993 resultados para regional leadership
This thesis is a preliminary study targeting South-Eastern Finland. The objective was to find out the financial and functional readiness and willingness of the small and medium-sized enterprises of the region to manufacture and sell distributed bioenergy solutions collaboratively as a business network. In this case these solutions mean small-scale (0.5 - 3 MW) woodchips-operated combined heat and power (CHP) plants. South-Eastern Finland has suffered from a decline in the recent years, mostly due to the problems of the traditionally strong industrial know-how area of the region, the paper industry. Local small and medium-sized companies will have to find new ways to survive the toughening competition. A group of 40 companies from suitable industries were selected and financial and comparative analysis was performed on them. Additionally 19 managing directors of the companies were selected for an interview to find out their views on networking, its requirements, advantages and the general interest in it. The studied companies were found to be generally in fairly good financial condition and in that sense, fit for networking activities. The interviews revealed that the companies were capable of producing all the needed elements for the plants in question, and the managers appeared to be very interested in and have a positive attitude towards such business networks. Thus it can be said that the small and medium-sized companies of the region are capable of and interested in manufacturing small bio-CHP plants as a production network.
Mobiltelefonen uppfanns år 1970, den förta komerciella produkten lanserades 1983 och marknaden för mobiltelefoner tog kraftigt fart 1986. Exemplet belyser fenomenet innovation såsom ett mångårigt, ofta upptill tio år eller årtionden, vilket är forkningsansatsen i doktorsavhandlingen. Studien har betraktat fenomenet utgående från ett företagsledningsperspektiv, inte som ett innovations projekt vilket är det trditionella perspektivet. Forskningen bygger vidare på kritiken mot den allmänna uppfattningen att nystartade små och entrepreneursdrivna företag är idealomgivningen för innovation. I forskningen har studerats gamla och stora innovativa konsumentvaruföretag. De sex studerade företagen drivs inte längre av företagets grundare, hans tankar, nätverk, ledningssätt, utan är mera influerat av strukturer, system och prosesser som och iståndsatts av en annan professionell ledning. Denna ledning har i viss mån förmått att professionalisera sättet hur innovation hanteras framgångsrikt i företaget. I forskningen har den innovativa företagsledningens tankevärld och dynamiken i tänkandet definierats. Genom studien framkommer dels tre påtagliga tankemönster och dels en generell beskrivning av ledningen för ett innovativt företag. Kärnan i arbetet definierar ledningens uppmärksamhetsområde vilket är kritiskt för att det innovativa tillståndet och cykeln för innovation har fortbestått. Innovationsaktivisternas roll är avgörande, där produkten formas som en funktion av idéer som någon har och jobbar med, av beslutsfattadet i företaget, samt av tolkning och slutledningen av företagets gällande och framtida verksamhetsvilkor. Detta kritiska uppmärksamhetsområde har även testats och verifierats i avhandlingen. Ur forskningen framstår belägg och ett förslag till en teori, med vilken det är möjligt att förklarar skillnaden i ledningens tänkande vid betraktelsen av de innovativa företagen och de icke-innovativa företagen.
Den rikt utformade och komplexa hinduiska traditionen har hittills huvudsakligen tecknats av manliga forskare och det är främst manliga religiösa strävanden som har dokumenterats. Detta förhållande och de patriarkala synsätt som styr många auktoritativa heliga texter har bidragit till att skapa intrycket att hinduiska kvinnors religiösa erfarenheter antingen saknas eller är avsevärt begränsade. Denna studie lyfter fram det faktum att ett ökande antal indiska kvinnor inom dagens hinduism axlar publika roller som religiösa ledare. Med sitt framträdande utmanar många av dessa rådande sociala uppfattningar om kvinnors underordnade ställning och främjar därmed en förnyad medvetenhet av urgamla föreställningar om Gud som kvinna. Avhandlingen utforskar fenomenet kvinnliga guruer genom att belysa sjuttio guruers andliga karriär, med särskild fokus på fyra av dem. Några av de frågor som behandlas är följande: På vilket sätt är kvinnliga guruer del av den hinduiska traditionen? Vilka förväntningar ställs på dem? Hur legitimeras deras auktoritet som guruer? Hur handskas guruerna med sina dubbla roller som kvinnor och andliga ledare? Hur återspeglas gudinnans ställning, som i indisk religiositet ofta är central, i kvinnors faktiska verklighet? Bidrar kvinnliga guruer med sitt religiösa engagemang till att nyskapa och förändra den indiska religiösa diskursen och utövningen av religion?
As escolas médicas brasileiras priorizam o ambiente hospitalar para o ensino e acabam formando profissionais carentes de compromisso social. O curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria implantou, em 2004, um novo currículo que inclui o Internato Regional (IR), em que o interno permanece dois meses em município conveniado, atuando em atenção primária em saúde. Este estudo transversal e quanti-qualitativo teve por objetivo conhecer a percepção dos acadêmicos da primeira turma que realizou o IR sobre o impacto desse modelo de estágio em sua formação, mediante a aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado. Mais de 75% das respostas apontaram ter havido contribuição para maior conhecimento da realidade social e profissional, aprimoramento da relação médico-paciente e desenvolvimento de autoconfiança no exercício da profissão. O principal ponto negativo ressaltado foi o despreparo dos médicos-preceptores para atuar como docentes. No atual contexto de mudanças, o IR surge como uma proposta satisfatória de ampliação dos cenários de prática-ensino-aprendizagem e contribui com a formação humana e pessoal dos futuros médicos, apesar de ainda carecer de preceptoria qualificada.
O curso de Medicina da Uniderp/Anhanguera busca graduar um médico apto a desenvolver ações condizentes com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Para isto, é necessário que o aluno realize as atividades práticas do quinto e sexto anos nos três níveis de atenção à saúde e em diferentes cenários do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Para alcançar tais objetivos, foi idealizado o Estágio Supervisionado Regional (ESR), em que os alunos do sexto ano desenvolvem atividades práticas em alguns municípios do Estado. Semanalmente, via Nead, os alunos enviam relatório em que descrevem as atividades, demonstram seus conhecimentos teóricos e práticos, fazem autoavaliação conforme o Plano de Ensino, organizam as atividades teóricas e tecem críticas sobre o funcionamento do estágio. Estes relatórios são arquivados no Nead. Foram buscados os conteúdos referentes aos depoimentos e críticas, para fazer um relato da visão do aluno nesse momento de aprendizado extramuros da academia.
This study focuses on the integration of eco-innovation principles into strategy and policy at the regional level. The importance of regions as a level for integrating eco-innovative programs and activities served as the point of interest for this study. Eco-innovative activities and technologies are seen as means to meet sustainable development objective of improving regions’ quality of life. This study is conducted to get an in-depth understanding and learning about eco-innovation at regional level, and to know the basic concepts that are important in integrating eco-innovation principles into regional policy. Other specific objectives of this study are to know how eco-innovation are developed and practiced in the regions of the EU, and to analyze the main characteristic features of an eco-innovation model that is specifically developed at Päijät-Häme Region in Finland. Paijät-Häme Region is noted for its successful eco-innovation strategies and programs, hence, taken as casework in this study. Both primary (interviews) and secondary data (publicly available documents) are utilized in this study. The study shows that eco-innovation plays an important role in regional strategy as reviewed based on the experience of other regions in the EU. This is because of its localized nature which makes it easier to facilitate in a regional setting. Since regional authorities and policy-makers are normally focused on solving its localized environmental problems, eco-innovation principles can easily be integrated into regional strategy. The case study highlights Päijät-Häme Region’s eco-innovation strategies and projects which are characterized by strong connection of knowledge-producing institutions. Policy instruments supporting eco-innovation (e.g. environmental technologies) are very much focused on clean technologies, hence, justifying the formation of cleantech clusters and business parks in Päijät-Häme Region. A newly conceptualized SAMPO model of eco-innovation has been developed in Päijät-Häme Region to better capture the region’s characteristics and to eventually replace the current model employed by the Päijät-Häme Regional Authority. The SAMPO model is still under construction, however, review of its principles points to some of its three important spearheads – practice-based innovation, design (eco-design) and clean technology or environmental technology (environment).
This study focuses on regional innovation strategy (RIS) and sustainability aspects in selected regions of European Union (EU) countries. It is known that RIS helps a region to innovate locally and to compete globally and it is considered as one of the main policy tools of the EU for innovation support at a regional level. This study is conducted to explore the existence and adoption of RIS in different regions of selected EU countries, and to highlight and compare regional RIS characteristics. The study is also aimed at identifying the factors that characterise the formulation and implementation of RIS as well as the problems associated thereof. In this study, six regions of EU countries are considered: Päijät-Häme Region (Finland); London Region (United Kingdom); Mid-West Region (Ireland); Veneto Region (Italy); Eastern Region (Poland); and West Region (Romania). Data and information are collected by sending questionnaires to the respective regional authorities of these selected regions. Based on the gathered information and analysis, RIS or equivalent strategy document serves as a blueprint for forwarding innovative programmes towards regional sustainability. The objectives of RIS in these regions are found to be dependent on the priority sectors and state of the region’s development. The current environmental sustainability aspects are focused on eco-design, eco-products, and eco-innovation, although each region also has its own specific aspects supported by RIS. Likewise, regional policies typically follow the RIS yet translated in various sectoral focus or priority areas. The main enhancing factors supporting RIS among selected regions have some similarities and variations; among others, some regions are strongly supported by EU while others have support from own regional agencies, organisations and professional networks. RIS implementation is not without challenges and despite the differences in challenges, almost all of reviewed regions consider financial resource as a common problem. Generally, it is learned from this study that RIS and regional sustainability are reinforcing each other mutually. In this study, the strong focus is given towards environmental sustainability in the regions although regional sustainability also includes economic and social aspects. A well-focused and prioritised RIS is beneficial for regional sustainable development.