927 resultados para ontology of movement


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Oartigo tem como objectivo reconstruir de forma crítica o discurso da união europeia relativa-mente ao crime organizado, tentando estabelecer uma relação entre este e um discurso mais lato sobre a criação e desenvolvimento da área de liber-dade, Segurança e Justiça (alsj). ésalientada a forma como os argumen-tos justificadores de uma cooperação mais profunda da alsjassentaram na necessidade de compensar pelas exter-nalidades negativas do mercado interno e de proteger a liberdade de circulação de possíveis abusos. esta tendência levou à gradual institucio-nalização da área de Justiça e assuntos internos a nível europeu, caracterizada por uma luta permanente entre a sua intergovernamentalização e a comuni-tarização This article aims at tracing, critically, the European Union’s discourse on organized crime, by establishing its relation with a wider discourse on the creation and development of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (afsj). It pointed out how the rationale for the afsj’s deeper integration was the need to compensate for the negative externalities of the Internal Market and to protect the liberty of movement from abuse. This trend led to the definition of a balance between freedom and security, characterized by a gradual eu institutionalization of Justice and Home Affairs and a permanent struggle between the intergovernmentalisation and the communitarization of this area.


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This work discusses the ontology of the visible at the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), which points to a depth and opacity of the perceived world that oppose transparency of geometric world thought by René Descartes (1596-1650). At first we approached the Cartesian discourse developed in Dioptrics Descartes, the first of three scientific discourses published in 1637, being introduced by the famous Discourse method. In this sense, this research discusses the mechanistic explanation that the modern philosopher has the vision, process comprising the formation of images on the retina and its communication to the brain, and the subsequent reading performed by an immaterial mind. Discusses the notion of image as a result of the interpretation of the spirit because, for Descartes, is not the eye that sees, but the spirit that reads and decodes the signals that the body receives the world. At another point, reflected on the criticism of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty at the thought of overflight present in Dioptrics Descartes. Therefore, it takes as its reference the third part of the book The Eye and the Spirit (1961), in which the intellectualist approach of vision is considered a failed attempt to move away from the visible to rebuild it from anywhere . In this sense, it reflects on a new ontology proposed by Merleau-Ponty thinking being without departing from the puzzles of the body and vision. Puzzles that show a promiscuity between the seer and the seen, between sentient and sensitive. Thus, this paper discusses how visibility was treated by the contemporary philosopher, not as something to be judged by the spirit to get a real nature of things, but as a manifestation of the same things. Finally, this research explores the ontology of the visible in merleaupontiano thought, an ontology that does not rebuild or appropriates visible by a thought of overflight, but what you do from your own visibility as compared original and constant with depth in the world.


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This work discusses the ontology of the visible at the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), which points to a depth and opacity of the perceived world that oppose transparency of geometric world thought by René Descartes (1596-1650). At first we approached the Cartesian discourse developed in Dioptrics Descartes, the first of three scientific discourses published in 1637, being introduced by the famous Discourse method. In this sense, this research discusses the mechanistic explanation that the modern philosopher has the vision, process comprising the formation of images on the retina and its communication to the brain, and the subsequent reading performed by an immaterial mind. Discusses the notion of image as a result of the interpretation of the spirit because, for Descartes, is not the eye that sees, but the spirit that reads and decodes the signals that the body receives the world. At another point, reflected on the criticism of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty at the thought of overflight present in Dioptrics Descartes. Therefore, it takes as its reference the third part of the book The Eye and the Spirit (1961), in which the intellectualist approach of vision is considered a failed attempt to move away from the visible to rebuild it from anywhere . In this sense, it reflects on a new ontology proposed by Merleau-Ponty thinking being without departing from the puzzles of the body and vision. Puzzles that show a promiscuity between the seer and the seen, between sentient and sensitive. Thus, this paper discusses how visibility was treated by the contemporary philosopher, not as something to be judged by the spirit to get a real nature of things, but as a manifestation of the same things. Finally, this research explores the ontology of the visible in merleaupontiano thought, an ontology that does not rebuild or appropriates visible by a thought of overflight, but what you do from your own visibility as compared original and constant with depth in the world.


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This research seeks to understand how the problem of information security is treated in Brazil by the public thematization and also how it can affect the political and economic aspects of both Brazilian companies and government by using a study case based on the document leak event of the National Security Agency by Snowden. For this, the study case of sites, blogs and news portal coverage was carried out from the perspective of evidential paradigm, studies of movement and event concept. We are interested in examining how the media handles the information security topic and what its impact on national and international political relations. The subject matter was considered the largest data leakage in history of the NSA, which ranks as the world's largest agency of expression intelligence. This leak caused great repercussions in Brazil since it was revealed that the country was the most watched by the United States of America, behind only USA itself. The consequences were: a big tension between Brazil and the US and a public discussion about privacy and freedom on Internet. The research analyzed 256 publications released by Brazilian media outlets in digital media, in the period between June and July 2013.


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This research seeks to understand how the problem of information security is treated in Brazil by the public thematization and also how it can affect the political and economic aspects of both Brazilian companies and government by using a study case based on the document leak event of the National Security Agency by Snowden. For this, the study case of sites, blogs and news portal coverage was carried out from the perspective of evidential paradigm, studies of movement and event concept. We are interested in examining how the media handles the information security topic and what its impact on national and international political relations. The subject matter was considered the largest data leakage in history of the NSA, which ranks as the world's largest agency of expression intelligence. This leak caused great repercussions in Brazil since it was revealed that the country was the most watched by the United States of America, behind only USA itself. The consequences were: a big tension between Brazil and the US and a public discussion about privacy and freedom on Internet. The research analyzed 256 publications released by Brazilian media outlets in digital media, in the period between June and July 2013.


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The study presents the possibility of interpretation of axiological values of tourism as a practice conceived on a human being or Dasein as being-in-the-world of tourism. The value, as an object of Axiology, was considered the predictor of the human being conduct in the phenomenon reflecting this same value in tourism. The aim was to comprehend and interpret through the way of being of Dasein in tourism, which axiological values are chosen to the practice of tourism and the intentional feelings directed to these values. A phenomenological hermeneutics research with exploratory characteristics was accomplished in order to survey the values. Ten episodic interviews were conducted from the hermeneutic situation - constituted by fore-having, fore-sight and fore-conception of each Dasein interviewed, by adopting a sympathetic conduct and sympathy of Max Scheler and the use of emotional intuition to capture the intentional feelings, interpreted afterwards by the analysis of a Martin Heidegger's phenomenology in Being and Time. The results showed that, even without categorisation, the totality of the living experiences, the way of being of positive values outnumber the negatives ones in the existence of each Dasein, leading them to the Learning, which are comprising: experiences to provide self-knowledge, historical-cultural values, and memory as part of the learning experiences, hospitality as a way of openness and socio-cultural exchange, solidarity and peace. Intentional feelings directed at the values for the choice for practicing tourism were: love, happiness, pleasure, respect and trust. Four evidences were found concerning the use of sentimental perspective and intentional feeling of Scheler and regarding the logic of the heart of Pascal used by this author. The sociocultural interrelationships and exchanges form the basis for developing tourism as phenomenon. Therefore the character being-with or Mitsein is prevalent in tourism activities. Despite the learning was the purpose of the experiences, the ultimate goal was the improvement and personal enrichment of Dasein´s humanity development. The study also showed the hermeneutic phenomenological seeing opens the access of the living experiences of values, without making arbitrarily judgment and achieve "to the thing themselves", which, by the overlapping of categories, dispositions and intentional feelings, form the evaluative experiences and are possible to access through the fundamental ontology of Heidegger. The study contributes to broaden the vision concerning to the totality of tourism and the practitioners Dasein of it. As possibilities for deepening studies, was pointed out: the total person of Scheler; the care or Sorge as a form of love in Heidegger; happiness and pleasure in the practice of tourism and human flourishing or eudaimonia.


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The increasing prevalence of Repetitive Strain Injury / Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (RSI / MSDs) has been explained by changes in the work that has been characterized by setting goals and productivity. This fact does not take into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of workers who become ill as a result of professional activities engaged in and also the adverse conditions in which his work was done. This study aimed to analyze the RSI / MSDs reported in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 2010-2014 compared to the profile of the population, epidemiological aspects and features of these diseases. It is a descriptive epidemiological cross-sectional study using secondary data obtained in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in May 2015 was used as the area covered by the Rio Grande do Norte. Data were collected regarding the grievances of work-related RSI / MSDs, assigned by the Worker's Health Reference Center (CEREST) of the State Health Department. Data were processed with the help of Microsoft Excel® 2013 and presented in tables in absolute frequency (n) and relative frequency (%). The results showed a total of 403 notifications of RSI / MSDs, where the vast majority 72% (290) was recorded in Natal. Regarding the profile of notified employees, 88.59% (357) have aged between 25 and 54 years, 62.78% (253) were female, and in relation to education, 31.51% (127) had high school complete. The most affected occupations were seamstresses (the clothing industry) with 24.97% (97), followed by masons, construction with 3.23% (13) and cashiers with 2.99% (12). About the work situation, 75.93% (306) had a formal contract, however, were sent to Communications Occupational accidents (CAT) only 67% (270) of the cases. Regarding the signs and symptoms, pain and limitation of movement were the most mentioned respectively with 98.01% (395) and 95.04% (383) of notifications. Notifications, 94.29% (380) showed exposure to repetitive movements in their workplace. The most frequent specific diagnoses were synovitis and tenosynovitis (CID F 65), with 30.02% (121) of notifications, followed by back pain (CID F 54) to 19.35% (78) and shoulder injuries (ICD M 75) with 15.88% (64). They were away from work 81.64% (329) of workers reported with RSI / MSDs. Evolution more prevalent among cases was temporary disability with 75.68% (305). It was concluded that the SINAN is a database of potential to characterize the profile of RSI / MSDs, requiring, however, an improvement in the coverage of records and data quality. In addition, this study reflects the need to implement protection strategies to workers by companies, signaling promotion, prevention and rehabilitation aimed at reducing these injuries and the improvement of occupational health indicators in Rio Grande do Norte.


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This dissertation aims at showing the importance of the Nietzsche s and Spinoza s philosophy in Deleuze thought, about body, force, and potency concepts. The search starts from Deleuze texts around two authors of his inspiration, reaching understand in the plan of immanence of the relationship between concepts and the way life as ethics and political affirmation. The first goal is the concept of rhizome; propose by Deleuze in what manner to walk the ways traced by philosophers and at the same time to create self ways. The second chapter examines the body in Nietzsche as force s relations. Find to show the genesis of the force in its determination as relative quantity strong or weak, and as absolute quality active or reactive; and for other side the genesis of the force from two poles of the will to power affirmation or negation, examining the consequences for life and thought. In the third chapter explained the definitions of body in Spinoza. The body, in Spinoza, defines itself complex relation of movement and repose, velocity and slowness and by it s to affect and be affecter s power. Find to show understanding the mediums for to amplify the power of to exist or the potency of to act, in what manner ethics of to live. The fourth chapter makes one parallel between the war and the thought in the constitution of socials body and collectives agenciamientos, for understand in the fifth chapter the body as war s machine of the thought, from the relationship between nomad way life and war s machine showed in Tractate of Nomadologia. Wait like this to show the importance of the ethics and political thought than affirm the existence in the world through active force from that body s power.


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People bedridden by paralysis/motor disability are subject to several problems due to lack of movement. Then, it is necessary to use equipments that enable the people bedridden stand up and walk, so as to reduce the problems due to lack of movement and the time of rehabilitation, impacting directly on its quality of life. The aim of this work is the development of an exoskeleton to make the movement of people with paralysis / motor impairment in the lower limbs, without help of third parties, to be activated by the user. To provide support, stability and security to the deficient, it was decided to use a structure formed by four legs, being each leg consisting of a parallel chain. The gait was obtained by combining the movement of two mechanisms: crank/rocker, responsible for oscillatory motion of the leg, and cam/follower, responsible for the foot motion on the desired trajectory. To achieve the aim of this work was conducted a study about the types of exoskeletons for locomotion/rehabilitation of people with lower limb paralysis and presented a study on the movement of the lower limb joints. It also presented a mathematical model to obtain the desired path to the foot of the exoskeleton, the static model and the design of the structure elements. In the sequence is presented the simulation of movements of a people during the human gait, experimental tests and the comparison with the human gait developed by a people without disabilities.


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Os sistemas comunicacionais têm presenciado alterações expressivas desde a chegada da internet, onde os dispositivos participativos crescem a cada dia, fruto do processo cada vez mais evidente de uma sociedade midiatizada. O trabalho aborda o tema das Manifestações de Junho, ocorridas no Brasil, busca evidenciar os tensionamentos do discurso da grande imprensa frente a cobertura da mídia alternativa, reflete quais foram os desdobramentos de uma das principais manifestações que o país já presenciou e analisa a circulação de sentidos nos eventos ocorridos em 2013. Para tanto, combina uma pesquisa bibliográfica e histórica com pesquisa empírica voltada à análise de narrativas das colunas do jornalista Arnaldo Jabor para a Rádio CBN, durante as manifestações, como também de dois comentários em vídeo de Jabor, para o Jornal da Globo, da TV Globo. E para evidenciar o referencial teórico da presente pesquisa, analisou-se um terceiro vídeo, que tem como título “La Hipocresia de los Medios”, fruto da edição do programa Bajada de Línea, da TV Argentina, que repercute as falas de Arnaldo Jabor, transforma-se literalmente em uma terceira fala, evidenciando a mudança de opinião e confirmando que a midiatização afeta o modelo clássico de comunicação.


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Quién Es, Quién Somos? Spic’ing into Existence claims a four-fold close-reading: first, analysis of texts: from theoretical meditations to (prison) memoir and film. Second, a half dozen central figures appear, largely Latinx and black American. They cut across a score of registers, socio-economics, ideological reservations, but all are, as Carl Carlton sang, poetry in motion. Writers, poets, theologians, pathologists, artists, comedians, actors, students whose vocation is invocation, the inner surge of their calling. Third, the manuscript draws from a series of historical moments—from radical liberation of the late 60s, to contemporary student activism. Finally, this body of work is movement, in all its social, gestural, and kinesthetic viscera. From this last heading, we peel away layers of what I call the ethnopoet, the fascia undoing that reveals its bio-political anatomy, dressing its bare life with kinship speech. First, the social revolutions of the Civil Rights, Black Power, abolitionism, the Black Panthers and Young Lords, boycotts and jarring artistic performances. These events are superficial not in vain sense, but key epicenters of underground murmurings, the workings of a cunning assailant. She robs not lavish estates, but another day to breathe. Gesturally, as perhaps the interlocutor, lies this author, interspersing his own diatribes to conjure her presence. The final branch is admittedly the most intangible. Kinesthetically, we map the nimbleness, footwork lígera of what I call the ethnopoet. Ethnopoet is no mere aggregate of ethnicity and poetry, but like chemical reaction, the descriptor for its behavior under certain pressures, temperatures, and elements. Elusive and resisting confinement, and therefore definition, the ethnopoet is a shapeshifting figure of how racialized bodies [people of color] respond to hegemonic powers. She is, at bottom, however, a native translator, the plural-lensed subject whose loyalty is only to the imagination of a different world, one whose survival is not contingent upon her exploitation. The native translator’s constant re-calibrations of oppressive power apparatuses seem taxing at best, and near-impossible, at worst. To effectively navigate through these polarized loci, she must identify ideologies that in turn seek “affective liberatory sances” in relation to the dominant social order (43). In a kind of performative contradiction, she must marshall the knowledge necessary to “break with ideology” while speaking within it. Chicana Studies scholar, Chela Sandoval, describes this dual movement as “meta-ideologizing”: the appropriation of hegemonic ideological forms in order to transform them (82). Nuestros padres se subieron encima de La Bestia, y por eso somos pasageros a ese tren. Y ya, dentro su pansa, tenemos que ser vigilantes cuando plantamos las bombas. In Methodology of the Oppressed, Sandoval schematizes this oppositional consciousness around five principle categories: “equal rights,” “revolutionary,” “supremacist,” “separatist,” and “differential.” Taken by themselves, the first four modes appear mutually exclusive, incapable of occupying the same plane, until a fifth pillar emerges. Cinematographic in nature, differential consciousness, as Sandoval defines it, is “a kinetic motion that maneuvers, poetically transfigures, and orchestrates while demanding alienation, perversion, and reformation in both spectators and practitioners” (44). For Sandoval, then, differential consciousness is a methodology that privileges an incredible sense mobility, one reaching artistic sensibilities. Our fourth and final analytic of movement serves an apt example of this dual meaning. Lexically speaking, ‘movement’ may be regarded as a political mobilization of aggrieved populations (through sustained efforts), or the process of moving objects (people or otherwise) from one location to another. Praxis-wise, it is both action and ideal, content and form. Thus, an ethnic poetics must be regarded less as a series of stanzas, shortened lyric, or even arrangement of language, but as a lens through which peripheralized peoples kaleidecope ideological positions in an “original, eccentric, and queer sight” (43). Taking note of the advantages of postponing identifications, the thesis stands its ground on the term ethnopoet. Its abstraction is not dewey-eyed philosophy, but an anticipation of poetic justice, of what’s to come from callused hands. This thesis is divided into 7.5 chapters. The first maps out the ethnopoet’s cartographies of struggle. By revisiting that alleged Tío Tomas, Richard Rodriguez, we unearth the tensions that negatively, deny citizenship to one silo, but on the flipside, engender manifold ways of seeing, hearing, and moving . The second, through George Jackson’s prison memoirs, pans out from this ethnography of power, groping for an apparatus that feigns an impervious prestige: ‘the aesthetic regime of coercion.’ In half-way cut, the thesis sidesteps to spic into existence, formally announcing, through Aime Cesaire, myself, and Pedro Pietri, the poeticization of trauma. Such uplift denies New Age transcendence of self, but a rehearsal of our entrapment in these mortal envelopes. Thirdly, conscious of the bleeding ethnic body, we cut open the incipient corpse to observe her pathologist. Her native autopsies offer the ethnic body’s posthumous recognition, the ethnopoetics ability to speak for and through the dead. Chapter five examines prolific black artists—Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar—to elide the circumvention of their consumption via invoking radical black hi/her-stories, ones fragmenting the black body. Sixth, the paper compares the Black Power Salute of the 1968 Mexico City Olympics to Duke’s Mi Gente Boycott of their Latino Student Recruitment Weekend. Both wielded “silent gestures,” that shrewdly interfered with white noise of numbed negligence. Finally, ‘taking the mask off’ that are her functionalities, the CODA expounds on ethnopoet’s interiority, particularly after the rapid re-calibration of her politics. Through a rerun of El Chavo del Ocho, one of Mexican television’s most cherished shows, we tune into the heart-breaking indigence of barrio residents, only to marvel at the power of humor to, as Friday’s John Witherspoon put it, “fight another day.” This thesis is the tip of my tongue. Y por una vez, déjala que cante.


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Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée à la Division de la gestion des documents et des archives.


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Analizamos la pregunta de Michel Foucault por estatuto de la crítica y su reflexividad: ¿de qué manera puede determinarse el estatuto de su propio discurso? Recorreremos dos caminos: (i) el rechazo de la noción de ideología. La cuestión es aquí: ¿cómo es posible la crítica sin la ideología y la verdad?; (ii) la recuperación foucaultiana de la actitud crítica (en los textos sobre Kant y la pregunta Was ist Aufklärung?) y la problemática de la modernidad en términos de una "ontología histórica del presente". Ambos caminos se cruzan, ya que las observaciones sobre una "política de la verdad" (lo otro de la crítica de la ideología comprometida con una verdad aséptica) se refuerzan con las de la cuestión del gobierno en términos de una "inservidumbre voluntaria". En ambos casos, la práctica de la crítica, que subjetiviza desujetando, plantea la cuestión de la libertad


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Analizamos la pregunta de Michel Foucault por estatuto de la crítica y su reflexividad: ¿de qué manera puede determinarse el estatuto de su propio discurso? Recorreremos dos caminos: (i) el rechazo de la noción de ideología. La cuestión es aquí: ¿cómo es posible la crítica sin la ideología y la verdad?; (ii) la recuperación foucaultiana de la actitud crítica (en los textos sobre Kant y la pregunta Was ist Aufklärung?) y la problemática de la modernidad en términos de una "ontología histórica del presente". Ambos caminos se cruzan, ya que las observaciones sobre una "política de la verdad" (lo otro de la crítica de la ideología comprometida con una verdad aséptica) se refuerzan con las de la cuestión del gobierno en términos de una "inservidumbre voluntaria". En ambos casos, la práctica de la crítica, que subjetiviza desujetando, plantea la cuestión de la libertad


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Analizamos la pregunta de Michel Foucault por estatuto de la crítica y su reflexividad: ¿de qué manera puede determinarse el estatuto de su propio discurso? Recorreremos dos caminos: (i) el rechazo de la noción de ideología. La cuestión es aquí: ¿cómo es posible la crítica sin la ideología y la verdad?; (ii) la recuperación foucaultiana de la actitud crítica (en los textos sobre Kant y la pregunta Was ist Aufklärung?) y la problemática de la modernidad en términos de una "ontología histórica del presente". Ambos caminos se cruzan, ya que las observaciones sobre una "política de la verdad" (lo otro de la crítica de la ideología comprometida con una verdad aséptica) se refuerzan con las de la cuestión del gobierno en términos de una "inservidumbre voluntaria". En ambos casos, la práctica de la crítica, que subjetiviza desujetando, plantea la cuestión de la libertad