922 resultados para non-endemic area


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Objectives. To evaluate the performance of the dynamic-area high-speed videokeratoscopy technique in the assessment of tear film surface quality with and without the presence of soft contact lenses on eye. Methods. Retrospective data from a tear film study using basic high-speed videokeratoscopy, captured at 25 frames per second, (Kopf et al., 2008, J Optom) were used. Eleven subjects had tear film analysis conducted in the morning, midday and evening on the first and seventh day of one week of no lens wear. Five of the eleven subjects then completed an extra week of hydrogel lens wear followed by a week of silicone hydrogel lens wear. Analysis was performed on a 6 second period of the inter-blink recording. The dynamic-area high-speed videokeratoscopy technique uses the maximum available area of Placido ring pattern reflected from the tear interface and eliminates regions of disturbance due to shadows from the eyelashes. A value of tear film surface quality was derived using image rocessing techniques, based on the quality of the reflected ring pattern orientation. Results. The group mean tear film surface quality and the standard deviations for each of the conditions (bare eye, hydrogel lens, and silicone hydrogel lens) showed a much lower coefficient of variation than previous methods (average reduction of about 92%). Bare eye measurements from the right and left eyes of eleven individuals showed high correlation values (Pearson’s correlation r = 0.73, p < 0.05). Repeated measures ANOVA across the 6 second period of measurement in the normal inter-blink period for the bare eye condition showed no statistically significant changes. However, across the 6 second inter-blink period with both contact lenses, statistically significant changes were observed (p < 0.001) for both types of contact lens material. Overall, wearing hydrogel and silicone hydrogel lenses caused the tear film surface quality to worsen compared with the bare eye condition (repeated measures ANOVA, p < 0.0001 for both hydrogel and silicone hydrogel). Conclusions. The results suggest that the dynamic-area method of high-speed videokeratoscopy was able to distinguish and quantify the subtle, but systematic worsening of tear film surface quality in the inter-blink interval in contact lens wear. It was also able to clearly show a difference between bare eye and contact lens wearing conditions.


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A new method for noninvasive assessment of tear film surface quality (TFSQ) is proposed. The method is based on high-speed videokeratoscopy in which the corneal area for the analysis is dynamically estimated in a manner that removes videokeratoscopy interference from the shadows of eyelashes but not that related to the poor quality of the precorneal tear film that is of interest. The separation between the two types of seemingly similar videokeratoscopy interference is achieved by region-based classification in which the overall noise is first separated from the useful signal (unaltered videokeratoscopy pattern), followed by a dedicated interference classification algorithm that distinguishes between the two considered interferences. The proposed technique provides a much wider corneal area for the analysis of TFSQ than the previously reported techniques. A preliminary study with the proposed technique, carried out for a range of anterior eye conditions, showed an effective behavior in terms of noise to signal separation, interference classification, as well as consistent TFSQ results. Subsequently, the method proved to be able to not only discriminate between the bare eye and the lens on eye conditions but also to have the potential to discriminate between the two types of contact lenses.


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Motorised countries have more fatal road crashes in rural areas than in urban areas. In Australia, over two thirds of the population live in urban areas, yet approximately 55 percent of the road fatalities occur in rural areas (ABS, 2006; Tziotis, Mabbot, Edmonston, Sheehan & Dwyer, 2005). Road and environmental factors increase the challenges of rural driving, but do not fully account for the disparity. Rural drivers are less compliant with recommendations regarding the “fatal four” behaviours of speeding, drink driving, seatbelt non-use and fatigue, and the reasons for their lower apparent receptivity for road safety messages are not well understood. Countermeasures targeting driver behaviour that have been effective in reducing road crashes in urban areas have been less successful in rural areas (FORS, 1995). However, potential barriers to receptivity for road safety information among rural road users have not been systematically investigated. This thesis aims to develop a road safety countermeasure that addresses three areas that potentially affect receptivity to rural road safety information. The first is psychological barriers of road users’ attitudes, including risk evaluation, optimism bias, locus of control and readiness to change. A second area is the timing and method of intervention delivery, which includes the production of a brief intervention and the feasibility of delivering it at a “teachable moment”. The third area under investigation is the content of the brief intervention. This study describes the process of developing an intervention that includes content to address road safety attitudes and improve safety behaviours of rural road users regarding the “fatal four”. The research commences with a review of the literature on rural road crashes, brief interventions, intervention design and implementation, and potential psychological barriers to receptivity. This literature provides a rationale for the development of a brief intervention for rural road safety with a focus on driver attitudes and behaviour. The research is then divided into four studies. The primary aim of Study One and Study Two is to investigate the receptivity of rural drivers to road safety interventions, with a view to identifying barriers to the efficacy of these strategies.


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Credentials are a salient form of cultural capital and if a student’s learning and productions are not assessed, they are invisible in current social systems of education and employment. In this field, invisible equals non-existent. This paper arises from the context of an alternative education institution where conventional educational assessment techniques currently fail to recognise the creativity and skills of a cohort of marginalised young people. In order to facilitate a new assessment model an electronic portfolio system (EPS) is being developed and trialled to capture evidence of students’ learning and their productions. In so doing a dynamic system of arranging, exhibiting, exploiting and disseminating assessment data in the form of coherent, meaningful and valuable reports will be maintained. The paper investigates the notion of assessing development of creative thinking and skills through the means of a computerised system that operates in an area described as the efield. A model of the efield is delineated and is explained as a zone existing within the internet where free users exploit the cloud and cultivate social and cultural capital. Drawing largely on sociocultural theory and Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus and capitals, the article positions the efield as a potentially productive instrument in assessment for learning practices. An important aspect of the dynamics of this instrument is the recognition of teachers as learners. This is seen as an integral factor in the sociocultural approach to assessment for learning practices that will be deployed with the EPS. What actually takes place is argued to be assessment for learning as a field of exchange. The model produced in this research is aimed at delivering visibility and recognition through an engaging instrument that will enhance the prospects of marginalised young people and shift the paradigm for assessment in a creative world.


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The value of soil evidence in the forensic discipline is well known. However, it would be advantageous if an in-situ method was available that could record responses from tyre or shoe impressions in ground soil at the crime scene. The development of optical fibres and emerging portable NIR instruments has unveiled a potential methodology which could permit such a proposal. The NIR spectral region contains rich chemical information in the form of overtone and combination bands of the fundamental infrared absorptions and low-energy electronic transitions. This region has in the past, been perceived as being too complex for interpretation and consequently was scarcely utilized. The application of NIR in the forensic discipline is virtually non-existent creating a vacancy for research in this area. NIR spectroscopy has great potential in the forensic discipline as it is simple, nondestructive and capable of rapidly providing information relating to chemical composition. The objective of this study is to investigate the ability of NIR spectroscopy combined with Chemometrics to discriminate between individual soils. A further objective is to apply the NIR process to a simulated forensic scenario where soil transfer occurs. NIR spectra were recorded from twenty-seven soils sampled from the Logan region in South-East Queensland, Australia. A series of three high quartz soils were mixed with three different kaolinites in varying ratios and NIR spectra collected. Spectra were also collected from six soils as the temperature of the soils was ramped from room temperature up to 6000C. Finally, a forensic scenario was simulated where the transferral of ground soil to shoe soles was investigated. Chemometrics methods such as the commonly known Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the less well known fuzzy clustering (FC) and ranking by means of multicriteria decision making (MCDM) methodology were employed to interpret the spectral results. All soils were characterised using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffractometry. Results were promising revealing NIR combined with Chemometrics is capable of discriminating between the various soils. Peak assignments were established by comparing the spectra of known minerals with the spectra collected from the soil samples. The temperature dependent NIR analysis confirmed the assignments of the absorptions due to adsorbed and molecular bound water. The relative intensities of the identified NIR absorptions reflected the quantitative XRD and ICP characterisation results. PCA and FC analysis of the raw soils in the initial NIR investigation revealed that the soils were primarily distinguished on the basis of their relative quartz and kaolinte contents, and to a lesser extent on the horizon from which they originated. Furthermore, PCA could distinguish between the three kaolinites used in the study, suggesting that the NIR spectral region was sensitive enough to contain information describing variation within kaolinite itself. The forensic scenario simulation PCA successfully discriminated between the ‘Backyard Soil’ and ‘Melcann® Sand’, as well as the two sampling methods employed. Further PCA exploration revealed that it was possible to distinguish between the various shoes used in the simulation. In addition, it was possible to establish association between specific sampling sites on the shoe with the corresponding site remaining in the impression. The forensic application revealed some limitations of the process relating to moisture content and homogeneity of the soil. These limitations can both be overcome by simple sampling practices and maintaining the original integrity of the soil. The results from the forensic scenario simulation proved that the concept shows great promise in the forensic discipline.


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This chapter seeks to develop an analysis of the contemporary use of the ePortfolio (Electronic Portfolio) in education practices. Unlike other explorations of this new technology which are deterministic in their approach, the authors seek to reveal the techniques and practices of government which underpin the implementation of the e-portfolio. By interrogating a specific case study example from a large Australian university’s preservice teacher program, the authors find that the e-portfolio is represented as eLearning technology but serves to govern students via autonomization and self responsibilization. Using policy data and other key documents, they are able to reveal the e-portfolio as a delegated authority in the governance of preservice teachers. However, despite this ongoing trend, they suggest that like other practices of government, the e-portfolio will eventually fail. This however the authors conclude opens up space for critical thought and engagement which is not afforded presently.


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Games and related virtual environments have been a much-hyped area of the entertainment industry. The classic quote is that games are now approaching the size of Hollywood box office sales [1]. Books are now appearing that talk up the influence of games on business [2], and it is one of the key drivers of present hardware development. Some of this 3D technology is now embedded right down at the operating system level via the Windows Presentation Foundations – hit Windows/Tab on your Vista box to find out... In addition to this continued growth in the area of games, there are a number of factors that impact its development in the business community. Firstly, the average age of gamers is approaching the mid thirties. Therefore, a number of people who are in management positions in large enterprises are experienced in using 3D entertainment environments. Secondly, due to the pressure of demand for more computational power in both CPU and Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), your average desktop, any decent laptop, can run a game or virtual environment. In fact, the demonstrations at the end of this paper were developed at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) on a standard Software Operating Environment, with an Intel Dual Core CPU and basic Intel graphics option. What this means is that the potential exists for the easy uptake of such technology due to 1. a broad range of workers being regularly exposed to 3D virtual environment software via games; 2. present desktop computing power now strong enough to potentially roll out a virtual environment solution across an entire enterprise. We believe such visual simulation environments can have a great impact in the area of business process modeling. Accordingly, in this article we will outline the communication capabilities of such environments, giving fantastic possibilities for business process modeling applications, where enterprises need to create, manage, and improve their business processes, and then communicate their processes to stakeholders, both process and non-process cognizant. The article then concludes with a demonstration of the work we are doing in this area at QUT.


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The planning of airports has long been contentious because of their localisation of negative impacts. The globalisation, commercialisation and deregulation of the aviation industry has unleashed powerful new economic forces both on and offairport. Over the last two decades, many airports have evolved into airport cities located at the heart of the wider aerotropolis region. This shifts the appropriate scale of planning analysis towards broader regional concerns. However,governments have been slow to respond and airport planning usually remains poorly integrated with local, city and regional planning imperatives. The Australian experience exemplifies the divide. The privatization of major Australian airports from 1996 has seen billions of dollars spent on new airside and landside infrastructure but with little oversight from local and state authorities because the ultimate authority for on-airport development is the Federal Minister for Transport. Consequently, there have been growing tensions in many major airport regions between the private airport lessee and the broader community, exacerbated by both the building of highly conspicuous non-aeronautical developments and growing airport area congestion. This paper examines the urban planning content of Australia’s national aviation policy review (2008-09) with reference to current and potential opportunities for all-of-region collaboration in the planning process.