1000 resultados para marcadores dominantes e co-dominantes
No Brasil, aproximadamente 1,87 milhões de hectares são plantados com as espécies de Pinus, normalmente em solos pobres quimicamente. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estudar a mineralogia das frações areia, silte e argila e estimar a reserva mineral de K por diferentes métodos de extrações químicas em solo naturalmente pobre nesse nutriente e cultivado com Pinus taeda L., no Segundo Planalto Paranaense. Foram selecionadas cinco árvores com maior diâmetro (árvores dominantes), em uma área de 500 m², para abertura de uma trincheira (1,6 m) na projeção da copa de cada árvore. Todos os perfis foram classificados como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico típico e apresentaram similaridade na morfologia e na sequência dos horizontes, cujas profundidades médias foram: O = 0,04 m, A1 = 0-0,09 m, A2 = 0,09-0,24 m, BA = 0,24-0,43 m, B1 = 0,43-0,66 m e B2 = 0,66-1,60+ m. As amostras coletadas em cada horizonte foram submetidas a análises físicas (granulometria) e químicas (pH, carbono orgânico, acidez potencial, Al3+ e bases trocáveis, P disponível, K total e não trocável), e as frações areia, silte e argila foram estudadas por difratometria de raios-X (DRX). As frações areia e silte dos solos apresentaram mineralogia bastante uniforme, com predomínio absoluto de quartzo e apenas ocorrência de discretas reflexões de mica por DRX. A fração argila também apresentou limitada ocorrência de minerais micáceos. Os tratamentos sequenciais para remoção de óxidos de Fe, gibbsita e caulinita foram eficientes para concentração de mica na fração argila, o que facilitou a identificação de biotita e muscovita por DRX. Os baixos teores de K não trocável obtidos com diferentes concentrações de HNO3 fervente (máximo de 91 mg kg-1) e de K total extraído com HF concentrado (máximo de 202,7 mg kg-1) foram consistentes com a pobreza das frações do solo em minerais primários, fontes desse nutriente. As correlações positivas e significativas entre os teores não trocáveis de K no solo e os teores e conteúdos do nutriente nas árvores indicaram a importância de formas de reservas do nutriente na nutrição da espécie em solos altamente intemperizados e pobres em K trocável.
Transparent and conductive Zn-In-Sn-O (ZITO) amorphous thin films have been deposited at room temperature by the rf magnetron co-sputtering of ITO and ZnO targets. Co-sputtering gives the possibility to deposit multicomponent oxide thin films with different compositions by varying the power to one of the targets. In order to make ZITO films with different Zn content, a constant rf power of 50 W was used for the ITO target, where as the rf power to ZnO target was varied from 25 W to 150 W. The as deposited films showed an increase in Zn content ratio from 17 to 67 % as the power to ZnO target was increased from 25 to 150 W. The structural, electrical and optical properties of the as deposited films are reported. The films showed an average transmittance over 80% in the visible wavelength range. The electrical resistivity and optical band gap of the ZITO films were found to depend on the Zn content in the film. The ZITO films deposited at room temperature with lower Zn content ratios showed better optical transmission and electrical properties compared to ITO film.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Dans cet ouvrage réunissant théologiens et philosophes, le corps contemporain est pensé par rapport à ce qui l'excède, ce qui le met en scène, ce qui le reprend, ce qui le transforme aujourd'hui. Dans une première partie, l'ouvrage propose des éclairages sur le corps à partir de ce qui met en question sa vision strictement rationnelle. Puis, trois auteurs évoquent les différentes manières dont la Bible, la philosophie et la littérature contemporaine mettent en scène les corps. Dans une troisième partie, sont abordées des questions plus spécifiquement reliées à la tradition catholique, au christianisme primitif et à la pratique de l'ascèse. Enfin, quatre contributions explorent le défi posé par la déréalisation du corps dans nos sociétés d'aujourd'hui, avec, pour clore l'ensemble, une réflexion sur le dualisme qui traverse le questionnement sur le corps.
The ac electrical response is studied in thin films composed of well-defined nanometric Co particles embedded in an insulating ZrO2 matrix which tends to coat them, preventing the formation of aggregates. In the dielectric regime, ac transport originates from the competition between interparticle capacitive Cp and tunneling Rt channels, the latter being thermally assisted. This competition yields an absorption phenomenon at a characteristic frequency 1/(RtCp), which is observed in the range 1010 000 Hz. In this way, the effective ac properties mimic the universal response of disordered dielectric materials. Temperature and frequency determine the complexity and nature of the ac electrical paths, which have been successfully modeled by an Rt-Cp network.
The synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with monodispere size distributions, their self assembly into ordered arrays and their magnetic behavior as a function of structural order (ferrofluids and 2D assemblies) are presented. Magnetic colloids of monodispersed, passivated, cobalt nanocrystals were produced by the rapid pyrolysis of cobalt carbonyl in solution. The size, size distribution (std. dev.< 5%) and the shape of the nanocrystals were controlled by varying the surfactant, its concentration, the reaction rate and the reaction temperature. The Co particles are defect-free single crystals with a complex cubic structure related to the beta phase of manganese (epsilon-Co). In the 2D assembly, a collective behavior was observed in the low-field susceptibility measurements where the magnetization of the zero field cooled process increases steadily and the magnetization of the field cooling process is independent the temperature. This was different from the observed behavior in a sample comprised of disordered interacting particles. A strong paramagnetic contribution appears at very low temperatures where the magnetization increases drastically after field cooling the sample. This has been attributed to the Co surfactant-particle interface since no magnetic atomic impurities are present in these samples.