988 resultados para mesothelioma, lysine acetyltransferase, epigenetics, MG 149, inflammation


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Observational studies suggest that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma, but it is not known at what stage they may act in the esophageal inflammation-metaplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence. In an all-Ireland case-control study, we investigated the relationship between the use of NSAIDs and risk of reflux esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma, long-segment Barrett's esophagus and population controls were recruited from throughout Ireland. Esophagitis patients were recruited from Northern Ireland only. Data were collected on known and potential risk factors for esophageal adenocarcinoma and on the use of NSAIDs, including aspirin, at least 1 year before interview. Associations between use of NSAIDs and the stages of the esophageal inflammation-metaplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence were estimated by multiple logistic regression. In total, 230 reflux esophagitis, 224 Barrett's esophagus, and 227 esophageal adenocarcinoma and 260 population controls were recruited. Use of aspirin and NSAIDs was associated with a reduced risk of Barrett's esophagus [odds ratio [OR; 95% confidence interval (95% CI)], 0.53 (0.31-0.90) and 0.40 (0.19-0.81), respectively] and esophageal adenocarcinoma [OR (95% CI), 0.57 (0.36-0.93) and 0.58 (0.31-1.08), respectively]. Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma patients were less likely than controls to have used NSAIDs. Selection or recall bias may explain these results and the results of previous observational studies indicating a protective effect of NSAIDs against esophageal adenocarcinoma. If NSAIDs have a true protective effect on the esophageal inflammation-metaplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence, they may act early in the sequence.


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Background: Small molecule inhibitors of the zinc finger domain (ZFI) in the nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) of HIV-1 are potent inhibitors of HIV and SIV
replication and may have utility as topical products to prevent infection. Furthermore, intravaginal rings (IVRs) were developed as coitally-independent,
sustained release devices which could be used for administration of HIV microbicides. The aims of these studies were to demonstrate that IVRs sized for
macaques are practical and compatible with the current generation of thioester-based NCp7 inhibitors.

Methods: Non-medicated silicone elastomer vaginal rings of various sizes thought to be applicable for macaques were prepared and tested for vaginal fit in Pigtailed and Chinese Rhesus macaques. Macaques were monitored for 8 weeks for mucosal disruption by colposcopy and proinflammatory cytokine markers in cervical vaginal lavages (CVL) using Luminex bead-based technology. Three different ZFIs (compounds 52, 89 and 122, each derived from an N-substituted S-acyl-2-mercaptobenzamide thioester scaffold) were loaded at 50 mg into an optimal matrix-type ring design. In vitro continuous release studies were then conducted over 28 days and analyzed by HPLC. Rate of release was determined by linear regression analysis.

Results: Qualitative evaluation at the time of ring insertion suggested that the 25 mm ring provided optimal fit in both macaque species. All rings remained in
place during the study period (2 to 4 weeks), and the animals did not attempt to remove the rings. No tissue irritation was observed, and no signs of physical
discomfort were noted. Also, no significant induction of cervicovaginal proinflammatory markers was observed during the 8-week period during and following ring insertion. One Pigtailed macaque showed elevated IL-8 levels in the CVL during the period when the ring was in place; however, these levels were comparable to those observed in two control macaques. In vitro release of the ZFIs peaked at day 1 and then continually declined to near steady-state rates between 20-30 mcg/day. The percent release after 14 days was 2.9, 2.0 and 0.9 for ZFI 89, 52 and 122, respectively.

Conclusions: IVRs of 25mm diameter, determined to be the optimal size for macaques, were well tolerated and did not induce inflammation. Release of all ZFI compounds followed t 0.5 kinetics. These findings suggest that efficacy testing in primate models is warranted to fully evaluate the potential to prevent


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and effect on clinical outcomes and biomarkers of inflammation and tissue damage of the neutrophil elastase inhibitor AZD9668 (60 mg twice daily orally for 4 weeks) in cystic fibrosis. This was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Primary outcome measures were sputum neutrophil count, lung function, 24-h sputum weight, BronkoTest® diary card data and health-related quality-of-life (revised cystic fibrosis quality-of-life questionnaire). Secondary end-points included sputum neutrophil elastase activity, inflammatory biomarkers in sputum and blood, urine and plasma desmosine (an elastin degradation marker), AZD9668 levels and safety parameters (adverse events, routine haematology, biochemistry, electrocardiogram and sputum bacteriology). 56 patients were randomised, of which 27 received AZD9668. There was no effect for AZD9668 on sputum neutrophil counts, neutrophil elastase activity, lung function or clinical outcomes, including quality of life. In the AZD9668 group, there was a trend towards reduction in sputum inflammatory biomarkers with statistically significant changes in interleukin-6, RANTES and urinary desmosine. The pattern of adverse events was similar between groups. Consistent reductions in sputum inflammatory biomarkers were seen in the AZD9668 group, and reduction in urinary desmosine suggests that AZD9668 impacts elastin cleavage by neutrophil elastase.


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Substantial progress has been made in identifying genetic loci associated with multifactorial disorders, including variants that seem to impact outcomes following solid organ transplantation. Despite these advances, much of the heritability and susceptibility to chronic disease processes remains unexplained. Epigenetic modifications may exert their effect independently or complementary to genetic variants. Epigenetic modifications can change gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. These modifications are dynamic, potentially heritable, and can be induced by environmental stimuli or drugs. The impact of epigenetic phenomena on the outcomes of organ transplantation is currently poorly understood. Epigenetic modifications can occur during periods of illness; these may persist and potentially influence allograft outcomes. Epigenetic mechanisms influence the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of the immune cells involved in allograft rejection. The donor's epigenome may also impact transplant survival, and initial research has demonstrated that peritransplant conditions induce rapid epigenetic modification within the allograft. Further research will help to define the importance of epigenetic modifications in transplantation. This will potentially lead to the identification of useful biomarkers and the development of novel pharmacotherapies. This review explores the nature of epigenetic modification in disease and the emerging evidence for epigenetic influences on allograft survival.


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The transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channel, localized to airway sensory nerves, has been proposed to mediate airway inflammation evoked by allergen and cigarette smoke (CS) in rodents, via a neurogenic mechanism. However the limited clinical evidence for the role of neurogenic inflammation in asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease raises an alternative possibility that airway inflammation is promoted by non-neuronal TRPA1.


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Therapeutic options for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) are limited despite the increasing incidence globally. The vinca alkaloid vinorelbine exhibits clinical activity; however, to date, treatment optimization has not been achieved using biomarkers. BRCA1 regulates sensitivity to microtubule poisons; however, its role in regulating vinorelbine-induced apoptosis in mesothelioma is unknown. Here we demonstrate that BRCA1 plays an essential role in mediating vinorelbine-induced apoptosis, as evidenced by (1) the strong correlation between vinorelbine sensitivity and BRCA1 expression level; (2) induction of resistance to vinorelbine by BRCA1 using siRNA oligonucleotides; (3) dramatic down-regulation of BRCA1 following selection for vinorelbine resistance; and (4) the re-activation of vinorelbine-induced apoptosis following re-expression of BRCA1 in resistant cells. To determine whether loss of BRCA1 expression in mesothelioma was potentially relevant in vivo, BRCA1 immunohistochemistry was subsequently performed on 144 primary mesothelioma specimens. Loss of BRCA1 protein expression was identified in 38.9% of samples. Together, these data suggest that BRCA1 plays a critical role in mediating apoptosis by vinorelbine in mesothelioma, warranting its clinical evaluation as a predictive biomarker.


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We hypothesise that elafin levels in acute lung injury (ALI) decrease over time due, in part, to proteolytic degradation as observed in other lung diseases.
The aim of this study was to characterise temporal changes in elafin concentration in patients with ALI and to evaluate whether a decrease in elafin levels is due to elevated protease activity.
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was obtained from patients with ALI within 48 h of onset of ALI (day 0), at day 3 and at day 7. Elafin levels were quantified by ELISA. Elafin susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage by ALI BALF was assessed by Western blot and by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Elafin levels were found to be significantly increased at the onset of ALI compared with healthy volunteers and fell significantly by day 7 compared with day 0. In contrast, levels of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor did not decrease over time. This decrease in elafin was due to cleavage by the 20S proteasome which was significantly increased in ALI BALF. Incubation of ALI BALF with the proteasome inhibitor epoxomicin confirmed that 20S proteasome protease activity was responsible for proteolytic cleavage of elafin, resulting in diminished anti-elastase activity. In addition, free neutrophil elastase activity significantly increased in ALI BALF from day 0 to day 7.
Elafin concentrations fall within the pulmonary compartment over the course of ALI as a result of proteolytic degradation. This loss of elafin may predispose people, in part, to excessive inflammation in ALI.


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To investigate the role of the Fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 pathway in oxidative insults-mediated retinal degeneration and immune activation.
A prooxidant, paraquat (0.75 µM) was injected into the vitreous of C57BL/6J, CX3CR1(gpf/+), and CX3CR1(gfp/gfp) mice. Retinal lesions were investigated clinically by topic endoscopic fundus imaging and fluorescence angiography, and pathologically by light- and electron microscopy. Retinal immune gene expression was determined by real-time RT-PCR. Microglial activation and immune cell infiltration were examined by confocal microscopy of retinal flatmounts.
Intravitreal injection of paraquat (0.75 µM) resulted in acute retinal capillary nonperfusion within 2 days, which improved from 4 days to 4 weeks postinjection (p.i.). Panretinal degeneration was observed at 4 days p.i. and progressed further at 4 weeks p.i. In the absence of CX3CR1, retinal degeneration was exaggerated and was accompanied by increased TNF-a, iNOS, IL-1ß, Ccl2, and Casp-1 gene expression. Confocal microscopy of retinal flatmounts revealed microglial activation and CD44(+)MHC-II(+) monocyte and GR1(+) neutrophil infiltration in paraquat-injected eyes. The number of activated microglia and infiltrating leukocytes was significantly higher in CX3CR1(gfp/gfp) mice than in CX3CR1(gfp/+) mice.
Our results suggest that the CX3CR1 signaling pathway may play an important role in controlling retinal inflammation under oxidative and ischemia/reperfusion conditions. In the absence of CX3CR1, uncontrolled retinal inflammation results in exaggerated retinal degeneration.


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Background: Clinical and experimental studies suggest that the probiotic mixture VSL#3 has protective activities in the context of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of the study was to reveal bacterial strain-specific molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-inflammatory potential of VSL#3 in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC).

Methodology/Principal Findings: VSL#3 inhibited TNF-induced secretion of the T-cell chemokine interferon-inducible protein (IP-10) in Mode-K cells. Lactobacillus casei (L. casei) cell surface proteins were identified as active anti-inflammatory components of VSL#3. Interestingly, L. casei failed to block TNF-induced IP-10 promoter activity or IP-10 gene transcription at the mRNA expression level but completely inhibited IP-10 protein secretion as well as IP-10-mediated T-cell transmigration. Kinetic studies, pulse-chase experiments and the use of a pharmacological inhibitor for the export machinery (brefeldin A) showed that L. casei did not impair initial IP-10 production but decreased intracellular IP-10 protein stability as a result of blocked IP-10 secretion. Although L. casei induced IP-10 ubiquitination, the inhibition of proteasomal or lysosomal degradation did not prevent the loss of intracellular IP-10. Most important for the mechanistic understanding, the inhibition of vesicular trafficking by 3-methyladenine (3-MA) inhibited IP-10 but not IL-6 expression, mimicking the inhibitory effects of L. casei. These findings suggest that L. casei impairs vesicular pathways important for the secretion of IP-10, followed by subsequent degradation of the proinflammatory chemokine. Feeding studies in TNF Delta ARE and IL-10(-/-) mice revealed a compartimentalized protection of VSL#3 on the development of cecal but not on ileal or colonic inflammation. Consistent with reduced tissue pathology in IL-10(-/-) mice, IP-10 protein expression was reduced in primary epithelial cells.

Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate segment specific effects of probiotic intervention that correlate with reduced IP-10 protein expression in the native epithelium. Furthermore, we revealed post-translational degradation of IP-10 protein in IEC to be the molecular mechanism underlying the anti-inflammatory effect.


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Vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, angioplasty-induced restenosis, vessel graft arteriosclerosis and hypertension-related stenosis, remain the most prevalent cause of death in the developed world. The aetiology of vascular diseases is multifactorial with both genetic and environmental factors. Recently, some of the most promising research identifies the epigenetic modification of the genome to play a major role in the disease development, linking the environmental insults with gene regulation. In this process, modification of DNA by methylation, and histone modification by acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation and/or SUMOylation are reported. Importantly, recent studies demonstrated that histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes are crucial in endothelial integrity, smooth muscle proliferation and in the formation of arteriosclerosis in animal models. The study of HDACs has shown remarkable specificity of HDAC family members in vascular cell growth/death that influences the disease process. Interestingly, the effects of HDACs on arteriosclerosis development in animal models have been observed after HDAC inhibition using specific inhibitors. This provides a new approach for the treatment of vascular disease using the agents that influence the epigenetic process in vascular cells. This review updates the rapid advances in epigenetics of vascular diseases focusing on the role of HDAC family in atherosclerosis. It will also discuss the underlying mechanisms of histone acetylation in vascular cells and highlight the therapeutic potential of such agents.


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OBJECTIVE: To test whether simvastatin improves physiological and biological outcomes in patients undergoing esophagectomy.

BACKGROUND: One-lung ventilation during esophagectomy is associated with inflammation, alveolar epithelial and systemic endothelial injury, and the development of acute lung injury (ALI). Statins that modify many of the underlying processes are a potential therapy to prevent ALI.

METHODS: We conducted a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial in patients undergoing esophagectomy. Patients received simvastatin 80 mg or placebo enterally for 4 days preoperatively and 7 days postoperatively. The primary end point was pulmonary dead space (Vd/Vt) at 6 hours after esophagectomy or before extubation. Inflammation was assessed by plasma cytokines and intraoperative exhaled breath condensate pH; alveolar type 1 epithelial injury was assessed by plasma receptor for advanced glycation end products and systemic endothelial injury by the urine albumin-creatinine ratio.

RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients were randomized; 8 patients did not undergo surgery and were excluded. Fifteen patients received simvastatin and 16 received placebo. There was no difference in Vd/Vt or other physiological outcomes. Simvastatin resulted in a significant decrease in plasma MCP-1 on day 3 and reduced exhaled breath condensate acidification. Plasma receptor for advanced glycation end products was significantly lower in the simvastatin-treated group, as was the urine albumin-creatinine ratio on day 7 postsurgery. ALI developed in 4 patients in the placebo group and no patients in the simvastatin group although this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.1).

CONCLUSIONS: In this proof of concept study, pretreatment with simvastatin in esophagectomy decreased biomarkers of inflammation as well as pulmonary epithelial and systemic endothelial injury.