906 resultados para processamento de ração


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An oscillatory flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in an elastic tube of variable cross section has been investigated at low Reynolds number. The equations governing, the flow are derived under the assumption that the variation of the cross-section is slow in the axial direction for a tethered tube. The problem is then reduced to that of solving for the excess pressure from a second order ordinary differential equation with complex valued Bessel functions as the coefficients. This equation has been solved numerically for geometries of physiological interest and a comparison is made with some of the known theoretical and experimental results.


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Methanol adsorbs molecularly on the surfaces of Cu–Pd alloys at low temperatures and transforms to CH3O or CO on warming, depending upon the alloy composition. On oxygen presorbed Cu–Pd alloy surfaces, adsorption of methanol gives rise to H2O and H2CO. CH3OH adsorbed molecularly on the surfaces of Cu–Au alloys and CH3O is formed only at relatively high temperatures.


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We study the tunneling density of states (TDOS) for a junction of three Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid wires. We show that there are fixed points which allow for the enhancement of the TDOS, which is unusual for Luttinger liquids. The distance from the junction over which this enhancement occurs is of the order of x=v/(2 omega), where v is the plasmon velocity and omega is the bias frequency. Beyond this distance, the TDOS crosses over to the standard bulk value independent of the fixed point describing the junction. This finite range of distances opens up the possibility of experimentally probing the enhancement in each wire individually.


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For systems which can be decomposed into slow and fast subsystems, a near optimum linear state regulator consisting of two subsystem regulators can be developed. Depending upon the desired criteria, either a short term (fast controller) or a long term controller (slow controller) can be easily designed with minimum computational costs. Using this approach an example of a power system supplying a cyclic load is studied and the performance of the different controllers are compared.


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The nucleic acid binding properties of the testis protein, TP, were studied with the help of physical techniques, namely, fluorescence quenching, UV difference absorption spectroscopy, and thermal melting. Results of quenching of tyrosine fluorescence of TP upon its binding to double-stranded and denatured rat liver nucleosome core DNA and poly(rA) suggest that the tyrosine residues of TP interact/intercalate with the bases of these nucleic acids. From the fluorescence quenching data, obtained at 50 mM NaCl concentration, the apparent association constants for binding of TP to native and denatured DNA and poly(rA) were calculated to be 4.4 X 10(3) M-1, 2.86 X 10(4) M-1, and 8.5 X 10(4) M-1, respectively. UV difference absorption spectra upon TP binding to poly(rA) and rat liver core DNA showed a TP-induced hyperchromicity at 260 nm which is suggestive of local melting of poly(rA) and DNA. The results from thermal melting studies of binding of TP to calf thymus DNA at 1 mM NaCl as well as 50 mM NaCl showed that although at 1 mM NaCl TP brings about a slight stabilization of the DNA against thermal melting, a destabilization of the DNA was observed at 50 mM NaCl. From these results it is concluded that TP, having a higher affinity for single-stranded nucleic acids, destabilizes double- stranded DNA, thus behaving like a DNA-melting protein.


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Although the applications of Auger electron spectroscopy in surface analysis have by far outweighed its use as a tool to investigate electron states of solids and surfaces, there are a variety of situations where Auger spectroscopy provides unique information. Apart from the chemical shifts, Auger intensities are useful in determining the number of d-electron states in transition metal systems. Auger spectroscopy is a good probe to investigate the surface oxidation of metals. In addition to the intra-atomic Auger transitions, inter-atomic transitions observed in oxides and other systems reveal the nature of electron states of surfaces. Charge-transfer and hybridization effects in alloys are also usefully studied by Auger spectroscopy. Auger electron spectroscopy has not been a popular technique to investigate adsorption of molecules on surfaces, but the technique is useful to obtain fingerprints of surface species.


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The steady flow of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid between two parallel, infinite, insulated disks rotating with different angular velocities about two noncoincident axes has been investigated; under the application of a uniform magnetic field in the axial direction. The solutions for the symmetric and asymmetric velocities are presented. The interesting feature arising due to the magnetic field is that in the central region the flow attains a uniform rotation with mean angular velocity at all rotation speeds for sufficiently large Hartmann number. In this case the flow adjusts to the rotational velocities of the disks mainly in the boundary layers near the disks. The forces on the disks are found to increase due to the presence of the applied magnetic field.


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The fatigue and fracture performance of a cracked plate can be substantially improved by providing patches as reinforcements. The effectiveness of the patches is related to the reduction they cause in the stress intensity factor (SIF) of the crack. So, for reliable design, one needs an accurate evaluation of the SIF in terms of the crack, patch and adhesive parameters. In this investigation, a centrally cracked large plate with a pair of symmetric bonded narrow patches, oriented normally to the crack line, is analysed by a continuum approach. The narrow patches are treated as transversely flexible line members. The formulation leads to an integral equation which is solved numerically using point collocation. The convergence is rapid. It is found that substantial reductions in SIF are possible with practicable patch dimensions and locations. The patch is more effective when placed on the crack than ahead of the crack. The present analysis indicates that a little distance inwards of the crack tip, not the crack tip itself, is the ideal location, for the patch.


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The structural integrity of any member subjected to a load gets impaired due to the presence of cracks or crack-like defects. The notch severity is one of the several parameters that promotes the brittle fracture. The most severe one is an ideal crack with infinitesimal width and infinitesimal or zero root radius. Though analytical investigations can handle an ideal crack, experimental work, either to validate the analytical conclusions or to impose the bounds, needs to be carried out on models or specimens containing the cracks which are far from the ideal ones. Thus instead of an ideal crack with infinitesimal width the actual model will have a slot or a slit of finite width and instead of a crack ending in zero root radius, the model contains a slot having a finite root radius. Another factor of great significance at the root is the notch angle along which the transition from the slot to the root takes place. This paper is concerned with the photoelastic determination of the notch stress intensity factor in the case of a “crack” subjected to Mode 1 deformation.


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Oscillatory flow in a tube of slowly varying cross section is investigated in the presence of a uniform magnetic field in the axial direction. A perturbation solution including steady streaming is presented. The pressure and shear stress on the wall for various parameters governing the flow are discussed. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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EELS and XPS studies show the presence of both adsorbed atomic and molecular oxygen at low temperatures. The nature of the oxide layer formed on the surface has been characterized by angular dependent and variable temperature EELS. A loss peak around 550 cm−1 is assigned to an electronic transition.


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The use of the photoacoustic effect in the investigation of first- and second-order phase transitions has been examined. Changes in the amplitude of the photoacoustic signal across the phase transition are compared with changes in thermal properties such as specific heat and thermal diffusivity. The systemsstudied include NaN02, TlN03, CsN03, NH4N03, BaTiO,, COO, Cu,HgI,, V02 andV305. The current photoacoustic studies are discussed in the light of the theoretical models available.


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D.C. conductivity behaviour of a variety of chalcogenide glasses have been analysed using ln σ vs Image plots as suggested in the multiphonon assisted polaron hopping model of Triberis and Friedman. The agreement with the model is very satisfactory and further analysis of the model using c.


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EELS studies provide definitive evidence for the hydroxylation of oxygen-covered Cu(110) and Zn(0001) surfaces on interaction with proton donor molecules such as H2O, CH3OH, HCOOH, NH3 and (CH3)2NH. The occurrence of surface hydroxylation is unambigouusly shown by a study of the interaction of H2S and HCl with an oxygen covered Cu(110) surface.


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Sheep liver 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase was subjected to specific chemical modification with phenylglyoxal, diethyl pyrocarbonate and N-bromosuccinimide. The second-order rate constants for inactivation were calculated to be 54 M-1 X min-1, 103 M-1 X min-1 and 154 M-1 X min-1 respectively. This inactivation could be prevented by incubation with substrates or products, suggesting that the residues modified, namely arginine, histidine and tryptophan, are essential for enzyme activity.