964 resultados para onshore AC grid
Reflectivity sequences extraction is a key part of impedance inversion in seismic exploration. Although many valid inversion methods exist, with crosswell seismic data, the frequency brand of seismic data can not be broadened to satisfy the practical need. It is an urgent problem to be solved. Pre-stack depth migration which developed in these years becomes more and more robust in the exploration. It is a powerful technology of imaging to the geological object with complex structure and its final result is reflectivity imaging. Based on the reflectivity imaging of crosswell seismic data and wave equation, this paper completed such works as follows: Completes the workflow of blind deconvolution, Cauchy criteria is used to regulate the inversion(sparse inversion). Also the precondition conjugate gradient(PCG) based on Krylov subspace is combined with to decrease the computation, improves the speed, and the transition matrix is not necessary anymore be positive and symmetric. This method is used to the high frequency recovery of crosswell seismic section and the result is satisfactory. Application of rotation transform and viterbi algorithm in the preprocess of equation prestack depth migration. In equation prestack depth migration, the grid of seismic dataset is required to be regular. Due to the influence of complex terrain and fold, the acquisition geometry sometimes becomes irregular. At the same time, to avoid the aliasing produced by the sparse sample along the on-line, interpolation should be done between tracks. In this paper, I use the rotation transform to make on-line run parallel with the coordinate, and also use the viterbi algorithm to complete the automatic picking of events, the result is satisfactory. 1. Imaging is a key part of pre-stack depth migration besides extrapolation. Imaging condition can influence the final result of reflectivity sequences imaging greatly however accurate the extrapolation operator is. The author does migration of Marmousi under different imaging conditions. And analyzes these methods according to the results. The results of computation show that imaging condition which stabilize source wave field and the least-squares estimation imaging condition in this paper are better than the conventional correlation imaging condition. The traditional pattern of "distributed computing and mass decision" is wisely adopted in the field of seismic data processing and becoming an obstacle of the promoting of the enterprise management level. Thus at the end of this paper, a systemic solution scheme, which employs the mode of "distributed computing - centralized storage - instant release", is brought forward, based on the combination of C/S and B/S release models. The architecture of the solution, the corresponding web technology and the client software are introduced. The application shows that the validity of this scheme.
The grid is a foundation of reservoir description and reservoir simulation. The scale of grid size is vital influence for the precision of reservoir simulation the gridding of reservoir parameters require reasonable interpolation method with computing quickly and accurately. The improved distant weighted interpolation method has many properties, such as logical data points selection, exact interpolation, less calculation and simply programming, and its application can improve the precision of reservoir description and reservoir simulation. The Fractal geologic statistics describes scientifically the distribution law of various geological properties in reservoir. The Fractal interpolation method is applied in grid interpolation of reservoir parameters, and the result more accorded with the geological property and configuration of reservoir, and improved the rationality and quality of interpolation calculation. Incorporating the improved distant weighted interpolation method with Fractal interpolation method during mathematical model of grid-upscaling and grid-downscaling, the softwares of GROUGH(grid-upscaling) and GFINE (grid-downscaling) were developed aiming at the questions of grid-upscaling and grid-downscaling in reservoir description and reservoir simulation. The softwares of GROUGH and GFINE initial applied in the research of fined and large-scale reservoir simulation. It obtained fined distribution of remaining oil applying grid-upscaling and grid-downscaling technique in fined reservoir simulation of Es21-2 Shengtuo oilfield, and provided strongly and scientific basis for integral and comprehensive adjustment. It's a giant tertiary oil recovery pilot area in the alkaline/surfactant/polymer flooding pilot area of west district of Gudao oilfield, and first realized fined reservoir simulation of chemical flooding using grid-upscaling and grid-downscaling technique. It has wide applied foreground and significant research value aiming at the technique of grid-upscaling and grid-downscaling in reservoir description and reservoir simulation.
Population data which collected and saved according to administrative region is a kind of statistical data. As a traditional method of spatial data expression, average distribution in every administrative region brings population data on a low spatial and temporal precision. Now, an accurate population data with high spatial resolution is becoming more and more important in regional planning, environment protection, policy making and rural-urban development. Spatial distribution of population data is becoming more important in GIS study area. In this article, the author reviewed the progress of research on spatial distribution of population. Under the support of GIS, correlative geographical theories and Grid data model, Remote Sensing data, terrain data, traffic data, river data, resident data, and social economic statistic were applied to calculate the spatial distribution of population in Fujian province, which includes following parts: (1) Simulating of boundary at township level. Based on access cost index, land use data, traffic data, river data, DEM, and correlative social economic statistic data, the access cost surface in study area was constructed. Supported by the lowest cost path query and weighted Voronoi diagram, DVT model (Demarcation of Villages and Towns) was established to simulate the boundary at township level in Fujian province. (2) Modeling of population spatial distribution. Based on the knowledge in geography, seven impact factors, such as land use, altitude, slope, residential area, railway, road, and river were chosen as the parameters in this study. Under the support of GIS, the relations of population distribution to these impact factors were analyzed quantificationally, and the coefficients of population density on pixel scale were calculated. Last, the model of population spatial distribution at township level was established through multiplicative fusion of population density coefficients and simulated boundary of towns. (3) Error test and analysis of population spatial distribution base on modeling. The author not only analyzed the numerical character of modeling error, but also its spatial distribution. The reasons of error were discussed.
The CSAMT method is playing an important role in the exploration of geothermal and the pre-exploration in tunnel construction project recently. In order to instruct the interpretation technique for the field data, the forward method from ID to 3D and inversion method in ID and 2D are developed in this paper for the artificial source magnetotelluric in frequency domain. In general, the artificial source data are inverted only after the near field is corrected on the basis of the assumption of half-homogeneous space; however, this method is not suitable for the complex structure because the assumption is not valid any more. Recently the new idea about inversion scheme without near field correction is published in order to avoid the near field correction error. We try to discuss different inversion scheme in ID and 2D using the data without near field correction.The numerical integration method is used to do the forward modeling in ID CSAMT method o The infinite line source is used in the 2D finite-element forward modeling, where the near-field effect is occurred as in the CSAMT method because of using artificial source. The pseudo-delta function is used to modeling the source distribution, which reduces the singularity when solving the finite-element equations. The effect on the exploration area is discussed when anomalous body exists under the source or between the source and exploration area; A series of digital test show the 2D finite element method are correct, the results of modeling has important significant for CSAMT data interpretation. For 3D finite-element forward modeling, the finite-element equation is derived by Galerkin method and the divergence condition is add forcedly to the forward equation, the forward modeling result of the half homogeneous space model is correct.The new inversion idea without near field correction is followed to develop new inversion methods in ID and 2D in the paper. All of the inversion schemes use the data without near field correction, which avoid introducing errors caused by near field correction. The modified grid parameter method and the layer-by-layer inversion method are joined in the ID inversion scheme. The RRI method with artificial source are developed and finite-element inversion method are used in 2D inversion scheme. The inversion results using digital data and the field data are accordant to the model and the known geology data separately, which means the inversion without near field correction is accessible. The feasibility to invert the data only in exploration area is discussed when the anomalous body exists between the source and the exploration area.
This research, mainly by using perceptual experiment and relating its results to the acoustic correlates, investigated the acoustic correlates of mandarin prominences of prosodic word、prosodic phrase、sentence and their mutual influences. The results are as follow: (1) for the prominence of prosodic word, according the order of the extents to which these acoustic correlates contribute to the perception of the prominence, its acoustic correlates are duration、pitch、spectral tilt、energy and pitch-change, the results also have showed that the perception of the prominence is influenced by some non-acoustic factors; (2) for the prominence of prosodic phrase, baseing on the experimental results, the existing of prosodic phrase prominence in mandarian has been proposed, and the experiments proved that the prosodic phrase prominence fall on the semantic focus of the phrase typically; (3) for the prominence of sentence, the experimental results show that, the lengthening of duration, similar with the pitch-change, mainly localised on the prosodic head of the domain on which the sentence prominence emphisize, and this lengthening would, in different levels, spread on other syllables in the phonetic constituents which contain the prosodic head, and this pattern of lengthening of duration does not vary with changing of domain of sentence prominence, that means, in mandarin sentence, there is generally no acoustic cues which can been used in the perception of the domain of sentnece prominence; (4) for the acoustic cues of mutual influences of the prominences of different levels, the experiment have proved that, not only the pitch-change but also the lengthening of duration are subjective to melodic grid law. In the last part of the dissertation, I have tried to given an explantion about the above experimental results from psylogical view point.
In the present study, a method based on transmission-line mode for a porous electrode was used to measure the ionic resistance of the anode catalyst layer under in situ fuel cell operation condition. The influence of Nafion content and catalyst loading in the anode catalyst layer on the methanol electro-oxidation and direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) performance based on unsupported Pt-Ru black was investigated by using the AC impedance method. The optimal Nafion content was found to be 15 wt% at 75 degrees C. The optimal Pt-Ru loading is related to the operating temperature, for example, about 2.0 mg/cm(2) for 75-90 degrees C, 3.0 mg/cm2 for 50 degrees C. Over these values, the cell performance decreased due to the increases in ohmic and mass transfer resistances. It was found that the peak power density obtained was 217 mW/cm(2) with optimal catalyst and Nafion loading at 75 degrees C using oxygen. (c) 2005 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
No Estado do Acre, o cultivo do cupuaçuzeiro encontra-se em fase de desenvolvimento, apresentando aumento na área de produção. O sucesso de cultivos pioneiros consorciados com outras fruteiras, aliado ao elevado preço do fruto e a possibilidade de industrialização e exportação dos subprodutos, vem despertando interesse de agricultores e empresários na formação de novos pomares. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar cinco métodos de nexertia para o cupuaçuzeiro nas condições edafoclimáticas de Rio Branco, AC.
Introdução e avaliação de cultivares de bananeira em Rio Branco, AC: 1º ciclo de produção-1993/1994.
Este trabalho vem sendo conduzido no Centro de Pesquisa Florestal do Acre com o objetivo de introduzir e avaliar o desempenho de cultivares de bananeira resistentes e/ou tolerantes à pragas e doenças, nas condições edafoclimáticas locais.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é fornecer, por meio de técnicas de geoprocessamento e de um sistema de informações geográficas, elementos para subsidiar a implantação de pólos agroflorestais pelo governo estadual, no município de Capixaba.
Os projetos de assentamento no Estado do Acre, conforme sua concepção e implantação, não trouxeram benefícios pois não se obteve a sustentabilidade do produtor e da produção agrícola, acarretando um grande abandono de lotes e contrastes dentro de um mesmo projeto, onde alguns produtores produzem bem e outros não conseguem produzir nem para a sua manutenção, em função da má localização da área agricola dos assentamentos. O Projeto Lumiar é executado pelo Incra e destina-se a prestar serviços de assis-tência técnica e capacitação das famílias assentadas em projeto de reforma agrária, sendo de extrema importância do ponto de vista da exploração racional da terra Acre, principalmente, dentro de um contexto em que o processo de assentamento não prevê estudos de potencial de recursos naturais nas áreas a ser desapropriadas. Uma assistência técnica eficaz demanda o conhecimento das limitações e do potencial da área onde se está trabalhando. Neste sentido, o levantamento pedolágico é a base para o planejamento de exploração racional da terra. A partir do conhecimento das características e da distribuição espacial de cada classe de solo será possível ordenar o processo de ocupação, direcionando os produto-res para as atividades agropecuárias que tenham mais êxito naquele ambiente e adotando práticas de manejo que se adequem à situação atual do solo e das condições socioeconômicas dos produtores. Este trabalho é fruto de um esforço conjunto, para mostrar que é possível unir várias instituições com um objetivo comum: o pequeno produtor rural. A Embrapa-CPAFAC coordenou as atividades de campo, tabulação dos dados e elaboração de publicação; a Ufac participou com as análises químicas e físicas das amostras coletadas; a Unidade Avançada do Alto Purus do Incra forneceu o apoio logistico em Sena Madureira; e os técnicos do Lumiar participaram diretamente na realização dos trabalhos de campo.