990 resultados para oportunidade


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This work has as objective understand the role of chief public relations professional in the design of strategies for an organization considering the theories of semiotics, particularly the concepts of Firstness, secondness and Thirdness defended and presented by Charles Sanders Peirce, and business administration. We will give attention to the process that the public relations of an organization sets the detection of a problem / opportunity until the moment that takes science for all individuals and is resolved / utilized in an organization. Then to better illustrate the concepts presented, it has been a case study of the performance of a public relations professional in an organization, and its importance in her career


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O Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso na área de Arte e Educação terá por objetivo refletir sobre a temática da “Arte-educação” tendo como problemática central “A importância da arte-educação na educação infantil”. A importância arte no desenvolvimento infantil é indiscutível, pois a experiência artística é um fator humanizador, cultural, que cria inúmeras significações e produz em cada um a percepção da própria capacidade de transformação, além de proporcionar a oportunidade de desenvolvimentos de potenciais, comunicação e interação. Portanto, a arte-educação, uma abordagem, influenciada pelo pósmodernismo, que tem como objetivo fundamental o desenvolvimento da habilidade crítica de interpretação das obras de arte, assim como dos elementos visuais que compõem a vida contemporânea, levando em conta o contexto social e cultural, faz com que as crianças tenham, além do encorajamento de sua originalidade, liberdade e espontaneidade, um ensino que se sustenta na inter-relação entre história da arte, leitura da obra e o fazer artístico. Para tal estudo será tratada a história da arte no Brasil, a arte na escola brasileira desde os seus primórdios, a importância desta para a formação do ser social infantil. A metodologia utilizada para a elaboração e desenvolvimento deste trabalho se realizará através da abordagem qualitativa, feita por pesquisa bibliográfica para justificar a problemática em questão.


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This work presents a proposal for teaching financial mathematics to students from secondary school using mathematics investigation. This methodology is used for many researchers and this work follows the main ideas of Fonseca, Brunheira, and Ponte (1999) and Skovsmose (2000). With this methodology, we intend to develop activities that approximate real situations of daily life and we aim to help students to understand and make decisions about single commercial and finances negotiations. Such activities have open questions that provide students the opportunity to think about mathematical subjects like loans, financing and saving account. We show a short description of studies about the importance of financial education in secondary school and university. Our proposal is applied in Secondary School because we considering to use contents of this area in a very simple way, dealing with mathematical ideas in order to develop skills of critical analysis. We suggest a qualitative research with phenomenological approach, as a possibility analysis of collected data from this teaching proposal


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The carbonatic rocks have great importance in petroleum geology, since most hydrocarbons reservoirs in the world are associated to this kind of rock. The new giant petroleum fields discovered in the Brazilian southeast Atlantic margin are directly connected to calcareous rocks, which are subjacent to the Aptian evaporite pack. This demand an increase in the number of geologists able to study such deposits. The Aptian carbonatic platform is completely exposed only in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Therefore, it works as a natural laboratory to the study and understanding of this kind of rock. The Sergipe Basin is situated in the east Brazilian coast, and has its evolutional history is intimately related to the formation of the South Atlantic Ocean, through the break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent. The marine sequence of the Brazilian marginal basins is of Albian age and is marked by the development of carbonatic platforms. In doing so, this paper aims to analyze the Albian limestones from Riachuelo Formation of the Sergipe Basin. The project gave to the student the opportunity to increase his knowledge in carbonates, due to the laboratory and outdoor activities. The studied deposits, within a regional outline, were petrografically described, allowing interpretations about the evolution of the former South Atlantic Ocean. Ten points were visited where samples were collected for making of thin sheets. In this work several carbonatic facies were identified totaling 116 laminates described.


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O estresse psicológico é um importante fator que ocasiona uma queda no desempenho de atletas, independente do esporte. No Brasil o de maior visibilidade e mais assistido e comentado pela mídia é o futebol. Tendo em vista isso a pratica dessa modalidade em alto nível pode gerar certo estresse, no entanto a situações específicas durante o jogo que podem aumenta-lo ainda mais, dentre elas temos o pênalti considerado a melhor oportunidade de marcar o gol e a mais fácil, exatamente por isso essa situação não admite falhas. Apesar de já ser uma situação que causa alto nível de ansiedade, existem alguns fatores que podem influenciar mais ainda negativamente o cobrador, portando o presente estudo tem como objetivo primeiramente de encontrar o fator que causa maior influencia negativa nos atletas e posteriormente comparar com as cobranças de pênalti do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de 2010 (CBF) nessa situação com as demais. Os dados obtidos a partir da aplicação de um inventário demostraram que o fator que mais influencia negativamente jogadores de futebol durante cobranças de pênalti são situações de final de jogo, assim o objetivo do presente estudo é de comparar as cobranças de pênaltis do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de 2010, em situações de final de jogo com as demais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram uma queda de 4% nos escores em situações de final de jogo comparados com as demais


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The main idea of this work is to understand and analyze the dynamical aspects of the motion of a particle moving in the annular billiard, which corresponds to two circles of radius R and r (r


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This work aims to show the importance of Baja SAE Project in engineering education, as well as the development of the student, being an outstanding tool for the engineering student has an education that meets the objectives of the pedagogical university and also the guidelines Ministry of Education curriculum for engineering courses. The Baja SAE Project provides the engineering students the chance to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, to enhance their preparation for the labor market. The student becomes involved with a real case of project development, from concept design, detailed design and construction. The Baja SAE Project redefines the position of the student as an active element in the learning process engineering, leaving behind the simple condition of receiving information. Values procedures that provide students the opportunity to learn in contexts of professional practice, while offering the opportunity to contextualize the execution of a project. From an analysis to develop personal skills, Baja SAE Project has its own characteristics and essential for professional practice, however, not specific to the engineering course. For example, capacity for teamwork, communication skills written and oral, ethical behavior, critical, overview, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, etc


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Carnival is a unique opportunity for the associations demonstrate the community’s annual work and the float is a major component of this celebration, responsible for pitch the samba using allegories and carry important figures. The excess weight of the floats which are mostly manufactured from truck and bus structures requires larger amount of people to push the vehicle in addition to increased efforts on the steering systems, suspension and wheels, raising the probability of breakage and loss of one year work. The objective of this study is to use the concepts of strength of materials combined with computer simulation to obtain a structure that has the lowest possible weight without compromising the safety of transported components and that is also easy to manufacture, drive and store


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This paper was developed through literacy events (Barton, 2000) about English language, understood as a social practice of writing and reading. The subjects involved in this research were women, between forty and seventy years old, students of a Young and Adult Education Project (PEJA) that occurs at UNESP/Rio Claro, whose are looking forward to conclude basic school. We intended to see in their speeches reflections about the English language presence in our society and how they deal with this foreign language. Thus, we optimize this contact exposing those women to daily situations where English language was present. To foment dialog and ideas discussions, we brought to the classes common elements, materials such as street advertisements photos with words in English. We noticed that most students recognize the constant English presence and, even they never had formal English education, they were able to establish relations between the uses of English words in everyday Portuguese at most different spheres of life. And, at many times, foreign word comprehension is related to English words use instead of a native one leading to an English naturalization process in the Brazilians speeches world.


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Currently, applications for smartphones and tablets, called apps, are becoming increasingly relevant and attract more attention from users and finally the developers. With the Application Stores, services provided by the company that maintains the platform, access to such applications is as or more simplified than to web sites, with the advantage of anenhanced user experience and focused on the mobile device, and enjoy natives resources as camera, audio, storage, integration with other applications, etc. They present a great opportunity for independent developers, who can now develop an application and make it availabl e to all users of that platform, at free or at a cost that is usually low. Even students may create their applications in the intervals of their classes and sell them in stores. Making use of tools and services, free or at low cost, anyone can develop quality applications, that can be marketed and have a large number of users even in adverse situations in which the application is not the focus of developer productivity. However, such to ols do not seem to be well used, or are unknown, or its purpose is not considered important, and this paper tries to show the real importance of these tools in the rapid development of quality software. This project presents several tools, services and practices, which together make it possible to develop an application for various mobile platforms, independently and with a team of a few people, as demonstrated. However, this paper aims not to say that the development of software today it is easy and simple, but there are currently a large set of tools, for various platforms, that assists and enhances the work of the programmer


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The Rooming favors the permanence of the mother with the newborn, thus establishing a stronger link between the mother and baby, in addition, care assistance and guidance are essential to both through the health care team because they recognize the moments critical that their interventions are necessary to ensure the health of both. The educational lecture was an option to have the opportunity to assist, guide and answer possible questions that may arise for mothers, and also to assess the knowledge of puéperas regarding the care of babies and self care. There was participation from 40 patients. In the study methodology was developed a questionnaire containing two subjects (self-care and care for newborns) was given to patients before and after the lecture held by the author in a rooming Maternity HC de Botucatu. The results were analyzed statistically and studied by the author, allowing note that many significant results were obtained after the lecture, which we realize that the same intervention on self-care was significant in respect of: bleeding, infection in the genital tract and urinary tract, surgical dehiscence , care of the lower limbs and constipation, how to care for the newborn was the significance to the questions about the hygiene of the umbilical stump, cramps, hunger, weeping and pacifiers. In the pre-lecture questions 73.00% of 27.00% were right and wrong. Our conclusion is that the mothers have a high level of prior knowledge and educational lectures enriches their knowledge in a creative and participatory


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Poucos são os professores que tiveram a oportunidade de vivenciar em sua formação atividades envolvendo a construção de mapas conceituais. Essa ferramenta, elaborada e difundida por Joseph Novak na década de 70, é de fundamental importância para a organização de elementos necessários à aprendizagem, pois possibilita ao aluno articular ideias e associar novas informações a conhecimentos estudados anteriormente permitindo ao professor utilizá-lo também como um importante instrumento na avaliação da aprendizagem. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a concepção dos professores do Ensino Fundamental sobre a utilização dos mapas conceituais como forma de organizar, avaliar e facilitar a aprendizagem dos alunos, bem como verificar quantos os utilizam em sua prática pedagógica. Para a realização do estudo, foram feitas pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentação teórico-metodológica e pesquisa de campo descritiva com aplicação de questionário aos professores de seis escolas municipais dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental no município de Bauru, com perguntas fechadas de múltipla escolha, para levantar informações acerca do conhecimento dos professores sobre o assunto. Após o questionário, foi realizado o acompanhamento das aulas de um dos participantes para observar, descrever, analisar e discutir a metodologia adotada na realização do seu trabalho. Para a análise e a interpretação dos dados coletados, foi empregada abordagem qualiquantitativa e extraíram-se inferências dos resultados. Os resultados indicam que ainda é incipiente a aplicabilidade dos mapas conceituais nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Sugerimos que este tema seja abordado em cursos de Formação continuada dos docentes


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This paper presents a new field for professional Public Relations: startups. And this new alignment brings context and typology with the business public relations as an entrepreneur and manager of a communications agency. This new type of business, startups, with accelerated growth characteristics and high-risk investments, and alternative becomes simultaneously an opportunity to undertake innovative projects up and turn into a business. In this sense, the work part of the mix of innovation and diffusion of new ideas, with the capacity of Public Relations professional to adapt and work with many different sectors. Considering this context, the study seeks, finds that public relations professionals become essential for mediating the process of scenario analysis for the deployment of startups, and can be very useful in the case of managers and initiators the agency itself as a startup company offering a strategic advantage by combining management and communication


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A pesquisa proposta pretende analisar como a arte e a criatividade podem beneficiar a Terceira Idade e suas questões de saúde, especificamente seu bem-estar e sua saúde mental. Consequentemente, enfatizar a importância da arte para a sociedade, especificamente para o idoso. Paralelamente, será observado o comportamento e a parte criativa dos mesmos, através de oficinas ministradas. Parte-se do pressuposto que a arte é uma área de suma importância para a saúde mental e oferece suporte teórico prático para a educação. Devido às alterações na faixa etária brasileira, percebe-se o aumento significativo da longevidade do indivíduo, daí a necessidade de buscar meios, os quais possam possibilitar um envelhecer saudável. Observa-se que a arte é uma ferramenta imprescindível. Desse modo, a pesquisa pretende oferecer, através do meio artístico e de oficinas, um espaço que proporcionará à Terceira Idade a oportunidade de trabalhar e exercitar seu lado criativo, sua mente e sua autoestima, com a melhora de sua saúde mental


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Due to the need of more agility, dynamism and reliability in stock management, the market has turned its attention to RFID, which offers a practical solution and live up to the big corporations' expectations. The search for continuous improvement establishes a direct link with RFID, for its technology offers accurate real time information in any monitored given place. RFID is a radio frequency communication technology. A reader communicates to a tag through waves. This tag can be active, with a battery, or passive, in which its power is supplied by currents induced by the field variation it is exposed to. The RFID technology has a well defined basic principle, but there are many constructive ways of implementing it. The adaptability as well as the flexibility regard to the several kinds of stock in industry, reaching their particular needs. RFID can lower maintenance costs in stock by collecting data more accurately, lowering human error and optimizing the item handling at its reception, exit and while it is inside the company. This paper presents an example of RFID technology applied in a company's stock management. It is possible to prove that there are, in fact, great advantages in implementing this technology, as it creates the opportunity for continuous improvement in stock management, with better application of material, labour and quality tools, since the data collected through an automatized process using RFID are more reliable and dynamic