951 resultados para methods of interaction


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Novel ampholytic terpolymer of N-vinylformamide (NVF), vinylamine (VAm) and sodium acrylate (NA) with low cationic proportion was obtained by hydrolyzing copolymer of NVF and NA (PNVFNA). Solution properties of the polymer were investigated by methods of turbidity and viscosity experiment. The effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on solution viscosity was also investigated. The results showed that the turbidity curves were bimodal, and pH 3.0 was determined as the isoelectric point (IEP).


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The interaction of antitumor antibiotic, echinomycin (Echi) with guanine (Gua) was thoroughly investigated by adsorptive transfer stripping cyclic voltammetry, ultraviolet and visible adsorption spectra (UV/Vis) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Electrochemistry provided a simple tool for verifying the occurrence of interaction between Echi and Gua. Echi could be accumulated from the solution and give well-defined electrochemical signals in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0) only when Gua was present on the surface of the electrochemically pretreated glass carbon electrode (GCE), suggesting a strong binding of Echi to Gua. All the acquired spectral data showed that a new adduct between Echi and Gua was formed, and two pairs of adjacent intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the Ala backbone atoms in Echi and Gua (Ala-NH to Gua-N3 and Gua-NH2 to Ala-CO) played a dominating role in the interaction. Electrochemistry coupled with spectroscopy techniques could provide a relatively easy way to obtain useful insights into the molecular mechanism of drug-DNA interactions, which should be important in the development of new anticancer drugs with specific base recognition.


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Pure X-ray diffraction profiles have been analysed for polyamide 1010 and PA1O1O-BMI system by means of multipeak fitting resolution of X-ray diffraction. The methods of variance and fourth moment have been applied to determine the particle size and strain values for the paracrystalline materials. The results indicated that both variance and fourth moment of X-ray diffraction line profile yielded approximately the same values of the particle size and the strain. The particle sizes of (100) reflection have been found to decrease with increasing BMI content, whereas the strain values increased.


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An effective approach of simulating fluid dynamics on a cluster of non- dedicated workstations is presented. The approach uses local interaction algorithms, small communication capacity, and automatic migration of parallel processes from busy hosts to free hosts. The approach is well- suited for simulating subsonic flow problems which involve both hydrodynamics and acoustic waves; for example, the flow of air inside wind musical instruments. Typical simulations achieve $80\\%$ parallel efficiency (speedup/processors) using 20 HP-Apollo workstations. Detailed measurements of the parallel efficiency of 2D and 3D simulations are presented, and a theoretical model of efficiency is developed which fits closely the measurements. Two numerical methods of fluid dynamics are tested: explicit finite differences, and the lattice Boltzmann method.


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As an animator and practice-based researcher with a background in games development, I am interested in technological change in the video game medium, with a focus on the tools and technologies that drive game character animation and interactive story. In particular, I am concerned with the issue of ‘user agency’, or the ability of the end user to affect story development—a key quality of the gaming experience and essential to the aesthetics of gaming, which is defined in large measure by its interactive elements. In this paper I consider the unique qualities of the video game1 as an artistic medium and the impact that these qualities have on the production of animated virtual character performances. I discuss the somewhat oppositional nature of animated character performances found in games from recent years, which range from inactive to active—in other words, low to high agency. Where procedural techniques (based on coded rules of movement) are used to model dynamic character performances, the user has the ability to interactively affect characters in real-time within the larger sphere of the game. This game play creates a high degree of user agency. However, it lacks the aesthetic nuances of the more crafted sections of games: the short cut-scenes, or narrative interludes where entire acted performances are mapped onto game characters (often via performance capture)2 and constructed into relatively cinematic representations. While visually spectacular, cut-scenes involve minimal interactivity, so user agency is low. Contemporary games typically float between these two distinct methods of animation, from a focus on user agency and dynamically responsive animation to a focus on animated character performance in sections where the user is a passive participant. We tend to think of the majority of action in games as taking place via playable figures: an avatar or central character that represents a player. However, there is another realm of characters that also partake in actions ranging from significant to incidental: non-playable characters, or NPCs, which populate action sequences where game play takes place as well as cut scenes that unfold without much or any interaction on the part of the player. NPCs are the equivalent to supporting roles, bit characters, or extras in the world of cinema. Minor NPCs may simply be background characters or enemies to defeat, but many NPCs are crucial to the overall game story. It is my argument that, thus far, no game has successfully utilized the full potential of these characters to contribute toward development of interactive, high performance action. In particular, a type of NPC that I have identified as ‘pivotal’3—those constituting the supporting cast of a video game—are essential to the telling of a game story, particularly in genres that focus on story and characters: adventure games, action games, and role-playing games. A game story can be defined as the entirety of the narrative, told through non-interactive cut-scenes as well a interactive sections of play, and development of more complex stories in games clearly impacts the animation of NPCs. I argue that NPCs in games must be capable of acting with emotion throughout a game—in the cutscenes, which are tightly controlled, but also in sections of game play, where player agency can potentially alter the story in real-time. When the animated performance of NPCs and user agency are not continuous throughout the game, the implication is that game stories may be primarily told through short movies within games, making it more difficult to define video games animation as a distinct artistic medium.


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This paper describes an experiment developed to study the performance of virtual agent animated cues within digital interfaces. Increasingly, agents are used in virtual environments as part of the branding process and to guide user interaction. However, the level of agent detail required to establish and enhance efficient allocation of attention remains unclear. Although complex agent motion is now possible, it is costly to implement and so should only be routinely implemented if a clear benefit can be shown. Pevious methods of assessing the effect of gaze-cueing as a solution to scene complexity have relied principally on two-dimensional static scenes and manual peripheral inputs. Two experiments were run to address the question of agent cues on human-computer interfaces. Both experiments measured the efficiency of agent cues analyzing participant responses either by gaze or by touch respectively. In the first experiment, an eye-movement recorder was used to directly assess the immediate overt allocation of attention by capturing the participant’s eyefixations following presentation of a cueing stimulus. We found that a fully animated agent could speed up user interaction with the interface. When user attention was directed using a fully animated agent cue, users responded 35% faster when compared with stepped 2-image agent cues, and 42% faster when compared with a static 1-image cue. The second experiment recorded participant responses on a touch screen using same agent cues. Analysis of touch inputs confirmed the results of gaze-experiment, where fully animated agent made shortest time response with a slight decrease on the time difference comparisons. Responses to fully animated agent were 17% and 20% faster when compared with 2-image and 1-image cue severally. These results inform techniques aimed at engaging users’ attention in complex scenes such as computer games and digital transactions within public or social interaction contexts by demonstrating the benefits of dynamic gaze and head cueing directly on the users’ eye movements and touch responses.


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Malignant or benign tumors may be ablated with high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This technique, known as focused ultrasound surgery (FUS), has been actively investigated for decades, but slow to be implemented and difficult to control due to lack of real‐time feedback during ablation. Two methods of imaging and monitoring HIFU lesions during formation were implemented simultaneously, in order to investigate the efficacy of each and to increase confidence in the detection of the lesion. The first, Acousto‐Optic Imaging (AOI) detects the increasing optical absorption and scattering in the lesion. The intensity of a diffuse optical field in illuminated tissue is mapped at the spatial resolution of an ultrasound focal spot, using the acousto‐optic effect. The second, Harmonic Motion Imaging (HMI), detects the changing stiffness in the lesion. The HIFU beam is modulated to force oscillatory motion in the tissue, and the amplitude of this motion, measured by ultrasound pulse‐echo techniques, is influenced by the stiffness. Experiments were performed on store‐bought chicken breast and freshly slaughtered bovine liver. The AOI results correlated with the onset and relative size of forming lesions much better than prior knowledge of the HIFU power and duration. For HMI, a significant artifact was discovered due to acoustic nonlinearity. The artifact was mitigated by adjusting the phase of the HIFU and imaging pulses. A more detailed model of the HMI process than previously published was made using finite element analysis. The model showed that the amplitude of harmonic motion was primarily affected by increases in acoustic attenuation and stiffness as the lesion formed and the interaction of these effects was complex and often counteracted each other. Further biological variability in tissue properties meant that changes in motion were masked by sample‐to‐sample variation. The HMI experiments predicted lesion formation in only about a quarter of the lesions made. In simultaneous AOI/HMI experiments it appeared that AOI was a more robust method for lesion detection.


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The research work included in this thesis examines the synthesis, characterization and chromatographic evaluation of novel bonded silica stationary phases. Innovative methods of preparation of silica hydride intermediates and octadecylsilica using a “green chemistry” approach eliminate the use of toxic organic solvents and exploit the solvating power and enhanced diffusivity of supercritical carbon dioxide to produce phases with a surface coverage of bonded ligands which is comparable to, or exceeds, that achieved using traditional organic solvent-based methods. A new stationary phase is also discussed which displays chromatographic selectivity based on molecular recognition. Chapter 1 introduces the chemistry of silica stationary phases, the retention mechanisms and theories on which reversed-phase liquid chromatography and hydrophilic interaction chromatograpy are based, the art and science of achieving a well packed liquid chromatography column, the properties of supercritical carbon dioxide and molecular recognition chemistry. Chapter 2 compares the properties of silica hydride materials prepared using supercritical carbon dioxide as the reaction medium with those synthesized in an organic solvent. A higher coverage of hydride groups on the silica surface is seen when a monofunctional silane is reacted in supercritical carbon dioxide while trifunctional silanes result in a phase which exhibits different properties depending on the reaction medium used. The differing chromatographic behaviour of these silica hydride materials prepared using supercritical carbon dioxide and using organic solvent are explored in chapter 3. Chapter 4 focusses on the preparation of octadecylsilica using mono-, di- and trifunctional alkoxysilanes in supercritical carbon dioxide and in anhydrous toluene. The surface coverage of octadecyl groups, as calculated using thermogravimetric analysis and elemental analysis, is highest when a trifunctional alkoxysilane is reacted with silica in supercritical carbon dioxide. A novel silica stationary phase is discussed in chapter 5 which displays selectivity for analytes based on their hydrogen bonding capabilities. The phase is also highly selective for barbituric acid and may have a future application in the solid phase extraction of barbiturates from biological samples.


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BACKGROUND: Implementing new practices, such as health information technology (HIT), is often difficult due to the disruption of the highly coordinated, interdependent processes (e.g., information exchange, communication, relationships) of providing care in hospitals. Thus, HIT implementation may occur slowly as staff members observe and make sense of unexpected disruptions in care. As a critical organizational function, sensemaking, defined as the social process of searching for answers and meaning which drive action, leads to unified understanding, learning, and effective problem solving -- strategies that studies have linked to successful change. Project teamwork is a change strategy increasingly used by hospitals that facilitates sensemaking by providing a formal mechanism for team members to share ideas, construct the meaning of events, and take next actions. METHODS: In this longitudinal case study, we aim to examine project teams' sensemaking and action as the team prepares to implement new information technology in a tiertiary care hospital. Based on management and healthcare literature on HIT implementation and project teamwork, we chose sensemaking as an alternative to traditional models for understanding organizational change and teamwork. Our methods choices are derived from this conceptual framework. Data on project team interactions will be prospectively collected through direct observation and organizational document review. Through qualitative methods, we will identify sensemaking patterns and explore variation in sensemaking across teams. Participant demographics will be used to explore variation in sensemaking patterns. DISCUSSION: Outcomes of this research will be new knowledge about sensemaking patterns of project teams, such as: the antecedents and consequences of the ongoing, evolutionary, social process of implementing HIT; the internal and external factors that influence the project team, including team composition, team member interaction, and interaction between the project team and the larger organization; the ways in which internal and external factors influence project team processes; and the ways in which project team processes facilitate team task accomplishment. These findings will lead to new methods of implementing HIT in hospitals.


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Locked nucleic acids (LNA), conformationally restricted nucleotide analogues, are known to enhance pairing stability and selectivity toward complementary strands. With the aim to contribute to a better understanding of the origin of these effects, the structure, thermal stability, hybridization thermodynamics, and base-pair dynamics of a full-LNA:DNA heteroduplex and of its isosequential DNA:DNA homoduplex were monitored and compared. CD measurements highlight differences in the duplex structures: the homoduplex and heteroduplex present B-type and A-type helical conformations, respectively. The pairing of the hybrid duplex is characterized, at all temperatures monitored (between 15 and 37 degrees C), by a larger stability constant but a less favorable enthalpic term. A major contribution to this thermodynamic profile emanates from the presence of a hairpin structure in the LNA single strand which contributes favorably to the entropy of interaction but leads to an enthalpy penalty upon duplex formation. The base-pair opening dynamics of both systems was monitored by NMR spectroscopy via imino protons exchange measurements. The measurements highlight that hybrid G-C base-pairs present a longer base-pair lifetime and higher stability than natural G-C base-pairs, but that an LNA substitution in an A-T base-pair does not have a favorable effect on the stability. The thermodynamic and dynamic data confirm a more favorable stacking of the bases in the hybrid duplex. This study emphasizes the complementarities between dynamic and thermodynamical studies for the elucidation of the relevant factors in binding events.


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Every aerobic organism expresses cytochrome c oxidase to catalyze reduction of molecular oxygen to water, and takes advantage of this energy releasing reaction to produce an electrochemical gradient used in cellular energy production. The protein SCO (Synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase) is a required assembly factor for the oxidase, conserved across many species. SCO is implicated in the assembly of one of two copper centres (ie., CuA) of cytochrome oxidase. The exact mechanism of SCO’s participation in CuA assembly is not known. SCO has been proposed to bind and deliver copper, or alternatively to act in reductive preparation of the CuA site within the oxidase. In this body of work, the strength and stability of Cu(II) binding to Bacillus subtilis SCO is explored via electronic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies and by calorimetric methods. An equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.5x10-12 M was determined as an upper limit for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction, via differential scanning calorimetry. In the first reported case for a SCO homolog, dissociation kinetics of Cu(II) from BsSCO were characterized, and found to be dependent on both ionic strength and the presence of free Cu(II) in solution. Further differential scanning calorimetry experiments performed at high ionic strength support a two-step model of BsSCO and Cu(II) binding. The implications of this model for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction are presented in relation to the mechanism of interaction between SCO and the CuA site of cytochrome c oxidase.


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An experiment to quantify intra- and interobserver error in anatomical measurements found that interobserver measurements can vary by over 14% of mean specimen length; disparity in measurement increases logarithmically with the number of contributors; instructions did not reduce variation or measurement disparity; scale of the specimen influenced the precision of measurement (relative error increasing with specimen size); different methods of taking a measurement yielded different results, although they did not differ in terms of precision, and topographical complexity of the elements being considered may potentially influence error (error increasing with complexity). These results highlight concerns about introduction of noise and potential bias that should be taken into account when compiling composite datasets and meta-analyses.


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An algorithm is presented which generates pairs of oscillatory random time series which have identical periodograms but differ in the number of oscillations. This result indicates the intrinsic limitations of spectral methods when it comes to the task of measuring frequencies. Other examples, one from medicine and one from bifurcation theory, are given, which also exhibit these limitations of spectral methods. For two methods of spectral estimation it is verified that the particular way end points are treated, which is specific to each method, is, for long enough time series, not relevant for the main result.


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Ecological coherence is a multifaceted conservation objective that includes some potentially conflicting concepts. These concepts include the extent to which the network maximises diversity (including genetic diversity) and the extent to which protected areas interact with non-reserve locations. To examine the consequences of different selection criteria, the preferred location to complement protected sites was examined using samples taken from four locations around each of two marine protected areas: Strangford Lough and Lough Hyne, Ireland. Three different measures of genetic distance were used: FST, Dest and a measure of allelic dissimilarity, along with a direct assessment of the total number of alleles in different candidate networks. Standardized site scores were used for comparisons across methods and selection criteria. The average score for Castlehaven, a site relatively close to Lough Hyne, was highest, implying that this site would capture the most genetic diversity while ensuring highest degree of interaction between protected and unprotected sites. Patterns around Strangford Lough were more ambiguous, potentially reflecting the weaker genetic structure around this protected area in comparison to Lough Hyne. Similar patterns were found across species with different dispersal capacities, indicating that methods based on genetic distance could be used to help maximise ecological coherence in reserve networks. ⺠Ecological coherence is a key component of marine protected area network design. ⺠Coherence contains a number of competing concepts. ⺠Genetic information from field populations can help guide assessments of coherence. ⺠Average choice across different concepts of coherence was consistent among species. ⺠Measures can be combined to compare the coherence of different network designs.


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1. Recent efforts to understand how the patterning of interaction strength affects both structure and dynamics in food webs have highlighted several obstacles to productive synthesis. Issues arise with respect to goals and driving questions, methods and approaches, and placing results in the context of broader ecological theory.