987 resultados para monolithic rod


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Six fish species are known to occur in Lake Baringo. Tilapia nilotica Linnaeus 1757, Barbus gregorii Boulenger 1902, Clarias mossambicus Peters 1852 and Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 were recorded in 1930-31. In 1969, two more fish species were identified: Aplocheilichthys sp. and Barbus lineomaculatus Boulenger 1903. T. nilotica is the only fish species commercially exploited. But the catches, catch per unit effort and the mean size of fish caught in commercial gillnets have declined since 1968. B. gregorii is important in the subsistence rod-and-line fishery. L. cylindricus, C. mossambicus, B. lineomaculatus and Aplochelichthys sp. are not commercially exploited.


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Turbulent combustion of stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture is simulated using direct numerical simulation methodology, employing complex chemical kinetics. Two flame configurations, freely propagating and V-flames stabilized behind a hot rod, are simulated. The results are analyzed to study the influence of flame configuration on the turbulence-scalar interaction, which is critical for the scalar gradient generation processes. The result suggests that this interaction process is not influenced by the flame configuration and the flame normal is found to align with the most extensive strain in the region of intense heat release. The combustion in the rod stabilized flame is found to be flamelet like in an average sense and the growth of flame-brush thickness with the downstream distance is represented well by Taylor theory of turbulent diffusion, when the flame-brushes are non-interacting. The thickness is observed to saturate when the flame-brushes interact, which is found to occur in the simulated rod stabilized flame with Taylor micro-scale Reynolds number of 97. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Turbulence statistics have been measured immediately downstream of a regular grid made of round rods with rod spacing M. 2D-2C PIV was used to analyse a measurement area of 14M x 4M in the down and cross-stream directions respectively. The relevant Reynolds number span the range Re M = U ∞M/ν = 5 500 - 16 500. The Reynolds shear stresses recorded on two parallel measurement planes differently located relative to the grid exhibit significant discrepancies over the first 5M, but have completely homogenised in the cross-stream direction by x/M = 7. The downstream evolution of the two-point velocity correlation functions shows a progressive loss of coherence and a clear trend towards the expected isotropic behavior. The same conclusions apply to measurements taken in the wake of another regular grid made of square rods. Changes in the vortex shedding pattern from the grid were observed at the lowest Reynolds number, with two of the four rod wakes captured shedding in phase with each other but in anti-phase with a third one. The impact of this early flow coherence on the turbulence statistics did not persist due to the homogenisation process.


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An assessment of the underwater blast resistance of sandwich beams with a prismatic Y-truss core is presented, utilizing three-dimensional finite element calculations. Results show a significant performance benefit for sandwich construction when compared to a monolithic plate of the same mass when the sandwich core combines high shear strength with low compressive strength.


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DNS of planar turbulent flame and turbulent V-flame has been conducted to investigate turbulence-scalar interaction in relatively practical turbulent combustion. Several turbulence quantities are examined for the understandings of fundamental characteristics of flow field in V-flame. Due to the additional turbulence production by the hot-rod, turbulence does not simply decay in V-flame. Turbulence-scalar interaction, scalar alignments with the principal strain rate in other words, is then clarified. The competition of turbulence and dilatation can be found in the conditional PDF of flame normal alignment. The results suggests that the alignment characteristics in high Da flames are applicable to low Da flames in the region of intense heat release.


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A control algorithm is presented that addresses the stability issues inherent to the operation of monolithic mode-locked laser diodes. It enables a continuous pulse duration tuning without any onset of Q-switching instabilities. A demonstration of the algorithm performance is presented for two radically different laser diode geometries and continuous pulse duration tuning between 0.5 ps to 2.2 ps and 1.2 ps to 10.2 ps is achieved. With practical applications in mind, this algorithm also facilitates control over performance parameters such as output power and wavelength during pulse duration tuning. The developed algorithm enables the user to harness the operational flexibility from such a laser with 'push-button' simplicity.


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We present measurements of grid turbulence using 2D particle image velocimetry taken immediately downstream from the grid at a Reynolds number of Re M = 16500 where M is the rod spacing. A long field of view of 14M x 4M in the down- and cross-stream directions was achieved by stitching multiple cameras together. Two uniform biplanar grids were selected to have the same M and pressure drop but different rod diameter D and crosssection. A large data set (10 4 vector fields) was obtained to ensure good convergence of second-order statistics. Estimations of the dissipation rate ε of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) were found to be sensitive to the number of meansquared velocity gradient terms included and not whether the turbulence was assumed to adhere to isotropy or axisymmetry. The resolution dependency of different turbulence statistics was assessed with a procedure that does not rely on the dissipation scale η. The streamwise evolution of the TKE components and ε was found to collapse across grids when the rod diameter was included in the normalisation. We argue that this should be the case between all regular grids when the other relevant dimensionless quantities are matched and the flow has become homogeneous across the stream. Two-point space correlation functions at x/M = 1 show evidence of complex wake interactions which exhibit a strong Reynolds number dependence. However, these changes in initial conditions disappear indicating rapid cross-stream homogenisation. On the other hand, isotropy was, as expected, not found to be established by x/M = 12 for any case studied. © Springer-Verlag 2012.


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The dynamic response of end-clamped monolithic beams and sandwich beams of equal areal mass have been measured by loading the beams at mid-span with metal foam projectiles to simulate localised blast loading. The sandwich beams were made from carbon fibre laminate and comprised identical face sheets and a square-honeycomb core. The transient deflection of the beams was determined as a function of projectile momentum, and the measured response was compared with finite element simulations based upon a damage mechanics approach. A range of failure modes were observed in the sandwich beams including core fracture, plug-type shear failure of the core, debonding of the face sheets from the core and tensile tearing of the face sheets at the supports. In contrast, the monolithic beams failed by a combination of delamination of the plies and tensile failure at the supports. The finite element simulations of the beam response were accurate provided the carbon fibre properties were endowed with rate sensitivity of damage growth. The relative performance of monolithic and sandwich beams were quantified by the maximum transverse deflection at mid-span for a given projectile momentum. It was found that the sandwich beams outperformed both monolithic composite beams and steel sandwich beams with a square-honeycomb core. However, the composite beams failed catastrophically at a lower projectile impulse than the steel beams due to the lower ductility of the composite material. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Graphene has extraordinary electronic and optical properties and holds great promise for applications in photonics and optoelectronics. Demonstrations including high-speed photodetectors, optical modulators, plasmonic devices, and ultrafast lasers have now been reported. More advanced device concepts would involve photonic elements such as cavities to control light-matter interaction in graphene. Here we report the first monolithic integration of a graphene transistor and a planar, optical microcavity. We find that the microcavity-induced optical confinement controls the efficiency and spectral selection of photocurrent generation in the integrated graphene device. A twenty-fold enhancement of photocurrent is demonstrated. The optical cavity also determines the spectral properties of the electrically excited thermal radiation of graphene. Most interestingly, we find that the cavity confinement modifies the electrical transport characteristics of the integrated graphene transistor. Our experimental approach opens up a route towards cavity-quantum electrodynamics on the nanometre scale with graphene as a current-carrying intra-cavity medium of atomic thickness. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Portland cement has been widely used for stabilisation/solidification (S/S) treatment of contaminated soils. However, there is a dearth of literature on pH-dependent leaching of contaminants from cement-treated soils. This study investigates the leachability of Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from a mixed contaminated soil. A sandy soil was spiked with 3000 mg/kg each of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, and 10,000 mg/kg of diesel, and treated with ordinary Portland cement (CEM I). Four different binder dosages, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% (m/m) and different water contents ranging from 13%-19% dry weight were used in order to find a safe operating envelope for the treatment process. The pH-dependent leaching behaviour of the treated soil was monitored over an 84-day period using a 3-point acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. The monolithic leaching test was also conducted. Geotechnical properties such as unconfined compressive strength (UCS), hydraulic conductivity and porosity were assessed over time. The treated soils recorded lower leachate concentrations of Ni and Zn compared to the untreated soil at the same pH depending on binder dosage. The binder had problems with Pb stabilisation and TPH leachability was independent of pH and binder dosage. The hydraulic conductivity of the mixes was generally of the order, 10-8 m/sec, while the porosity ranged from 26%-44%. The results of selected performance properties are compared with regulatory limits and the range of operating variables that lead to acceptable performance described. © 2012 The Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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Modeling of the joint probability density function of the mixture fraction and progress variable with a given covariance value is studied. This modeling is validated using experimental and direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. A very good agreement with experimental data of turbulent stratified flames and DNS data of a lifted hydrogen jet flame is obtained. The effect of using this joint pdf modeling to calculate the mean reaction rate with a flamelet closure in Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) calculation of stratified flames is studied. The covariance effect is observed to be large within the flame brush. The results obtained from RANS calculations using this modeling for stratified jet- and rod-stabilized V-flames are discussed and compared to the measurements as a posteriori validation for the joint probability density function model with the flamelet closure. The agreement between the computed and measured values of flame and turbulence quantities is found to be good. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Motivated by applications such as gecko-inspired adhesives and microdevices featuring slender rod-like bodies, there has been an increase in interest in the deformed shapes of elastic rods adhering to rigid surfaces. A central issue in analyses of the rod-based models for these systems is the stability of the predicted equilibrium configurations. Such analyses can be complicated by the presence of intrinsic curvatures induced by fabrication processes. The results in the present paper are used to show how this curvature can lead to shear-induced bifurcations and instabilities. To characterize potential instabilities, a new set of necessary conditions for stability are employed which cater to the possible combinations of buckling and delaminating instabilities. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Large digital chips use a significant amount of energy to broadcast a low-skew, multigigahertz clock to millions of latches located throughout the chip. Every clock cycle, the large aggregate capacitance of the clock network is charged from the supply and then discharged to ground. Instead of wasting this stored energy, it is possible to recycle the energy by controlling its delivery to another part of the chip using an on-chip dc-dc converter. The clock driver and switching converter circuits share many compatible characteristics that allow them to be merged into a single design and fully integrated on-chip. Our buck converter prototype, manufactured in 90-nm CMOS, provides a proof-of-concept that clock network energy can be recycled to other parts of the chip, thus lowering overall energy consumption. It also confirms that monolithic multigigahertz switching converters utilizing zero-voltage switching can be implemented in deep-submicrometer CMOS. With multigigahertz operation, fully integrated inductors and capacitors use a small amount of chip area with low losses. Combining the clock driver with the power converter can share the large MOSFET drivers necessary as well as being energy and space efficient. We present an analysis of the losses which we confirm by experimentally comparing the merged circuit with a conventional clock driver. © 2012 IEEE.


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The quasi-static and dynamic responses of laminated beams of equal areal mass, made from monolithic CFRP and Ultra high molecular weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), have been measured. The end-clamped beams were impacted at mid-span by metal foam projectiles to simulate localised blast loading. The effect of clamping geometry on the response was investigated by comparing the response of beams bolted into the supports with the response of beams whose ends were wrapped around the supports. The effect of laminate shear strength upon the static and dynamic responses was investigated by testing two grades of each of the CFRP and UHMWPE beams: (i) CFRP beams with a cured matrix and uncured matrix, and (ii) UHMWPE laminates with matrices of two different shear strengths. Quasi-static stretch-bend tests indicated that the load carrying capacity of the UHWMPE beams exceeds that of the CFRP beams, increases with diminishing shear strength of matrix, and increases when the ends are wrapped rather than through-bolted. The dynamic deformation mode of the beams is qualitatively different from that observed in the quasi-static stretch-bend tests. In the dynamic case, travelling hinges emanate from the impact location and propagate towards the supports; the beams finally fail by tensile fibre fracture at the supports. The UHMWPE beams outperform the CFRP beams in terms of a lower mid-span deflection for a given impulse, and a higher failure impulse. Also, the maximum attainable impulse increases with decreasing shear strength for both the UHMWPE and CFRP beams. The ranking of the beams for load carrying capacity in the quasi-static stretch-bend tests is identical to that for failure impulse in the impact tests. Thus, the static tests can be used to gauge the relative dynamic performances of the beams. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ballistic performance of clamped circular carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibre composite plates of equal areal mass and 0/90 lay-up were measured and compared with that of monolithic 304 stainless steel plates. The effect of matrix shear strength upon the dynamic response was explored by testing: (i) CFRP plates with both a cured and uncured matrix and (ii) UHMWPE laminates with identical fibres but with two matrices of different shear strength. The response of these plates when subjected to mid-span, normal impact by a steel ball was measured via a dynamic high speed shadow moiré technique. Travelling hinges emanate from the impact location and travel towards the supports. The anisotropic nature of the composite plate results in the hinges travelling fastest along the fibre directions and this results in square-shaped moiré fringes in the 0/90 plates. Projectile penetration of the UHMWPE and the uncured CFRP plates occurs in a progressive manner, such that the number of failed plies increases with increasing velocity. The cured CFRP plate, of high matrix shear strength, fails by cone-crack formation at low velocities, and at higher velocities by a combination of cone-crack formation and communition of plies beneath the projectile. On an equal areal mass basis, the low shear strength UHMWPE plate has the highest ballistic limit followed by the high matrix shear strength UHMWPE plate, the uncured CFRP, the steel plate and finally the cured CFRP plate. We demonstrate that the high shear strength UHMWPE plate exhibits Cunniff-type ballistic limit scaling. However, the observed Cunniff velocity is significantly lower than that estimated from the laminate properties. The data presented here reveals that the Cunniff velocity is limited in its ability to characterise the ballistic performance of fibre composite plates as this velocity is independent of the shear properties of the composites: the ballistic limit of fibre composite plates increases with decreasing matrix shear strength for both CFRP and UHMWPE plates. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.