996 resultados para neurology


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It is the aim of the present study to assess factors associated with time spent in class among working college students. Eighty-two working students from 21 to 26 years old participated in this study. They were enrolled in an evening course of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants answered a questionnaire on living and working conditions. During seven consecutive days, they wore an actigraph, filled out daily activity diaries (including time spent in classes) and the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale every three hours from waking until bedtime. Linear regression analyses were performed in order to assess the variables associated with time spent in classes. The results showed that gender, sleep length, excessive sleepiness, alcoholic beverage consumption (during workdays) and working hours were associated factors with time spent in class. Thus, those who spent less time in class were males, slept longer hours, reported excessive sleepiness on Saturdays, worked longer hours, and reported alcohol consumption. The combined effects of long work hours (>40 h/week) and reduced sleep length may affect lifestyles and academic performance. Future studies should aim to look at adverse health effects induced by reduced sleep duration, even among working students who spent more time attending evening classes.


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Decreased activity of the lumbar stabilizer muscles has been identified in individuals with sway-back posture. Disuse can predispose these muscles to atrophy, which is characterized by a reduced cross-sectional area (CSA) and by fat infiltration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of fat infiltration in the lumbar multifidus and lumbar erector spinae muscles as a sign of the muscle atrophy in individuals with sway-back posture, with and without low back pain. Forty-five sedentary individuals between 16 and 40 years old participated in this study. The sample was divided into three groups: symptomatic sway-back (SSBG) (n = 15), asymptomatic sway-back (ASBG) (n = 15), and control (CG) (n = 15). The individuals were first subjected to photographic analysis to classify their postures and were then referred for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of the lumbar spine. The total (TCSA) and functional (FCSA) cross-sectional areas of the lumbar erector spinae together with lumbar multifidus and isolated lumbar multifidus muscles were measured from L1 to S1. The amount of fat infiltration was estimated as the difference between the TCSA and the FCSA. Greater fat deposition was observed in the lumbar erector spinae and lumbar multifidus muscles of the individuals in the sway-back posture groups than in the control group. Pain may have contributed to the difference in the amount of fat observed in the groups with the same postural deviation. Similarly, sway-back posture may have contributed to the tissue substitution relative to the control group independently of low back pain. The results of this study indicate that individuals with sway-back posture may be susceptible to morphological changes in their lumbar erector spinae and lumbar multifidus muscles, both due to the presence of pain and as a consequence of their habitual posture.


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This study was designed in an attempt to identify the risk factors that could be significantly associated with angio graphic recurrences after selective endovascular treatment of aneurysms with inert platinum coils. A retrospective analysis of all patients with selective endovascular coil occlusion of intracranial aneurysms was prospectively collected from 1999 to 2003. There were 455 aneurysms treated with inert platinum coils and followed by digital subtraction angiography. Angio graphic results were classified according Roy and Raymond's classification. Recurrences were subjectively divided into minor and major. The most significant predictors for angio graphic recurrences were determined by ANOVAs logistic regression, Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test, Fisher exact probability. Short-term (4.3 +/- 1.4 months) follow-up angiograms were available in 377 aneurysms, middle-term (14.1 +/- 4.0 months) in 327 and long-term (37.4 +/- 11.5 months) in 180. Recurrences were found in 26.8% of treated aneurysms with a mean of 21 +/- 15.7 months of follow-up. Major recurrences needing retreatment were present in 8.8% during a mean period follow-up of 17.9 +/- 12.29 months after the initial endovascular treatment. One patient (0.2%) experienced a bleed during the follow-up period. Recurrences after endovascular treatment of aneurysms with inert platinum coils are frequent, but hemorrhages are unusual. Single aneurysm, ruptured aneurysm, neck greater than 4 mm and time of follow-up were risk factors for recurrence after endovascular treatment. The retreatment of recurrent aneurysm decreases the risk of major recurrences 9.8 times. Long-term angiogram monitoring is necessary for the population with significant recurrence predictors.


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Objective: To describe 16 patients with a coincidence of 2 rare diseases: aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-Ab)-mediated neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (AQP4-NMOSD) and acetylcholine receptor antibody (AChR-Ab)-mediated myasthenia gravis (AChR-MG). Methods: The clinical details and antibody results of 16 patients with AChR-MG and AQP4-NMOSD were analyzed retrospectively. Results: All had early-onset AChR-MG, the majority with mild generalized disease, and a high proportion achieved remission. Fifteen were female; 11 were Caucasian. In 14/16, the MG preceded NMOSD (median interval: 16 years) and 11 of these had had a thymectomy although 1 only after NMOSD onset. In 4/5 patients tested, AQP4-Abs were detectable between 4 and 16 years prior to disease onset, including 2 patients with detectable AQP4-Abs prior to thymectomy. AChR-Abs decreased and the AQP4-Ab levels increased over time in concordance with the relevant disease. AChR-Abs were detectable at NMOSD onset in the one sample available from 1 of the 2 patients with NMOSD before MG. Conclusions: Although both conditions are rare, the association of MG and NMOSD occurs much more frequently than by chance and the MG appears to follow a benign course. AChR-Abs or AQP4-Abs may be present years before onset of the relevant disease and the antibody titers against AQP4 and AChR tend to change in opposite directions. Although most cases had MG prior to NMOSD onset, and had undergone thymectomy, NMOSD can occur first and in patients who have not had their thymus removed. Neurology (R) 2012;78:1601-1607


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Objective: To correlate sleep apnea with craniofacial characteristics and facial patterns according to gender. Methods: In this prospective survey we studied 77 male and female children (3-12 years old) with an upper airway obstruction due to tonsil and adenoid enlargement. Children with lung problems, neurological disorders and syndromes, obstructive septal deviation, previous orthodontic treatment, orthodontic surgeries or oral surgeries, or obesity were excluded. Patients were subjected to physical examinations, nasal fiberoptic endoscopy, teleradiography for cephalometric analysis, and polysomnography. Methods: Cephalometric analysis included the following skeletal craniofacial measurements: facial axis (FA), facial depth (FD), mandibular plane angle (MP), lower facial height (LFH), mandibular arch (MA), and vertical growth coefficient (VERT) index. Results: The prevalence of sleep apnea was 46.75% with no statistical difference between genders. Among children with obstructive sleep apnea (Apneia Hypopnea Index - AHI >= 1) boys had higher AHI values than girls. A predominance of the dolichofacial pattern (81.9%) was observed. The following skeletal craniofacial measurements correlated with AHI in boys: FD (r(s) = -0.336/p = 0.020), MP (r(s) = 0.486/p = 0.00), and VERT index (r(s) = -0.337/p = 0.019). No correlations between craniofacial measurements and AHI were identified in girls. Conclusions: Craniofacial morphology may influence the severity of sleep apnea in boys but not in girls. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Serotonin (5-HT), opioids and the dorsal periaqueductal grey (DPAG) have been implicated in the pathophysiology of panic disorder. In order to study 5-HT-opioid interaction, the opioid antagonist naloxone was injected either systemically (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or intra-DPAG (0.2 mu g/0.5 mu L) to assess its interference with the effect of chronic fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, i.p., daily for 21 days) or of intra-DPAG 5-HT (8 mu g/0.5 mu L). Drug effects were measured in the one-escape task of the rat elevated T-maze, an animal model of panic. Pretreatment with systemic naloxone antagonized the lengthening of escape latency caused by chronic fluoxetine, considered a panicolytic-like effect that parallels the drug's therapeutic response in the clinics. Pretreatment with naloxone injected intra-DPAG antagonized both the panicolytic effect of chronic fluoxetine as well as that of 5-HT injected intra-DPAG. Neither the performance of the inhibitory avoidance task in the elevated T-maze, a model of generalized anxiety nor locomotion measured in a circular arena was affected by the above drug treatments. These results indicate that the panicolytic effect of fluoxetine is mediated by endogenous opioids that are activated by 5-HT in the DPAG. They also allow reconciliation between the serotonergic and opioidergic hypotheses of panic disorder pathophysiology.


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Study design: Cross-sectional study. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of the Postural Assessment Software PAS/SAPO in the posture analysis of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) during sitting position and to analyze if the use of different types of seat cushions-gel and foam, with no cushion-can interfere in the individual's posture during sitting position. Setting: Centre of Rehabilitation at the University Hospital (FMRP-USP), Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. Methods: Eight individuals, four paraplegics and four tetraplegics with SCI and 20 healthy individuals participated in the study. Photos were taken of individuals in the sitting position using foam, gel cushions and with no cushion. They were analyzed using the PAS/SAPO. The alignment of the anterior-superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the posterior pelvic tilt were evaluated from the angle formed between the ASIS and the greater trochanter of the femur. Results: The group of healthy individuals presented the best postural alignment when compared with the group with SCI, both for the ASIS alignment (P < 0.05) and for the degree of posterior pelvic tilt (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found in the variables analyzed when the seat cushions were compared. Conclusion: The different types of cushions did not alter the sitting posture; however, individuals with SCI showed worse postural alignment than the healthy individuals. PAS/SAPO was demonstrated to be useful for postural assessment. Spinal Cord (2012) 50, 627-631; doi:10.1038/sc.2012.7; published online 21 February 2012


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Study design: Cross-sectional. Objective: To analyze the relationships between functional tests, arm strength and root mean square of surface electromyography (EMG). Setting: Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Twenty-four individuals with chronic tetraplegia participated. Upper extremity motor score (UEMS), functional independence measure (FIM) motor score, spinal cord independence measure III and capabilities of upper extremity (CUE) were performed. Muscle strength of the right elbow flexors-extensors was assessed using dynamometry and manual muscle test (MMT) and EMG of right biceps and triceps brachii were performed. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients and Mann-Whitney's U-test were used. Results: Functional tests and UEMS correlated strongly among them. UEMS highly correlated with triceps dynamometry and EMG. The dynamometry showed a very high correlation with MMT on the extensor group and a moderate correlation with flexor group. Triceps EMG showed moderate correlation with FIM and CUE. High correlations between triceps EMG and elbow extensors dynamometry and MMT were observed. A significant better performance on functional tests was observed on lower ASIA motor levels. The low-tetraplegia group showed a significant higher score on triceps EMG and dynamometry. Conclusion: Arm strength and EMG seem to be related to functional capabilities and independence in chronic tetraplegia. Spinal Cord (2012) 50, 28-32; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.95; published online 30 August 2011


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Study Design. Ex vivo study of the mechanical performance of cylindrical and dual-core pedicle screws after insertion, removal, and reinsertion in the same hole. Objective. To evaluate the effect of repeated use of same screw hole on the insertion torque and the retentive strength of the cylindrical and dual-core screws. Summary of Background Data. Insertion and removal of pedicle screws is sometimes necessary during surgical procedure to assess the integrity of the pilot-hole wall. However, this maneuver may compromise the implant-holding capacity. Methods. Sixty thoracolombar vertebrae (T13-L5), harvested from 10 healthy calves, were used to insert 2 different designs of pedicle screws: cylindrical (5.0-mm outer diameter) and dual-core screws (5.2-mm outer diameter). Three experimental groups were created on the basis of the number of insertions of the screws and 2 subgroups were established according to the core pedicle screw design (dual-core and cylindrical). The insertion torque was measured during initial insertion, second insertion, and third insertion. Pullout screw tests were performed using a universal testing machine to evaluate the pullout strength after initial insertion, second insertion, and third insertion. Results. Significant reductions of 38% in mean insertion torque and 30% in mean pullout strength of dual-core screw were observed between the initial insertion and the third insertion. The cylindrical screw observed significant reductions of 52.5% in mean insertion torque and 42.3% in mean pullout strength between the initial insertion and the third insertion. A reduction of mean insertion torque and pullout strength between the first insertion and the second insertion but without significance was also observed for both types of screws. Conclusion. Insertions and reinsertion of either cylindrical or dual-core pedicle screws have compromised insertion torque and pullout strength of the implants as measured by mechanical tests.


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Study design: Experimental, controlled, animal study. Objectives: To evaluate the functional effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy administered shortly, one day after, and no intervention (control) in standardized experimental spinal cord lesions in Wistar rats. Setting: Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: In all, 30 Wistar rats with spinal cord lesions were divided into three groups: one group was submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy beginning half an hour after the lesion and with a total of 10 one-hour sessions, one session per day, at 2 atm; the second received the same treatment, but beginning on the day after the lesion; and the third received no treatment (control). The Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan scales were used for functional evaluation on the second day after the lesion and then weekly, until being killed 1 month later. Results: There were no significant differences between the groups in the functional analysis on the second day after the lesion. There was no functional difference comparing Groups 1 and 2 (treated shortly after or one day after) in any evaluation moment. On the 7th day, as well as on the 21st and 28th postoperative days, the evaluation showed that Groups 1 and 2 performed significantly better than the control group (receiving no therapy). Conclusion: Hyperbaric chamber therapy is beneficial in the functional recovery of spinal cord lesions in rats, if it is first administered just after spinal cord injury or within 24 h. Spinal Cord (2012) 50, 502-506; doi: 10.1038/sc.2012.16; published online 6 March 2012


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Abstract Background The public health system of Brazil is structured by a network of increasing complexity, but the low resolution of emergency care at pre-hospital units and the lack of organization of patient flow overloaded the hospitals, mainly the ones of higher complexity. The knowledge of this phenomenon induced Ribeirão Preto to implement the Medical Regulation Office and the Mobile Emergency Attendance System. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of these services on the gravity profile of non-traumatic afflictions in a University Hospital. Methods The study conducted a retrospective analysis of the medical records of 906 patients older than 13 years of age who entered the Emergency Care Unit of the Hospital of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine at Ribeirão Preto. All presented acute non-traumatic afflictions and were admitted to the Internal Medicine, Surgery or Neurology Departments during two study periods: May 1996 (prior to) and May 2001 (after the implementation of the Medical Regulation Office and Mobile Emergency Attendance System). Demographics and mortality risk levels calculated by Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) were determined. Results From 1996 to 2001, the mean age increased from 49 ± 0.9 to 52 ± 0.9 (P = 0.021), as did the percentage of co-morbidities, from 66.6 to 77.0 (P = 0.0001), the number of in-hospital complications from 260 to 284 (P = 0.0001), the mean calculated APACHE II mortality risk increased from 12.0 ± 0.5 to 14.8 ± 0.6 (P = 0.0008) and mortality rate from 6.1 to 12.2 (P = 0.002). The differences were more significant for patients admitted to the Internal Medicine Department. Conclusion The implementation of the Medical Regulation and Mobile Emergency Attendance System contributed to directing patients with higher gravity scores to the Emergency Care Unit, demonstrating the potential of these services for hierarchical structuring of pre-hospital networks and referrals.


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Abstract Background Few studies have examined both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke to identify prognostic factors associated to long-term stroke survival. We investigated long-term survival and predictors that could adversely influence ischemic and hemorrhagic first-ever stroke prognosis. Methods We prospectively ascertained 665 consecutive first-ever ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke cases from “The Study of Stroke Mortality and Morbidity” (The EMMA Study) in a community hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. We evaluated cardiovascular risk factors and sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, race and educational level). Results We found a lower survival rate among hemorrhagic cases compared to ischemic stroke cases at the end of 4 years of follow-up (52% vs. 44%, p = 0.04). The risk of death was two times higher among people with ischemic stroke without formal education. Also, we found consistently higher risk of death for diabetics with ischemic stroke (HR = 1.45; 95% CI = 1.07-1.97) compared to no diabetics. As expected, age equally influenced on the high risk of poor survival, regardless of stroke subtype. Conclusions For ischemic stroke, the lack of formal education and diabetes were significant independent predictors of poor long-term survival.


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The control of gene expression by miRNAs has been widely investigated in different species and cell types. Following a probabilistic rather than a deterministic regimen, the action of these short nucleotide sequences on specific genes depends on intracellular concentration,which in turn reflects the balance between biosynthesis and degradation. Recent studies have described the involvement of XRN2, an exoribonuclease, in miRNA degradation and PAPD4, an atypical poly(A) polymerase, in miRNA stability. Herein, we examined the expression of XRN2 and PAPD4 in developing and adult rat hippocampi. Combining bioinformatics and real-time PCR,we demonstrated that XRN2 and PAPD4 expression is regulated by the uncorrelated action of transcription factors, resulting in distinct gene expression profiles during development. Analyses of nuclei position and nestin labeling revealed that both proteins progressively accumulated during neuronal differentiation, and that they are weakly expressed in immature neurons and absent in glial and endothelial cells. Despite the differences in subcellular localization, both genes were concurrently identified within identical neuronal subpopulations, including specific inhibitory interneurons. Thus, we cope with a singular circumstance in biology: an almost complete intersected expression of functional-opposed genes, reinforcing that their antagonistically driven actions on miRNAs “make sense” if simultaneously present at the same cells. Considering that the transcriptome in the nervous system is finely tuned to physiological processes, it was remarkable that miRNA stability-related genes were oncurrently identified in neurons that play essential roles in cognitive functions such as memory and learning. In summary, this study reveals a possible new mechanism for the control of miRNA expression.