990 resultados para mosquito Culicidae
Abstract Zika virus, already widely distributed in Africa and Asia, was recently reported in two Northeastern Brazilian: State of Bahia and State of Rio Grande do Norte, and one Southeastern: State of São Paulo. This finding adds a potentially noxious virus to a list of several other viruses that are widely transmitted by Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus in Brazil. The pathology and epidemiology, including the distribution and vectors associated with Zika virus, are reviewed. This review is focused on viruses transmitted by Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes, including dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, Mayaro, and yellow fever virus, to emphasize the risks of occurrence for these arboviruses in Brazil and neighboring countries. Other species of Aedes (Stegomyia) are discussed, emphasizing their involvement in arbovirus transmission and the possibility of adaptation to environments modified by human activities and introduction in Brazil.
A malária é uma doença infeciosa transmitida através da picada de um mosquito fêmea Anopheles infetado com o parasita protozoário do género Plasmodium (P.), sendo o P. falciparum a espécie mais mortal. É responsável pela morte de milhares de pessoas por ano, nomeadamente nos países em vias desenvolvimento, países esses que não detêm as condições necessárias para a prática da microscopia ótica em larga escala, que continua nos dias de hoje a ser a técnica de eleição para o diagnóstico da doença. A conceção de testes de baixo custo e de fácil utilização tais como os testes de diagnóstico rápido (TDR) são uma mais-valia no diagnóstico deste tipo de doenças. A presente dissertação centra-se no desenvolvimento de um TDR num formato competitivo, baseado em nanopartículas de ouro (AuNP) funcionalizadas com ácido mercaptoundecanoico (MUA) ou com o pentapétido Cys-Ala-Leu-Asn-Asn (CALNN) e conjugadas com um anticorpo monoclonal anti-PfHRP2 que reconhece especificamente a proteína rica em histidina 2 produzida pelo P. falciparum (PfHRP2). Para isso, utilizou-se uma tecnologia inovadora na conceção do TDR, a tecnologia lab on paper, que utiliza o papel Whatman nº1. Os estudos de estabilidade de AuNP funcionalizadas com citrato de sódio, MUA ou CALNN por variação da força iónica e pH do meio mostraram que o pentapéptido CALNN é o agente de revestimento mais resistente a oscilações de força iónica, comparativamente com o citrato de sódio e o MUA e que apenas as AuNP revestidas com citrato de sódio atingiram o ponto de agregação ao pKa da molécula de revestimento. Os principais resultados obtidos aquando do desenvolvimento do TDR revelaram que o valor de diluição ótima de anticorpo anti-IgG (solução mãe a 11 mg.mL-1) imobilizado na linha de controlo é de 1:40 e 1:90, utilizando para deteção os bionanoconjugados AuNP-MUA-Anticorpo e AuNP-CALNN-Anticorpo, respetivamente. Com a aplicação da solução AuNP-CALNN-Anticorpo visualizou-se o aparecimento de cor vermelha na linha de teste, o que demonstra a deteção do antigénio pelos bionanoconjugados. A deteção ocorreu com a aplicação de 2,5 μL de PfHRP2 a 1,5 mg.mL-1. Numa análise global após a aplicação de culturas de sangue não infetadas ou infetadas com o parasita da malária, obteve-se cor na linha de controlo com uma diluição de 1:20 do anticorpo anti-IgG imobilizado. Em relação à linha de teste, na presença de culturas não infetadas, obteve-se sinal na mesma aplicando bionanoconjugados AuNP-MUA-Anticorpo e 2,5 μL de PfHRP2 a 2,6 mg.ml-1.
A malária é uma doença potencialmente fatal, causada pelo parasita Plasmodium e transmitida ao ser humano pela picada do mosquito Anopheles, sendo endémica em 106 países, principalmente dos trópicos. É responsável por uma grande mortalidade e morbilidade em termos globais, principalmente em crianças com menos de cinco anos, continuando por esclarecer muitos dos mecanismos que contribuem para o seu espectro de gravidade. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo geral o estudo do perfil de mediadores pró-inflamatórios como possíveis factores preditivos de malária grave, definida pelos critérios da OMS, numa amostra de crianças da vila de Bor, na Guiné-Bissau. Procedeu-se à determinação dos níveis de anticorpos totais e IgG e IgM anti- P. falciparum, determinação dos níveis de óxido nítrico (NO) e estudo do processo de activação do sistema complemento pela determinação dos níveis de anafilatoxina C5a e proteína C reactiva (CRP). Cumpriram os critérios iniciais de inclusão no estudo, treze crianças, tendo para a fase final do mesmo, sido considerados doze crianças, com uma mediana de idades de cinco anos, oriundos na sua maioria de famílias com baixo nível socioeconómico. As principais manifestações clínicas de malária grave foram a prostração, icterícia e a dispneia e todas as crianças foram tratadas com quinino endovenoso. Verificou-se um óbito. Nesta amostra de doentes, observou-se na maioria dos casos, um aumento dos mediadores inflamatórios doseados, nomeadamente as IgGs totais, IgG e IgM anti- P. falciparum, CRP, C5a e NO. Apesar do reduzido tamanho da amostra, pretendeu-se com este estudo contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos e clínicos da malária grave em crianças de uma zona endémica como é a Guiné-Bissau.
Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico sobre malária na população humana residente no município de Ariquemes, Estado de Rondônia. Um formulário composto de questões dirigidas no setndo de obter dos colonizadores o grau de conhecimento sobre os fatores condicionados à malária, principalmente sobre o aspecto migracional e conhecimentos sobre a transmissão e terapêutica da enfermidade. O questionário foi aplicado em 936 chefes de famílias perfazendo um total de 4.633 indivíduos, representando 8% da população fixa do município de Ariquemes. De cada indivíduo foi coletada uma amostra de sangue e examinada para plasmódios. O estudo foi dividido e aplicado nas duas áreas, rural e urbana, do município, para fins de comparação. Dos 2.310 indivíduos estudados na área urbana, 68 eram portadores de infecção malárica, 69% com P. falciparum e 31% com P. vivax. Nos 2.323 residentes na área rural, detectou-se 151 casos de infecção, sendo 53% para P. falciparum e 47% para P. vivax. O sexo masculino foi o mais acometido e a faixa etárua de maior prevalência no setor urbano foi de 15 à 29 anos e no rural foi de 6 à 14 anos. Todos esses pacientes foram tratados radicalmente utilizando-se o esquema terapêutico da SUCAM orientado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Observou-se a ocorrência de exportação de casos de malária da área rural para urbana nas migrações internas. Mais de 50% da população desconhece o papel do mosquito na transmissão da malária e a grande maioria dos colonizadores são analfabetos ou alfabetizados até o 1o grau. A quase totalidade da população é oriunda dos estados do sul, principalmente do Estado do Paraná. Os esquemas assistenciais de saúde a essa população é bastante precário, talvez devido ao grande afluxo migracional na região.
Um inquérito entomològico foi realizado na área de influência da Hidrelétrica de Balbina, situada a 146 km de Manaus, Amazonas, para avaliar os possíveis efeitos sobre as populações de Anophelese de outros culicídeos. Cinco anos após a formação do lago, An. darlingi, An. nuneztovarie An. triannulatusforam as espécies encontradas com maior freqüência nas coletas realizadas em 1. Rodovia BR-174, 2. Acceso á Usina Hidrelétrica de Balbina e 3. Área Uatumã-Morena. Para cada espécie os índices mosquito/homem/hora foram respectivamente: Area 1 - 0,57; 12,85; 0,43. Área 2 - 0; 3,75; 0,18 e Área 3 - 0; 26,38; 0,34. Representantes das duas primeiras espécies se mostraram positivas para Plasmodiumcom testes imunoenzimáticos. A prevalência de mosquitos positivos foi 1:35 para An. darlingie apenas 1:548 para An. nuneztovari.A densidade dos outros culicídeos foi baixa (Área 1 - 3,23 m/h/h; Área 2 - 4,5 m/h/h; Área 3 - 7,40 m/h/h) embora a diversidade foi comparável ( 32 espécies diferentes) com as encontradas em outras hidrelétricas construídas em rios de águas brancas ou claras da Amazônia. Nas águas pretas da Balbina, uma proliferação inicial de macrófitas foi seguida pela redução destas possivelmente pela falta de nutrientes na água. A diminuição no crescimento de macrófitas deve estar relacionada com a escassez de Mansoniasp. na área.
Immature and adult stages of Anopheles (Anopheles) forattinii were collected in the Parque Nacional do Jaú, Novo Airão, Amazonas, Brazil. Larvae and pupae were taken from fresh water among floating plant debris inside flooded "igapó" forest. This species may make use of plant debris for passive dispersal throughout its distribution range.
Se reúnen en esta presentación tres proyectos relacionados que vienen desarrollándose desde hace varios años con subsidios independientes de ese Consejo. Los tres refieren a estudios genético poblacionales de especies de interés sanitario. Los temas son los siguientes: Tema I. Estudios de poblaciones de roedores Cricétidos. Tema II. Estudios de variabilidad genética en Aedes albifasciatus (Diptera, Culicidae). Tema III. Estudios de polimorfismo enzimático en aislamientos de Trypanosoma cruzi. En todos los casos se obtendrán muestras de poblaciones en distintas regiones del país y en ellas se realizará: a) análisis de polimorfismo enzimático detectable mediante técnicas de electroforesis en geles. b) Determinación de frecuencias alélicas, proporción de loci polimórficos y heterocigosis media por locus. c) Cálculo de Nm, estimador del grado de intercambio génico entre poblaciones de una especie. d) Cálculo de distancia genética y similitud entre poblaciones. e) Amplificación de DNA mitocondrial (tema II) y DNA quinetoplástico de minicírculos (tema III) y posterior caracterización por RFLP y sondas de DNAc.
This paper deals with problems on population genetics in Hymenoptera and particularly in social Apidae. 1) The studies on populations of Hymenoptera were made according to the two basic types of reproduction: endogamy and panmixia. The populations of social Apinae have a mixed method of reproduction with higher percentage of panmixia and a lower of endogamy. This is shown by the following a) males can enter any hive in swarming time; b) males of Meliponini are expelled from hives which does not need them, and thus, are forced to look for some other place; c) Meliponini males were seen powdering themselves with pollen, thus becoming more acceptable in any other hive. The panmixia is not complete owing to the fact that the density of the breeding population as very low, even in the more frequent species as low as about 2 females and 160 males per reproductive area. We adopted as selection values (or survival indices) the expressions according to Brieger (1948,1950) which may be summarised as follows; a population: p2AA + ²pq Aa + q2aa became after selection: x p2AA + 2pq Aa + z q²aa. For alge-braics facilities Brieger divided the three selective values by y giving thus: x/y p2 AA + y/y 2 pq Aa + z/y q²aa. He called x/y of RA and z/y of Ra, that are survival or selective index, calculated in relation to the heterozygote. In our case all index were calculated in relation to the heterozygote, including the ones for haploid males; thus we have: RA surveval index of genotype AA Ra surveval index of genotype aa R'A surveval index of genotype A R'a surveval index of genotype a 1 surveval index of genotype Aa The index R'A ande R'a were equalized to RA and Ra, respectively, for facilities in the conclusions. 2) Panmitic populations of Hymenoptera, barring mutations, migrations and selection, should follow the Hardy-Weinberg law, thus all gens will be present in the population in the inicial frequency (see Graphifc 1). 3) Heterotic genes: If mutation for heterotic gene ( 1 > RA > Ra) occurs, an equilibrium will be reached in a population when: P = R A + Ra - 2R²a _____________ (9) 2(R A + Ra - R²A - R²a q = R A + Ra - 2R²A _____________ (10) 2(R A + Ra - R²A - R²a A heterotic gene in an hymenopteran population may be maintained without the aid of new mutation only if the survival index of the most viable mutant (RA) does not exced the limiting value given by the formula: R A = 1 + √1+Ra _________ 4 If RA has a value higher thah the one permitted by the formula, then only the more viable gene will remain present in the population (see Graphic 10). The only direct proof for heterotic genes in Hymenoptera was given by Mackensen and Roberts, who obtained offspring from Apis mellefera L. queens fertilized by their own sons. Such inbreeding resulted in a rapid loss of vigor the colony; inbred lines intercrossed gave a high hybrid vigor. Other fats correlated with the "heterosis" problem are; a) In a colony M. quadrifasciata Lep., which suffered severely from heat, the percentage of deths omong males was greater .than among females; b) Casteel and Phillips had shown that in their samples (Apis melifera L). the males had 7 times more abnormalities tian the workers (see Quadros IV to VIII); c) just after emerging the males have great variation, but the older ones show a variation equal to that of workers; d) The tongue lenght of males of Apis mellifera L., of Bombus rubicundus Smith (Quadro X), of Melipona marginata Lep. (Quadro XI), and of Melipona quadrifasciata Lep. Quadro IX, show greater variationthan that of workers of the respective species. If such variation were only caused by subviables genes a rapid increasse of homozigoty for the most viable alleles should be expected; then, these .wild populations, supposed to be in equilibrium, could .not show such variability among males. Thus we conclude that heterotic genes have a grat importance in these cases. 4) By means of mathematical models, we came to the conclusion tht isolating genes (Ra ^ Ra > 1), even in the case of mutations with more adaptability, have only the opor-tunity of survival when the population number is very low (thus the frequency of the gene in the breeding population will be large just after its appearence). A pair of such alleles can only remain present in a population when in border regions of two races or subspecies. For more details see Graphics 5 to 8. 5) Sex-limited genes affecting only females, are of great importance toHymenoptera, being subject to the same limits and formulas as diploid panmitic populations (see formulas 12 and 13). The following examples of these genes were given: a) caste-determining genes in the genus Melipona; b) genes permiting an easy response of females to differences in feeding in almost all social Hymenoptera; c) two genes, found in wild populations, one in Trigona (Plebéia) mosquito F. SMITH (quadro XII) and other in Melipona marginata marginata LEP. (Quadro XIII, colonies 76 and 56) showing sex-limited effects. Sex-limited genes affecting only males do not contribute to the plasticity or genie reserve in hymenopteran populations (see formula 14). 6) The factor time (life span) in Hymenoptera has a particular importance for heterotic genes. Supposing one year to be the time unit and a pair of heterotic genes with respective survival indice equal to RA = 0, 90 and Ra = 0,70 to be present; then if the life time of a population is either one or two years, only the more viable gene will remain present (see formula 11). If the species has a life time of three years, then both alleles will be maintained. Thus we conclude that in specis with long lif-time, the heterotic genes have more importance, and should be found more easily. 7) The colonies of social Hymenoptera behave as units in competition, thus in the studies of populations one must determine the survival index, of these units which may be subdivided in indice for egg-laying, for adaptive value of the queen, for working capacity of workers, etc. 8) A study of endogamic hymenopteran populations, reproduced by sister x brother mating (fig. 2), lead us to the following conclusions: a) without selection, a population, heterozygous for one pair of alleles, will consist after some generations (theoretically after an infinite number of generation) of females AA fecundated with males A and females aa fecundated with males a (see Quadro I). b) Even in endogamic population there is the theoretical possibility of the presence of heterotic genes, at equilibrium without the aid of new mutations (see Graphics 11 and 12), but the following! conditions must be satisfied: I - surveval index of both homozygotes (RA e Ra) should be below 0,75 (see Graphic 13); II - The most viable allele must riot exced the less viable one by more than is permited by the following formula (Pimentel Gomes 1950) (see Gra-fic 14) : 4 R5A + 8 Ra R4A - 4 Ra R³A (Ra - 1) R²A - - R²a (4 R²a + 4 Ra - 1) R A + 2 R³a < o Considering these two conditions, the existance of heterotic genes in endogamic populations of Hymenoptera \>ecames very improbable though not - impossible. 9) Genie mutation offects more hymenopteran than diploid populations. Thus we have for lethal genes in diploid populations: u = q2, and in Hymenoptera: u = s, being u the mutation ratio and s the frequency of the mutant in the male population. 10) Three factors, important to competition among species of Meliponini were analysed: flying capacity of workers, food gathering capacity of workers, egg-laying of the queen. In this connection we refer to the variability of the tongue lenght observed in colonies from several localites, to the method of transporting the pollen in the stomach, from some pots (Melliponi-ni storage alveolus) to others (e. g. in cases of pillage), and to the observation that the species with the most populous hives are almost always the most frequent ones also. 11) Several defensive ways used for Meliponini to avoid predation are cited, but special references are made upon the camouflage of both hive (fig. 5) and hive entrance (fig. 4) and on the mimetism (see list in page ). Also under the same heading we described the method of Lestrimelitta for pillage. 12) As mechanisms important for promoting genetic plasticity of hymenopteran species we cited: a) cytological variations and b) genie reserve. As to the former, duplications and numerical variations of chromosomes were studied. Diprion simile ATC was cited as example for polyploidy. Apis mellife-ra L. (n = 16) also sugests polyploid origen since: a) The genus Melipona, which belongs to a" related tribe, presents in all species so far studied n = 9 chromosomes and b) there occurs formation of dyads in the firt spermatocyte division. It is su-gested that the origin of the sex-chromosome of Apis mellifera It. may be related to the possible origin of diplo-tetraploidy in this species. With regards to the genie reserve, several possible types of mutants were discussed. They were classified according to their survival indices; the heterotic and neutral mutants must be considered as more important for the genie reserve. 13) The mean radius from a mother to a daghter colony was estimated as 100 meters. Since the Meliponini hives swarm only once a year we may take 100 meters a year as the average dispersion of female Meliponini in ocordance to data obtained from Trigona (tetragonisca) jaty F. SMITH and Melipona marginata LEP., while other species may give different values. For males the flying distance was roughly estimated to be 10 times that for females. A review of the bibliography on Meliponini swarm was made (pg. 43 to 47) and new facts added. The population desity (breeding population) corresponds in may species of Meliponini to one male and one female per 10.000 square meters. Apparently the males are more frequent than the females, because there are sometimes many thousands, of males in a swarm; but for the genie frequency the individuals which have descendants are the ones computed. In the case of Apini and Meliponini, only one queen per hive and the males represented by. the spermatozoos in its spermateca are computed. In Meliponini only one male mate with the queen, while queens of Apis mellijera L. are fecundated by an average of about 1, 5 males. (Roberts, 1944). From the date cited, one clearly sees that, on the whole, populations of wild social bees (Meliponini) are so small that the Sewall Wright effect may become of great importance. In fact applying the Wright's formula: f = ( 1/aN♂ + 1/aN♀) (1 - 1/aN♂ + 1/aN♀) which measures the fixation and loss of genes per generation, we see that the fixation or loss of genes is of about 7% in the more frequent species, and rarer species about 11%. The variation in size, tergite color, background color, etc, of Melipona marginata Lep. is atributed to this genetic drift. A detail, important to the survival of Meliponini species, is the Constance of their breeding population. This Constance is due to the social organization, i. e., to the care given to the reproductive individuals (the queen with its sperm pack), to the way of swarming, to the food storage intended to control variations of feeding supply, etc. 14) Some species of the Meliponini are adapted to various ecological conditions and inhabit large geographical areas (e. g. T. (Tetragonisca jaty F. SMITH), and Trigona (Nanno-trigona testaceicornis LEP.) while others are limited to narrow regions with special ecological conditions (e. g. M. fuscata me-lanoventer SCHWARZ). Other species still, within the same geographical region, profit different ecological conditions, as do M. marginata LEP. and M. quadrifasciata LEP. The geographical distribution of Melipona quadrifasciata LEP. is different according to the subspecies: a) subsp anthidio-des LEP. (represented in Fig. 7 by black squares) inhabits a region fron the North of the S. Paulo State to Northeastern Brazil, ,b) subspecies quadrifasciata LEP., (marked in Fig. 7 with black triangles) accurs from the South of S. Paulo State to the middle of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (South Brazil). In the margined region between these two areas of distribution, hi-brid colonies were found (Fig. 7, white circles); they are shown with more details in fig. 8, while the zone of hybridization is roughly indicated in fig. 9 (gray zone). The subspecies quadrifasciata LEP., has 4 complete yellow bands on the abdominal tergites while anthidioides LEP. has interrupted ones. This character is determined by one or two genes and gives different adaptative properties to the subspecies. Figs. 10 shows certains meteorological isoclines which have aproximately the same configuration as the limits of the hybrid zone, suggesting different climatic adaptabilities for both genotypes. The exis-tance of a border zone between the areas of both subspecies, where were found a high frequency of hybrids, is explained as follows: being each subspecies adapted to a special climatic zone, we may suppose a poor adaptation of either one in the border region, which is also a region of intermediate climatic conditions. Thus, the hybrids, having a combination of the parent qualities, will be best adapted to the transition zone. Thus, the hybrids will become heterotic and an equilibrium will be reached with all genotypes present in the population in the border region.
The outbreak of the jungle or forest yellow fever, through the adapta¬tion, quite recently of the yellow fever virus o the forest mosquitoes, brou¬ght the necessity of ecological researches on hese mosquitoes, as well as on the wild animals they bite, some of them being susceptible to the desease. This has been done by the special yellow fever Service of the State of Sao Paulo, in a special Biological Station in Perús, São Paulo, which has been built in the midst of the jungle. This station was made with plain materials, and covered with straw, but was confortable enough for the technical work, i nthe early months of 1938. During the months in which the investigations were being carried on, the following interesting results were obtained: 1. As we have already pointed out in other places, the forest mosquitoes biting us during daytime, are always new born insects, having not yet sucked blood, as it is the general rule with all mosquitoes, and therefore also, with the anopheles and stegomyia, and this explains why nobody gets malaria or yellow fever, transmitted by anofeles or by aedes aegypti during the day. We think therefore, the jungle yellow fever, got during daytime is not due to the infected jungle or forest mosquito biting, but to infection through the human skin coming into close contact with tre virus, which the forest mosquitoes lay with their dejections, on the leaves of the trees where they remain sitting du¬ring the day. 2. As it is the rule with anopheles, stegomyia and other mosquitoes, the insects once having sucked blood, take nocturnal habits and, therefore, bite us, only during the night, so it happens with the forest mosquito, and insects with developped eggs and blood in stomach have been caught within the sta¬tion house, during the night. During the day, these mosquitoes do not bite, but remain quite still on the leaves of the trees, in the damp parts of the woods. 3. Jungle or forest mosquitoes can easely bite wild animals, some with more avidity then ethers, as it has bee npointed out to the opossum (didei-phis) and other animals. They also bite birds having very thin skin and only exceptionally, cold bloods animals. 5. Is has hot been possible to ascertain how forest mosquitoes are able to live, from onde season to another, through winter, when temperature drops near and even below zero. They have not been found in holes of the terrain, of trees and of animals, as it is the rule in cold countries. During winter, in the forest, it is possible to find larvs in the holes of bambus and trees full of water. As wild animals do not harbour the yellow fever virus for a long time in their body, it is diffcult to explain how the desease lasts from one season to another. Many ecological features on the mosquito, remains yet to be explained and therefore it in necessary to go on with the investigations, in bio¬logical stations, such as that one built up in Perús, São Paulo.
The brazilian wild rabbit (Sylvilagus minensis) is sensible to the virus of the mixomatosis but the desease takes on it a mild character, lasts for long time and generally do not kill the animal. The tumors are generally smaller and less numerous than those of the domestic rabbit, but sometimes there were noted large and flat lesions (fig. 3). The natural infection of the wild rabbit may be quite common not only because many rabbits caught in the country were found to be immune as also because it was found among the animals caught in the country near Rio, one that was infected with mixomatosis. The experimental infection of the Sylvilagus may be easily obtained by cutan, subcutan or conjuntival way and also when a health wild rabbit is placed in the same cage with a sick domestic animal. It is also possible to obtain the infection of the wild and domestic rabbits by the bite of infected blood sucking insects as fleas and mosquitoes. The infected mosquito can transmit the disease 2 or 3 times til 17 days after an infective meal on a sick rabbit. The transmission is a mecanical one and only the proboscis of the insect contains the virus as it was shown by the inoculation of emulsions of the proboscis, thorax and abdomen of the mosquito. Though mecanical this kind of transmission acts as an important epidemiological mean of dissemination of the deseasse and splains the suddendly outbreaks of mixomatosis in rabbits breedings where no new rabbits were introduced since very long time. The transmition of mixomatosis by fleas (Slenopsylla) was at first demonstrated by us, then S. Torres pointed out the capacity of Culex fatigans to transmit the desease and now we have proved that Aedes scapularis and Aedes aegypti were also able to transmit it (Foto 1 and 2). The virus of the mixomatosis (Chlamidozoon mixoma) is seen on the smeavs of the tumors of the wild reabbit with the same morphology, as in the material of the domestic animal.
Within the possibilities offered by an emergency laboratory in Aracati, Ceará State, we studied the resistance of the eggs of Anopheles gambiae, maintained out of water under different conditions of temperature and humidity. The resistance observed was insufficient to justify special mosquito-control measures. The same results were obtained with larvae and pupae at low temperature. The analysis of the data concerning the egg resistance showed that hatching depends on stimuli.
Foi pesquisada a capacidade transmissora do Aëdes (O.) lepidus em relação ao Plasmodium gallinaceum. Êste mosquito comportou-se como ótimo vector, apresentando elevado índice oocístico e esporozoítico e produzindo a malária por picada em animais sensíveis (pintos e frangos).
The engineers of the modern University City are constructing a graceful bridge, named PONTE OSWALDO CRUZ, that crosses a portion of the Guanabara Bay (Fig. 1). The work at west pillar stopped for 3 years (The concret structure in Est. 1). As it will be seen from n.º 1 5 of the fig. 1, Est. I, the base of the structure will have five underground boxes of reinforcement, but, to-day they are just like as five uncovered water ponds, until at present: May 1963. (Est. I fig. 3, n.º 3 pond n.º 3; A. old level of the water; B. actual level of the water; c. green water; E. mass of bloom of blue algae Microcystis aeruginosa). Soon after SW portion, as 5 cells in series, of the pillar abutments, and also the NE portion nearly opposite in the Tibau Mount will be filled up with earth, a new way will link Rio City and the University City. We see to day Est. I, fig. 1 the grasses on the half arenous beach of the Tibau Point. These natural Cyperaceae and Gramineae will be desappear because of so a new road, now under construction, when completed will be 33 feet above the mean sea level, as high as the pillar, covering exactly as that place. Although rainfall was the chief source of water for these ponds, the first water (before meterorological precipitations of whatever first rain it might fall) was a common tap water mixed with Portland Cement, which exuded gradually through the pores of the concret during its hardenning process. Some data of its first cement water composition are on the chemical table, and in Tab. n.º 4 and "Resultado n.º 1". The rain receiving surface of each pond were about 15 by 16 feet, that is, 240 square feet; when they were full of water, their depth was of 2 feet 3", having each pond about 4,000 gallons. Climatic conditions are obviously similar of those of the Rio de Janeiro City: records of temperature, of precipitation and evaporation are seen on the graphics, figs. 2, 3, 4. Our conceptions of 4 phases is merely to satisfy an easy explanation thus the first phase that of exudation of concrete. We consider the 2nd. phase formation of bacterian and cyanophycean thin pellicel. 3rd. phase - dilution by rains, and fertilisation by birds; the 4th phase - plankton flora and fauna established. The biological material arrived with the air, the rains, and also with contaminations by dusts; with big portion of sand, of earth, and leaves of trees resulted of the SW wind actions in the storming days (See - Est. I, fig. 3, G. - the mangrove trees of the Pinheiro Island). Many birds set down and rest upon the pillar structure, its faeces which are good fertilizers fall into the ponds. Some birds were commonly pigeons, black ravens, swallows, sparrows and other sea mews, moor hens, and a few sea birds of comparatively rare occurence. We get only some examples of tropical dust contaminated helioplankton, of which incipient observations were been done sparcely. See the systematic list of the species of plankters. Phytoplankters - Cyanophyta algae as a basic part for food of zooplankters, represented chiefly by rotiferse, water-fleas Moinodaphnia and other Crustacea: Ostracoda Copepoda and Insecta: Chironomidae and Culicidae larvae. The polysaprobic of septic irruptions have not been done only by heating in summer, and, a good reason of that, for example: when the fifth pond was in polysaprobic phase as the same time an alike septic phase do not happened into the 3rd. pond, therefore, both were in the same conditions of temperature, but with unlike contaminations. Among the most important aquatic organisms used as indicatiors of pollution - and microorganisms of real importance in the field of sanitary science, by authorities of renown, for instance: PALMER, PRESCOTT, INGRAM, LIEBMANN, we choose following microalgae: a) The cosmopolite algae Scenedesmus quadricuada, a common indicator in mesosaprobio waters, which lives between pH 7,0 and it is assimilative of NO[3 subscripted] and NH[4 subscripted]. b) Species of the genus Chlamydomonas; it is even possible that all the species of theses genus inhabit strong-mesosaprobic to polysaprobic waters when in massive blooms. c) Several species of Euglenaceae in fast growing number, at the same time of the protozoa Amoebidae, Vorticellidae and simultaneous with deposition of the decaying cells of the blue algae Anacystis cyanea (= Microcystis) when the consumed oxygen by organic matter resulted in 40 mg. L. But, we found, among various Euglenacea the cosmopolite species (Euglena viridis, a well known polysaprobic indicatior of which presence occur in septic zone. d) Analcystis cyanea (= M. aeruginosa) as we observed was in blooms increasing to the order of billions of cells per litter, its maximum in the summer. Temperatures 73ºF to 82ºF but even 90ºF, the pH higher than 8. When these blue algae was joined to the rotifer Brachionus calyflorus the waters gets a milky appearance, but greenished one. In fact, that cosmopolite algae is used as a mesosaprobic indicator. Into the water of the ponds its predominance finished when the septic polysaprobic conditions began. e) Ankistrodesmus falcatus was present in the 5th pond from 26the. April untill the 26th July, and when N.NH[4 subscripted] gets 1.28 mg. L. and when chlorinity stayed from 0.034 to 0.061 mg. L. It never was found at N.NH[4 subscripted] higher than 1 mg. L. The green algae A. falcatus, an indicatior of pollution, lives in moderate mesosaprobic waters. f) As everyone knows, the rotifer eggs may be widely dispersed by wind. The rotifer Asplanchna brightwelli in our observation seemed like a green colored bag, overcharged by green cells and detritus, specially into its spacious stomach, which ends blindly (the intestine, cloaca, being absent). The stock of Asplanchna in the ponds, during the construction of the bridge "PONTE OSWALDO CRUZ" inhabits alkaline waters, pH 8,0 a 8,3, and when we observed we noted its dissolved oxygen from 3.5 to 4 mg. L. In these ponds Asplanchna lived in 0,2 P.PO[4 subscripted]. (Remember the hydobiological observations foreign to braslian waters refer only from 0.06 to 0,010 mg. L. P.PO[4 subscripted]; and they refer resistance to 0.8 N.NH[4 subscripted]). By our data, that rotiger resist commonly to 1.2 until 1.8 mg. L.N.NH[4 subscripted]; here in our ponds and, when NO[2 subscripted] appears Asplanchna desappears. It may be that Asplanchna were devoured by nitrite resistant animals of by Culicidae or other mosquitoes devoured by Due to these facts the number and the distribution of Asplanchna varies considerabley; see - plates of plankton successions. g) Brachionus one of the commonest members of class Rotatoria was frquently found in abundance into the ponds, and we notice an important biological change produce by the rotifer Brachonus colyciflorus: the occurence of its Brachionus clayciflorus forms pallas, is rare in Brazil, as we know about this. h) When we found the water flea MOinodaphnia we do not record simultanous presence of the blue algae Agmenellun (= Merismopedia).
Os autores descrevem a evolução esporogônica do Hepatozoon caimani (Carini, 1909), no Culex dolosus (L. Arribálzaga). Após descreverem as formas eritrocíticas e pequenos cistos esquizogônicos com dois merozoítas, mostraram que a evolução do parasita no mosquito é muito lenta, pois leva cerca de 24 dias para a formação de esporozoítas, à temperatura de 26 a 28ºC e umidade relativa de 80 a 85%. Em geral, há formação nos oocistos de dois esporoblastos, sendo que um degenera e o outro evolui e forma cerca de 100 a 120 esporocistos, cada um contendo de 15 a 20 esporozoítas. Não conseguiram obter a evolução esporogônica dos parasitas em sanguessugas (Haementeria lutzi) e nem em "barbeiros" (Triatoma infestans).
O comportamento dos Anofelinos do subgênero Kerteszia, no sul do Brasil e o efeito do inseticida DDT
Informações sobre o comportamento dos Kerteszia obtidas nos Estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Santa Catarina, foram comparadas entre si e com dados relativos a outros anofelinos neotrópicos e etiópicos. Das conclusões obtidas destacam-se: 1. Em seguida ao pôr do sol os Kerteszia tornam-se mais ativos nas copas das árvores da mata a ao anoitecer, quando começam a se inverter as diferenças microclimáticas existentes entre a floresta e ao ar livre, passam a predominar nas áreas abertas; 2. nas localidades não dedetizadas não existe grande diferença entre a proporção dos Kerteszia que se alimenta dentro das casas e a que tem sido observada para o A. gambiae, na África. Entretanto, memso antes do aparecimento do DDT, os Kerteszia não eram mosquitos endófilos. Para os anofelinos ditos zoófilos, como o A. strodei, a relação entre o número de mosquitos capturados simultaneamente no peridomicílio e dentro de casa, é pelo menos duas vezes mais elevada; 3. Alguns dados sobre a ação impedidora ('deterrency") do DDT, para os kerteszia, mostram que ela é elevadíssima, outros são da mesma ordem de grandeza dos observados para o A. gambiae. Foi verificado que os Kerteszia evitam entrar mesmo em casas com muito pouco inseticida; 4. Apenas uma pequena proporção dos Kerteszia, que se alimenta dentro das casas, pousa nas paredes; a maioria voa diretamente para as pessoas e depois para fora. O tempo de permanência nas superfícies dedetizadas é o mesmo que tem sido observado para outros anofelinos, geralmente inferior a 10 minutos; 5. Ao contrário da maioria dos transmissores de malária a atividade dos Kerteszia, fora da mata, concentra-se nas primeiras horas da noite, quando há maior probabilidade de existir pessoas fora de casa; 6. o estudo do contato homem-mosquito ("man-bitting rate") mostrou que, mesmo nas casas não dedetizadas, esse contato é quase sempre maior fora dos domicilios. Nas localidades dedetizadas a componente externa, desse contato, pode ser até 10 vezes mais elevada. O que, logicamente, resulta do horário de atividade; 7. Os trabalhos de profilaxia do antigo Serviços Nacional de Malária já haviam mostrado que, mesmo com distribuição de medicamentos, essa diminuição dos contatos homem-mosquito dentro das casas e a ação tóxica do inseticida, são suficientes para impedir a transmissão da malária. Fato que, juntamente com os dados das capturas extradomiciliares, sugere a realização de pesquisas visando encontrar medidas capazes de diminuir a densidade dos kerteszia nas áreas freqüentadas pela população humana.