949 resultados para protein 4.1
El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido tratar de mejorar los parámetros reproductivos de las conejas primíparas lactantes, empleando dos métodos de manejo (destete temprano y extensificación del ritmo reproductivo), que están directamente relacionados con su balance energético. Para ello, se diseñaron 2 experimentos en este tipo de hembras. En el primero, se estudió el efecto del destete a 25 días post-parto (dpp) sobre la actividad ovárica y el metabolismo energético de las conejas una semana más tarde (32 dpp). Un total de 34 primíparas lactantes con 8 gazapos fueron distribuidas en tres grupos: 10 conejas se sacrificaron a los 25 dpp (grupo L25), 13 fueron destetadas a los 25 dpp y sacrificadas a los 32 dpp (grupo NL32), y 11 conejas no se destetaron y fueron sacrificadas a los 32 dpp (grupo L32). No se observaron diferencias significativas entre grupos en el peso corporal, el peso del ovario, ni en las concentraciones séricas de ácidos grasos no esterificados y de proteínas totales. A pesar de que el grupo NL32 presentó un bajo consumo de alimento (122 ± 23,5 g / día, p <0,001), su contenido corporal estimado de lípidos (16,9 ± 1,09%, P <0,008), proteínas (19,7 ± 0,07%, P <0,0001), y energía (1147 ± 42,7 MJ / kg, p <0,006) fueron más elevados y las concentraciones séricas de glucosa (158 ± 24,5 mg/dl, p <0,04) más bajas que en los grupos L25 (11,9 ± 1,3%, 18,5 ± 0,08%, 942 ± 51,3 MJ/kg y 212 ± 27,9 mg/dl) y L32 (13,4 ± 1,03%, 18,5 ± 0,1%, 993 ± 40,4 MJ/kg y 259 ± 29,5 mg/dl), respectivamente. En el grupo L25 se observó un menor número medio de folículos ≥ 1 mm en la superficie ovárica en comparación con los grupos NL32 y L32 (12,7 ± 1,5 vs. 18,0 ± 1,45 y 17,6 ± 1,67, p <0,05). La población folicular ovárica en las secciones histológicas y la inmunolocalización de los receptores de prolactina fueron similares en todos los grupos. En el grupo L25, tanto la maduración nuclear de oocitos, medida en términos de tasas alcanzadas de Metafase II (67,0 vs. 79,7 y 78,3%, P <0.05) y la maduración citoplasmática, medida por el porcentaje de gránulos corticales (GC) total o parcialmente migrados en los oocitos, fueron significativamente menores que en los grupos NL32 y L32 (16,0 vs 38,3 y 60,0%, P <0.05). En conclusión, a pesar de que el destete precoz a 25 dpp pareció mejorar las reservas de energía de las conejas primíparas, este hecho no se reflejó claramente a nivel ovárico a los 32 dpp y fue similar independientemente del destete, por lo que éste último podría llevarse a cabo más tarde. En el segundo experimento, se compararon dos ritmos reproductivos. Se utilizaron un total de 48 conejas primíparas lactantes con 8 gazapos que se asignaron al azar en dos grupos experimentales: a) lactantes sacrificadas a comienzos del post-parto (11 dpp) de acuerdo a un ritmo semi-intensivo (n = 24), y b) lactantes sacrificadas al final del período post-parto (25 dpp) de acuerdo con un ritmo más extensivo (n = 24). En ellas, se estudió el peso vivo, la composición corporal estimada, parámetros metabólicos y endocrinos (estradiol y progesterona) y características ováricas como la población folicular y la tasa de atresia, así como la maduración nuclear y citoplásmica de los oocitos. En este estudio, el peso vivo, el contenido de energía corporal, los depósitos grasos y los ácidos grasos no esterificados disminuyeron a lo largo del post-parto con respecto al momento del parto (P <0,05). Las concentraciones séricas de proteínas y glucosa aumentaron en el mismo periodo post-parto (P <0,05). Se observaron similares niveles de estradiol y progesterona en ambos ritmos, así como una población folicular, tasas de maduración nuclear (tasa de oocitos en metafase II) y citoplasmática (porcentaje de oocitos con gránulos corticales migrados), similares en ambos momentos del post-parto. Sin embargo, el número de folículos preovulatorios en la superficie ovárica fue menor (P <0,05) y la tasa de atresia tendió a ser mayor con un porcentaje también menor de folículos sanos (P <0,1) en los ovarios de las hembras sometidas al ritmo extensivo. En conclusión, al final del post-parto (25 días), las conejas primíparas sin destetar muestran un deterioro de sus reservas corporales, de sus parámetros metabólicos séricos y de la calidad de sus oocitos; incluso se ha observado una ligera influencia negativa en el desarrollo de sus folículos ováricos. Por esta razón, se considera que en las conejas primíparas lactantes el manejo reproductivo extensivo (25 dpp) no presenta ninguna ventaja en comparación con el semi-intensivo (11 dpp). A la vista de los resultados de estos dos experimentos, podemos decir que ni el destete temprano, ni la extensificación del ritmo reproductivo han conseguido una mejora en los parámetros reproductivos de una hembra primípara. Por ello, son necesarios más estudios sobre el estado metabólico de la coneja primípara lactante para conseguir métodos o estrategias que lo mejoren y tengan consecuencias directas sobre la actividad reproductiva y sobre su éxito productivo. The general aim of this Thesis was to study two management methods (early weaning and extensive reproductive rhythm) linked to the energy balance of the primiparous rabbit does to improve their reproductive performance. In this sense, 2 experiments were conducted using this kind of females. In the first experiment, the effect of weaning at 25 days post-partum (dpp) on ovarian activity and energetic metabolism one week later (32 dpp) was studied. A total of 34 primiparous lactating rabbit does were used and distributed among three groups: 10 does euthanized at 25 dpp (group L25), 13 does weaned at 25 dpp and euthanized at 32 dpp (group NL32), and 11 non weaned does euthanized at 32 dpp (group L32). No significant differences were observed in live body weight, ovary weight, serum non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total protein concentration among groups. Although NL32 does had a low feed intake (122±23.5 g/Day; P < 0.001), their estimated lipids (16.9±1.09%, P < 0.008), protein (19.7±0.07%, P < 0.0001), and energy (1147±42.7 MJ/kg, P < 0.006) body contents were higher and their serum glucose concentrations (158±24.5 mg/dl, P < 0.04) were lower compared to L25 does (11.9±1.3%, 18.5±0.08%, 942±51.3 MJ/kg and 212±27.9 mg/dl) and L32 does (13.4±1.03%, 18.5±0.1%, 993±40.4 MJ/kg and 259±29.5 mg/dl, respectively). A lower number of follicles ≥1mm was observed compared to NL32 and L32 groups (12.7±1.5 vs. 18.0±1.45 and 17.6 ±1.67; P < 0.05) in the ovarian surface of L25 does. Follicular population in the histological ovarian sections and immunolocalization of prolactin receptor were similar in all groups. In group L25, both nuclear maturation of oocytes in terms of Metaphase II rate (67.0 vs. 79.7 and 78.3%; P < 0.05) and cytoplasmic maturation measured by percentage of cortical granules (CG), totally or partially migrated in oocytes were significantly lower than in groups NL32 and L32 (16.0 vs. 38.3 and 60.0%; P < 0.05). Consequently, a higher rate of oocytes with non-migrated CGs was found in group L25 than in groups NL32 and L32 (76.0 vs. 46.8 and 33.3%; P < 0.05). In conclusion, even though early weaning at 25 dpp seemed to improve body energy stored in primiparous does, this fact was not well reflected on the ovarian status at 32 dpp, which was similar regardless of weaning time. In the second experiment, two reproductive rhythms were compared. A total of 48 primiparous Californian x New Zealand White rabbit does suckling 8 kits were randomly allocated in two experimental groups: a) lactating does euthanized at early post-partum period (11 dpp) according to a semi-intensive rhythm (n = 24), and b) lactating does euthanized on later post-partum period (25 dpp) according to a more extensive rhythm (n = 24). Live weight, estimated body composition, serum metabolic and endocrine parameters (oestradiol and progesterone concentrations) and ovarian features like follicle population and atresia rate, and oocyte maturation were studied. Live weight, body energy content, lipid depots and serum non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations diminished from parturition time to post-partum period (P < 0.05). In addition, serum protein and glucose concentrations increased along postpartum time (P < 0.05). Similar oestradiol and progesterone levels were shown in rhythms as well as similar follicle population and nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation rates measured as metaphase II and cortical granule migration, respectively in both postpartum times. However, number of preovulatory follicles on the ovarian surface was lower (P < 0.05) and atresia rate tended to be higher with also lower percentage of healthy follicles (P < 0.1) in ovaries of females of extensive group. In conclusion, primiparous non-weaned rabbits does at late post-partum time (25 days), Did no show any improvement regarding body reserves, serum metabolic parameters and oocyte quality; even a slight negative influence has been observed in the development of their ovarian follicles. Thus this reproductive management does not present any advantage compared to earlier post-partum (11 days) reproductive rhythm. In summary, according to the obtained results from these two experiments, we can say that the application of early weaning and the extensive rhythms did not achieve an improvement in the reproductive performance of primiparous does. Thus, it is necessary to conduct more studies about the metabolic status of the primiparous lactating doe to achieve strategies in order to improve it and consequently, to improve the reproductive activity and their productive success.
Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTHs: EC and/or EC, a xyloglucan modifying enzyme, has been proposed to have a role during tomato and apple fruit ripening by loosening the cell wall. Since the ripening of climacteric fruits is controlled by endogenous ethylene biosynthesis, we wanted to study whether XET activity was ethylene-regulated, and if so, which specific genes encoding ripening-regulated XTH genes were indeed ethylene-regulated. XET specific activity in tomato and apple fruits was significantly increased by the ethylene treatment, as compared with the control fruits, suggesting an increase in the XTH gene expression induced by ethylene. The 25 SlXTH protein sequences of tomato and the 11 sequences MdXTH of apple were phylogenetically analyzed and grouped into three major clades. The SlXTHs genes with highest expression during ripening were SlXTH5 and SlXTH8 from Group III-B, and in apple MdXTH2, from Group II, and MdXTH10, and MdXTH11 from Group III-B. Ethylene was involved in the regulation of the expression of different SlXTH and MdXTH genes during ripening. In tomato fruit fifteen different SlXTH genes showed an increase in expression after ethylene treatment, and the SlXTHs that were ripening associated were also ethylene dependent, and belong to Group III-B (SlXTH5 and SlXTH8). In apple fruit, three MdXTH showed an increase in expression after the ethylene treatment and the only MdXTH that was ripening associated and ethylene dependent was MdXTH10 from Group III-B. The results indicate that XTH may play an important role in fruit ripening and a possible relationship between XTHs from Group III-B and fruit ripening, and ethylene regulation is suggested.
The 436-amino acid protein enolase 1 from yeast was degraded in vitro by purified wild-type and mutant yeast 20S proteasome particles. Analysis of the cleavage products at different times revealed a processive degradation mechanism and a length distribution of fragments ranging from 3 to 25 amino acids with an average length of 7 to 8 amino acids. Surprisingly, the average fragment length was very similar between wild-type and mutant 20S proteasomes with reduced numbers of active sites. This implies that the fragment length is not influenced by the distance between the active sites, as previously postulated. A detailed analysis of the cleavages also allowed the identification of certain amino acid characteristics in positions flanking the cleavage site that guide the selection of the P1 residues by the three active β subunits. Because yeast and mammalian proteasomes are highly homologous, similar cleavage motifs might be used by mammalian proteasomes. Therefore, our data provide a basis for predicting proteasomal degradation products from which peptides are sampled by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules for presentation to cytotoxic T cells.
The retinoblastoma protein (Rb) plays a critical role in cell proliferation, differentiation, and development. To decipher the mechanism of Rb function at the molecular level, we have systematically characterized a number of Rb-interacting proteins, among which is the clone C5 described here, which encodes a protein of 1,978 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 230 kDa. The corresponding gene was assigned to chromosome 14q31, the same region where genetic alterations have been associated with several abnormalities of thyroid hormone response. The protein uses two distinct regions to bind Rb and thyroid hormone receptor (TR), respectively, and thus was named Trip230. Trip230 binds to Rb independently of thyroid hormone while it forms a complex with TR in a thyroid hormone-dependent manner. Ectopic expression of the protein Trip230 in cells, but not a mutant form that does not bind to TR, enhances specifically TR-dependent transcriptional activity. Coexpression of wild-type Rb, but not mutant Rb that fails to bind to Trip230, inhibits such activity. These results not only identify a coactivator molecule that modulates TR activity, but also uncover a role for Rb in a pathway that responds to thyroid hormone.
Tangier disease is characterized by low serum high density lipoproteins and a biochemical defect in the cellular efflux of lipids to high density lipoproteins. ABC1, a member of the ATP-binding cassette family, recently has been identified as the defective gene in Tangier disease. We report here the organization of the human ABC1 gene and the identification of a mutation in the ABC1 gene from the original Tangier disease kindred. The organization of the human ABC1 gene is similar to that of the mouse ABC1 gene and other related ABC genes. The ABC1 gene contains 49 exons that range in size from 33 to 249 bp and is over 70 kb in length. Sequence analysis of the ABC1 gene revealed that the proband for Tangier disease was homozygous for a deletion of nucleotides 3283 and 3284 (TC) in exon 22. The deletion results in a frameshift mutation and a premature stop codon starting at nucleotide 3375. The product is predicted to encode a nonfunctional protein of 1,084 aa, which is approximately half the size of the full-length ABC1 protein. The loss of a Mnl1 restriction site, which results from the deletion, was used to establish the genotype of the rest of the kindred. In summary, we report on the genomic organization of the human ABC1 gene and identify a frameshift mutation in the ABC1 gene of the index case of Tangier disease. These results will be useful in the future characterization of the structure and function of the ABC1 gene and the analysis of additional ABC1 mutations in patients with Tangier disease.
Although long-term memory is thought to require a cellular program of gene expression and increased protein synthesis, the identity of proteins critical for associative memory is largely unknown. We used RNA fingerprinting to identify candidate memory-related genes (MRGs), which were up-regulated in the hippocampus of water maze-trained rats, a brain area that is critically involved in spatial learning. Two of the original 10 candidate genes implicated by RNA fingerprinting, the rat homolog of the ryanodine receptor type-2 and glutamate dehydrogenase (EC, were further investigated by Northern blot analysis, reverse transcription–PCR, and in situ hybridization and confirmed as MRGs with distinct temporal and regional expression. Successive RNA screening as illustrated here may help to reveal a spectrum of MRGs as they appear in distinct domains of memory storage.
Many viruses have evolved mechanisms for evading the host immune system by synthesizing proteins that interfere with the normal immune response. The poxviruses are among the most accomplished at deceiving their hosts’ immune systems. The nucleotide sequence of the genome of the human cutaneous poxvirus, molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) type 1, was recently reported to contain a region that resembles a human chemokine. We have cloned and expressed the chemokine-like genes from MCV type 1 and the closely related MCV type 2 to determine a potential role for these proteins in the viral life cycle. In monocyte chemotaxis assays, the viral proteins have no chemotactic activity but both viral proteins block the chemotactic response to the human chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α. Like MIP-1α, both viral proteins also inhibit the growth of human hematopoietic progenitor cells, but the viral proteins are more potent in this activity than the human chemokine. These viral chemokines antagonize the chemotactic activity of human chemokines and have an inhibitory effect on human hematopoietic progenitor cells. We hypothesize that the inhibition of chemotaxis is an immune evasion function of these proteins during molluscum contagiosum virus infection. The significance of hematopoietic progenitor cell inhibition in viral pathogenesis is uncertain.
By using a protein-design algorithm that quantitatively considers side-chain packing, the effect of specific steric constraints on protein design was assessed in the core of the streptococcal protein G β1 domain. The strength of packing constraints used in the design was varied, resulting in core sequences that reflected differing amounts of packing specificity. The structural flexibility and stability of several of the designed proteins were experimentally determined and showed a trend from well-ordered to highly mobile structures as the degree of packing specificity in the design decreased. This trend both demonstrates that the inclusion of specific packing interactions is necessary for the design of native-like proteins and defines a useful range of packing specificity for the design algorithm. In addition, an analysis of the modeled protein structures suggested that penalizing for exposed hydrophobic surface area can improve design performance.
Paraneoplastic opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia (POMA) is a neurologic disorder thought to be mediated by an autoimmune attack against onconeural disease antigens that are expressed by gynecologic or lung tumors and by neurons. One POMA disease antigen, termed Nova-1, has been identified as a neuron-specific KH-type RNA-binding protein. Nova-1 expression is restricted to specific regions of the central nervous system, primarily the hindbrain and ventral spinal cord, which correlate with the predominantly motor symptoms in POMA. However, POMA antisera recognize antigens that are widely expressed in both caudal and rostral regions of the central nervous system, and some patients develop cognitive symptoms. We have used POMA antisera to clone a cDNA encoding a second POMA disease antigen termed Nova-2. Nova-2 is closely related to Nova-1, and is expressed at high levels in neurons during development and in adulthood, and at lower levels in the adult lung. In the postnatal mouse brain, Nova-2 is expressed in a pattern that is largely reciprocal with Nova-1, including high levels of Nova-2 expression in the neocortex and hippocampus. Functional characterization of Nova-2 in RNA selection and nitrocellulose filter-binding assays reveals that Nova-2 binds RNA with high affinity and with sequence specificity that differs from Nova-1. Our results demonstrate that the immune response in POMA targets a family of highly related sequence-specific neuronal RNA-binding proteins. The expression pattern of the Nova-2 protein is likely to underlie the development of cognitive deficits in some POMA patients.
SOCS-1, a member of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family, was identified in a genetic screen for inhibitors of interleukin 6 signal transduction. SOCS-1 transcription is induced by cytokines, and the protein binds and inhibits Janus kinases and reduces cytokine-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 and the gp130 component of the interleukin 6 receptor. Thus, SOCS-1 forms part of a feedback loop that modulates signal transduction from cytokine receptors. To examine the role of SOCS-1 in vivo, we have used gene targeting to generate mice lacking this protein. SOCS-1−/− mice exhibited stunted growth and died before weaning with fatty degeneration of the liver and monocytic infiltration of several organs. In addition, the thymus of SOCS-1−/− mice was reduced markedly in size, and there was a progressive loss of maturing B lymphocytes in the bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. Thus, SOCS-1 is required for in vivo regulation of multiple cell types and is indispensable for normal postnatal growth and survival.
Infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with MLL gene rearrangements is characterized by early pre-B phenotype (CD10−/CD19+) and poor treatment outcome. The t(4;11), creating MLL-AF4 chimeric transcripts, is the predominant 11q23 chromosome translocation in infant ALL and is associated with extremely poor prognosis as compared with other 11q23 translocations. We analyzed an infant early preB ALL with ins(5;11)(q31;q13q23) and identified the AF5q31 gene on chromosome 5q31 as a fusion partner of the MLL gene. The AF5q31 gene, which encoded a protein of 1,163 aa, was located in the vicinity of the cytokine cluster region of chromosome 5q31 and contained at least 16 exons. The AF5q31 gene was expressed in fetal heart, lung, and brain at relatively high levels and fetal liver at a low level, but the expression in these tissues decreased in adults. The AF5q31 protein was homologous to AF4-related proteins, including AF4, LAF4, and FMR2. The AF5q31 and AF4 proteins had three homologous regions, including the transactivation domain of AF4, and the breakpoint of AF5q31 was located within the region homologous to the transactivation domain of AF4. Furthermore, the clinical features of this patient with the MLL-AF5q31 fusion transcript, characterized by the early pre-B phenotype (CD10−/CD19+) and poor outcome, were similar to those of patients having MLL-AF4 chimeric transcripts. These findings suggest that AF5q31 and AF4 might define a new family particularly involved in the pathogenesis of 11q23-associated-ALL.