997 resultados para quenching


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The interaction between the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin (Gr) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) 1:1 large unilamellar vesicles (LVs) or bilayer fragments (BFs) was evaluated by means of several techniques. The major methods were: 1) Gr intrinsic fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy; 2) dynamic light scattering for sizing and zeta-potential analysis; 3) determination of the bilayer phase transition from extrinsic fluorescence of bilayer probes; 4) pictures of the dispersions for evaluation of coloidal stability over a range of time and NaCl concentration. For Gr in LVs, the Gr dimeric channel conformation is suggested from: 1) CD and intrinsic fluorescence spectra similar to those in trifluoroethanol (TFE); 2) KCl or glucose permeation through the LVs/Gr bilayer. For Gr in BFs, the intertwined dimeric, non-channel Gr conformation is evidenced by CD and intrinsic fluorescence spectra similar to those in ethanol. Both LVs and BFs shield Gr tryptophans against quenching by acrylamide but the Stern-Volmer quenching constant was slightly higher for Gr in BFs confirming that the peptide is more exposed to the water phase in BFs than in LVs. The DPPC/DODAB/Gr supramolecular assemblies may predict the behavior of other antimicrobial peptides in assemblies with lipids. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the formation of self-assembled meso-tetrakis (p-sulfonatofenyl) porphyrin (H2 TPP'S POT. 4-''IND. 4') tubes stabilized by gold nanoparticles (NPs) in basic solution and on their spectroscopic chareterization. The role of the gold NPs in the aggregation dynamics of free-base sulfonated porphyrin (H2TPP'S POT. 4-''IND. 4') is also investigated. The direct conjugation of the gold NPs to the H2TPPS4 molecule quenches the fluorescence intensity, while absorption peaks are blue-shifted, indicating predominant H-type aggregation. It is observed that porphyrin molecules adsorbed on the surface of the gold NP interact and form tubes of maximum diameter ∼1.5 μm and length >100 μm. Steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques confirm nonradiative energy transfer from porphyrin to gold NP.


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Erbium doped tellurite glasses (TeO2 + Li2O + TiO2) were prepared by conventional melt-quenching method to study the influence of the Er3+ concentration on the luminescence quantum efficiency (η) at 1.5 µm. Absorption and luminescence data were used to characterize the samples, and the η parameter was measured using the well-known thermal lens spectroscopy. For low Er3+ concentration, the measured values are around 76%, and the concentration behavior of η shows Er-Er and Er-OH- interactions, which agreed with the measured lifetime values.


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A whisker is a common name of single crystalline inorganic fibre of small dimensions, typically 0.5-1 μm in diameter and 20-50 μm in length. Whiskers are mainly used as reinforcement of ceramics. This work describes the synthesis and characterisation of new whisker types. Ti0.33Ta0.33Nb0.33CxN1-x, TiB2, B4C, and LaxCe1-xB6 have been prepared by carbothermal vapour–liquid–solid (CTR-VLS) growth mechanisms in the temperature range 900-1800°C, in argon or nitrogen. Generally, carbon and different suitable oxides were used as whisker precursors. The oxides reacted via a carbothermal reduction process. A halogenide salt was added to form gaseous metal halogenides or oxohalogenides and small amount of a transition metal was added to catalyse the whisker growth. In this mechanism, the whisker constituents are dissolved into the catalyst, in liquid phase, which becomes supersaturated. Then a whisker could nucleate and grow out under continuous feed of constituents. The syntheses of TiC, TiB2, and B4C were followed at ordinary synthesis conditions by means of mass spectrometry (MS), thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and quenching. The main reaction starting temperatures and reaction time for the different mixtures was revealed, and it was found that the temperature inside the crucible during the reactions was up to 100°C below the furnace set-point, due to endothermic nature of the reactions. Quench experiments showed that whiskers were formed already when reaching the temperature plateau, but the yield increased fast with the holding time and reached a maximum after about 20-30 minutes. Growth models for whisker formation have been proposed. Alumina based composites reinforced by (2-5 vol.%) TiCnano and TiNnano and 25 vol.% of carbide, and boride phases (whiskers and particulates of TiC, TiN, TaC, NbC, (Ti,Ta)C, (Ti,Ta,Nb)C, SiC, TiB2 and B4C) have been prepared by a developed aqueous colloidal processing route followed by hot pressing for 90 min at 1700°C, 28 MPa or SPS sintering for 5 minutes at 1200-1600°C and 75 MPa. Vickers indentation measurements showed that the lowest possible sintering temperature is to prefer from mechanical properties point of view. In the TiNnano composites the fracture mode was typically intergranular, while it was transgranular in the SiCnano composites. The whisker and particulate composites have been compared in terms of e.g. microstructure and mechanical properties. Generally, additions of whiskers yielded higher fracture toughness compared to particulates. Composites of commercially available SiC whiskers showed best mechanical properties with a low spread but all the other whisker phases, especially TiB2, exhibited a great potential as reinforcement materials.


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Using x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in combination with density functional theory (DFT) the changes in electronic and geometric structure of hydrocarbons upon adsorption are determined. The chemical bonding is analyzed and the results provide new insights in the mechanisms responsible for dehydrogenation in heterogeneous catalysis. In the case of alkanes, n-octane and methane are studied. XAS and XES show significant changes in the electronic structure upon adsorption. XES shows new adsorption induced occupied states and XAS shows quenching of CH*/Rydberg states in n-octane. In methane the symmetry forbidden gas phase lowest unoccupied molecular orbital becomes allowed due to broken symmetry. New adsorption induced unoccupied features with mainly metal character appear just above the Fermi level in XA spectra of both adsorbed methane and n-octane. These changes are not observed in DFT total energy geometry optimizations. Comparison between experimental and computed spectra for different adsorbate geometries reveals that the molecular structures are significantly changed in both molecules. The C-C bonds in n-octane are shortened upon adsorption and the C-H bonds are elongated in both n-octane and methane. In addition ethylene and acetylene are studied as model systems for unsaturated hydrocarbons. The validity of both the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson chemisorption model and the alternative spin-uncoupling picture is confirmed, as well as C-C bond elongation and upward bending of the C-H bonds. The bonding of ethylene to Cu(110) and Ni(110) are compared and the results show that the main difference is the amount of back-donation into the molecular π* orbital, which allows the molecule to desorb molecularly from the Cu(110) surface, whereas it is dehydrogenated upon heating on the Ni(110) surface. Acetylene is found to adsorb in two different adsorption sites on the Cu(110) surface at liquid nitrogen temperature. Upon heating the molecules move into one of these sites due to attractive adsorbate-adsorbate interaction and only one adsorbed species is present at room temperature, at which point the molecules start reacting to form benzene. The bonding of the two species is very similar in both sites and the carbon atoms are rehybridized essentially to sp2.


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In this Thesis, we investigate the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes (BHs), Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their hosting dark matter (DM) halos and galaxies, within the standard CDM scenario. We analyze both analytic, semi-analytic and hybrid techniques and use the most recent observational data available to constrain the assumptions underlying our models. First, we focus on very simple analytic models where the assembly of BHs is directly related to the merger history of DM haloes. For this purpose, we implement the two original analytic models of Wyithe & Loeb 2002 and Wyithe & Loeb 2003, compare their predictions to the AGN luminosity function and clustering data, and discuss possible modifications to the models that improve the match to the observation. Then we study more sophisticated semi-analytic models in which however the baryonic physics is neglected as well. Finally we improve the hybrid simulation of De Lucia & Blaizot 2007, adding new semi-analytical prescriptions to describe the BH mass accretion rate during each merger event and its conversion into radiation, and compare the derived BH scaling relations, fundamental plane and mass function, and the AGN luminosity function with observations. All our results support the following scenario: • The cosmological co-evolution of BHs, AGN and galaxies can be well described within the CDM model. • At redshifts z & 1, the evolution history of DM halo fully determines the overall properties of the BH and AGN populations. The AGN emission is triggered mainly by DM halo major mergers and, on average, AGN shine at their Eddington luminosity. • At redshifts z . 1, BH growth decouples from halo growth. Galaxy major mergers cannot constitute the only trigger to accretion episodes in this phase. • When a static hot halo has formed around a galaxy, a fraction of the hot gas continuously accretes onto the central BH, causing a low-energy “radio” activity at the galactic centre, which prevents significant gas cooling and thus limiting the mass of the central galaxies and quenching the star formation at late time. • The cold gas fraction accreted by BHs at high redshifts seems to be larger than at low redshifts.


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The relation between the intercepted light and orchard productivity was considered linear, although this dependence seems to be more subordinate to planting system rather than light intensity. At whole plant level not always the increase of irradiance determines productivity improvement. One of the reasons can be the plant intrinsic un-efficiency in using energy. Generally in full light only the 5 – 10% of the total incoming energy is allocated to net photosynthesis. Therefore preserving or improving this efficiency becomes pivotal for scientist and fruit growers. Even tough a conspicuous energy amount is reflected or transmitted, plants can not avoid to absorb photons in excess. The chlorophyll over-excitation promotes the reactive species production increasing the photoinhibition risks. The dangerous consequences of photoinhibition forced plants to evolve a complex and multilevel machine able to dissipate the energy excess quenching heat (Non Photochemical Quenching), moving electrons (water-water cycle , cyclic transport around PSI, glutathione-ascorbate cycle and photorespiration) and scavenging the generated reactive species. The price plants must pay for this equipment is the use of CO2 and reducing power with a consequent decrease of the photosynthetic efficiency, both because some photons are not used for carboxylation and an effective CO2 and reducing power loss occurs. Net photosynthesis increases with light until the saturation point, additional PPFD doesn’t improve carboxylation but it rises the efficiency of the alternative pathways in energy dissipation but also ROS production and photoinhibition risks. The wide photo-protective apparatus, although is not able to cope with the excessive incoming energy, therefore photodamage occurs. Each event increasing the photon pressure and/or decreasing the efficiency of the described photo-protective mechanisms (i.e. thermal stress, water and nutritional deficiency) can emphasize the photoinhibition. Likely in nature a small amount of not damaged photosystems is found because of the effective, efficient and energy consuming recovery system. Since the damaged PSII is quickly repaired with energy expense, it would be interesting to investigate how much PSII recovery costs to plant productivity. This PhD. dissertation purposes to improve the knowledge about the several strategies accomplished for managing the incoming energy and the light excess implication on photo-damage in peach. The thesis is organized in three scientific units. In the first section a new rapid, non-intrusive, whole tissue and universal technique for functional PSII determination was implemented and validated on different kinds of plants as C3 and C4 species, woody and herbaceous plants, wild type and Chlorophyll b-less mutant and monocot and dicot plants. In the second unit, using a “singular” experimental orchard named “Asymmetric orchard”, the relation between light environment and photosynthetic performance, water use and photoinhibition was investigated in peach at whole plant level, furthermore the effect of photon pressure variation on energy management was considered on single leaf. In the third section the quenching analysis method suggested by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007) was validate on peach. Afterwards it was applied in the field where the influence of moderate light and water reduction on peach photosynthetic performances, water requirements, energy management and photoinhibition was studied. Using solar energy as fuel for life plant is intrinsically suicidal since the high constant photodamage risk. This dissertation would try to highlight the complex relation existing between plant, in particular peach, and light analysing the principal strategies plants developed to manage the incoming light for deriving the maximal benefits as possible minimizing the risks. In the first instance the new method proposed for functional PSII determination based on P700 redox kinetics seems to be a valid, non intrusive, universal and field-applicable technique, even because it is able to measure in deep the whole leaf tissue rather than the first leaf layers as fluorescence. Fluorescence Fv/Fm parameter gives a good estimate of functional PSII but only when data obtained by ad-axial and ab-axial leaf surface are averaged. In addition to this method the energy quenching analysis proposed by Kornyeyev and Hendrickson (2007), combined with the photosynthesis model proposed by von Caemmerer (2000) is a forceful tool to analyse and study, even in the field, the relation between plant and environmental factors such as water, temperature but first of all light. “Asymmetric” training system is a good way to study light energy, photosynthetic performance and water use relations in the field. At whole plant level net carboxylation increases with PPFD reaching a saturating point. Light excess rather than improve photosynthesis may emphasize water and thermal stress leading to stomatal limitation. Furthermore too much light does not promote net carboxylation improvement but PSII damage, in fact in the most light exposed plants about 50-60% of the total PSII is inactivated. At single leaf level, net carboxylation increases till saturation point (1000 – 1200 μmolm-2s-1) and light excess is dissipated by non photochemical quenching and non net carboxylative transports. The latter follows a quite similar pattern of Pn/PPFD curve reaching the saturation point at almost the same photon flux density. At middle-low irradiance NPQ seems to be lumen pH limited because the incoming photon pressure is not enough to generate the optimum lumen pH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) full activation. Peach leaves try to cope with the light excess increasing the non net carboxylative transports. While PPFD rises the xanthophyll cycle is more and more activated and the rate of non net carboxylative transports is reduced. Some of these alternative transports, such as the water-water cycle, the cyclic transport around the PSI and the glutathione-ascorbate cycle are able to generate additional H+ in lumen in order to support the VDE activation when light can be limiting. Moreover the alternative transports seems to be involved as an important dissipative way when high temperature and sub-optimal conductance emphasize the photoinhibition risks. In peach, a moderate water and light reduction does not determine net carboxylation decrease but, diminishing the incoming light and the environmental evapo-transpiration request, stomatal conductance decreases, improving water use efficiency. Therefore lowering light intensity till not limiting levels, water could be saved not compromising net photosynthesis. The quenching analysis is able to partition absorbed energy in the several utilization, photoprotection and photo-oxidation pathways. When recovery is permitted only few PSII remained un-repaired, although more net PSII damage is recorded in plants placed in full light. Even in this experiment, in over saturating light the main dissipation pathway is the non photochemical quenching; at middle-low irradiance it seems to be pH limited and other transports, such as photorespiration and alternative transports, are used to support photoprotection and to contribute for creating the optimal trans-thylakoidal ΔpH for violaxanthin de-epoxidase. These alternative pathways become the main quenching mechanisms at very low light environment. Another aspect pointed out by this study is the role of NPQ as dissipative pathway when conductance becomes severely limiting. The evidence that in nature a small amount of damaged PSII is seen indicates the presence of an effective and efficient recovery mechanism that masks the real photodamage occurring during the day. At single leaf level, when repair is not allowed leaves in full light are two fold more photoinhibited than the shaded ones. Therefore light in excess of the photosynthetic optima does not promote net carboxylation but increases water loss and PSII damage. The more is photoinhibition the more must be the photosystems to be repaired and consequently the energy and dry matter to allocate in this essential activity. Since above the saturation point net photosynthesis is constant while photoinhibition increases it would be interesting to investigate how photodamage costs in terms of tree productivity. An other aspect of pivotal importance to be further widened is the combined influence of light and other environmental parameters, like water status, temperature and nutrition on peach light, water and phtosyntate management.


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The H+/ATP ratio in the catalysis of ATP synthase has generally been considered a fixed parameter. However, Melandri and coworkers have recently shown that, in the ATP synthase of the photosynthetic bacterium Rb.capsulatus, this ratio can significantly decrease during ATP hydrolysis when the concentration of either ADP or Pi is maintained at a low level (Turina et al., 2004). The present work has dealt with the ATP synthase of E.coli, looking for evidence of this phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling in this organism as well. First of all, we have shown that the DCCD-sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity of E.coli internal membranes was strongly inhibited by ADP and Pi, with a half-maximal effect in the submicromolar range for ADP and at 140 µM for Pi. In contrast to this monotonic inhibition, however, the proton pumping activity of the enzyme, as estimated under the same conditions by the fluorescence quenching of the ΔpH-sensitive probe ACMA, showed a clearly biphasic progression, both for Pi, increasing from 0 up to approximately 200 µM, and for ADP, increasing from 0 up to a few µM. We have interpreted these results as indicating that the occupancy of ADP and Pi binding sites shifts the enzyme from a partially uncoupled state to a fully coupled state, and we expect that the ADP- and Pi-modulated intrinsic uncoupling is likely to be a general feature of prokaryotic ATP synthases. Moreover, the biphasicity of the proton pumping data suggested that two Pi binding sites are involved. In order to verify whether the same behaviour could be observed in the isolated enzyme, we have purified the ATP synthase of E.coli and reconstituted it into liposomes. Similarly as observed in the internal membrane preparation, in the isolated and reconstituted enzyme it was possible to observe inhibition of the hydrolytic activity by ADP and Pi (with half-maximal effects at few µM for ADP and at 400 µM for Pi) with a concomitant stimulation of proton pumping. Both the inhibition of ATP hydrolysis and the stimulation of proton pumping as a function of Pi were lost upon ADP removal by an ADP trap. These data have made it possible to conclude that the results obtained in E.coli internal membranes are not due to the artefactual interference of enzymatic activities other than the ones of the ATP synthase. In addition, data obtained with liposomes have allowed a calibration of the ACMA signal by ΔpH transitions of known extent, leading to a quantitative evaluation of the proton pumping data. Finally, we have focused our efforts on searching for a possible structural candidate involved in the phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling. The ε-subunit of the ATP-synthase is known as an endogenous inhibitor of the hydrolysis activity of the complex and appears to undergo drastic conformational changes between a non-inhibitory form (down-state) and an inhibitory form (up-state)(Rodgers & Wilce, 2000; Gibbons et al., 2000). In addition, the results of Cipriano & Dunn (2006) indicated that the C-terminal domain of this subunit played an important role in the coupling mechanism of the pump, and those of Capaldi et al. (2001), Suzuki et al. (2003) were consistent with the down-state showing a higher hydrolysis-to-synthesis ratio than the up-state. Therefore, we decided to search for modulation of pumping efficiency in a C-terminally truncated ε mutant. A low copy number expression vector has been built, carrying an extra copy of uncC, with the aim of generating an ε-overexpressing E.coli strain in which normal levels of assembly of the mutated ATP-synthase complex would be promoted. We have then compared the ATP hydrolysis and the proton pumping activity in membranes prepared from these ε-overexpressing E.coli strains, which carried either the WT ε subunit or the ε88-stop truncated form. Both strains yielded well energized membranes. Noticeably, they showed a marked difference in the inhibition of hydrolysis by Pi, this effect being largely lost in the truncated mutant. However, pre-incubation of the mutated enzyme with ADP at low nanomolar concentrations (apparent Kd = 0.7nM) restored the hydrolysis inhibition, together with the modulation of intrinsic uncoupling by Pi, indicating that, contrary to wild-type, during membrane preparation the truncated mutant had lost the ADP bound at this high-affinity site, evidently due to a lower affinity (and/or higher release) for ADP of the mutant relative to wild type. Therefore, one of the effects of the C-terminal domain of ε appears to be to modulate the affinity of at least one of the binding sites for ADP. The lack of this domain does not appear so much to influence the modulability of coupling efficiency, but instead the extent of this modulation. At higher preincubated ADP concentrations (apparent Kd = 117nM), the only observed effects were inhibition of both hydrolysis and synthesis, providing a direct proof that two ADP-binding sites on the enzyme are involved in the inhibition of hydrolysis, of which only the one at higher affinity also modulates the coupling efficiency.


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Die Anregung und Emission von Fluorophoren nahe planaren Metalloberflächen und schiefen Gittern wurde mittels Oberflächenplasmonen Fluoreszenz Spektroskopie (SPFS) untersucht. Die Fluorophore konnten durch das evaneszente Plasmonenfeld angeregt und die einzelnen Abregungskanäle identifiziert werden.Die Sensorarchitektur für den Nachweis der Hybridisierung bestand aus auf einer Streptavidin-Matrix immobilisierten unmarkierten Sondensträngen. Cy5 markierte Zielsequenzen wurden aus der Lösung hybridisiert und die Adsorptionskinetiken konnten oberflächensensitiv detektiert werden.Ein neues Detektionsschema für unmarkierte Zielstränge wurde mittels fluoreszenzmarkirten Sondensträngen realisiert. Die Hybridisierung führte zu der Bildung von steifen helikalen Bereichen in der Probe und separierte den Farbstoff von der Metalloberfläche. Reduzierte Fluorezenzlöschung zeigte daher das Hybridisierungsereignis an.Die Verwendung eines potentiellen Förster-Paares zur Detektion von DNA Hybridisierung wurde untersucht. Donor und Akzeptor wurden an Ziel- und Sondenstrang immobilisiert und das Hybridisierungsereignis konnte anhand der Auslöschung der Donor-Fluorezenz nachgewiesen werden.Schließlich wurde der Einsatz von einzelstrangbindenden Proteinen (SSB) zur Steigerung der Sensitivität bezüglich Basenfehlpaarungen betrachtet. Verdrängungsreaktionen zwischen Proteinen und markierten Zielsträngen wurden anhand von SPS und Fluorezenzkinetiken studiert.


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Hämocyanine sind große, multimere Sauerstofftransport- proteine, die frei gelöst in der Hämolymphe von Arthropoden und Mollusken vorkommen.Zur Charakterisierung verschiedener Arthropoden-hämocyanine wurden deren molare Massen bestimmt. Die mit einer Vielwinkel-Laser-Lichtstreuapparatur ermittelten Molekulargewichte zeigten eine grosse Schwankungsbreite. Dies konnte auf Ungenauigkeiten der zur Berechnung der Molekulargewichte verwendeten spezifischen Extinktions- koeffizienten und Brechungsindex-Inkremente zurückgeführt werden.Mit der Methode der Massenspektrometrie (MALDI-TOF) bestimmte Molekulargewichte einzelner Untereinheiten des Hämocyanins der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum zeigten eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit aus der Sequenz errechneten Werten.Für das 24-mere Spinnenhämocyanin von Eurypelma californicum wurde die Stabilität gegenüber GdnHCl und der Temperatur auf den verschiedenen strukturellen Ebenen des Proteins untersucht.Viele Stabilitätsuntersuchungen werden an kleinen Proteinen durchgeführt, deren Entfaltung kooperativerfolgt. Bei größeren Proteinen mit unterschiedlichen strukturellen Bereichen (Domänen) ist der Entfaltungs-prozess weitaus komplexer. Ziel war es, durch die Denaturierung des Spinnen-Hämocyanins Erkenntnisse über die Stabilität und Entfaltung der verschiedenen strukturellen Ebenen eines so großen Proteinkomplexes zu gewinnen.Ein wichtiges Charakteristikum für die Interpretation der Entfaltungsexperimente ist die starke Löschung der Tryptophanfluoreszenz im oxygenierten Spinnen-Hämocyanin. Die Löschung kann vollständig durch Förster-Transfer erklärt werden kann. Sie bleibt auf die einzelnen Untereinheiten beschränkt und stellt somit ein reines O2-Beladungssignal dar.Unter Einwirkung von GdnHCl dissoziiert das native, 24-mere Spinnen-Hämocyanin ohne die Entstehung langlebiger Inter- mediate. Die Untereinheiten werden durch das Oligomer stabilisiert. Die Entfaltung eines Monomers, der Unter- einheit e, folgt einer Hierarchie der verschiedenen strukturellen Ebenen des Moleküls. Die Entfaltung beginnt zunächst von außen mit der Auflockerung der Tertiärstruktur. Der Kern von Domäne II mit dem aktiven Zentrum weist hingegen eine besondere Stabilität auf.Die ausgeprägte Hitzestabilität des Eurypelma-Hämocyanins hängt vom Oligomerisierungsgrad, dem verwendeten Puffer und dessen Ausgangs-pH-Wert ab und spiegelt offensichtlich die extremen Lebensbedingungen im Habitat wider.


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Zusammenfassung Kooperativität bei Atmungsproteinen bedeutet eine Änderung der O2-Affinität während der Beladung mit O2 und läßt sich durch die Wechselbeziehung zwischen O2-Beladung und Konformation beschreiben. In dieser Arbeit wurde das 24-mere Hämocyanin der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum bzgl. Beladung und Konformationen sowohl auf der Ensemble- wie auch auf der Einzel-Molekül-Ebene charakterisiert. EnsembleDie Bindung von O2 an Hämocyanine ist mit einer drastischen Abnahme der Fluoreszenz-Quantenausbeute verbunden. Durch Vergleich von theoretisch und experimentell bestimmten Quantenausbeuten konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Löschung auf Förster-Transfer zurückzuführen ist, und daß kein Einfluß der Oligomerisierung, Protein-Konformation, Beweglichkeit oder Tierart besteht. Die Konformation von Hämocyaninen konnte mit Crosslinkern im oxy- und deoxy-Zustand fixiert werden. Die Charakterisierung der Produkte führte zu einer neuen Vorstellung, wie unterschiedliche Affinitäten realisiert sein können. Hierbei kommt der Dynamik der Protein-Matrix eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Einzel-MoleküleMittels Zwei-Photonen-Anregung konnten erstmalig einzelne Proteine über ihre intrinsische Tryptophan-Fluoreszenz nachgewiesen werden. Zum einen gelang es, Modellsysteme mit nur 340 Trp abzubilden, andererseits konnte die Diffusion einzelner Hämocyanine (148 Trp) mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenz-Korrelationsspektroskopie nachgewiesen werden.Einzelne Hämocyanine konnten durch Adsorption und mildes Eintrocknen an verschiedenen Oberflächen immobilisiert werden. Mittels Atomarer Kraft-Mikroskopie (AFM) ließen sich individuelle Hämocyanine abgebilden, wobei Details der Quarärstruktur aufgelöst werden konnten.


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In Experimenten an lasergekühlten, in einer linearen Paulfalle gespeicherten $Ca^+$-Ionen wurde dieLebensdauer des metastabilen $3D_{5/2}$-Niveaus durch Beobachtung von Quantensprüngen einzelner Ionen zu 1100(18)msbestimmt. Systematische Fehler durch quenchende Stöße oder Stark-Mischen durch das Speicherfeld liegen unterhalb dererreichten Genauigkeit. Abweichungen von früheren Messungen konnten durch eine vernachlässigte Abhängigkeit derLebensdauer von der Laserleistung des Rückpumplasers erklärt werden. Das Endergebnis zeigt gute Übereinstimmung mitneueren theoretischen Werten. In weiteren Messungen an zehn Ionen wurde in einigen Messreihen eine deutliche Reduktionder Lebensdauer gegenüber einem einzelnen Ion festgestellt. Dabei wurden mehr koinzidente Zerfälle von zwei und dreiIonen beobachtet als für unabhängige Teilchen zu erwarten. In einem Ionenkristall wurde eine räumliche Trennung atomarer Zustände erreicht. Dabei wurde ein Teil der Ionen einesKristalls aus einigen hundert Ionen in den metastabilen Zustand gepumpt, der von den Kühllasern vollständig entkoppeltist. Durch sympathetische Kühlung werden diese Ionen weiterhin gekühlt und der Kristall schmilzt nicht. Durch denLichtdruck, den die Kühllaser ausgeüben, werden die Ionen nach atomaren Zuständen sortiert, weil die lasergekühltenIonen einen Rückstoß erfahren, die übrigen aber nicht. Für zukünftige Experimente wurden Verbesserungen des experimentellen Aufbaus auf den Weg gebracht. So wurden Methodenund Komponenten für eine verbesserte Frequenzstabilisierung der Diodenlaser entwickelt.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Beta-Zerfall von neutronenreichen Silberisotopen der Massen 124, 126 und 128 gamma-spektroskopisch untersucht. Dabei konnten viele neue Linien gefunden und teilweise in Niveauschemata der entsprechenden even-even Cd-Isotope einsortiert werden. Mit den gemessenen Energien der ersten 2+ und 4+ - Anregungszustände konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei den neutronenreichen Cadmiumisotopen eine Abschwächung der Neutronenschale, das sogenannte shell-quenching, auftritt.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Vx-Zyklus und der Ddx-Zyklus unterschiedlicher Pflanzen hinsichtlich ihrer Regulation untersucht. Es konnte an Hand von in vivo Messungen gezeigt werden, dass bei zwei Kieselalgen unterschiedlicher Ordnung (Pennales bzw. Centrales) und einer Haptophyte mit Ddx-Zyklus die Dtx-Epoxidase delta-pH-reguliert ist. Im Gegensatz dazu steht die nicht-regulierte Zx-Epoxidase des Vx-Zyklus einer Raphidophyceae, einer Grünalge und einer aquatischen Höheren Pflanze. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Grund für diese unterschiedliche Regulation der beiden Epoxidasen die verschiedenen Quench-Eigenschaften der Pigmente Dtx bzw. Zx ist. Durch parallele Messungen des NPQ und des De-Epoxidierungsgrads wurde deutlich, dass Zx zum Aufbau eines Quenching direkt den im Licht aufgebauten delta-pH benötigt, während Dtx alleine ausreichend ist, um ein Quenching zu verursachen. Bei diesen in vivo Messungen wurde außerdem deutlich, dass die Aktivitäten der untersuchten Epoxidasen große Unterschiede aufweisen. Diese sind abhängig von der entsprechenden Pigmentierung des jeweiligen Lichtsammelsystems, stehen also in Zusammenhang mit den Carotinoidbiosynthesen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei allen untersuchten Organismen, die eine Xanthophyll-dominierte Antenne mit Fx als Massenpigment enthielten, die Umsatzraten der Epoxidase sehr hoch waren, im Gegensatz zu Chl-dominierten Antennen. Nach diesen Erkenntnissen wurde die Dtx-Epoxidase weiter untersucht und so erstmalig durch Western-Blotting identifiziert. Es ergaben sich, allerdings erst nach zusätzlicher Proteinstabilisierung, zwei Signale, eins bei 60 kDa, das andere bei 57 kDa. Hierbei ist nach wie vor unklar, warum das Antiserum zwei Signale lieferte und ob es sich dabei um Isoformen, um anderweitige Modifizierungen, oder um eine Kreuzreaktion handelt. Auch der Mechanismus der delta-pH-Regulation der Dtx-Epoxidase konnte trotz in vivo und in vitro durchgeführter Studien nicht endgültig geklärt werden. Allerdings konnten verschiedene Mechanismen, wie z.B. eine direkte pH-Abhängigkeit des Enzyms, eine Regulation durch Reduktion und Oxidation oder durch Phosphorylierung und Dephosphorylierung, auf Grund der Daten falsifiziert werden. Es konnte schließlich die Regulation mit Hilfe eines transmembranen Rezeptors als das einzige, mit allen Daten konsistente Regulationsmodell vorgeschlagen werden.


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The research has included the efforts in designing, assembling and structurally and functionally characterizing supramolecular biofunctional architectures for optical biosensing applications. In the first part of the study, a class of interfaces based on the biotin-NeutrAvidin binding matrix for the quantitative control of enzyme surface coverage and activity was developed. Genetically modified ß-lactamase was chosen as a model enzyme and attached to five different types of NeutrAvidin-functionalized chip surfaces through a biotinylated spacer. All matrices are suitable for achieving a controlled enzyme surface density. Data obtained by SPR are in excellent agreement with those derived from optical waveguide measurements. Among the various protein-binding strategies investigated in this study, it was found that stiffness and order between alkanethiol-based SAMs and PEGylated surfaces are very important. Matrix D based on a Nb2O5 coating showed a satisfactory regeneration possibility. The surface-immobilized enzymes were found to be stable and sufficiently active enough for a catalytic activity assay. Many factors, such as the steric crowding effect of surface-attached enzymes, the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged substrate (Nitrocefin) and the polycationic PLL-g-PEG/PEG-Biotin polymer, mass transport effect, and enzyme orientation, are shown to influence the kinetic parameters of catalytic analysis. Furthermore, a home-built Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer of SPR and a commercial miniature Fiber Optic Absorbance Spectrometer (FOAS), served as a combination set-up for affinity and catalytic biosensor, respectively. The parallel measurements offer the opportunity of on-line activity detection of surface attached enzymes. The immobilized enzyme does not have to be in contact with the catalytic biosensor. The SPR chip can easily be cleaned and used for recycling. Additionally, with regard to the application of FOAS, the integrated SPR technique allows for the quantitative control of the surface density of the enzyme, which is highly relevant for the enzymatic activity. Finally, the miniaturized portable FOAS devices can easily be combined as an add-on device with many other in situ interfacial detection techniques, such as optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements, or impedance spectroscopy (IS). Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) allows for an absolute determination of intrinsic rate constants describing the true parameters that control interfacial hybridization. Thus it also allows for a study of the difference of the surface coupling influences between OMCVD gold particles and planar metal films presented in the second part. The multilayer growth process was found to proceed similarly to the way it occurs on planar metal substrates. In contrast to planar bulk metal surfaces, metal colloids exhibit a narrow UV-vis absorption band. This absorption band is observed if the incident photon frequency is resonant with the collective oscillation of the conduction electrons and is known as the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). LSPR excitation results in extremely large molar extinction coefficients, which are due to a combination of both absorption and scattering. When considering metal-enhanced fluorescence we expect the absorption to cause quenching and the scattering to cause enhancement. Our further study will focus on the developing of a detection platform with larger gold particles, which will display a dominant scattering component and enhance the fluorescence signal. Furthermore, the results of sequence-specific detection of DNA hybridization based on OMCVD gold particles provide an excellent application potential for this kind of cheap, simple, and mild preparation protocol applied in this gold fabrication method. In the final chapter, SPFS was used for the in-depth characterizations of the conformational changes of commercial carboxymethyl dextran (CMD) substrate induced by pH and ionic strength variations were studied using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The pH response of CMD is due to the changes in the electrostatics of the system between its protonated and deprotonated forms, while the ionic strength response is attributed from the charge screening effect of the cations that shield the charge of the carboxyl groups and prevent an efficient electrostatic repulsion. Additional studies were performed using SPFS with the aim of fluorophore labeling the carboxymethyl groups. CMD matrices showed typical pH and ionic strength responses, such as high pH and low ionic strength swelling. Furthermore, the effects of the surface charge and the crosslink density of the CMD matrix on the extent of stimuli responses were investigated. The swelling/collapse ratio decreased with decreasing surface concentration of the carboxyl groups and increasing crosslink density. The study of the CMD responses to external and internal variables will provide valuable background information for practical applications.