934 resultados para profit margin


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A novel all-optical regeneration technique using loop-mirror intensity-filtering and nonlinear broadening in normal-dispersion fibre is described. The device offers 2R-regeneration function and phase margin improvement. The technique is applied to 40Gbit/s return-to-zero optical data streams.


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This paper analyses the relationship between production subsidies and firms’ export performance using a very comprehensive and recent firm-level database and controlling for the endogeneity of subsidies. It documents robust evidence that production subsidies stimulate export activity at the intensive margin, although this effect is conditional on firm characteristics. In particular, the positive relationship between subsidies and the intensive margin of exports is strongest among profit-making firms, firms in capital-intensive industries, and those located in non-coastal regions. Compared to firm characteristics, the extent of heterogeneity across ownership structure (SOEs, collectives, and privately owned firms) proves to be relatively less important.


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The aim of this paper is to illustrate the measurement of productive efficiency using Nerlovian indicator and metafrontier with data envelopment analysis techniques. Further, we illustrate how profit efficiency of firms operating in different regions can be aggregated into one overarching frontier. Sugarcane production in three regions in Kenya has been used to illustrate these concepts. Results show that the sources of inefficiency in all regions are both technical and allocative, but allocative efficiency contributes more to the overall Nerlovian (in)efficiency indicator. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Although crisp data are fundamentally indispensable for determining the profit Malmquist productivity index (MPI), the observed values in real-world problems are often imprecise or vague. These imprecise or vague data can be suitably characterized with fuzzy and interval methods. In this paper, we reformulate the conventional profit MPI problem as an imprecise data envelopment analysis (DEA) problem, and propose two novel methods for measuring the overall profit MPI when the inputs, outputs, and price vectors are fuzzy or vary in intervals. We develop a fuzzy version of the conventional MPI model by using a ranking method, and solve the model with a commercial off-the-shelf DEA software package. In addition, we define an interval for the overall profit MPI of each decision-making unit (DMU) and divide the DMUs into six groups according to the intervals obtained for their overall profit efficiency and MPIs. We also present two numerical examples to demonstrate the applicability of the two proposed models and exhibit the efficacy of the procedures and algorithms. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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A novel all-optical regeneration technique using loop-mirror intensity-filtering and nonlinear broadening in normal-dispersion fibre is described. The device offers 2R-regeneration function and phase margin improvement. The technique is applied to 40Gbit/s return-to-zero optical data streams.


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Today's market conditions require nonprofit leaders to act in an increasingly business-like fashion. This study asks whether NPO leaders have a similar disposition to act entrepreneurially as for-profit entrepreneurs, but hold different underlying motives. For this purpose, the study contrasts a sample of 72 leaders of nonprofit organizations with 117 entrepreneurs on their personality traits and explicit motives using standard personality tests and interviews. Both groups exhibit similar general and entrepreneurship-specific personality traits but differ significantly regarding their motivation. While nonprofit leaders' motivation stems primarily from the meaningfulness of their work; entrepreneurs are mainly motivated by the independence as well as by the income and profit provided by their work. This paper helps us understand who leaders of nonprofit organizations are.


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This paper aims to analyse the impact of regulation in the financial performance of the Water and Sewerage companies (WaSCs) in England and Wales over the period 1991–2008. In doing so, a panel index approach is applied across WaSCs over time to decompose unit-specific index number-based profitability growth as a function of the profitability, productivity and price performance growth achieved by benchmark firms, and the catch up to the benchmark firm achieved by less productive firms. The results indicated that after 2000 there is a steady decline in average price performance, while productivity improves resulting in a relatively stable economic profitability. It is suggested that the English and Welsh water regulator is now more focused on passing productivity benefits to consumers, and maintaining stable profitability than it was in earlier regulatory periods. This technique is of great interest for regulators to evaluate the effectiveness of regulation and companies to identify the determinants of profit change and improve future performance, even if sample sizes are limited.


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A nagy német filozófus, Martin Heidegger szerint a modern technológia sodorja végveszélybe az emberi és természeti létezést. A modern technológia ökológiai és etikai veszélyessége kétségtelen, azonban csak a modern vállalati működés segítségével fejti ki a hatásait. A profit-hajszoló modern vállalatok azok, amelyek veszélyeztetik a természeti ökoszisztémák integritását és biológiai sokféleségét, a helyi közösségek autonómiáját és kultúráját, valamint a jövő generációk életesélyeit. A tanulmányban a profit-maximalizálás kritikáját vázoljuk fel, és a gazdasági racionalitás egy átfogó, ökológiai és etikai értelmezését adjuk. Nem a profit eltörléséről van szó, hanem a kíméletlen profit-hajszolás megregulázásáról. A profit a gazdasági cselekvés jogos és természetes gyümölcse, ha az azt létrehozó tevékenység fenntartható és etikus módon megy végbe.


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A tanulmány azt a kérdést vizsgálja egy duopólium modellben, hogy egy termelőnek érdemes-e lényegében ugyanazt a terméket több formában, differenciáltan piacra dobnia. A modell ebben a csupasz formájában csak igen korlátozott mértékben épít a játékosok közti interakciókra, egy egyszer˝u szimultán döntési folyamatot ábrázol, azt is statikus környezetben. Az elemzés azt mutatja, hogy a keresleti paraméterek bizonyos értékei mellett még akkor is érdemes új, az eddigiektől eltérő tulajdonságú, differenciált termék piacra vitele, ha annak ára nem tér el a már korábban bevezetett terméktől, és így annál önmagában nem tekinthet˝o nagyobb nyereséget biztosítónak. Az a tény, hogy egy vállalat több differenciált termékvariánst árusít, arra vezet, hogy a korábbi egyensúlyi helyzethez képest kedvezőbb pozícióba kerül, mint a versenytársa.


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A vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalás (CSR – corporate social responsibility) fogalma és menedzsmenteszköztára nem ismeretlen a hazai gazdasági életben, díjak, konferenciák, felmérések kapcsolódnak hozzá évről évre. A szerző dolgozatában először röviden elemzi a vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalás elméleti megközelítéseiben a menedzserek szerepét kiemelő irányokat, majd a felelősségvállalás tartalmára vonatkozóan címszavakban bemutat néhány meghatározó elképzelést, amelyek a vizsgálati kérdések alapjait is adják. Ezt követi a kutatási eredmények bemutatása, majd a további kutatási lehetőségeket is tartalmazó konklúzió.


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The National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) is the examination that all graduates of nursing education programs must pass to attain the title of registered nurse. Currently the NCLEX-RN passing rate is at an all-time low (81%) for first-time test takers (NCSBN, 2004); amidst a nationwide shortage of registered nurses (Glabman, 2001). Because of the critical need to supply greater numbers of professional nurses, and the potential accreditation ramifications that low NCLEX-RN passing rates can have on schools of nursing and graduates, this research study tests the effectiveness of a predictor model. This model is based upon the theoretical framework of McClusky's (1959) theory of margin (ToM), with the hope that students found to be at-risk for NCLEX-RN failure can be identified and remediated prior to taking the actual licensure examination. To date no theory based predictor model has been identified that predicts success on the NCLEX-RN. ^ The model was tested using prerequisite course grades, nursing course grades and scores on standardized examinations for the 2003 associate degree nursing graduates at a urban community college (N = 235). Success was determined through the reporting of pass on the NCLEX-RN examination by the Florida Board of Nursing. Point biserial correlations tested model assumptions regarding variable relationships, while logistic regression was used to test the model's predictive power. ^ Correlations among variables were significant and the model accounted for 66% of variance in graduates' success on the NCLEX-RN with 98% prediction accuracy. Although certain prerequisite course grades and nursing course grades were found to be significant to NCLEX-RN success, the overall model was found to be most predictive at the conclusion of the academic program of study. The inclusion of the RN Assessment Examination, taken during the final semester of course work, was the most significant predictor of NCLEX-RN success. Success on the NCLEX-RN allows graduates to work as registered nurses, reflects positively on a school's academic performance record, and supports the appropriateness of the educational program's goals and objectives. The study's findings support potential other uses of McClusky's theory of margin as a predictor of program outcome in other venues of adult education. ^


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An increasing number of students are selecting for-profit universities to pursue their education (Snyder, Tan & Hoffman, 2006). Despite this trend, little empirical research attention has focused on these institutions, and the literature that exists has been classified as rudimentary in nature (Tierney & Hentschke, 2007). The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that differentiated students who persisted beyond the first session at a for-profit university. A mixed methods research design consisting of three strands was utilized. Utilizing the College Student Inventory, student’s self-reported perceptions of what their college experience would be like was collected during strand 1. The second strand of the study utilized a survey design focusing on the beliefs that guided participants’ decisions to attend college. Discriminant analysis was utilized to determine what factors differentiated students who persisted from those who did not. A purposeful sample and semi-structured interview guide was used during the third strand. Data from this strand were analyzed thematically. Students’ self-reported dropout proneness, predicted academic difficulty, attitudes toward educators, sense of financial security, verbal confidence, gender and number of hours worked while enrolled in school differentiated students who persisted in their studies from those who dropped out. Several themes emerged from the interview data collected. Participants noted that financial concerns, how they would balance the demands of college with the demands of their lives, and a lack of knowledge about how colleges operate were barriers to persistence faced by students. College staff and faculty support were reported to be the most significant supports reported by those interviewed. Implications for future research studies and practice are included in this study.