987 resultados para polystyrene sulfonate


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Objetivando-se avaliar o desempenho de dois genótipos de soja-hortaliça de ciclo precoce [Glycine max (L.) Merril], em diferentes densidades, foi instalado um ensaio, em área experimental do Setor de Olericultura e Plantas Aromático-Medicinais, pertencente ao Departamento de Produção Vegetal, nas dependências da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV-UNESP), Campus de Jaboticabal-SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de parcelas subdivididas, adotando-se nas parcelas os genótipos e nas subparcelas as densidades, com quatro repetições por tratamento. Cada parcela experimental foi constituída por quatro linhas de 4,5m de plantio, com densidades de 20, 10 e 7 plantas por metro e 0,60m nas entrelinhas, sendo consideradas para avaliação 20 plantas por parcela, das duas linhas centrais. As sementes foram semeadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido de 128 células, contendo substrato Plantmax Hortaliças®. O transplantio ocorreu dez dias após a semeadura, em solo devidamente preparado, conforme recomendações para a cultura. A colheita foi realizada quando os legumes estavam em estádio reprodutivo R6. Avaliaram-se os genótipos JLM010 e CNPSOI quanto às características: número médio de legumes por planta, número médio de sementes por legume, massa fresca de 100 sementes e produtividade estimada de grãos imaturos. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que o genótipo JLM010 é o mais recomendado e deve ser plantado na densidade de 7 plantas por metro.


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Objective: To evaluate the influence of different cross-head speeds on shear bond strength test on the dentin surface.Methods: One hundred and twenty extracted bovine incisors were embedded in polystyrene resin. The specimens were prepared by wet grinding with 320-, 400- and 600-grit Al2O3 paper exposing dentin. After the application of the adhesive system Single Bond (3M) to etched dentin, the composite resin Z-100 (3M) was applied and light cured. The specimens were randomly assigned to four groups (n = 30). The shear bond strength tests were performed with an EMIC DL 500 universal testing machine at four different cross-head speeds: 0.50 (A); 0.75 (B); 1.00 (C); and 5.00 mm/min (D).Results: the mean values of shear bond strength in MPa (SD) were: A, 11.78 (3.91); B, 11.82 (4.78); C, 16.32 (6.45); D, 15.46 (5.94). The data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). The results indicated that A = B < C = D. The fracture pattern was evaluated by visual analysis in a stereomicroscope (25 x). The percentage of fractures that occurred at the adhesive interface were: A, 92.5%; B, 91.6%; C, 70.0%; D, 47.0%. The Student's t-test to percentages ( = 0.05) indicated that there were no significant differences among A, B and C; A and B differed from D, and there was no significant difference between C and D.Significance: Different cross-head speeds may influence the shear bond strength and the fracture pattern in dentin substrate. Shear bond strength using cross-head speeds of 0.50 and 0.75 mm/min should be preferred. (C) 2001 Academy of Dental Materials. published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mushroom Agaricus blazei has been extensively investigated because of evidence of its antimutagenic, antitumor, and anticarcinogenic activities. This study investigated the clastogenic and/or anticlastogenic activity of aqueous extract of Agaricus blazei (10% w/v) in drug-metabolizing rat hepatoma tissue cells (HTCs), with continuous treatment and treatment during different phases of the cell cycle. DNA damage was induced utilizing two directacting agents-methyl methane sulfonate and ethyl methane sulfonate-and two indirect-acting agents-2-aminoanthracene and cyclophosphamide. The aqueous extract of A. blazei with either continuous treatment or treatment during different phases of the cell cycle showed clastogenic activity. The results with continuous treatment showed that A. blazei does not protect against DNA damage-inducing agents that are direct acting. Meanwhile, when combined with indirect-acting agents, a protective effect was demonstrated. A protective effect was also found during different phases of the cell cycle when cells were treated with indirect-acting agents. The protective effects against indirect-acting agents (continuous treatment and during the different phases of the cell cycle) suggest that A. blazei may provide some health benefits to the public when used as a functional food.


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Synthesis and X-ray structure of a dinuclear platinum(II) complex with the ligand saccharin(sac) are described. The structure shows two approximately square-planar platinum centers. Each platinum atom is coordinated to one water molecule and three N-bonded saccharinate ligands. The two centers are linked through two potassium atoms. Each potassium atom interacts with six oxygen atoms from hydration and coordinated water molecules and from carbonyl and sulfonate groups of the ligands. It is suggested that, in aqueous solution, the dimeric structure of the complex is dissociated and the monomeric species K[Pt(sac)(3)(H2O)] is formed. The complex was dissolved in water and submitted to in vitro cytotoxic analyses using HeLa cells (human cervix cancer). It was shown that the monomeric complex elicited a potent cytotoxic activity when compared to the vehicle-treated cells. The IC50 value for the monomeric complex is 6.8 mu M, a little bit higher than that obtained for cisplatin. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different substrata on the development of stem cuttings of Lippia alba made of limonene-carvone chemotype. The experiment was done in the College of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in 2000. The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays consisting of 72 cells. The cuttings had about 0.20 m of length and were put in the following substrata:Fine sand (T1), commercial substratum (T2), carbonised rice peel and local soil (T3), local soil, cow manure and carbonised rice peel (T4), vermiculite (T5), and carbonised rice peel (T6). After 40 days the development of stem cuttings were evaluated. High rate of rooting of stem cuttings was verified, with average of 95 10 and no significant difference between the treatments. In relation to dry mass of aerial parts and dry mass of roots, significant differences were found. For dry mass production of aerial parts the commercial substratum (T2) and the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) were optimal. For mass of roots the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) proved to be the best.


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Agaricus blazei Murrill ss. Heinem, known as the sun mushroom or himematsutake, is a basidiomycete native to Brazil, which is popular for its medicinal properties. The aim of this study was to test hexane extracts (one fraction and its four sub-fractions) of A. blazei for bioactivity in cultured mammalian cells (CHO-K1). The comet assay, the colony forming assay (CFA) and CHO/HGPRT gene mutation assay were used respectively to determine genotoxicity, cytotoxicity and antimutagenicity of these extracts at different concentrations. The cells were incubated in culture medium and treated for 3 h according to the standard protocol for each assay. The DNA damage-inducing agent ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) was utilized as the positive control and also in combination with extracts to test for a protective effect. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test. A relationship between cytotoxicity and genotoxicity could be established and two extracts EH6B and EH6D showed a protective tendency, while the others did not, with the primary extract EH6 causing the most substantial damage to genetic material. These findings warrant more in-depth studies of the active principles of this mushroom. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work, siloxane-poly(propylene oxide) discs (PPO disc) prepared using the sol-gel process were used as solid phase in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the detection of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies. The HCV RNA from serum (genotype 1b) was submitted to the RT-PCR technique and subsequent amplification of the HCV core 408 pb. This fragment was cloned into expression vector pET42a and expressed in Escherichia coli as recombinant protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST). Cell cultures were grown and induced having a final concentration of 0.4 x 10(-3) mol L-1 of IPTG. After induction, the cells were harvested and the soluble fraction was analyzed using polyacrilamide gel 15% showing a band with an approximate molecular weight of 44 kDa, the expected size for this GST-fused recombinant protein. The recombinant protein was purified and continued by immunological detection using HCV-positive serum and showed no cross-reactivity with positive samples for other infectious diseases. An ELISA was established using 1.25 ng of recombinant protein per PPO disc, a dilution of 1: 10,000 and 1:40 for a peroxidase conjugate and serum, respectively, and solutions of hydrogen peroxide and 3,3',5,5'-tetra-methylbenzidine in a ratio of 1: 1. The proposed methodology was compared with the ELISA conventional polystyrene-plate procedure and the performance of the PPO discs as a matrix for immunodetection gave an easy synthesis, good performance and reproducibility for commercial application. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The production of minimally processed fruit has increased significantly in the last few years due to the high nutritional value, convenience and safety of minimally processed fruit. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the conservation temperature and processing conditions on the quality and shelf-life of minimally processed peaches. The processing procedure consisted of washing, sanitization, peeling and stone removal. To remove the stone, the fruit was cut longitudinally, and three types of products were obtained, including halves, quarters and one-eighth segments. The fruit pieces were immersed in 2% ascorbic acid for 3 min and were packed in rigid polystyrene trays (Meiwa (c) M-54) coated with 14 mu m PVC film (Omnifilm (TM)) (about 200 g per pack). The pieces were stored at 65% RH at 3, 6 or 9 degrees C for 12 days, and were evaluated every four days. The appearance, fresh mass loss, color, O-2 and CO2 concentration, acidity, total soluble solids, total and soluble pectin content and ascorbic acid concentration were measured. Minimally processed peaches stored at 3 degrees C maintained higher quality due to control of ripening and senescence Moreover, an interaction effect between one-eighth segments and a temperature of 3 degrees C was observed, and fruit with a superior appearance and higher soluble solids content was obtained.


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Biofilm formation is considered an advantage for Staphylococcus aureus mastitis isolates, facilitating bacterial persistence in the udder. It requires attachment to mammary epithelium, proliferation and accumulation of cells in multilayers and enclosing in a polymeric matrix known as exopolysaccharide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis for formation of biofilms. A total of 94 Staphylococcus aureus strains obtained from milk samples of cows suffering from subclinical mastitis in dairy herds on two properties in the state of São Paulo were evaluated. These strains were characterized by in vitro biofilm formation, and by the presence of icaA and icaD genes which are responsible for intercellular adhesion. The results revealed that 98.9% of the isolates produced biofilm in vitro by adherence in sterile 96-well "U" bottom polystyrene tissue culture plates; 95.7% of the isolates possessed the icaA and icaD genes. These bacterial isolates biofilm producers may impair eradication of chronic mastitis, rendering antibiotherapy less effective. The detection of biofilm forming ability in mastitis isolates may provide useful information for more adequate therapeutic regimen and for preventive actions in the control of those bacterial isolates in bovine herds.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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2-Mercaptobenzothiazole loaded on previously polystyrene treated clay was prepared, characterized and used for sorption and preconcentration of Hg(II) Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) from an aqueous solution. The support used was a natural clay previously treated with sulphuric acid solution. Adsorptiou isotherms of metal ions from aqueous solutions as function of pH were studied at 298 K. Conditions for quantitative retention and elution were established for each metal by batch and column methods. The chemically treated clay was very selective to Hg(II) in solution in which Zn(II), Cd(II), Pb(II) and some transition metal ions were also present.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different substrata on the development of stem cuttings of Lippia alba made of limonene-carvone chemotype. The experiment was done in the College of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in 2000. The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays consisting of 72 cells. The cuttings had about 0.20 m of length and were put in the following substrata: Fine sand (T1), commercial substratum (T2), carbonised rice peel and local soil (T3), local soil, cow manure and carbonised rice peel (T4), vermiculite (T5), and carbonised rice peel (T6). After 40 days the development of stem cuttings were evaluated. High rate of rooting of stem cuttings was verified, with average of 95% and no significant difference between the treatments. In relation to dry mass of aerial parts and dry mass of roots, significant differences were found. For dry mass production of aerial parts the commercial substratum (T2) and the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) were optimal. For mass of roots the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) proved to be the best.


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Two colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were studied regarding their behavior during cultivation of the fungus garden to determine a) the existence of post-selection of foraged material by the workers, and b) if present, the mechanism of this discrimination and how this material is returned. Many studies on plant processing by leaf-cutting ants have been carried out, but none of them has investigated the decision-making process of workers in the case of erroneous food selection. For this purpose, material with different degrees of moisture and hardness (floral sponge, polystyrene, plastic and clay) were individually offered to the colonies and the tasks performed by the different size categories were carefully recorded. Three tasks, i.e., foraging, cultivation of the fungus garden and return of the foraged material, were studied and subdivided into 14 subtasks. Analysis of all inert materials as a whole showed the presence of post-selection of foraged material through the return of material inadequate for the workers and the fungus. Discrimination of the inert material was observed at the time of shredding, probably based on parameters such as physical resistance to cutting and moisture content. A. s. brunneus workers showed flexibility in their activities during substrate processing. The observed post-selection of foraged material provides strong evidence for the cognitive abilities of worker ants and of the colony as a whole. Polymorphism and a complex society represent vital characteristics for the ecological success of this species.