999 resultados para native copper


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The total current-induced force on atoms in a Cu wire containing a vacancy are calculated using the self consistent one-electron density matrix in the presence of an electric current, without separation into electron-wind and direct forces. By integrating the total current-induced force, the change in vacancy migration energy due to the current is calculated. We use the change in migration energy with current to infer an effective electromigration driving force F-e. Finally, we calculate the proportionality constant rho* between F-e and the current density in the wire.


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1. In a series of laboratory experiments, we assessed the predatory nature of the native Irish amphipod, Gammarus duebeni celticus, and the introduced G. pulex, towards the mayfly nymph Baetis rhodani. We also investigated alterations in microhabitat use and drift behaviour of B. rhodani in the presence of Gammarus, and indirect predatory interactions with juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. 2. In trials with single predators and prey, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower when Gammarus were free to interact with nymphs as than when Gammarus were isolated from them. The invader G. pulex reduced the survival of B. rhodani more rapidly than did the native G. d. celticus. Both Gammarus spp. were active predators. 3. In `patch' experiments, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower both when G. pulex and G. d. celticus were present, although the effect of the two Gammarus species did not differ. Again, active predation of nymphs by Gammarus was observed. Significantly more nymphs occurred on the top and sides of a tile, and per capita drifts were significantly higher, when Gammarus were present. Baetis rhodani per capita drift was also significantly higher in the presence of the introduced G. pulex than with the native G. d. celticus. 4. Gammarus facilitated predation by salmon parr of B. rhodani by significantly increasing fish–nymph encounters on exposed gravel and in the drift. There were no differential effects of the two Gammarus spp. on fish –B. rhodani encounters or consumption. 5. We conclude that Gammarus as a predator can have lethal, nonlethal, direct and indirect effects in freshwaters. We stress the need for recognition of this predatory role when assigning Gammarus spp. to a `Functional Feeding Group'.


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First-principles calculations of the Sigma 5(310)[001] symmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu with Bi, Na, and Ag substitutional impurities provide evidence that in the phenomenon of Bi embrittlement of Cu grain boundaries electronic effects do not play a major role; on the contrary, the embrittlement is mostly a structural or "size" effect. Na is predicted to be nearly as good an embrittler as Bi, whereas Ag does not embrittle the boundary in agreement with experiment. While we reject the prevailing view that "electronic" effects (i.e., charge transfer) are responsible for embrittlement, we do not exclude the role of chemistry. However, numerical results show a striking equivalence between the alkali metal Na and the semimetal Bi, small differences being accounted for by their contrasting "size" and "softness" (defined here). In order to separate structural and chemical effects unambiguously if not uniquely, we model the embrittlement process by taking the system of grain boundary and free surfaces through a sequence of precisely defined gedanken processes; each of these representing a putative mechanism. We thereby identify three mechanisms of embrittlement by substitutional impurities, two of which survive in the case of embrittlement or cohesion enhancement by interstitials. Two of the three are purely structural and the third contains both structural and chemical elements that by their very nature cannot be further unraveled. We are able to take the systems we study through each of these stages by explicit computer simulations and assess the contribution of each to the net reduction in intergranular cohesion. The conclusion we reach is that embrittlement by both Bi and Na is almost exclusively structural in origin; that is, the embrittlement is a size effect.


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Using first principles electronic structure methods, we calculate the effects of boron impurities in bulk copper and at surfaces and grain boundaries. We find that boron segregation to the Sigma5(310)[001] grain boundary should strengthen the boundary up to 1.5 ML coverage (15.24 at./nm2). The maximal effect is observed at 0.5 ML and corresponds to boron atoms filling exclusively grain boundary interstices. In copper bulk, B causes significant distortion both in interstitial and regular lattice sites, for which boron atoms are either too big or too small. The distortion is compensated to a large extent when the interstitial and substitutional boron combine together to form a strongly bound dumbbell. Our prediction is that bound boron impurities should appear in a sizable proportion if not dominate in most experimental conditions. A large discrepancy between calculated heats of solution and experimental terminal solubility of B in Cu is found, indicating either a significant failure of the density functional approach or, more likely, strongly overestimated solubility limits in the existing B-Cu phase diagram.


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Fossil pollen, stomata and charcoal were examined from a lake sedimentary sequence in the Glen Affric National Nature Reserve, one of the largest areas of remnant native pine woodland in Scotland, in order to assess ecosystem dynamics over the last 11 000 years. Results reveal that pinewood communities have been continuously present in East Glen Affric for the last 8300 years. Pinus sylvestris fi rst arrived in the area around 9900 cal. BP, but occurred in only low abundance for the subsequent 1600 years. Pine populations expanded around 8300 cal. BP and remained in relatively constant abundance throughout the remainder of the Holocene. There is no evidence of a hypothesized regional mid-Holocene ‘ pine decline ’ at the site. Charcoal results reveal that pinewood communities in East Glen Affric do not appear to have been dependent on fire for either their establishment or their maintenance as has previously been suggested.


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Assessing the effects of invading species on native community structure is often confounded by environmental factors and weakened by lack of replicated, long-term pre- and post-invasion monitoring. Here, we uncouple the community effects of a freshwater amphipod invader from environmental differences. In Irish rivers, the introduced Gammarus pulex replaces the native Gammarus duebeni celticus. However, the River Lissan in Northern Ireland is dissected by a weir that has slowed the upstream invasion by G. pulex. This allowed us in 2000 to sample three contiguous 150-m reaches that were (1) G. pulex dominated; (2) mixed Gammarus spp.; and (3) G. duebeni celticus only. In 2003, we resampled these reaches and one additional of mixed Gammarus species and one with only G. duebeni celticus further upstream. In temperature, conductivity, and pH, there were statistically significant but no biologically relevant differences among the five reaches of 2003, and between the three reaches surveyed in both years. Although there was evidence of recovery in macroinvertebrate diversity and richness in invaded reaches between years, continued upstream invasion was associated with sustained reductions in these community metrics as compared to un-invaded sites. Community ordination indicated (1) different associations of community composition attributed to the distribution, abundance, and biomass of the invader; and (2) increasing similarity of invaded communities over time. The impact mechanisms of G. pulex on macroinvertebrate community composition may include predation and competition. The consequences of the observed community changes for ecosystem functioning require further investigation.