997 resultados para prose - character - student - 1860-1890s
Individuals need to have completed the VIA Character Strengths Survey prior to this activity as they will need to know their top 5 'signature' Character Strengths. This Excel Spreadsheet can be used to look at the Team Culture and to align team members' top Strengths with 7 key Team Functions
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 1.1 Virtuality 1.2 New Business Models 1.3 Privacy and Personal Security see http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/10709/ for detailed briefs
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 2.1 Privacy and Security Legal overview, 2.2 Creative Commons open source, open movements 2.3 Crime online, Cyber security 2.4 Freedom of Speech and Defamation
Topics Include: 3.1 Cyber-Hate and Online Bullying 3.2 Sustainablilty; 3.3 Green IT - solutions and benefits 3.4 Open and Linked Data
A set of presentations by four different student groups
A set of four different student presentations - Groups P, Q, R and S
The brief guide tells you how to use your smart phone, tablet or laptop to vote in a Turning Point quiz. (Updated for October 2014)
Description of student resource recommendation task which you can choose to submit
Description of student generated content which you can choose to submit
Forms of Student Engagement: development and application of the Southampton post-course research (UKSE) iSurvey for a traditionally taught module
Tuesday 6th May Building 34 room 3001, 16.15-18.00 Presenting: Groups: A, B, C, D Marking Groups: E, F, G, H 16.20 Group A: The online workplace: virtuality 16.40 Group B: Open innovation and novel business practices 17.00Group C: Banter, jokes, freedom of speech and defamation 17.20 Group D: Security and privacy – legal overview