1000 resultados para patient perspektiv
Avhandlingen syftar till att ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv beskriva och upptäcka tjänandets meningsinnehåll samt fördjupa förståelsekunskap om tjänandets ethos i förhållande till vårdledarskap med en inriktning på det vårdadministrativa. Syftet är även att skapa en idealmodell som öppnar för en ny eller annorlunda förståelsehorisont för tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap. Kunskapssökandet sker genom följande delstudier: (1) I begreppsbestämningen genomförs begreppsanalyser av tjäna och tjänst med avsikt att öppna för en grundförståelse och tankestruktur i forskningsuppgiften. (2) I det idéhistoriska spåras tjänandets ontologiska arv och idémönster fram genom tolkning av historiska källornas texter från 1900-talets första hälft i ljuset av sjuksköterskeledarskap utgående från Sophie Mannerheims, Bertha Wellins och Bergljot Larssons idéer och tankeströmningar. (3) Sökandet fortsätter i dagens kliniska kontextbas genom kvalitativa djupintervjuer med 30 deltagare (vårdledare och vårdare) från Finland, Sverige och Norge. Förförståelsen och forskningens teoretiska perspektiv har rötter i Erikssons caring science-tradition och vårdvetenskapens ontologiska grundantaganden som utvecklats vid Åbo Akademi, Enheten för vårdvetenskap i Vasa. Forskningsansatsen är inspirerad av H-G Gadamers filosofiska hermeneutik. Designen är explorativ-deskriptiv, idiografisk och implicerar ett hypotetisk-deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Tjänandet och vårdledarskapets ethos upptäcks och tolkas genom det metodologiska närmandet: Erikssons hermeneutiska begreppsbestämningsmodell, idéhistoriska läsakt och hermeneutiska läsakt. Materialet bildar förståelsehorisonter genom den hermeneutiska dialogens successiva och oändliga rörelse. Horisonterna reflekteras mot teorikärnan för att öppna för ny förståelse av tjänandets meningsinnehåll, vårdledarskap och vårdadministration. I slutandet sker en horisontsammansmältning och en reflektiv anslutning till vårdvetenskapens teorikärna som visar hur tjänandets ethos blir evident i vårdledarskap. Resultatet visar att vårdledarskap som är tjänande för patienten och vårdkulturen synliggörs i vårdadministrationens kontext genom huvudets skärpa, handens gärningar och hjärtats visdom. Tjänandets sanna, goda och sköna tidlösa rörelse är riktad mot hälsa och helande. I dag sammankopplas tjänande inom vårdorganisationer med hälsoekonomiska förhållanden, effektivitet, produktivitet och rationalitet, vilket strider mot tjänandets värdegrund, människans värdighet och respekt för livet. Vårdorganisationernas etiska ansvar är att fungera som samhälleliga förebilder, tillrättalägga för vårdadministrationernas tjänande och stå i patientens tjänst. Gestaltningen av tjänandets ethos i vårdledarskap öppnar för nya diskurser, riktningar, visioner och handlingar i den vårdadministrativa verkligheten. Avhandlingen ger vårdvetenskapens systematiska grundforskning ett teoritillskott av fördjupad förståelse av tjänandets och vårdledarskapets historiska och samtida ontologiska evidens och ethos med applikationen på klinisk vårdvetenskap.
”O, ve! O ve! – O, ve!” – Skiljetecken ur stilistiskt perspektiv i Ett drömspel av August Strindberg
Tutkielma sijoittuu tyylintutkimuksen alaan ja käsittelee välimerkkien käyttöä ja niiden tyylillisiä vaikutuksia August Strindbergin näytelmässä Ett drömspel (Uninäytelmä). Tutkielman aineistoon kuuluvat lähes kaikki näytelmässä käytettävät välimerkit: piste, huutomerkki, kysymysmerkki, kolme pistettä, kolme ajatusviivaa, yksi ajatusviiva, pilkku, puolipiste ja kaksoispiste. Aineistona on käytetty Tukholman yliopiston vuonna 1988 julkaisemaa nationalupplaga-laitosta, ja aineisto käsittää koko näytelmän lukuun ottamatta alkunäytöstä, runoja sekä metatekstiä. Käytetyt metodit ovat pääasiallisesti kvalitatiivisia, mutta niitä on täydennetty kvantitatiivisin menetelmin laskemalla kyseisten välimerkkien lukumäärät. Keskeisin tutkimustulos on, että huutomerkki on ylivoimaisesti runsaslukuisin mainituista viidestä välimerkistä ja luo näin ollen tärkeimmän tyylipiirteen näytelmään. Huutomerkkien runsas käyttö saa aikaan dramaattisen, ekspressiivisen, nopeatempoisen ja pateettisen tyylin. Osittain saman vaikutelman tukemiseksi pisteen käyttö on puolestaan harvinaisen vähälukuista. Kolmen pisteen ja kolmen ajatusviivan käytön voidaan niin ikään katsoa tukevan tunteellista ilmausta. Pilkut ovat virkkeen sisällä tärkeimpiä välimerkkejä sanojen rytmittämisessä. Loppupäätelmä on, että välimerkit toimivat näytelmässä täydentävänä metatekstinä antaen lisäinformaatiota siitä, kuinka ja millaisella tunnevärillä repliikki on tarkoitettu esitettäväksi Kokonaisuudessaan Strindbergin välimerkkien käyttö näytelmässä on hyvin erikoista kielen normeihin ja välimerkkien tavanomaiseen käyttötapaan nähden. Näin ollen välimerkit ovat tyylillisesti merkittäviä näytelmässä.
A Brazilian female infant presented delayed psychomotor development, skin pigmentary dysplasia and some dysmorphic features. Chromosome analysis from peripheral blood culture was normal, but the karyotype from skin fibroblasts revealed mosaicism for trisomy 13. This case demonstrates the relevance of performing chromosomal analysis of skin fibroblasts in patients with mental retardation, associated with pigmentary dysplasia of the skin and a normal karyotype in peripheral blood lymphocytes. To our knowledge, it is the first report of trisomy 13 demonstrated only in skin fibroblasts.
Parvovirus B19 has been associated by some investigators with cases of severe hepatitis. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of active parvovirus B19 infection among 129 Brazilian patients with non-A-E hepatitis. The patients were assayed for antibodies against parvovirus B19, IgM class, by ELISA. In IgM-positive cases, parvovirus B19 DNA was assayed by PCR in serum and liver tissue and parvovirus VP1 antigen in liver tissue was assayed by immunohistochemistry. Antibodies against parvovirus B19, IgM class, were detected in 3 (2.3%) of 129 patients with non-A-E hepatitis. Previous surgery and blood transfusions were reported by these 3 patients. One patient was a 56-year-old female with severe hepatitis, with antimitochondrial antibody seropositivity and submassive necrosis at liver biopsy, who responded to corticosteroid therapy. Strong evidence for active parvovirus B19 infection was found in this patient, with parvovirus B19 DNA being detected by PCR in liver tissue. Furthermore, parvovirus VP1 antigen was also detected in liver tissue by immunohistochemistry. The other two IgM-positive patients were chronic hepatitis cases, but active infection was not proven, since neither viral DNA nor antigen were detected in their liver tissues. This and other reports suggest a possible relation between parvovirus B19 infection and some cases of hepatitis.
The purpose of the present report is to demonstrate the long-term efficacy and safety of heparin-induced extracorporeal lipoprotein precipitation (HELP) of LDL-c and fibrinogen in the management of familial hypercholesterolemia. From June 1992 to June 1998 a 22-year-old young male patient with familial hypercholesterolemia (double heterozygote for C660X and S305C) resistant to medication and diet and with symptomatic coronary artery disease (angina) was treated weekly with 90-min sessions of the HELP system. The patient had also been previously submitted to right coronary artery angioplasty. The efficacy of the method was evaluated by comparing the reduction of total cholesterol, LDL-c and fibrinogen before and after the sessions and before and after initiation of the study (data are reported as averages for each year). During the study, angina episodes disappeared and there were no detectable adverse effects of the treatment. Total cholesterol (TC), fibrinogen, and LDL-c decreased significantly after each session by 59.6, 66.1 and 64%, respectively. HDL-c showed a nonsignificant reduction of 20.4%. Comparative mean values pre- and post-treatment values in the study showed significant differences: TC (488 vs 188 mg/dl), LDL-c (416.4 vs 145 mg/dl), and fibrinogen (144.2 vs 57.4 mg/dl). There was no significant change in HDL-c level: 29.4 vs 23 mg/dl. These data show that the HELP system, even for a long period of time, is a safe and efficient mode of treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia and is associated with disappearance of angina symptoms.
We report a case in which the interaction of heterozygosis for both the ß0-IVS-II-1 (G->A) mutation and the aaaanti-3.7 allele was the probable cause for the clinical occurrence of thalassemia intermedia. The propositus, a 6-year-old Caucasian Brazilian boy of Portuguese descent, showed a moderately severe chronic anemia in spite of having the ß-thalassemia trait. Investigation of the alpha-globin gene status revealed heterozygosis for alpha-gene triplication (aaa/aa). The patient's father, also presenting mild microcytic and hypochromic anemia, had the same alpha and ß genotypes as his son, while the mother, not related to the father and hematologically normal, was also a carrier of the aaaanti-3.7 allele. The present case emphasizes the need for considering the possibility of alpha-gene triplication in ß-thalassemia heterozygotes who display an unexpected severe phenotype. The ß-thalassemia mutation found here is being described for the first time in Brazil.
The aim of the present study was to measure full epidermal thickness, stratum corneum thickness, rete length, dermal papilla widening and suprapapillary epidermal thickness in psoriasis patients using a light microscope and computer-supported image analysis. The data obtained were analyzed in terms of patient age, type of psoriasis, total body surface area involvement, scalp and nail involvement, duration of psoriasis, and family history of the disease. The study was conducted on 64 patients and 57 controls whose skin biopsies were examined by light microscopy. The acquired microscopic images were transferred to a computer and measurements were made using image analysis. The skin biopsies, taken from different body areas, were examined for different parameters such as epidermal, corneal and suprapapillary epidermal thickness. The most prominent increase in thickness was detected in the palmar region. Corneal thickness was more pronounced in patients with scalp involvement than in patients without scalp involvement (t = -2.651, P = 0.008). The most prominent increase in rete length was observed in the knees (median: 491 µm, t = 10.117, P = 0.000). The difference in rete length between patients with a positive and a negative family history was significant (t = -3.334, P = 0.03), being 27% greater in psoriasis patients without a family history. The differences in dermal papilla distances among patients were very small. We conclude that microscope-supported thickness measurements provide objective results.
We studied the ability of patients not experienced in the use of peak expiratory flow meters to assess the severity of their asthma exacerbations and compared it to the assessment of experienced clinicians. We also evaluated which data of physical examination and medical history are used by physicians to subjectively evaluate the severity of asthma attacks. Fifty-seven adult patients (15 men and 42 women, with a mean (± SD) age of 37.3 ± 14.5 years and 24.0 ± 17.9 years of asthma symptoms) with asthma exacerbations were evaluated in a University Hospital Emergency Department. Patients and physicians independently evaluated the severity of the asthma attack using a linear scale. Patient score, physician score and forced expiratory volume at the first second (FEV1) were correlated with history and physical examination variables, and were also considered as dependent variables in multiple linear regression models. FEV1 correlated significantly with the physician score (rho = 0.42, P = 0.001), but not with patient score (rho = 0.03; P = 0.77). Use of neck accessory muscles, expiratory time and wheezing intensity were the explanatory variables in the FEV1 regression model and were also present in the physician score model. We conclude that physicians evaluate asthma exacerbation severity better than patients and that physician's scoring of asthma severity correlated significantly with objective measures of airway obstruction (FEV1). Some variables (the use of neck accessory muscles, expiratory time and wheezing intensity) persisted as explanatory variables in physician score and FEV1 regression models, and should be emphasized in medical schools and emergency settings.
A 42-year-old male complaining of thoracic spine pain was admitted to the hospital for evaluation. An X-ray and computer tomography of the thoracic spine showed spondylodiscitis of the L3 lumbar and L2-L3 intervertebral disk. The tuberculin skin test (PPD) was strongly positive. A radioscopy-guided fine needle aspirate of the affected area was cultured but did not reveal the cause of the disease. Two biopsy attempts failed to reveal the cause of the disease by culturing or by acid-fast-resistant staining (Ziehl Neelsen) of the specimens. A third biopsy also failed to detect the infectious agent by using microbiological procedures, but revealed the presence of a 245-bp amplicon characteristic of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex after PCR of the sample. The result demonstrates the efficacy of PCR for the identification of M. tuberculosis in situations in which conventional diagnosis by culturing techniques or direct microscopy is unable to detect the microorganism. Following this result the patient was treated with the antituberculous cocktail composed by rifampicin, pirazinamide and isoniazid during a six-month period. At the end of the treatment the dorsalgia symptoms had disappeared.
Genotype E of hepatitis B virus (HBV) has not been described in Brazil and is found mainly in Africa. Genotype A is the most prevalent in Brazil, and genotypes B, C, D, and F have already been reported. We report here an HBV genotype E-infected patient and some characterization of surface (S) protein, DNA polymerase (P) and precore/core (preC/C) coding regions based on the viral genome. The patient is a 31-year-old black man with chronic hepatitis B who was born and raised in Angola. He has been followed by a hepatologist in São Paulo, Brazil, since November 2003, and he is a frequent traveler to Latin America, Africa, and Europe. In 2003, he was diagnosed with HBV infection and started treatment with lamivudine with the later addition of adefovir dipivoxil. No known risk factor was identified. Serologically, he is HBsAg and anti-HBe positive, but HBeAg and anti-HBs negative. DNA sequence analysis of the S/P region confirmed that this patient is infected with genotype E, subtype ayw4. The preC/C region showed G1896A and G1899A mutations but no mutations in the basal core promoter. Nucleotide substitutions common in genotype E were also observed (C1772, T1858 and A1757). Although this is not an autochthonous case and there is no evidence of further spread, the description of this case in Brazil highlights the current risk of viral genotypes spreading with unprecedented speed due to constant travel around the world.
Amiodarone-induced thyroid dysfunction (AITD) is a common complication of amiodarone therapy and its prevalence varies according to iodine intake, subclinical thyroid disorders and the definition of AITD. There is no consensus about the frequency of screening for this condition. We evaluated 121 patients on chronic regular intake of amiodarone (mean intake = 248.5 ± 89 mg; duration of treatment = 5.3 ± 3.9 years, range = 0.57-17 years) and with stable baseline cardiac condition. Those with no AITD were followed up for a median period of 3.2 years (range: 0.6-6.7) and the incidence rate of AITD, defined by clinical and laboratorial findings as proposed by international guidelines, was obtained (62.8 per 1000 patients/year). We applied the Cox proportional hazard model to adjust for potential confounding factors and used sensitivity analysis to identify the best screening time for follow-up. We detected thyroid dysfunction in 59 (48.7%) of the 121 patients, amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism in 50 (41.3%) and hyperthyroidism in 9 (7.5%). Compared with patients without AITD, there was no difference regarding dosage or duration of therapy, heart rhythm disorder or baseline cardiac condition. During the follow-up of the 62 patients without AITD at baseline evaluation, 11 developed AITD (interquartile range, IR: 62.8 (95%CI: 31.3-112.3) cases per 1000 patients/year), 9 of them with hypothyroidism - IR: 11.4 (95%CI: 1.38-41.2), and 2 hyperthyroidism - IR: 51.3 (95%CI: 23.4-97.5). Age, gender, dose, and duration of treatment were not significant after adjustment. During the first 6 months of follow-up the incidence rate for AITD was 39.3 (9.2-61.9) cases per 1000 patients/year. These data show that AITD is quite common, and support the need for screening at 6-month intervals, unless clinical follow-up dictates otherwise or further information regarding the prognosis of untreated subclinical AITD is available.
Biliary atresia, the most common cause of liver transplantation in children, remains a challenge for clinicians and investigators. The development of new therapeutic options, besides the typical hepatoportoenterostomy, depends on a greater understanding of its pathogenesis and how it relates to the clinical phenotypes at diagnosis and the rate of disease progression. In this review, we present a perspective of how recent research has advanced the understanding of the disease and has improved clinical care protocols. Molecular and morphological analyses at diagnosis point to the potential contributions of polymorphism in the CFC1 and VEGF genes to the pathogenesis of the disease, and to an association between the degree of bile duct proliferation and long-term outcome. In experimental models, cholangiocytes do not appear to have antigen-presenting properties despite a substantial innate and adaptive immune response that targets the biliary epithelium and produces duct obstruction. Initial clinical trials assessing the efficacy of corticosteroids in decreasing the inflammation and improving outcome do not show a superior effect of corticosteroids as an adjuvant treatment following hepatoportoenterostomy. The best outcome still remains linked to an early diagnosis and surgical treatment. In this regard, the Yellow Alert campaign by the Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria and the inclusion of the Stool Color Card in the health booklet given to every neonate in Brazil have the potential to decrease the age of diagnosis, shorten the time between diagnosis and surgical treatment, and improve the long-term outcome of children with this devastating disease.
Zygomycosis is an infection caused by opportunistic fungi of the Zygomycetes class, specifically those from the Mucorales and Entomophthorales orders. It is an uncommon disease, mainly restricted to immunocompromised patients. We report a case of a 73-year-old male patient with a history of fever (39°C) lasting for 1 day, accompanied by shivering, trembling, and intense asthenia. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit with complex partial seizures, and submitted to orotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation under sedation with midazolam. The electroencephalogram showed evidence of non-convulsive status epilepticus. There is no fast specific laboratory test that permits confirmation of invasive fungal disease. Unless the physician suspects this condition, the disease may progress rapidly while the patient is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Differential diagnosis between fungal and bacterial infection is often difficult. The clinical presentation is sometimes atypical, and etiological investigation is not always successful. In the present case, the histopathological examination of the biopsy obtained from the right temporal lobe indicated the presence of irregular, round, thick-walled fungi forming papillae and elongated structures of irregular diameter, with no septa, indicative of zygomycete (Basidiobolus). Treatment with liposomal amphotericin B and fluconazole was initiated after diagnosis of meningoencephalitis by zygomycete, with a successful outcome.