889 resultados para presentation frameworks
This paper will present a brief history and work of Pro-Literacy and identify the aspects that serve as a model for other volunteer organizations. Pro- Literacy is an adult literacy program that has been successful in sustaining growth and promoting literacy nationally.
Financial innovations have emerged globally to close the gap between the rising global demand for infrastructures and the availability of financing sources offered by traditional financing mechanisms such as fuel taxation, tax-exempt bonds, and federal and state funds. The key to sustainable innovative financing mechanisms is effective policymaking. This paper discusses the theoretical framework of a research study whose objective is to structurally and systemically assess financial innovations in global infrastructures. The research aims to create analysis frameworks, taxonomies and constructs, and simulation models pertaining to the dynamics of the innovation process to be used in policy analysis. Structural assessment of innovative financing focuses on the typologies and loci of innovations and evaluates the performance of different types of innovative financing mechanisms. Systemic analysis of innovative financing explores the determinants of the innovation process using the System of Innovation approach. The final deliverables of the research include propositions pertaining to the constituents of System of Innovation for infrastructure finance which include the players, institutions, activities, and networks. These static constructs are used to develop a hybrid Agent-Based/System Dynamics simulation model to derive propositions regarding the emergent dynamics of the system. The initial outcomes of the research study are presented in this paper and include: (a) an archetype for mapping innovative financing mechanisms, (b) a System of Systems-based analysis framework to identify the dimensions of Systems of Innovation analyses, and (c) initial observations regarding the players, institutions, activities, and networks of the System of Innovation in the context of the U.S. transportation infrastructure financing.
Eighty-four young and 84 older men and women participants, read scenarios in which a male or female target uses either a self-enhancement or a self-deprecation tactic to present him/herself in front of either a close friend or a new acquaintance. Then participants i.e., perceivers) rated their impressions of the self-enhancing or self-deprecating target on six scales: likable, self-knowledgeable, honest, depressed, happy, and anxious. Overall, both young and old perceivers gave more favorable ratings to self-enhancing targets than to self-deprecating targets. Both young and old perceivers' impressions did not differ for a target who presented him/herself in front of a friend or in front of an acquaintance. Also, perceivers completed Singelis' (1994) Self-Construal Measurement, which measures both interdependent and independent self-construals. As predicted, older perceivers had a higher level of interdependent self-construal than did young perceivers. Unexpectedly, female perceivers had a higher level of independent self-construal than did male perceivers. Neither the age-related nor gender-related differences in self-construals were associated with any age-related or gender-related differences in perceivers' impressions of the self-enhancing and self-deprecating targets. That is, the moderator effects of self-construals on the relationships between self-presentation tactic conditions and ratings of targets were not-significant. ^
This flyer promotes the event " ¡Oh Cuba Hermosa! El cancionero político social en Cuba hasta 1958, Book presentation by Cristóbal Díaz Ayala" cosponsored by FIU Libraries. This event was held at Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "A Conversation on the Economics of Transition in Cuba, Presentation by Jan švejnar, Columbia University with economists Jorge Salazar-Carrillo and Rolando Castaneda", sponsored by the Knight Foundation and co-sponsored by FlU's Cuban Research Institute.
This flyer promotes the event "Cuba in Splinters: Eleven Stories from the New Cuba, Book Presentation by Editor Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo" held at Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "El Vedado: History of a Havana Neighborhood Book Presentation by Concepcion Otero".
This flyer promotes the event "Cartas a mi hermana en La Habana : Book Presentation by Mercedes Sarduy " sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University. The event was held and Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "Otras mitologías (Other Mythologies) and Catch and Release : Book Presentation by Author Reina María Rodríguez" cosponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs and the Department of Modern Languages and Florida International University. The event was held and Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "Cuba: La revolución que no fue (Cuba: The Revolution That Wasn't) : Book Presentation by Author Emilio Guede" cosponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs and the Department of Modern Languages and Florida International University. The event was held and Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "A Dispersed People: Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Cuban Diaspora, Book Presentation with Volume Editor Jorge Duany, comments by Lillian Manzor" sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University. This event was held at Books and Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "Cartografía corporal, Book Presentation by Lillian Guerra, comments by Madeline Cámara Betancourt" sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University. The event was held and Books & Books in Coral Gables.