982 resultados para oxidation potential


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The rule of law is understood to be a core aspect in achieving a stable economy and an ordered society. Without the elements that are inherent in this principle the possibilities of anarchy, unfairness and uncertainty are amplified, which in turn can result in an economy with dramatic fluctuations. In this regard, commentators do not always agree that the rule of law is strictly adhered to in the international legal context. Therefore, this paper will explore one aspect of international regulation and consider whether the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency (1997) (‘Model Law’) and its associated Guide to Enactment and Interpretation (2013) contribute to the promotion of the key elements of the rule of law.


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Oxidative potential (OP) is related to the organic phase, specifically to its oxygenated organic fraction (OOA). Furthermore, the oxygen content of fuel molecules has significant influence on particulate OP. Thus, this study aimed to explore the actual dependency of the OOA and ROS to the oxygen content of the fuel. In order to reach the goal, different biodiesels blends, with various ranges of oxygen content; have been employed. The compact time of flight aerosol mass spectrometer (c-ToF AMS) enabled better identification of OOA. ROS monitored by using two assays: DTT and BPEA-nit. Despite emitting lower mass, both assays agreed that oxygen content of a biodiesel is directly correlated with its OOA, and highly related to its OP. Hence, the more oxygen included in the considered biodiesels, the higher the OP of PM emissions. This highlights the importance of taking oxygen content into account while assessing emissions from new fuel types, which is relevant from a health effects standpoint.


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Sorghum is a food and feed cereal crop adapted to heat and drought and a staple for 500 million of the world’s poorest people. Its small diploid genome and phenotypic diversity make it an ideal C4 grass model as a complement to C3 rice. Here we present high coverage (16-45 × ) resequenced genomes of 44 sorghum lines representing the primary gene pool and spanning dimensions of geographic origin, end-use and taxonomic group. We also report the first resequenced genome of S. propinquum, identifying 8 M high-quality SNPs, 1.9 M indels and specific gene loss and gain events in S. bicolor. We observe strong racial structure and a complex domestication history involving at least two distinct domestication events. These assembled genomes enable the leveraging of existing cereal functional genomics data against the novel diversity available in sorghum, providing an unmatched resource for the genetic improvement of sorghum and other grass species.


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Empirical potential energy calculations have been carried out to determine the preferred conformations of penicillins and penicillin sulphones and their 1-oxa-1-dethia and 1-carba-1-dethia analogues. With the exception of 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillins, all the other compounds favour C2 and the C3 puckered conformations of their five-membered rings. Replacement of C2 methyl groups by hydrogen atoms as in bisnorpenicillin V or oxidation of sulphur in position 1 as in sulphones, makes the C3 puckered form much less favourable. Addition of an amino-acyl group at the C6 atom, however, makes the C3 puckered form more favoured in penicillin G or V and in 1-carba-1-dethia penicillins. Through the replacement of the sulphur atom at position 1 by an oxygen atom or by a -CH2 group increases the non-planarity of the lactam peptide bond, it significantly affects the relative disposition of the C3 carboxyl group with respect to the β-lactam ring. These conformational differences have been correlated with the biological activities of these compounds. The present study suggests that the conformation of the bicyclic ring system may be more important for initial binding with the crosslinking enzyme(s) involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan and that the mode of binding is influenced by the nature of the side-group at the C6 atom. These studies predict, in agreement with experimental results, that the 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillin nulceus is an inhibitor of penicillianses. The study also suggests that the stereospecificities of the crosslinking enzyme(s) and penicillinases are very similar with regard to the nature of the side-group at the 6 atom and the confirmation of the bicyclic ring system. However, the confirmational requirement for the bicyclic ring system appears to be more specific in the former enzyme than in the latter.


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Multicultural social policies were formulated in Australia during the 1970s in response to challenges that had arisen the wake of a large-scale immigration program. Given recent intensification and diversification of immigrant intakes, however, understandings of multiculturalism have been contested repeatedly while new social demands have been made of the policy. In this context, questions have been raised about the adequacy of multicultural ethical education in Australian schools. These concern not only the type of ethics taught, but also the emphasis placed on ethics per se. This study emerges out of this context to look at the utility of using purpose-written philosophical materials– specifically, immigration-themed materials written by advocates of philosophy for children – for development of ethical understanding in multicultural Australia.


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Finely divided selenium and tellurium undergo oxidation to selenic and orthotelluric acids by a concentrated solution of chloramine-T in acid medium. An analytical procedure (accurate to <1 %) has been developed based on this reaction.


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A method of determining the rate of the initiation reaction in the liquid phase oxidation of propionaldehyde is described.


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Maintaining a high rate of water uptake is crucial for maximum longevity of cut stems. Physiological gel/tylosis formation decreases water transport efficiency in the xylem. The primary mechanism of action for post-harvest Cu2+ treatments in improving cut flower and foliage longevity has been elusive. The effect of Cu2+ on wound-induced xylem vessel occlusion was investigated for Acacia holosericea A. Cunn. ex G. Don. Experiments were conducted using a Cu2+ pulse (5 h, 2.2 mM) and a Cu2+ vase solution (0.5 mM) vs a deionized water (DIW) control. Development of xylem blockage in the stem-end region 10 mm proximal to the wounded stem surface was examined over 21 days by light and transmission electron microscopy. Xylem vessels of stems stood into DIW were occluded with gels secreted into vessel lumens via pits from surrounding axial parenchyma cells. Gel secretion was initiated within 1-2 days post-wounding and gels were detected in the xylem from day 3. In contrast, Cu2+ treatments disrupted the surrounding parenchyma cells, thereby inhibiting gel secretion and maintaining the vessel lumens devoid of occlusions. The Cu2+ treatments significantly improved water uptake by the cut stems as compared to the control. © 2013 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society.


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Babul scale Anomalococcus indicus Ramakrishna Ayyar, a major pest of Vachellia nilotica (L.f.) P.J.H. Hurter & Mabb. on the Indian subcontinent, has been identified as a potential biocontrol agent for prickly acacia V. nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr. in Australia and was imported from southern India for detailed assessment. The life history of A. indicus under controlled glasshouse conditions was determined as a part of this assessment. Consistent with other scale species, A. indicus has a distinct sexual dimorphism which becomes apparent during the second instar. Females have three instars, developing into sexually mature nymphs after 52 days. The generation time from egg to egg was 89 days. Females are ovoviviparous, ovipositing mature eggs into a cavity underneath their body. An average of 802 +/- 114 offspring were produced per female. Reproductive output was closely associated with female size; larger females produced more than 1200 offspring. Crawlers emerged from beneath the female after an indeterminate period of inactivity. They have the only life stage at which A. indicus can disperse, though the majority settle close to their parent female forming aggregative distributions. In the absence of food, most crawlers died within three days. Males took 62 days to develop through five instars. Unlike females, males underwent complete metamorphosis. Adult males were small and winged, and lived for less than a day. Parthenogenesis was not observed in females excluded from males. The life history of A. indicus allows it to complement other biological control agents already established on prickly acacia in Australia.


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Q fever is a vaccine-preventable disease; despite this, high annual notification numbers are still recorded in Australia. We have previously shown seroprevalence in Queensland metropolitan regions is approaching that of rural areas. This study investigated the presence of nucleic acid from Coxiella burnetii, the agent responsible for Q fever, in a number of animal and environmental samples collected throughout Queensland, to identify potential sources of human infection. Samples were collected from 129 geographical locations and included urine, faeces and whole blood from 22 different animal species; 45 ticks were removed from two species, canines and possums; 151 soil samples; 72 atmospheric dust samples collected from two locations and 50 dust swabs collected from domestic vacuum cleaners. PCR testing was performed targeting the IS1111 and COM1 genes for the specific detection of C.burnetii DNA. There were 85 detections from 1318 animal samples, giving a detection rate for each sample type ranging from 2.1 to 6.8%. Equine samples produced a detection rate of 11.9%, whilst feline and canine samples showed detection rates of 7.8% and 5.2%, respectively. Native animals had varying detection rates: pooled urines from flying foxes had 7.8%, whilst koalas had 5.1%, and 6.7% of ticks screened were positive. The soil and dust samples showed the presence of C.burnetii DNA ranging from 2.0 to 6.9%, respectively. These data show that specimens from a variety of animal species and the general environment provide a number of potential sources for C.burnetii infections of humans living in Queensland. These previously unrecognized sources may account for the high seroprevalence rates seen in putative low-risk communities, including Q fever patients with no direct animal contact and those subjects living in a low-risk urban environment.


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Acetone powders prepared from leaf extracts of Tecoma stans L. were found to catalyze the oxidation of catechol to 3,4,3',4'-tetrahydroxydiphenyl. Fractionation of the acetone powders obtained from Tecoma leaves with acetone, negative adsorption of the acetone fraction with tricalcium phosphate gel, and chromatography of the gel supernatant on DEAE-Sephadex yielded a 68-fold purified enzyme with 66% recovery. The enzyme had an optimum pH around 7.2. It showed a temperature optimum of 30° and the Km for catechol was determined as 2 x 10-4 m. The purified enzyme moved as a single band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Its activity was found to be partially stimulated by Mg2+. The reaction was not inhibited by o-phenanthroline and agr,agr'-dipyridyl. The purified enzyme was highly insensitive to a range of copper-chelating agents. It was not affected appreciably by thiol inhibitors. The reaction was found to be suppressed to a considerable extent by reducing agents like GSH, cysteine, cysteamine, and ascorbic acid. The purified enzyme was remarkably specific for catechol. Catalase affected neither the enzyme activity nor the time course of the reaction. Hydrogen peroxide was not formed as a product of the reaction.


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Raman spectra of the ferroelectric LiH3 (SeO3)2 and NaH3(SeO3)2 and the anti-ferroelectric KH3 (SeO3)2 have been recorded at room temperature using a He-Ne and also an Ar-ion laser source. The infrared absorption spectra of these crystals and their deuterated analogues have been recorded in the region 400–4000 cm−1 both below and above the Curie temperature. From an analysis of the spectrum in the region 400–900 cm−1 it is concluded that (i) in LiH3 (SeO3)2 the protons are ordered in an asymmetric double minimum potential with a low barrier and the spectrum can be interpreted in terms of HSeO3− and H2SeO3 vibrations, (ii) in NaH3 (SeO3)2 all three protons occupy a single minimum potential at room temperature and below the transition temperature the groups HSeO3− and H2SeO3 are present, (iii) the proton at the inversion centre in KH3(SeO3)2 is in a broad troughed potential well and the low temperature spectrum is more likely to be due to H3SeO3+ and SeO32− species. This deviation of the spectrum from that of the previous two crystals is attributed to the difference in H-bond scheme and hence the absence of any cooperative motion of protons in this crystal.


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Novel Biginelli dihydropyrimidines of biological interest were prepared using p-toluene sulphonic acid as an efficient catalyst. All the thirty-two synthesised dihydropyrimidines were evaluated for their in vitro antioxidant activity using DPPH method. Only, compounds 28 and 29 exhibited reasonably good antioxidant activity. Furthermore, the synthesised Biginelli compounds were subjected for their in vitro anticancer activity against MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. The title compounds were tested at the concentration of 10 μg. Compounds exhibited activity ranging from weak to moderate and, from moderate to high in terms of percentage cytotoxicity. Among them, compounds 10 and 11 exhibited significant anticancer activity. In order to elucidate the three-dimensional structure–activity relationships (3D QSAR) towards their anticancer activity, we subjected them for comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA). Illustration regarding their synthesis, analysis, antioxidant activity, anticancer activity and 3D QSAR study is described.