenite is made up of euhedral crystals of titanaugite and sphene in a leucocratic matrix of nepheline, Wollastonite and alkali feldspar. The uneven modal distribution of phases in pyroxenite and the occurrence' of nepheline syenite dikes, intrusive into pyroxenite and skarn, suggest that pyroxenite represents an accumulation of clinopyroxene "cemented" together by late-solidifying residual magma of nepheline syenite composition. Assimilation of limestone by gabbroic magma involves reactions between calcite and magma and/or crystals in equilibrium with magma and crystallization of phases in which the magma is saturated, to supply energy for the solution reaction. Gabbroic magma was saturated with plagioclase and clinopyroxene at the time of emplacement. The textural and mineralogic features of pyroxenite can be produced by the reaction 2( 1-X) CALCITE + ANXABl-X = (1-X) NEPHELINE+ 2(1-X) WOLLASTONITE+ X ANORTHITE+ 2(1-X) CO2. Plagioclase in pyroxenite has corroded margins and is rimmed by nepheline, suggestive of resorption by magma. Anorthite and wollastonite enter solid solution in titanaugite. For each mole of calcite dissolved, approximately one mole of clinopyroxene was crystallized. Thus the amount of limestone that may be assimilated is limited by the concentration of potential clinopyroxene in the magma. Wollastonite appears as a phase when magma has been depleted in iron and magnesium by crystallization of titanaugite. The predominance of mafic and ultramafic compositions among contaminated rocks and their restriction to a narrow zone along the intrusive contact provides little evidence for the generation of a significant volume of desilicated magma as a result of limestone assimilation.

Within 60 m of the intrusive contact with the gabbro, nodular chert in the Santa Elena Limestone reacted with the enveloping marble to form spherical nodules of high-temperature calc-silicate minerals. The phases wollastonite, rankinite, spurrite, tilleyite and calcite, form a series of sharply-bounded, concentric monomineralic and two-phase shells which record a step-wise decrease in silica content from the core of a nodule to its rim. Mineral zones in the nodules vary 'with distance from the gabbro as follows:


The mineral of a one-phase zone is compatible with the phases bounding it on either side but these phases are incompatible in the same volume of P-T-XCO2.

Growth of a monomineralio zone is initiated by reaction between minerals of adjacent one-phase zones which become unstable with rising temperature to form a thin layer of a new single phase that separates the reactants and is compatible with both of them. Because the mineral of the new zone is in equilibrium with the phases at both of its contacts, gradients in the chemical potentials of the exchangeable components are established across it. Although zone boundaries mark discontinuities in the gradients of bulk composition, two-phase equilibria at the contacts demonstrate that the chemical potentials are continuous. Hence, Ca, Si and CO2 were redistributed in the growing nodule by diffusion. A monomineralic zone grows at the expense of an adjacent zone by reaction between diffusing components and the mineral of the adjacent zone. Equilibria between two phases at zone boundaries buffers the chemical potentials of the diffusing species. Thus, within a monomineralic zone, the chemical potentials of the diffusing components are controlled external to the local assemblage by the two-phase equilibria at the zone boundaries.

Mineralogically zoned calc-silicate skarn occurs as a narrow band that separates pyroxenite and marble along the intrusive contact and forms a rim on marble xenoliths in gabbro. Skarn consists of melilite or idocrase pseudomorphs of melili te, one or two . stoichiometric calcsilicate phases and accessory Ti-Zr garnet, perovskite and magnetite. The sequence of mineral zones from pyroxenite to marble, defined by a characteristic calc-silicate, is wollastonite, rankinite, spurrite, calcite. Mineral assemblages of adjacent skarn zones are compatible and the set of zones in a skarn band defines a facies type, indicating that the different mineral assemblages represent different bulk compositions recrystallized under identical conditions. The number of phases in each zone is less than the number that might be expected to result from metamorphism of a general bulk composition under conditions of equilibrium, trivariant in P, T and uCO2. The "special" bulk composition of each zone is controlled by reaction between phases of the zones bounding it on either side. The continuity of the gradients of composition of melilite and garnet solid solutions across the skarn is consistent with the local equilibrium hypothesis and verifies that diffusion was the mechanism of mass transport. The formula proportions of Ti and Zr in garnet from skarn vary antithetically with that of Si Which systematically decreases from pyroxenite to marble. The chemical potential of Si in each skarn zone was controlled by the coexisting stoichiometric calc-silicate phases in the assemblage. Thus the formula proportion of Si in garnet is a direct measure of the chemical potential of Si from point to point in skarn. Reaction between gabbroic magma saturated with plagioclase and clinopyroxene produced nepheline pyroxenite and melilite-wollastonite skarn. The calcsilicate zones result from reaction between calcite and wollastonite to form spurrite and rankinite.


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This thesis describes the expansion and improvement of the iterative in situ click chemistry OBOC peptide library screening technology. Previous work provided a proof-of-concept demonstration that this technique was advantageous for the production of protein-catalyzed capture (PCC) agents that could be used as drop-in replacements for antibodies in a variety of applications. Chapter 2 describes the technology development that was undertaken to optimize this screening process and make it readily available for a wide variety of targets. This optimization is what has allowed for the explosive growth of the PCC agent project over the past few years.

These technology improvements were applied to the discovery of PCC agents specific for single amino acid point mutations in proteins, which have many applications in cancer detection and treatment. Chapter 3 describes the use of a general all-chemical epitope-targeting strategy that can focus PCC agent development directly to a site of interest on a protein surface. This technique utilizes a chemically-synthesized chunk of the protein, called an epitope, substituted with a click handle in combination with the OBOC in situ click chemistry libraries in order to focus ligand development at a site of interest. Specifically, Chapter 3 discusses the use of this technique in developing a PCC agent specific for the E17K mutation of Akt1. Chapter 4 details the expansion of this ligand into a mutation-specific inhibitor, with applications in therapeutics.


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Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) of a relativistic laser in plasmas is studied in the framework of the standard equation set of a three-wave process. As far as every wave involved in the process is concerned, its evolution has two aspects: time-dependent amplitude and time-dependent frequency. These two aspects affect each other. Strict analysis and numerical experiment on the full three-wave equation set reveal that a fast growing mode of the instability, which could reach a balance or saturation point during a period far shorter than an estimation based on conventional analysis, could take place in a standard three-wave process without coupling with a fourth wave. This fast growing mode is found to stem from the constraint set by the background density on the amplitude of the driven Langmuir wave. The effect of various parameters on the development of the SRS instability is studied by numerical calculation of the history of the instability in different cases. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A tese analisa a relação íntima que há entre o pragmatismo ou o conseqüencialismo e a modulação temporal dos efeitos das decisões judiciais. Nesta relação, interessa ressaltar o ponto de interseção que certamente sobressai em várias ocasiões: o argumento de cunho econômico. Tal tipo de argumento pode assumir especial relevo quando do exame da oportunidade e conveniência na tomada das decisões eminentemente políticas. No âmbito jurisdicional, no entanto, o argumento pragmático ou consequencialista de cunho econômico não deve prevalecer como fundamento das decisões judiciais, especialmente cuidando-se de matéria tributária. Os problemas que centralizam o estudo podem ser colocados através das seguintes indagações: é possível que o Supremo Tribunal Federal compute, no julgamento de certa matéria tributária, argumento como o eventual rombo de X bilhões de reais que a decisão contrária ao Fisco possa acarretar para os cofres públicos? A fundamentação de eventual decisão judicial calcada exclusiva ou predominantemente em tal argumento é legítima ou ilegítima? Que importância pode ter na tomada de decisão judicial? Quando aplicada, há parâmetros a serem seguidos? Quais? Demonstramos que a prevalência de tal argumento é inadequada na seara judicial, ou seja, deve ter peso reduzido ou periférico, servindo para corroborar ou reforçar os argumentos jurídicos que centralizam o debate submetido ao exame do Poder Judiciário de modo geral, e do Supremo Tribunal Federal, de maneira particular. Em busca de esclarecer quais os principais limites e possibilidades de tal argumento, especialmente relacionando-o à modulação temporal dos efeitos da decisão judicial, explicitamos algumas regras necessárias para a sua adequada utilização, sob pena de inconcebível subversão de variados princípios e direitos fundamentais assegurados em sede constitucional. No exame das questões submetidas à apreciação da Corte Suprema em matéria tributária, o seu parâmetro consiste na maior efetividade e concretude ao texto constitucional. A modulação temporal dos efeitos se aplica a uma decisão que, declarando a inconstitucionalidade do ato normativo, se afastaria ainda mais da vontade constitucional, caso fosse aplicado o tradicional efeito ex tunc (retroativo até o nascimento da lei). Nestas situações específicas e excepcionais se justifica aplicar a modulação, com vistas a dar maior concretude e emprestar maior eficácia à Constituição. A tese proposta, ao final, consiste na reunião das regras explicitadas no trabalho e em proposta legislativa.


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Estudo cujo objeto tratou da inclusão do cliente estomizado no mundo do trabalho. Os objetivos foram: identificar as dificuldades e facilidades dos clientes estomizados para inclusão no mundo do trabalho; analisar as possibilidades de inclusão no mundo do trabalho; discutir, a partir do ponto de vista do cliente estomizado, as orientações fornecidas pelos enfermeiros com vistas à inclusão no mundo do trabalho. O referencial teórico baseou-se no campo da Saúde do Trabalhador, enfocando a reabilitação profissional e o capítulo de bases conceituais abordou o conhecimento da estomaterapia, do mundo do trabalho, da deficiência física e aspectos legais que envolvem a reabilitação do estomizado no mundo laboral. O desenho metodológico foi de uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, de natureza qualitativa, realizada com 20 clientes estomizados definitivos, aos quais se aplicou uma entrevista semiestruturada. O método de análise dos dados foi a Análise Temática de Conteúdo, a qual fez emergir quatro categorias: a) Sentidos do Trabalho para o Ser Estomizado; b) O Estomizado e Sua Problemática Biopsicossocial; c) Contexto Social e Aspectos Legais Envolvendo a Inclusão do Estomizado no Mundo Laboral; d) O Enfermeiro e Sua Participação na Reabilitação do Cliente Estomizado. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos sujeitos trabalhava informalmente e recebia ao mesmo tempo algum auxílio governamental. Ressalta-se que eles reconheciam a ilegalidade desta situação, porém, julgavam-na necessária devido aos baixos valores dos benefícios, enfatizando-se a sensação de utilidade causada pelo fato de trabalharem. Referiram que o retorno ao trabalho era prejudicado devido a empecilhos encontrados nas dimensões psíquica, física e social, as quais estavam articuladas intimamente. Enfatizaram grande dificuldade em encontrarem empregos adequados às suas especificidades, e que não prejudicassem sua condição de saúde, pois há necessidade de banheiros adaptados, de não exposição ao calor na região do estoma e nem a esforços físicos severos, sem contar com a necessidade de um emprego que lhes permita flexibilidade para irem às consultas da equipe multiprofissional. Os maiores empecilhos sociais referiram-se ao desconhecimento e descaso social e governamental a respeito do que é ser estomizado, pois esta problemática não é divulgada, e nem conhecida pela maioria da população. Em relação aos enfermeiros, os sujeitos foram quase unânimes em referirem falta de orientação por parte desses profissionais, acerca de esclarecerem sobre sua inclusão no mundo do trabalho. Este fato caracterizou-se como preocupante, pois os enfermeiros são educadores por excelência e a orientação está intimamente ligada ao processo de reabilitação. Concluiu-se que o retorno ao trabalho foi considerado essencial, mas existem inúmeras dificuldades para que este retorno e manutenção no universo laboral. Estes empecilhos os levam a adquirirem aposentadorias precoces ou auxílios-doença. Há de se rever o processo de reabilitação da pessoa com estoma, especialmente no que se refere a sua inclusão no mundo do trabalho, no sentido de melhor prepará-la para suas potencialidades e limitações, destacando-se que ela não é incapaz e que existem atividades formais em que elas podem ser produtivas e felizes.


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This article is intended to open a discussion about the historical development of lakes Zirahuen, Patzcuaro and Cuitzeo in the state of Michoacan, and the postulated relationships between lake ecology and evolution. Dr Fernando De Buen was the first man dedicated to limnology in Mexico who came to the country in the 1930s. He was adviser at the Estacion Limnologica de Patzcuaro and wrote outstanding papers dealing with Mexican lakes. The lakes of Michoacan probably formed in the late Pliocene or Holocene, and were part of a tributary to the Lerma River, which became isolated by successive volanic barriers to form lake basins. Lake Zirahuen is a warm monomictic waterbody with unique water dynamics amongst the Michoacan lakes. Because it is relatively deep (max depth 40m), seasonal patterns of alternating circulation and thermal stratification develop in the lake, a feature not shared by the other two polymictic shallow lakes, Patzcuaro and Cuitzeo.


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The influence of composition on the structure and on the electric and magnetic properties of amorphous Pd-Mn-P and Pd-Co-P prepared by rapid quenching techniques were investigated in terms of (1) the 3d band filling of the first transition metal group, (2) the phosphorus concentration effect which acts as an electron donor and (3) the transition metal concentration.

The structure is essentially characterized by a set of polyhedra subunits essentially inverse to the packing of hard spheres in real space. Examination of computer generated distribution functions using Monte Carlo random statistical distribution of these polyhedra entities demonstrated tile reproducibility of the experimentally calculated atomic distribution function. As a result, several possible "structural parameters" are proposed such as: the number of nearest neighbors, the metal-to-metal distance, the degree of short-range order and the affinity between metal-metal and metal-metalloid. It is shown that the degree of disorder increases from Ni to Mn. Similar behavior is observed with increase in the phosphorus concentration.

The magnetic properties of Pd-Co-P alloys show that they are ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature between 272 and 399°K as the cobalt concentration increases from 15 to 50 at.%. Below 20 at.% Co the short-range exchange interactions which produce the ferromagnetism are unable to establish a long-range magnetic order and a peak in the magnetization shows up at the lowest temperature range . The electric resistivity measurements were performed from liquid helium temperatures up to the vicinity of the melting point (900°K). The thermomagnetic analysis was carried out under an applied field of 6.0 kOe. The electrical resistivity of Pd-Co-P shows the coexistence of a Kondo-like minimum with ferromagnetism. The minimum becomes less important as the transition metal concentration increases and the coefficients of ℓn T and T^2 become smaller and strongly temperature dependent. The negative magnetoresistivity is a strong indication of the existence of localized moment.

The temperature coefficient of resistivity which is positive for Pd- Fe-P, Pd-Ni-P, and Pd-Co-P becomes negative for Pd-Mn-P. It is possible to account for the negative temperature dependence by the localized spin fluctuation model and the high density of states at the Fermi energy which becomes maximum between Mn and Cr. The magnetization curves for Pd-Mn-P are typical of those resulting from the interplay of different exchange forces. The established relationship between susceptibility and resistivity confirms the localized spin fluctuation model. The magnetoresistivity of Pd-Mn-P could be interpreted in tenns of a short-range magnetic ordering that could arise from the Rudennan-Kittel type interactions.


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Although numerous theoretical efforts have been put forth, a systematic, unified and predictive theoretical framework that is able to capture all the essential physics of the interfacial behaviors of ions, such as the Hofmeister series effect, Jones-Ray effect and the salt effect on the bubble coalescence remain an outstanding challenge. The most common approach to treating electrostatic interactions in the presence of salt ions is the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. However, there are many systems for which the PB theory fails to offer even a qualitative explanation of the behavior, especially for ions distributed in the vicinity of an interface with dielectric contrast between the two media (like the water-vapor/oil interface). A key factor missing in the PB theory is the self energy of the ion.

In this thesis, we develop a self-consistent theory that treats the electrostatic self energy (including both the short-range Born solvation energy and the long-range image charge interactions), the nonelectrostatic contribution of the self energy, the ion-ion correlation and the screening effect systematically in a single framework. By assuming a finite charge spread of the ion instead of using the point-charge model, the self energy obtained by our theory is free of the divergence problems and gives a continuous self energy across the interface. This continuous feature allows ions on the water side and the vapor/oil side of the interface to be treated in a unified framework. The theory involves a minimum set of parameters of the ion, such as the valency, radius, polarizability of the ions, and the dielectric constants of the medium, that are both intrinsic and readily available. The general theory is first applied to study the thermodynamic property of the bulk electrolyte solution, which shows good agreement with the experiment result for predicting the activity coefficient and osmotic coefficient.

Next, we address the effect of local Born solvation energy on the bulk thermodynamics and interfacial properties of electrolyte solution mixtures. We show that difference in the solvation energy between the cations and anions naturally gives rise to local charge separation near the interface, and a finite Galvani potential between two coexisting solutions. The miscibility of the mixture can either increases or decreases depending on the competition between the solvation energy and translation entropy of the ions. The interfacial tension shows a non-monotonic dependence on the salt concentration: it increases linearly with the salt concentration at higher concentrations, and decreases approximately as the square root of the salt concentration for dilute solutions, which is in agreement with the Jones-Ray effect observed in experiment.

Next, we investigate the image effects on the double layer structure and interfacial properties near a single charged plate. We show that the image charge repulsion creates a depletion boundary layer that cannot be captured by a regular perturbation approach. The correct weak-coupling theory must include the self-energy of the ion due to the image charge interaction. The image force qualitatively alters the double layer structure and properties, and gives rise to many non-PB effects, such as nonmonotonic dependence of the surface energy on concentration and charge inversion. The image charge effect is then studied for electrolyte solutions between two plates. For two neutral plates, we show that depletion of the salt ions by the image charge repulsion results in short-range attractive and long-range repulsive forces. If cations and anions are of different valency, the asymmetric depletion leads to the formation of an induced electrical double layer. For two charged plates, the competition between the surface charge and the image charge effect can give rise to like- charge attraction.

Then, we study the inhomogeneous screening effect near the dielectric interface due to the anisotropic and nonuniform ion distribution. We show that the double layer structure and interfacial properties is drastically affected by the inhomogeneous screening if the bulk Debye screening length is comparable or smaller than the Bjerrum length. The width of the depletion layer is characterized by the Bjerrum length, independent of the salt concentration. We predict that the negative adsorption of ions at the interface increases linearly with the salt concentration, which cannot be captured by either the bulk screening approximation or the WKB approximation. For asymmetric salt, the inhomogeneous screening enhances the charge separation in the induced double layer and significantly increases the value of the surface potential.

Finally, to account for the ion specificity, we study the self energy of a single ion across the dielectric interface. The ion is considered to be polarizable: its charge distribution can be self-adjusted to the local dielectric environment to minimize the self energy. Using intrinsic parameters of the ions, such as the valency, radius, and polarizability, we predict the specific ion effect on the interfacial affinity of halogen anions at the water/air interface, and the strong adsorption of hydrophobic ions at the water/oil interface, in agreement with experiments and atomistic simulations.

The theory developed in this work represents the most systematic theoretical technique for weak-coupling electrolytes. We expect the theory to be more useful for studying a wide range of structural and dynamic properties in physicochemical, colloidal, soft-matter and biophysical systems.


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As reflexões acerca desta pesquisa iniciaram-se tendo como ponto de partida o interesse pelas questões relacionadas às experiências mais primitivas que estão na base da constituição da subjetividade. Pensa-se, tal como alguns autores, que as vivências iniciais de um bebê são bastante importantes para a formação de seu aparato psíquico, sobretudo, as que dizem respeito ao conjunto de sensações nas quais o mesmo está imerso. Mas, então, o que se passa quando o bebê nasce com alguma deficiência em seu aparato sensório-motor, como no caso de bebês cegos de nascença? Sabe-se que as pessoas cegas precisam utilizar outros meios para estabelecer relações com o mundo dos objetos, pessoas e coisas que as cercam, implicando um processo de profunda reorganização perceptiva no qual os estímulos proporcionados pelo ambiente desempenharão um papel fundamental. No entanto, vários estudos apontam que muitas destas crianças cegas desde o nascimento não conseguem se desenvolver de modo harmônico manifestando distúrbios freqüentemente semelhantes ao autismo em crianças videntes, entre outros. Parece que, nestes casos, a incapacidade visual do bebê afetou profundamente as capacidades de vínculo com as figuras de apego e este fato originou seqüelas importantes na evolução da criança. No outro extremo, bebês que conseguiram um nível de desenvolvimento adequado, mostraram vínculos saudáveis com a família, em especial com a mãe. Assim, a finalidade da presente pesquisa prende-se, por um lado, à compreensão do caminho percorrido por crianças que não contam com o auxílio do sentido da visão e, por outro, ao entendimento do papel dos primeiros vínculos tanto para os casos de saúde quanto para os casos em que a patologia e o sofrimento psíquico surgem.