997 resultados para max-semistable law


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本论文由三部分组成: 1) 大豆高产品种黑农40与低产品种黑农37不同发育时期叶片光合生理生态特性的研究;以不同产量水平的东北大豆黑农40和对照品种黑农37为试验材料,研究了从幼苗期到衰老期五个不同发育时期叶片光合作用特性的变化。尤其是系统的研究了光合作用、蒸腾作用和水分利用效率的变化之间的联系,以及气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度的相随变化。发现净光合速率和产量之间存在明显的正相关关系,各个光合生理生态参数之间也有密切的关系。 2) 在大豆生长过程的重要时期结荚期,对大豆品种黑农37和黑农40的光合和水分特性的日变化研究;测定结荚期黑农37和黑农40的光合作用、蒸腾作用、气孔导度和水分特征(水分利用效率和水势)的日变化以及它们之间可能存在的联系,并分析了光抑制的现象,研究表明在晴朗的一天中,光合速率的日变化呈双峰曲线,在整个日变化中,黑农40的净光合速率都比黑农37的要高。黑农40和黑农37相比,在水分亏缺的情况下黑农40能维持较高的水势和水分利用效率,特别是在中午的时候,差别更加明显。 3) 比较研究了1970s 、1980s 和1990s 期间不同大豆 (Glycine max (L) Merr.)品种的生理生态特性:光合作用、蒸腾作用、水分利用效率和叶片水势,分析了各生理生态特性之间以及与产量的关系。研究表明光合速率和产量之间存在显著的相关关系,大豆叶片水势和净光合速率之间也存在明显正相关关系,高产大豆在水分亏缺的情况下仍能维持较高的的水分利用效率和水势。


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本论文由三部分组成,一、大豆高产品种黑农40与低产品种黑农37不同发育时期叶片光合功能的比较研究。二、大豆非叶器官豆荚的光合特性。三、不同大豆品种叶片和非叶器官光合特性的比较分析。 一、 黑农40和黑农37不同发育时期叶片的光合特性。 以不同产量水平的东北大豆黑农40和对照品种黑农37为试验材料,研究了从幼苗期到衰老期五个不同发育时期叶片光合作用特性的变化。尤其是比较系统地研究了C4途径的表达,并通过相关分析,发现C4途径酶的活性与大豆的光合效率及其产量密切相关。主要研究结果如下: 1.测定不同发育时期大豆叶片净光合速率、DCIP光还原活力和1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶(RuBPcase)活力,结果表明,黑农40和黑农37叶片净光合速率均在初荚期达到最高值,而且不同发育时期的黑农40叶片光合能力均强于黑农37。 2.随着大豆叶片的发育和衰老,其叶绿素、类胡萝卜素的含量及Chla/b比值有一个逐渐升高,而后降低的过程。在同一发育时期,高产高光效品种黑农40光合色素含量均高于黑农37,有助于黑农40捕获更多的光能供光合作用所利用。 3.叶绿体吸收光谱及四阶导数光谱表明在整个生育期内以初荚期叶片对光能的吸收能力最强;而每一个发育时期黑农40叶片对光能吸收的能力均比黑农37高。荧光动力学参数表明,高产大豆黑农40叶片PSII活性(Fv/Fo),光化学猝灭系数(qP)及PSII总的光化学量子产量也均高于对照品种黑农37的相应值:而黑农40的非光化学猝灭系数(qN)低于黑农37。说明高产大豆叶片具有与产量潜力相关的较高光能吸收和原初转化能力。通过对叶片及其叶绿体低温(77K)荧光发射光谱特性的分析表明,黑农40叶绿体对两个光系统之间激发能的调节能力优于黑农37。总之,黑农40对光能的吸收、传递和转化能力高于黑农37,从而能为碳同化提供更多能量。 4.通过研究苗期、开花期、初荚期、鼓粒期和衰老期等发育阶段的黑农40和黑农37叶片中磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPCase)、NADP-苹果酸脱氢酶(NADP-MDH)、NADP-苹果酸酶(NADP-ME)、丙酮酸磷酸双激酶(PPDK)等C4途径的关键酶的活性变化,结合同位素14CO2喂饲试验,证明两种大豆叶片均含有C4途径四种关键酶,其原初产物含有有限的有机酸,说明有C4循环存在;而从PEPCase/RuBPcase的比值看,C4途径的酶在黑农40叶片中表达较高。通过相关分析,我们发现Pn与PSII光化学活性,RuBPCase及C4酶活性密切相关。这些结果还暗示有可能通过检测C4途径酶的表达水平及比例,筛选出具有高产潜力的大豆种质。 二、大豆非叶器官豆荚的光合特性。 通过对大豆非叶器官豆荚光合特性的研究,结果表明大豆豆荚的光合能力在鼓粒期达到最高值。通过叶绿体吸收光谱、荧光动力学和低温荧光等测定技术,我们发现鼓粒期的豆荚对光能的吸收、传递和转化有更高的能力;在鼓粒期不同品种的豆荚色素的含量也较高,从而有利于捕获更多的光能,供光合作用利用。DCIP光还原活力的测定结果表明鼓粒期豆荚也具有较高光合能力。 通过对大豆的初荚期、鼓粒期和衰老期豆荚RuBPCase和四种C4途径酶活性的研究,不仅证明非叶器官中有高活性的C4途径酶和存在有限的C4途径,而且鼓粒期豆荚有较高的碳同化效率。 三、不同大豆叶片和非叶器官光合特性的比较分析。 对三种大豆叶片、豆荚、种皮和子叶的色素含量和Chla/b进行测定,利用光谱技术、荧光技术及RuBPCase活性的测定,分析了大豆不同器官的光合特性。试验结果证明,非叶器官具有与叶器官相似的光合性能。与叶片比较,表明在非叶器官中具有非常高的C4酶活性。有利于补偿叶片开始衰老光合作用衰退的不足,因此非叶器官的这些光合特性有助于增加大豆光合产物的积累。


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In this paper, a strategy for min-max Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) of a class of uncertain hybrid systems is proposed. The class of hybrid systems being considered are Piecewise Affine systems (PWA) with both continuous valued and logic components. Furthermore, we consider the case when there is a (possibly structured) norm bounded uncertainty in each subsystem. Sufficient conditions on the time horizon and the penalties on the state at the beginning of the estimation horizon to guarantee convergence of the MHE scheme will be provided. The MHE scheme will be implemented as a mixed integer semidefinite optimisation for which an efficient algorithm was recently introduced.


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A computational impact analysis methodology has been developed, based on modal analysis and a local contact force-deflection model. The contact law is based on Hertz contact theory while contact stresses are elastic, defines a modified contact theory to take account of local permanent indentation, and considers elastic recovery during unloading. The model was validated experimentally through impact testing of glass-carbon hybrid braided composite panels. Specimens were mounted in a support frame and the contact force was inferred from the deceleration of the impactor, measured by high-speed photography. A Finite Element analysis of the panel and support frame assembly was performed to compute the modal responses. The new contact model performed well in predicting the peak forces and impact durations for moderate energy impacts (15 J), where contact stresses locally exceed the linear elastic limit and damage may be deemed to have occurred. C-scan measurements revealed substantial damage for impact energies in the range of 30-50 J. For this regime the new model predictions might be improved by characterisation of the contact law hysteresis during the unloading phase, and a modification of the elastic vibration response in line with damage levels acquired during the impact. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Kolmogorov's two-thirds, ((Δv) 2) ∼ e 2/ 3r 2/ 3, and five-thirds, E ∼ e 2/ 3k -5/ 3, laws are formally equivalent in the limit of vanishing viscosity, v → 0. However, for most Reynolds numbers encountered in laboratory scale experiments, or numerical simulations, it is invariably easier to observe the five-thirds law. By creating artificial fields of isotropic turbulence composed of a random sea of Gaussian eddies whose size and energy distribution can be controlled, we show why this is the case. The energy of eddies of scale, s, is shown to vary as s 2/ 3, in accordance with Kolmogorov's 1941 law, and we vary the range of scales, γ = s max/s min, in any one realisation from γ = 25 to γ = 800. This is equivalent to varying the Reynolds number in an experiment from R λ = 60 to R λ = 600. While there is some evidence of a five-thirds law for g > 50 (R λ > 100), the two-thirds law only starts to become apparent when g approaches 200 (R λ ∼ 240). The reason for this discrepancy is that the second-order structure function is a poor filter, mixing information about energy and enstrophy, and from scales larger and smaller than r. In particular, in the inertial range, ((Δv) 2) takes the form of a mixed power-law, a 1+a 2r 2+a 3r 2/ 3, where a 2r 2 tracks the variation in enstrophy and a 3r 2/ 3 the variation in energy. These findings are shown to be consistent with experimental data where the polution of the r 2/ 3 law by the enstrophy contribution, a 2r 2, is clearly evident. We show that higherorder structure functions (of even order) suffer from a similar deficiency.


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It is well known that the power absorbed by a linear oscillator when excited by white noise base acceleration depends only on the mass of the oscillator and the spectral density of the base motion. This places an upper bound on the energy that can be harvested from a linear oscillator under broadband excitation, regardless of the stiffness of the system or the damping factor. It is shown here that the same result applies to any multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear system that is subjected to white noise base acceleration: for a given spectral density of base motion the total power absorbed is proportional to the total mass of the system. The only restriction to this result is that the internal forces are assumed to be a function of the instantaneous value of the state vector. The result is derived analytically by several different approaches, and numerical results are presented for an example two-degree-of-freedom-system with various combinations of linear and nonlinear damping and stiffness. © 2013 The Author.