986 resultados para one-dimensional potentials


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In the first part of this thesis, experiments utilizing an NMR phase interferometric concept are presented. The spinor character of two-level systems is explicitly demonstrated by using this concept. Following this is the presentation of an experiment which uses this same idea to measure relaxation times of off-diagonal density matrix elements corresponding to magnetic-dipole-forbidden transitions in a ^(13)C-^1H, AX spin system. The theoretical background for these experiments and the spin dynamics of the interferometry are discussed also.

The second part of this thesis deals with NMR dipolar modulated chemical shift spectroscopy, with which internuclear bond lengths and bond angles with respect to the chemical shift principal axis frame are determined from polycrystalline samples. Experiments using benzene and calcium formate verify the validity of the technique in heteronuclear (^(13)C-^1H) systems. Similar experiments on powdered trichloroacetic acid confirm the validity in homonuclear (^1H- ^1H) systems. The theory and spin dynamics are explored in detail, and the effects of a number of multiple pulse sequences are discussed.

The last part deals with an experiment measuring the ^(13)C chemical shift tensor in K_2Pt(CN)_4Br_(0.3) • 3H_2O, a one-dimensional conductor. The ^(13)C spectra are strongly affected by ^(14)N quadrupolar interactions via the ^(13)C - ^(14)N dipolar interaction. Single crystal rotation spectra are shown.

An appendix discussing the design, construction, and performance of a single-coil double resonance NMR sample probe is included.


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The surface resistance and the critical magnetic field of lead electroplated on copper were studied at 205 MHz in a half-wave coaxial resonator. The observed surface resistance at a low field level below 4.2°K could be well described by the BCS surface resistance with the addition of a temperature independent residual resistance. The available experimental data suggest that the major fraction of the residual resistance in the present experiment was due to the presence of an oxide layer on the surface. At higher magnetic field levels the surface resistance was found to be enhanced due to surface imperfections.

The attainable rf critical magnetic field between 2.2°K and T_c of lead was found to be limited not by the thermodynamic critical field but rather by the superheating field predicted by the one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau theory. The observed rf critical field was very close to the expected superheating field, particularly in the higher reduced temperature range, but showed somewhat stronger temperature dependence than the expected superheating field in the lower reduced temperature range.

The rf critical magnetic field was also studied at 90 MHz for pure tin and indium, and for a series of SnIn and InBi alloys spanning both type I and type II superconductivity. The samples were spherical with typical diameters of 1-2 mm and a helical resonator was used to generate the rf magnetic field in the measurement. The results of pure samples of tin and indium showed that a vortex-like nucleation of the normal phase was responsible for the superconducting-to-normal phase transition in the rf field at temperatures up to about 0.98-0.99 T_c' where the ideal superheating limit was being reached. The results of the alloy samples showed that the attainable rf critical fields near T_c were well described by the superheating field predicted by the one-dimensional GL theory in both the type I and type II regimes. The measurement was also made at 300 MHz resulting in no significant change in the rf critical field. Thus it was inferred that the nucleation time of the normal phase, once the critical field was reached, was small compared with the rf period in this frequency range.


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This paper presents a funnel external potential model to investigate dynamic properties of ultracold Bose gas. By using variational method, we obtain the ground-state energy and density properties of ultracold Bose atoms. The results show that the ultracold Bose gas confined in a funnel potential experiences the transition from three-dimensional regime to quasi-one-dimensional regime in a small aspect ratio, and undergoes fermionization process as the aspect ratio increases.


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Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KSDFT) is currently the main work-horse of quantum mechanical calculations in physics, chemistry, and materials science. From a mechanical engineering perspective, we are interested in studying the role of defects in the mechanical properties in materials. In real materials, defects are typically found at very small concentrations e.g., vacancies occur at parts per million, dislocation density in metals ranges from $10^{10} m^{-2}$ to $10^{15} m^{-2}$, and grain sizes vary from nanometers to micrometers in polycrystalline materials, etc. In order to model materials at realistic defect concentrations using DFT, we would need to work with system sizes beyond millions of atoms. Due to the cubic-scaling computational cost with respect to the number of atoms in conventional DFT implementations, such system sizes are unreachable. Since the early 1990s, there has been a huge interest in developing DFT implementations that have linear-scaling computational cost. A promising approach to achieving linear-scaling cost is to approximate the density matrix in KSDFT. The focus of this thesis is to provide a firm mathematical framework to study the convergence of these approximations. We reformulate the Kohn-Sham density functional theory as a nested variational problem in the density matrix, the electrostatic potential, and a field dual to the electron density. The corresponding functional is linear in the density matrix and thus amenable to spectral representation. Based on this reformulation, we introduce a new approximation scheme, called spectral binning, which does not require smoothing of the occupancy function and thus applies at arbitrarily low temperatures. We proof convergence of the approximate solutions with respect to spectral binning and with respect to an additional spatial discretization of the domain. For a standard one-dimensional benchmark problem, we present numerical experiments for which spectral binning exhibits excellent convergence characteristics and outperforms other linear-scaling methods.


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This thesis describes investigations of two classes of laboratory plasmas with rather different properties: partially ionized low pressure radiofrequency (RF) discharges, and fully ionized high density magnetohydrodynamically (MHD)-driven jets. An RF pre-ionization system was developed to enable neutral gas breakdown at lower pressures and create hotter, faster jets in the Caltech MHD-Driven Jet Experiment. The RF plasma source used a custom pulsed 3 kW 13.56 MHz RF power amplifier that was powered by AA batteries, allowing it to safely float at 4-6 kV with the cathode of the jet experiment. The argon RF discharge equilibrium and transport properties were analyzed, and novel jet dynamics were observed.

Although the RF plasma source was conceived as a wave-heated helicon source, scaling measurements and numerical modeling showed that inductive coupling was the dominant energy input mechanism. A one-dimensional time-dependent fluid model was developed to quantitatively explain the expansion of the pre-ionized plasma into the jet experiment chamber. The plasma transitioned from an ionizing phase with depressed neutral emission to a recombining phase with enhanced emission during the course of the experiment, causing fast camera images to be a poor indicator of the density distribution. Under certain conditions, the total visible and infrared brightness and the downstream ion density both increased after the RF power was turned off. The time-dependent emission patterns were used for an indirect measurement of the neutral gas pressure.

The low-mass jets formed with the aid of the pre-ionization system were extremely narrow and collimated near the electrodes, with peak density exceeding that of jets created without pre-ionization. The initial neutral gas distribution prior to plasma breakdown was found to be critical in determining the ultimate jet structure. The visible radius of the dense central jet column was several times narrower than the axial current channel radius, suggesting that the outer portion of the jet must have been force free, with the current parallel to the magnetic field. The studies of non-equilibrium flows and plasma self-organization being carried out at Caltech are relevant to astrophysical jets and fusion energy research.


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This thesis advances our understanding of midlatitude storm tracks and how they respond to perturbations in the climate system. The midlatitude storm tracks are regions of maximal turbulent kinetic energy in the atmosphere. Through them, the bulk of the atmospheric transport of energy, water vapor, and angular momentum occurs in midlatitudes. Therefore, they are important regulators of climate, controlling basic features such as the distribution of surface temperatures, precipitation, and winds in midlatitudes. Storm tracks are robustly projected to shift poleward in global-warming simulations with current climate models. Yet the reasons for this shift have remained unclear. Here we show that this shift occurs even in extremely idealized (but still three-dimensional) simulations of dry atmospheres. We use these simulations to develop an understanding of the processes responsible for the shift and develop a conceptual model that accounts for it.

We demonstrate that changes in the convective static stability in the deep tropics alone can drive remote shifts in the midlatitude storm tracks. Through simulations with a dry idealized general circulation model (GCM), midlatitude storm tracks are shown to be located where the mean available potential energy (MAPE, a measure of the potential energy available to be converted into kinetic energy) is maximal. As the climate varies, even if only driven by tropical static stability changes, the MAPE maximum shifts primarily because of shifts of the maximum of near-surface meridional temperature gradients. The temperature gradients shift in response to changes in the width of the tropical Hadley circulation, whose width is affected by the tropical static stability. Storm tracks generally shift in tandem with shifts of the subtropical terminus of the Hadley circulation.

We develop a one-dimensional diffusive energy-balance model that links changes in the Hadley circulation to midlatitude temperature gradients and so to the storm tracks. It is the first conceptual model to incorporate a dynamical coupling between the tropical Hadley circulation and midlatitude turbulent energy transport. Numerical and analytical solutions of the model elucidate the circumstances of when and how the storm tracks shift in tandem with the terminus of the Hadley circulation. They illustrate how an increase of only the convective static stability in the deep tropics can lead to an expansion of the Hadley circulation and a poleward shift of storm tracks.

The simulations with the idealized GCM and the conceptual energy-balance model demonstrate a clear link between Hadley circulation dynamics and midlatitude storm track position. With the help of the hierarchy of models presented in this thesis, we obtain a closed theory of storm track shifts in dry climates. The relevance of this theory for more realistic moist climates is discussed.


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Understanding friction and adhesion in static and sliding contact of surfaces is important in numerous physical phenomena and technological applications. Most surfaces are rough at the microscale, and thus the real area of contact is only a fraction of the nominal area. The macroscopic frictional and adhesive response is determined by the collective behavior of the population of evolving and interacting microscopic contacts. This collective behavior can be very different from the behavior of individual contacts. It is thus important to understand how the macroscopic response emerges from the microscopic one. In this thesis, we develop a theoretical and computational framework to study the collective behavior. Our philosophy is to assume a simple behavior of a single asperity and study the collective response of an ensemble. Our work bridges the existing well-developed studies of single asperities with phenomenological laws that describe macroscopic rate-and-state behavior of frictional interfaces. We find that many aspects of the macroscopic behavior are robust with respect to the microscopic response. This explains why qualitatively similar frictional features are seen for a diverse range of materials. We first show that the collective response of an ensemble of one-dimensional independent viscoelastic elements interacting through a mean field reproduces many qualitative features of static and sliding friction evolution. The resulting macroscopic behavior is different from the microscopic one: for example, even if each contact is velocity-strengthening, the macroscopic behavior can be velocity-weakening. The framework is then extended to incorporate three-dimensional rough surfaces, long- range elastic interactions between contacts, and time-dependent material behaviors such as viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity. Interestingly, the mean field behavior dominates and the elastic interactions, though important from a quantitative perspective, do not change the qualitative macroscopic response. Finally, we examine the effect of adhesion on the frictional response as well as develop a force threshold model for adhesion and mode I interfacial cracks.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo teórico e numérico sobre os erros que ocorrem nos cálculos de gradientes em malhas não estruturadas constituídas pelo diagrama de Voronoi, malhas estas, formadas também pela triangulação de Delaunay. As malhas adotadas, no trabalho, foram as malhas cartesianas e as malhas triangulares, esta última é gerada pela divisão de um quadrado em dois ou quatro triângulos iguais. Para tal análise, adotamos a escolha de três metodologias distintas para o cálculo dos gradientes: método de Green Gauss, método do Mínimo Resíduo Quadrático e método da Média do Gradiente Projetado Corrigido. O texto se baseia em dois enfoques principais: mostrar que as equações de erros dadas pelos gradientes podem ser semelhantes, porém com sinais opostos, para pontos de cálculos em volumes vizinhos e que a ordem do erro das equações analíticas pode ser melhorada em malhas uniformes quando comparada as não uniformes, nos casos unidimensionais, e quando analisada na face de tais volumes vizinhos nos casos bidimensionais.


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The numerical solutions of binary-phase (0, tau) gratings for one-dimensional array illuminators up to 32 are presented. Some fabrication errors, which are due to position-quantization errors, phase errors, dilation (or erosion) errors, and the side-slope error, are calculated and show that even-number array illuminators are superior to odd-number array illuminators when these fabrication errors are considered. One (0, tau) binary-phase, 8 x 16 array illuminator made with the wet-chemical-etching method is given in this paper.


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Ordered granular systems have been a subject of active research for decades. Due to their rich dynamic response and nonlinearity, ordered granular systems have been suggested for several applications, such as solitary wave focusing, acoustic signals manipulation, and vibration absorption. Most of the fundamental research performed on ordered granular systems has focused on macro-scale examples. However, most engineering applications require these systems to operate at much smaller scales. Very little is known about the response of micro-scale granular systems, primarily because of the difficulties in realizing reliable and quantitative experiments, which originate from the discrete nature of granular materials and their highly nonlinear inter-particle contact forces.

In this work, we investigate the physics of ordered micro-granular systems by designing an innovative experimental platform that allows us to assemble, excite, and characterize ordered micro-granular systems. This new experimental platform employs a laser system to deliver impulses with controlled momentum and incorporates non-contact measurement apparatuses to detect the particles’ displacement and velocity. We demonstrated the capability of the laser system to excite systems of dry (stainless steel particles of radius 150 micrometers) and wet (silica particles of radius 3.69 micrometers, immersed in fluid) micro-particles, after which we analyzed the stress propagation through these systems.

We derived the equations of motion governing the dynamic response of dry and wet particles on a substrate, which we then validated in experiments. We then measured the losses in these systems and characterized the collision and friction between two micro-particles. We studied wave propagation in one-dimensional dry chains of micro-particles as well as in two-dimensional colloidal systems immersed in fluid. We investigated the influence of defects to wave propagation in the one-dimensional systems. Finally, we characterized the wave-attenuation and its relation to the viscosity of the surrounding fluid and performed computer simulations to establish a model that captures the observed response.

The findings of the study offer the first systematic experimental and numerical analysis of wave propagation through ordered systems of micro-particles. The experimental system designed in this work provides the necessary tools for further fundamental studies of wave propagation in both granular and colloidal systems.


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The Lau cavity is the self-imaging cavity with a phase corrector under the Lau reimaging condition. The author proposes the use of the Lau cavity to utilize both the Talbot and the Lau effects for phase locking one-dimensional and two-dimensional diode-laser arrays into a single-lobe coherent beam. Analyses on the self-reproducing of a coherent lasing field and the reimaging of initial incoherent radiation are given.


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An investigation was conducted to estimate the error when the flat-flux approximation is used to compute the resonance integral for a single absorber element embedded in a neutron source.

The investigation was initiated by assuming a parabolic flux distribution in computing the flux-averaged escape probability which occurs in the collision density equation. Furthermore, also assumed were both wide resonance and narrow resonance expressions for the resonance integral. The fact that this simple model demonstrated a decrease in the resonance integral motivated the more detailed investigation of the thesis.

An integral equation describing the collision density as a function of energy, position and angle is constructed and is subsequently specialized to the case of energy and spatial dependence. This equation is further simplified by expanding the spatial dependence in a series of Legendre polynomials (since a one-dimensional case is considered). In this form, the effects of slowing-down and flux depression may be accounted for to any degree of accuracy desired. The resulting integral equation for the energy dependence is thus solved numerically, considering the slowing down model and the infinite mass model as separate cases.

From the solution obtained by the above method, the error ascribable to the flat-flux approximation is obtained. In addition to this, the error introduced in the resonance integral in assuming no slowing down in the absorber is deduced. Results by Chernick for bismuth rods, and by Corngold for uranium slabs, are compared to the latter case, and these agree to within the approximations made.


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In 1964 A. W. Goldie [1] posed the problem of determining all rings with identity and minimal condition on left ideals which are faithfully represented on the right side of their left socle. Goldie showed that such a ring which is indecomposable and in which the left and right principal indecomposable ideals have, respectively, unique left and unique right composition series is a complete blocked triangular matrix ring over a skewfield. The general problem suggested above is very difficult. We obtain results under certain natural restrictions which are much weaker than the restrictive assumptions made by Goldie.

We characterize those rings in which the principal indecomposable left ideals each contain a unique minimal left ideal (Theorem (4.2)). It is sufficient to handle indecomposable rings (Lemma (1.4)). Such a ring is also a blocked triangular matrix ring. There exist r positive integers K1,..., Kr such that the i,jth block of a typical matrix is a Ki x Kj matrix with arbitrary entries in a subgroup Dij of the additive group of a fixed skewfield D. Each Dii is a sub-skewfield of D and Dri = D for all i. Conversely, every matrix ring which has this form is indecomposable, faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle, and possesses the property that every principal indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.

The principal indecomposable left ideals may have unique composition series even though the ring does not have minimal condition on right ideals. We characterize this situation by defining a partial ordering ρ on {i, 2,...,r} where we set iρj if Dij ≠ 0. Every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique composition series if and only if the diagram of ρ is an inverted tree and every Dij is a one-dimensional left vector space over Dii (Theorem (5.4)).

We show (Theorem (2.2)) that every ring A of the type we are studying is a unique subdirect sum of less complex rings A1,...,As of the same type. Namely, each Ai has only one isomorphism class of minimal left ideals and the minimal left ideals of different Ai are non-isomorphic as left A-modules. We give (Theorem (2.1)) necessary and sufficient conditions for a ring which is a subdirect sum of rings Ai having these properties to be faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle. We show ((4.F), p. 42) that up to technical trivia the rings Ai are matrix rings of the form

[...]. Each Qj comes from the faithful irreducible matrix representation of a certain skewfield over a fixed skewfield D. The bottom row is filled in by arbitrary elements of D.

In Part V we construct an interesting class of rings faithfully represented on their left socle from a given partial ordering on a finite set, given skewfields, and given additive groups. This class of rings contains the ones in which every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique minimal left ideal. We identify the uniquely determined subdirect summands mentioned above in terms of the given partial ordering (Proposition (5.2)). We conjecture that this technique serves to construct all the rings which are a unique subdirect sum of rings each having the property that every principal-indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.


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The use of transmission matrices and lumped parameter models for describing continuous systems is the subject of this study. Non-uniform continuous systems which play important roles in practical vibration problems, e.g., torsional oscillations in bars, transverse bending vibrations of beams, etc., are of primary importance.

A new approach for deriving closed form transmission matrices is applied to several classes of non-uniform continuous segments of one dimensional and beam systems. A power series expansion method is presented for determining approximate transmission matrices of any order for segments of non-uniform systems whose solutions cannot be found in closed form. This direct series method is shown to give results comparable to those of the improved lumped parameter models for one dimensional systems.

Four types of lumped parameter models are evaluated on the basis of the uniform continuous one dimensional system by comparing the behavior of the frequency root errors. The lumped parameter models which are based upon a close fit to the low frequency approximation of the exact transmission matrix, at the segment level, are shown to be superior. On this basis an improved lumped parameter model is recommended for approximating non-uniform segments. This new model is compared to a uniform segment approximation and error curves are presented for systems whose areas very quadratically and linearly. The effect of varying segment lengths is investigated for one dimensional systems and results indicate very little improvement in comparison to the use of equal length segments. For purposes of completeness, a brief summary of various lumped parameter models and other techniques which have previously been used to approximate the uniform Bernoulli-Euler beam is a given.