973 resultados para pediatric orthopedic surgery


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Background and Objectives - Sevoflurane is an inhalational anesthetic drug with low blood/gas solubility providing fast anesthesia induction and emergence. Its ability to maintain cardiovascular stability makes it ideal for pediatric anesthesia. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemodynamic stability, consumption of inhalational anesthetics and emergence time in children with and without premedication (midazolam or clonidine) anesthetized with sevoflurane titrated according to BIS monitoring. Methods - Participated in this study 30 patients aged 2 to 12 years, physical status ASA I, undergoing elective surgeries who were divided into 3 groups: G1 - without premedication, G2 - 0.5 mg.kg-1 oral midazolam, G3 - 4 μg.kg-1 oral clonidine 60 minutes before surgery. All patients received 30 μg.kg-1 alfentanil, 3 mg.kg-1 propofol, 0.5 mg.kg-1 atracurium, sevoflurane in different concentrations monitored by BIS (values close to 60) and N2O in a non rebreathing system. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, expired sevoflurane concentration (EC), sevoflurane consumption (ml.min-1) and emergence time were evaluated. Emergence time was defined as time elapsed between the end of anesthesia and patients' spontaneous movements trying to extubate themselves, crying and opening eyes and mouth. Results - There were no differences among groups as to systolic and diastolic blood pressure, EC, sevoflurane consumption and emergence time. Heart rate was lower in G3 group. Conclusions - Sevoflurane has provided hemodynamic stability. Premedication with clonidine and midazolam did not influence emergence time, inhaled anesthetic consumption or maintenance of anesthesia with sevoflurane. Anesthesia duration has also not influenced emergence time. Hypnosis monitoring was important for balancing anesthetic levels and this might have been responsible for the similarity of emergence times for all studied groups.


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The purpose of the present study was to emphasize the technique of micro-marsupialization as an alternative for the treatment of mucus retention phenomena. Out of 41 patients, 14 were selected for treatment by the micro-marsupialization technique on the basis of clinical criteria. Patient age ranged from 5-9 years. The technique was performed as follows: the area was disinfected with 0.1% iodine; a topical anesthetic was applied to cover the entire lesion for approximately 3 min; a 4.0 silk suture was passed through the internal part of the lesion along its widest diameter; and a surgical knot was made. Of the original 14 patients treated by the micro-marsupialization technique, 12 presented full regression one week after treatment. Recurrence occurred in two cases. It was possible to conclude that the micro-marsupialization technique is an alternative to be considered, especially in pediatric dentistry.


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The purpose of this in vivo study was to evaluate the clinical performance of a posterior composite resin TRH (Caulk Dentisply) in class I restorations in primary molars. A total of 30 children aged 5 to 8 years old with 49 class I dental lesions in primary molars participated in the study. The cavity preparations involved removal of carious lesion only and the enamel margins were beveled. The results showed after 30 months that, 82% (32/39) of Alfa ratings and 18% (7/39) of Bravo ratings. We concluded that the composite resin TP-H could be used in conservative restorations in primary molars, particularly in the late mixed dentition.


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The present report describes the occurrence of mucocele in the lower lip of an 11 month-old baby. The treatment instituted was the excision of the lesion. Microscopic examination confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. Three months after surgery, no sign of recurrence was observed.


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Study Objectives: To evaluate the effects of intraoperative skin-surface warming with and without 1 hour of preoperative warming, in preventing intraoperative hypothermia, and postoperative hypothermia, and shivering, and in offering good conditions to early tracheal extubation. Design: Prospective, randomized, blind study. Setting: Teaching hospital. Patients: 30 ASA physical status I and II female patients scheduled for elective abdominal surgery. Interventions: Patients received standard general anesthesia. In 10 patients, no special precautions were taken to avoid hypothermia. Ten patients were submitted to preoperative and intraoperative active warming. Ten patients were only warmed intraoperatively. Measurements and Main Results: Temperatures were recorded at 15-minute intervals. The patients who were warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively had core temperatures significantly more elevated than the other patients during the first two hours of anesthesia. All patients warmed intraoperatively were normothermic only at the end of the surgery. The majority of the patients warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively or intraoperatively only were extubated early, and none had shivering. In contrast, five unwarmed patients shivered. Conclusions: One hour of preoperative warning combined with intraoperative skin-surface warming, not simply intraoperative warming alone, avoided hypothermia caused by general anesthesia during the first two hours of surgery. Both methods prevented postoperative hypothermia and shivering and offered good conditions for early tracheal extubation. © 2003 by Elsevier B.V.


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The present report describes the management of a radicular cyst in a 5-year-old child. The treatment comprised extraction of the primary teeth involved followed by marsupialization. A removable appliance with a resin extension penetrating into the cystic cavity was used to help decompress the lesion. This treatment allowed rapid healing of the lesion and eruption of the permanent incisors without the need for orthodontic treatment.


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Objective: To review the literature on inhaled nitric oxide and to describe its main clinical applications in pediatrics. Sources of data: A 10 year literature review with selection of the most important publications on inhaled nitric oxide, using the Medline and Cochrane Systematic Review databases. Summary of the findings: This review was organized as follows: introduction; metabolism and biological effects; clinical applications; dosage, gas administration and weaning; precautions and side-effects. Inhaled nitric oxide use was described in persistent pulmonary hypertension and hypoxia of the newborn, acute respiratory distress syndrome, primary pulmonary hypertension, heart surgery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sickle cell anemia, and bronchospastic disease. Conclusions: Inhaled nitric oxide is a therapeutic approach with wide clinical applications in pediatrics. Its use is safe when administered in pediatric intensive care units under strict monitoring. As a pulmonary vasodilator, nitric oxide has beneficial effects on gas exchange and ventilation. Controlled trials, focusing on early gas administration should be performed under many clinical conditions, especially acute respiratory distress syndrome.


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Restorative dentistry has been increasingly concerned with preservation of the dental structure. For that reason, ultraconservative cavity preparations have been performed with air abrasion systems. The aim of this study was to present treatment options for the occlusal surface of first permanent molars with employment of the conventional method and the air abrasion system for accomplishment of the cavity preparation and a composite occlusal matrix for an accurate reproduction of the tooth surface.


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Objective: To report on the use of sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension treatment of a newborn patient after cardiac surgery. Description: A female, full term newborn infant with diagnosis of double outlet right ventricle, pulmonary hypoplasia and subaortic ventricular septal defect, was submitted to Blalock surgery in the first week of life. In postoperative the newborn had pulmonary hypertension and persistent hypoxia, without response to nitric oxide, but with improved oxygenation after continuous intravenous infusion of prostaglandin E1. After several failed attempts to discontinue prostaglandin E1, oral sildenafil was used. There was a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance with consequent oxygenation improvement and 48 hours later it was possible to discontinue prostaglandin E1 infusion. Comments: Sildenafil can be an alternative therapy for pulmonary hypertension, especially when there is no response to conventional therapy. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Since the use of air abrasion has grown in pediatric dentistry, the aim of this study was to evaluate, by means of shear bond strength testing, the need to use the total etching technique or self-etching primers on dentin of primary teeth after air abrasion. Twenty-five exfoliated primary molars had their occlusal dentin exposed by trimming and polishing. Specimens were treated by: Air abrasion + Scotchbond MultiPurpose adhesive (G1); 37% phosphoric acid + Scotchbond MP adhesive (G2); Clearfil SE (G3); Air abrasion ( 37% phosphoric acid + Scotchbond MP adhesive (G4); Air abrasion + Clearfil SE (G5). On the treated surface, a cylinder of 2 mm by 6 mm was made using a composite resin (Z100). Duncan's test showed that: (G2 = G3 = G5) > (G1 = G4). The use of a selfetching primer on air abraded dentin is recommended to obtain higher bond strengths.


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Odontomas are developmental disturbances which manifest in the form of denticles or amorphous informes masses comprising all dental tissues, especially enamel and dentin, with variable amounts of pulp and cement. We describe here two clinical cases of odontomas in children, focusing on diagnostic means and the importance of early treatment of these lesions. The standard treatment for the two present cases was surgical removal.


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A survey was sent to 70 Brazilian dental schools evaluating techniques and restorative materials being taught for Class I and II preparation in posterior primary teeth by Pediatric Dentistry courses. After a 54% response rate, marked teaching diversity was found among Brazilian dental schools. Amalgam continues to be taught, but a tendency of preference towards more esthetic-like materials was observed.


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Objective - To compare hemodynamic, clinicopathologic, and gastrointestinal motility effects and recovery characteristics of halothane and isoflurane in horses undergoing arthroscopic surgery. Animals - 8 healthy adult horses. Procedure - Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or halothane (crossover study). At 6 intervals during anesthesia and surgery, cardiopulmonary variables and related derived values were recorded. Recovery from anesthesia was assessed; gastrointestinal tract motility was subjectively monitored for 72 hours after anesthesia. Horses were administered chromium, and fecal chromium concentration was used to assess intestinal transit time. Venous blood samples were collected for clinicopathologic analyses before and 2, 24, and 48 hours after anesthesia. Results - Compared with halothane-anesthetized horses, cardiac index, oxygen delivery, and heart rate were higher and systemic vascular resistance was lower in isoflurane-anesthetized horses. Mean arterial blood pressure and the dobutamine dose required to maintain blood pressure were similar for both treatments. Duration and quality of recovery from anesthesia did not differ between treatments, although the recovery periods were somewhat shorter with isoflurane. After isoflurane anesthesia, gastrointestinal motility normalized earlier and intestinal transit time of chromium was shorter than that detected after halothane anesthesia. Compared with isoflurane, halothane was associated with increases in serum aspartate transaminase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities, but there were no other important differences in clinicopathologic variables between treatments. Conclusions and clinical relevance - Compared with halothane, isoflurane appears to be associated with better hemodynamic stability during anesthesia, less hepatic and muscle damage, and more rapid return of normal intestinal motility after anesthesia in horses undergoing arthroscopic procedures.


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Background: Excisional biopsies of gingival overgrowths, performed with safety margins, frequently result in mucogingival defects. These defects may produce esthetic problems and increase the chances of dentin hyperesthesia and its possibility of hindering oral hygiene. Methods: Two clinical cases are reported in which gingival overgrowths were removed by excisional biopsy, resulting in unsightly defects. The first clinical case presents an invasive approach for the treatment of a recurrent pyogenic granuloma in the anterior maxilla, and the second depicts a complete removal of a peripheral odontogenic fibroma in the posterior maxilla. In both situations, the soft-tissue defects were repaired by periodontal plastic surgery, including a laterally positioned flap and a coronally positioned flap, respectively. Results: Periodontal plastic surgery successfully restored the defects that resulted from biopsies, and no recurrence has been noticed in the 5-year postoperative follow-up period. Conclusions: The combination of biopsy and periodontal plastic surgery in a one-step procedure seems to be suitable to remove gingival overgrowths in most areas of the mouth, regardless of esthetic significance. Such procedures seem to restore gingival health, encourage healing, and create both esthetics and function in the excised area.


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Dentigerous cysts are benign odontogenic cysts associated with the crowns of permanent teeth. They are usually single in occurrence and located in the mandible. The purpose of this case report was to describe the management of 2 dentigerous cysts in children. The treatments instituted were the extraction of the deciduous tooth involved followed by marsupialization in the first case and enucleation in the second one. Both treatments allowed rapid healing of the lesion and eruption of the permanent teeth without the need for orthodontic treatment.