968 resultados para marine atmospheric boundary layer


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In the present study we investigate the effect of viscous dissipation on natural convection from a vertical plate placed in a thermally stratified environment. The reduced equations are integrated by employing the implicit finite difference scheme of Keller box method and obtained the effect of heat due to viscous dissipation on the local skin friction and local Nusselt number at various stratification levels, for fluids having Prandtl numbers of 10, 50, and 100. Solutions are also obtained using the perturbation technique for small values of viscous dissipation parameters $\xi$ and compared to the finite difference solutions for 0 · $\xi$ · 1. Effect of viscous dissipation and temperature stratification are also shown on the velocity and temperature distributions in the boundary layer region.


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In this paper, laminar natural convection flow from a permeable and isothermal vertical surface placed in non-isothermal surroundings is considered. Introducing appropriate transformations into the boundary layer equations governing the flow derives non-similar boundary layer equations. Results of both the analytical and numerical solutions are then presented in the form of skin-friction and Nusselt number. Numerical solutions of the transformed non-similar boundary layer equations are obtained by three distinct solution methods, (i) the perturbation solutions for small � (ii) the asymptotic solution for large � (iii) the implicit finite difference method for all � where � is the transpiration parameter. Perturbation solutions for small and large values of � are compared with the finite difference solutions for different values of pertinent parameters, namely, the Prandtl number Pr, and the ambient temperature gradient n.


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Unsteady natural convection inside a triangular cavity subject to a non-instantaneous heating on the inclined walls in the form of an imposed temperature which increases linearly up to a prescribed steady value over a prescribed time is reported. The development of the flow from start-up to a steady-state has been described based on scaling analyses and direct numerical simulations. The ramp temperature has been chosen in such a way that the boundary layer is reached a quasi-steady mode before the growth of the temperature is completed. In this mode the thermal boundary layer at first grows in thickness, then contracts with increasing time. However, if the imposed wall temperature growth period is sufficiently short, the boundary layer develops differently. It is seen that the shape of many houses are isosceles triangular cross-section. The heat transfer process through the roof of the attic-shaped space should be well understood. Because, in the building energy, one of the most important objectives for design and construction of houses is to provide thermal comfort for occupants. Moreover, in the present energy-conscious society it is also a requirement for houses to be energy efficient, i.e. the energy consumption for heating or air-conditioning houses must be minimized.


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The scaling to characterize unsteady boundary layer development for thermo-magnetic convection of paramagnetic fluids with the Prandtl number greater than one is developed. Under the consideration is a square cavity with initially quiescent isothermal fluid placed in microgravity condition (g = 0) and subject to a uniform, vertical gradient magnetic field. A distinct magnetic thermal-boundary layer is produced by sudden imposing of a higher temperature on the vertical sidewall and as an effect of magnetic body force generated on paramagnetic fluid. The transient flow behavior of the resulting boundary layer is shown to be described by three stages: the start-up stage, the transitional stage and the steady state. The scaling is verified by numerical simulations with the magnetic momentum parameter m variation and the parameter γRa variation.


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The effect of viscous dissipation on natural convection from a vertical plate placed in a thermally stratified environment has been investigated numerically. The reduced equations are integrated by employing the implicit finite difference scheme or Ke1ler-box method and obtained the effect of heat due to viscous dissipation on the local skin-friction and loca1 Nusselt number at various stratification levels, for fluids having Prandtl number equals 10, 50, and 100. Solutions are also obtained using the perturbation technique for small values of viscous dissipation parameters and compared with the Finite Difference solutions. Effect of the heat transfer due to viscous dissipation and the temperature stratification are also shown on the velocity and temperature distributions in the boundary layer region. A numerical study of laminar doubly diffusive free convection flows adjacent to a vertical surface in a stable thermally stratified medium is also considered for this study. Solutions are obtained using the implicit Finite Difference method and compared with the local non-similarity method. The velocity and temperature distributions for different values of stratification parameter are shown graphically. The results show many interesting aspects of complex interaction of the two buoyant mechanisms.


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The use of adaptive wing/aerofoil designs is being considered as promising techniques in aeronautic/aerospace since they can reduce aircraft emissions, improve aerodynamic performance of manned or unmanned aircraft. The paper investigates the robust design and optimisation for one type of adaptive techniques; Active Flow Control (AFC) bump at transonic flow conditions on a Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) aerofoil designed to increase aerodynamic efficiency (especially high lift to drag ratio). The concept of using Shock Control Bump (SCB) is to control supersonic flow on the suction/pressure side of NLF aerofoil: RAE 5243 that leads to delaying shock occurrence or weakening its strength. Such AFC technique reduces total drag at transonic speeds due to reduction of wave drag. The location of Boundary Layer Transition (BLT) can influence the position the supersonic shock occurrence. The BLT position is an uncertainty in aerodynamic design due to the many factors, such as surface contamination or surface erosion. The paper studies the SCB shape design optimisation using robust Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) with uncertainty in BLT positions. The optimisation method is based on a canonical evolution strategy and incorporates the concepts of hierarchical topology, parallel computing and asynchronous evaluation. Two test cases are conducted; the first test assumes the BLT is at 45% of chord from the leading edge and the second test considers robust design optimisation for SCB at the variability of BLT positions and lift coefficient. Numerical result shows that the optimisation method coupled to uncertainty design techniques produces Pareto optimal SCB shapes which have low sensitivity and high aerodynamic performance while having significant total drag reduction.


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Natural convection flow from an isothermal vertical plate with uniform heat source embedded in a stratified medium has been discussed in this paper. The resulting momentum and energy equations of boundary layer approximation are made non-similar by introducing the usual non-similarity transformations. Numerical solutions of these equations are obtained by an implicit finite difference method for a wide range of the stratification parameter, X. The solutions are also obtained for different values of pertinent parameters, namely, the Prandtl number, Pr and the heat generation or absorption parameter, λ and are expressed in terms of the local skin-friction and local heat transfer, which are shown in the graphical form. Effect of heat generation or absorption on the streamlines and isotherms are also shown graphically for different values of λ.


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A new scaling analysis has been performed for the unsteady natural convection boundary layer under a downward facing inclined plate with uniform heat flux. The development of the thermal or viscous boundary layers may be classified into three distinct stages including a start-up stage, a transitional stage and a steady stage, which can be clearly identified in the analytical as well as numerical results. Earlier scaling shows that the existing scaling laws of the boundary layer thickness, velocity and steady state time scale for the natural convection flow on a heated plate of uniform heat flux provide a very poor prediction of the Prandtl number dependency of the flow. However, those scalings performed very well with Rayleigh number and aspect ratio dependency. In this study, a new Prandtl number scaling has been developed using a triple-layer integral approach for Pr > 1. It is seen that in comparison to the direct numerical simulations, the new scaling performs considerably better than the previous scaling.


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Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) natural convection laminar flow from an iso-thermal horizontal circular cylinder immersed in a fluid with viscosity proportional to a linear function of temperature will be discussed with numerical simulations. The governing boundary layer equations are transformed into a non-dimensional form and the resulting nonlinear system of partial differential equa-tions are reduced to convenient form, which are solved numerically by two very efficient methods, namely, (i) Implicit finite difference method together with Keller box scheme and (ii) Direct numerical scheme. Numerical results are presented by velocity and temperature distributions of the fluid as well as heat transfer characteristics, namely the shearing stress and the local heat transfer rate in terms of the local skin-friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number for a wide range of magnetohydrodynamic parameter, viscosity-variation parameter and viscous dissipation parameter. MHD flow in this geometry with temperature dependent viscosity is absent in the literature. The results obtained from the numerical simulations have been veri-fied by two methodologies.


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The paper investigates a detailed Active Shock Control Bump Design Optimisation on a Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) aerofoil; RAE 5243 to reduce cruise drag at transonic flow conditions using Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) coupled to a robust design approach. For the uncertainty design parameters, the positions of boundary layer transition (xtr) and the coefficient of lift (Cl) are considered (250 stochastic samples in total). In this paper, two robust design methods are considered; the first approach uses a standard robust design method, which evaluates one design model at 250 stochastic conditions for uncertainty. The second approach is the combination of a standard robust design method and the concept of hierarchical (multi-population) sampling (250, 50, 15) for uncertainty. Numerical results show that the evolutionary optimization method coupled to uncertainty design techniques produces useful and reliable Pareto optimal SCB shapes which have low sensitivity and high aerodynamic performance while having significant total drag reduction. In addition,it also shows the benefit of using hierarchical robust method for detailed uncertainty design optimization.


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Heat transfer through an attic space into or out of buildings is an important issue for attic-shaped houses in both hot and cold climates. One of the important objectives for design and construction of houses is to provide thermal comfort for occupants. In the present energy-conscious society, it is also a requirement for houses to be energy efficient, i.e. the energy consumption for heating or air-conditioning houses must be minimized. Relevant to these objectives, research into heat transfer in attics has been conducted for about three decades. The transient behaviour of an attic space is directly relevant to our daily life. Certain periods of the day or night may be considered as having a constant ambient temperature (e.g. during 11am - 2pm or 11pm - 2am). However, at other times during the day or night the ambient temperature changes with time (e.g. between 5am - 9am or 5pm - 9pm). Therefore, the analysis of steady state solution is not sufficient to describe the fluid flow and heat transfer in the attic space. The discussion of the transient development of the boundary is required. A theoretical understanding of the transient behaviour of the flow in the enclosure is performed through scaling analysis for sudden and ramp heating conditions. A proper identification of the timescales, the velocity and the thickness relevant to the flow that develops inside the cavity makes it possible to predict theoretically the basic flow features that will survive once the thermal flow in the enclosure reaches a steady state. Those scaling predictions have been verified by a series of numerical simulations.


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In this study, magnetohydrodynamic natural convection boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting and viscous incompressible fluid along a heated vertical flat plate with uniform heat and mass flux in the presence of strong cross magnetic field has been investigated. For smooth integrations the boundary layer equations are transformed in to a convenient dimensionless form by using stream function formulation as well as the free variable formulation. The nonsimilar parabolic partial differential equations are integrated numerically for Pr ≪1 that is appropriate for liquid metals against the local Hartmann parameter ξ . Further, asymptotic solutions are obtained near the leading edge using regular perturbation method for smaller values of ξ . Solutions for values of ξ ≫ 1 are also obtained by employing the matched asymptotic technique. The results obtained for small, large and all ξ regimes are examined in terms of shear stress, τw, rate of heat transfer, qw, and rate of mass transfer, mw, for important physical parameter. Attention has been given to the influence of Schmidt number, Sc, buoyancy ratio parameter, N and local Hartmann parameter, ξ on velocity, temperature and concentration distributions and noted that velocity and temperature of the fluid achieve their asymptotic profiles for Sc ≥ 10:0.


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A new scaling analysis has been performed for the unsteady natural convection boundary layer under a downward facing inclined plate with uniform heat flux. The development of the thermal or viscous boundary layers may be classified into three distinct stages including an early stage, a transitional stage and a steady stage, which can be clearly identified in the analytical as well as numerical results. Earlier scaling shows that the existing scaling laws of the boundary layer thickness, velocity and steady state time scales for the natural convection flow on a heated plate of uniform heat flux provide a very poor prediction of the Prandtl number dependency. However, those scalings performed very well with Rayleigh number and aspect ratio dependency. In this study, a modifed Prandtl number scaling has been developed using a triple-layer integral approach for Pr > 1. It is seen that in comparison to the direct numerical simulations, the new scaling performs considerably better than the previous scaling.


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Numerically investigation of natural convection within a differentially heated modified square enclosure with sinusoidally corrugated side walls has been performed for different values of Rayleigh number. The fluid inside the enclosure considered is air and is quiescent, initially. The top and bottom surfaces are flat and considered as adiabatic. Results reveal three main stages: an initial stage, a transitory or oscillatory stage and a steady stage for the development of natural convection flow inside the corrugated cavity. The numerical scheme is based on the finite element method adapted to triangular non-uniform mesh element by a non-linear parametric solution algorithm. Investigation has been performed for the Rayleigh number, Ra ranging from 105 to 108 with variation of corrugation amplitude and frequency. Constant physical properties for the fluid medium have been assumed. Results have been presented in terms of the isotherms, streamlines, temperature plots, average Nusselt numbers, traveling waves and thermal boundary layer thickness plots, temperature and velocity profiles. The effects of sudden differential heating and its consequent transient behavior on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics have been observed for the range of governing parameters. The present results show that the transient phenomena are greatly influenced by the variation of the Rayleigh Number with corrugation amplitude and frequency.


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In the context of increasing demand for potable water and the depletion of water resources, stormwater is a logical alternative. However, stormwater contains pollutants, among which metals are of particular interest due to their toxicity and persistence in the environment. Hence, it is imperative to remove toxic metals in stormwater to the levels prescribed by drinking water guidelines for potable use. Consequently, various techniques have been proposed, among which sorption using low cost sorbents is economically viable and environmentally benign in comparison to other techniques. However, sorbents show affinity towards certain toxic metals, which results in poor removal of other toxic metals. It was hypothesised in this study that a mixture of sorbents that have different metal affinity patterns can be used for the efficient removal of a range of toxic metals commonly found in stormwater. The performance of six sorbents in the sorption of Al, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and Cd, which are the toxic metals commonly found in urban stormwater, was investigated to select suitable sorbents for creating the mixtures. For this purpose, a multi criteria analytical protocol was developed using the decision making methods: PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organisation METHod for Enrichment Evaluations) and GAIA (Graphical Analysis for Interactive Assistance). Zeolite and seaweed were selected for the creation of trial mixtures based on their metal affinity pattern and the performance on predetermined selection criteria. The metal sorption mechanisms employed by seaweed and zeolite were defined using kinetics, isotherm and thermodynamics parameters, which were determined using the batch sorption experiments. Additionally, the kinetics rate-limiting steps were identified using an innovative approach using GAIA and Spearman correlation techniques developed as part of the study, to overcome the limitation in conventional graphical methods in predicting the degree of contribution of each kinetics step in limiting the overall metal removal rate. The sorption kinetics of zeolite was found to be primarily limited by intraparticle diffusion followed by the sorption reaction steps, which were governed mainly by the hydrated ionic diameter of metals. The isotherm study indicated that the metal sorption mechanism of zeolite was primarily of a physical nature. The thermodynamics study confirmed that the energetically favourable nature of sorption increased in the order of Zn < Cu < Cd < Ni < Pb < Cr < Al, which is in agreement with metal sorption affinity of zeolite. Hence, sorption thermodynamics has an influence on the metal sorption affinity of zeolite. On the other hand, the primary kinetics rate-limiting step of seaweed was the sorption reaction process followed by intraparticle diffusion. The boundary layer diffusion was also found to limit the metal sorption kinetics at low concentration. According to the sorption isotherm study, Cd, Pb, Cr and Al were sorbed by seaweed via ion exchange, whilst sorption of Ni occurred via physisorption. Furthermore, ionic bonding is responsible for the sorption of Zn. The thermodynamics study confirmed that sorption by seaweed was energetically favourable in the order of Zn < Cu < Cd < Cr . Al < Pb < Ni. However, this did not agree with the affinity series derived for seaweed suggesting a limited influence of sorption thermodynamics on metal affinity for seaweed. The investigation of zeolite-seaweed mixtures indicated that mixing sorbents have an effect on the kinetics rates and the sorption affinity. Additionally, the theoretical relationships were derived to predict the boundary layer diffusion rate, intraparticle diffusion rate, the sorption reaction rate and the enthalpy of mixtures based on that of individual sorbents. In general, low coefficient of determination (R2) for the relationships between theoretical and experimental data indicated that the relationships were not statistically significant. This was attributed to the heterogeneity of the properties of sorbents. Nevertheless, in relative terms, the intraparticle diffusion rate, sorption reaction rate and enthalpy of sorption had higher R2 values than the boundary layer diffusion rate suggesting that there was some relationship between the former set of parameters of mixtures and that of sorbents. The mixture, which contained 80% of zeolite and 20% of seaweed, showed similar affinity for the sorption of Cu, Ni, Cd, Cr and Al, which was attributed to approximately similar sorption enthalpy of the metal ions. Therefore, it was concluded that the seaweed-zeolite mixture can be used to obtain the same affinity for various metals present in a multi metal system provided the metal ions have similar enthalpy during sorption by the mixture.