957 resultados para mammalian-cells


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Cell differentiation, tissue formation, and organogenesis are fundamental patterns during the development of multicellular animals from the dividing cells of fertilized eggs. Hence, the complete morphogenesis of any developing organism of the animal kingdom is based on a complex series of interactions that is always associated with the development of a blastula, a one-layered hollow sphere. Here we document an alternative pathway of differentiation, organogenesis, and morphogenesis occurring in an adult protochordate colonial organism. In this system, any minute fragment of peripheral blood vessel containing a limited number of blood cells isolated from Botrylloides, a colonial sea squirt, has the potential to give rise to a fully functional organism possessing all three embryonic layers. Regeneration probably results from a small number of totipotent stem cells circulating in the blood system. The developmental process starts from disorganized, chaotic masses of blood cells. At first an opaque cell mass is formed. Through intensive cell divisions, a hollow, blastula-like structure results, which may produce a whole organism within a short period of a week. This regenerative power of the protochordates may be compared with some of the characteristics associated with the formation of mammalian embryonal carcinomous bodies. It may also serve as an in vivo model system for studying morphogenesis and differentiation by shedding more light on the controversy of the "stem cell" vs. the "dedifferentiation" theories of regeneration and pattern formation.


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Although only 44% identical to human karyopherin alpha 1, human karyopherin alpha 2 (Rch1 protein) substituted for human karyopherin alpha 1 (hSRP-1/NPI-1) in recognizing a standard nuclear localization sequence and karyopherin beta-dependent targeting to the nuclear envelope of digitonin-permeabilized cells. By immunofluorescence microscopy of methanol-fixed cells, karyopherin beta was localized to the cytoplasm and the nuclear envelope and was absent from the nuclear interior. Digitonin permeabilization of buffalo rat liver cells depleted their endogenous karyopherin beta. Recombinant karyopherin beta can bind directly to the nuclear envelope of digitonin-permeabilized cells at 0 degree C (docking reaction). In contrast, recombinant karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2 did not bind unless karyopherin beta was present. Likewise, in an import reaction (at 20 degrees C) with all recombinant transport factors (karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2, karyopherin beta, Ran, and p10) import depended on karyopherin beta. Localization of the exogenously added transport factors after a 30-min import reaction showed karyopherin beta at the nuclear envelope and karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2, Ran, and p10 in the nuclear interior. In an overlay assay with SDS/PAGE-resolved and nitrocellulose-transferred proteins of the nuclear envelope, 35S-labeled karyopherin beta bound to at least four peptide repeat-containing nucleoporins--Nup358, Nup214, Nup153, and Nup98.


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Both the DNA elements and the nuclear factors that direct termination of ribosomal gene transcription exhibit species-specific differences. Even between mammals--e.g., human and mouse--the termination signals are not identical and the respective transcription termination factors (TTFs) which bind to the terminator sequence are not fully interchangeable. To elucidate the molecular basis for this species-specificity, we have cloned TTF-I from human and mouse cells and compared their structural and functional properties. Recombinant TTF-I exhibits species-specific DNA binding and terminates transcription both in cell-free transcription assays and in transfection experiments. Chimeric constructs of mouse TTF-I and human TTF-I reveal that the major determinant for species-specific DNA binding resides within the C terminus of TTF-I. Replacing 31 C-terminal amino acids of mouse TTF-I with the homologous human sequences relaxes the DNA-binding specificity and, as a consequence, allows the chimeric factor to bind the human terminator sequence and to specifically stop rDNA transcription.


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To identify genes involved in the regulation of early mammalian development, we have developed a dominant-negative mutant basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein probe for interaction cloning and have isolated a member of the bHLH family of transcription factors, Meso1. Meso1-E2A heterodimers are capable of binding to oligonucleotide probes that contain a bHLH DNA recognition motif. In mouse embryos, Meso1 is expressed prior to MyoD1 family members. Meso1 expression is first detected at the neural plate stage of development in the paraxial mesoderm of the head and in presomitic mesodermal cells prior to their condensation into somites. Our findings suggest that Meso1 may be a key regulatory gene involved in the early events of vertebrate mesoderm differentiation.


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The mechanisms by which cells rapidly polarize in the direction of external signals are not understood. Helper T cells, when contacted by an antigen-presenting cell, polarize their cytoskeletons toward the antigen-presenting cell within minutes. Here we show that, in T cells, the mammalian Ras-related GTPase CDC42 (the homologue of yeast CDC42, a protein involved in budding polarity) can regulate the polarization of both actin and microtubules toward antigen-presenting cells but is not involved in other T-cell signaling processes such as those which culminate in interleukin 2 production. Although T-cell polarization appears dispensable for signaling leading to interleukin 2 production, polarization may direct lymphokine secretion towards the correct antigen-presenting cell in a crowded cellular environment. Inhibitor experiments suggest that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is required for cytoskeletal polarization but that calcineurin activity, known to be important for other aspects of signaling, is not. Apparent conservation of CDC42 function between yeast and T cells suggests that this GTPase is a general regulator of cytoskeletal polarity in many cell types.


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La documentation scientifique fait état de la présence, chez l’adulte, de cellules souches et progénitrices neurales (CSPN) endogènes dans les zones sous-ventriculaire et sous-granulaire du cerveau ainsi que dans le gyrus denté de l’hippocampe. De plus, un postulat selon lequel il serait également possible de retrouver ce type de cellules dans la moelle épinière et le néocortex des mammifères adultes a été énoncé. L’encéphalopathie de Wernicke, un trouble neurologique grave toutefois réversible qui entraîne un dysfonctionnement, voire une défaillance du cerveau, est causée principalement par une carence importante en thiamine (CT). Des observations récentes laissent envisager que les facteurs en cause dans la prolifération et la différenciation des CSPN pourraient également jouer un rôle important lors d’un épisode de CT. L’hypothèse, selon laquelle l’identification de nouveaux métabolites entrant dans le mécanisme ou la séquence de réactions se soldant en une CT pourraient en faciliter la compréhension, a été émise au moyen d'une démarche en cours permettant d’établir le profil des modifications métaboliques qui surviennent en de telles situations. Cette approche a été utilisée pour constater les changements métaboliques survenus au niveau du foyer cérébral dans un modèle de rats déficients en thiamine (rats DT), particulièrement au niveau du thalamus et du colliculus inférieur (CI). La greffe de CSPN a quant à elle été envisagée afin d’apporter de nouvelles informations sur la participation des CSPN lors d’un épisode de CT et de déterminer les bénéfices thérapeutiques potentiels offerts par cette intervention. Les sujets de l’étude étaient répartis en quatre groupes expérimentaux : un premier groupe constitué de rats dont la CT était induite par la pyrithiamine (rats DTiP), un deuxième groupe constitué de rats-contrôles nourris ensemble (« pair-fed control rats » ou rats PFC) ainsi que deux groupes de rats ayant subi une greffe de CSPN, soit un groupe de rats DTiP greffés et un dernier groupe constitué de rats-contrôles (rats PFC) greffés. Les échantillons de foyers cérébraux (thalamus et CI) des quatre groupes de rats ont été prélevés et soumis à des analyses métabolomiques non ciblées ainsi qu’à une analyse visuelle par microscopie à balayage électronique (SEM). Une variété de métabolites-clés a été observée chez les groupes de rats déficients en thiamine (rats DTiP) en plus de plusieurs métabolites dont la documentation ne faisait pas mention. On a notamment constaté la présence d’acides biliaires, d’acide cynurénique et d’acide 1,9— diméthylurique dans le thalamus, alors que la présence de taurine et de carnosine a été observée dans le colliculus inférieur. L’étude a de plus démontré une possible implication des CSPN endogènes dans les foyers cérébraux du thalamus et du colliculus inférieur en identifiant les métabolites-clés ciblant les CSPN. Enfin, les analyses par SEM ont montré une amélioration notable des tissus à la suite de la greffe de CSPN. Ces constatations suggèrent que l’utilisation de CSPN pourrait s’avérer une avenue thérapeutique intéressante pour soulager la dégénérescence symptomatique liée à une grave carence en thiamine chez l’humain.


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Apicomplexan parasites of the genera Theileria and Plasmodium have complicated life cycles including infection of a vertebrate intermediate host and an arthropod definitive host. As the Plasmodium parasite progresses through its life cycle, it enters a number of different cell types, both in its mammalian and mosquito hosts. The fate of these cells varies greatly, as do the parasite and host molecules involved in parasite-host interactions. In mammals, Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and erythrocytes whereas Theileria infects ruminant leukocytes and erythrocytes. Survival of Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes and Theileria-infected leukocytes depends on parasite-mediated inhibition of host cell apoptosis but only Theileria-infected cells exhibit a fully transformed phenotype. As the development of both parasites progresses towards the merozoite stage, the parasites no longer promote the survival of the host cell and the infected cell is finally destroyed to release merozoites. In this review we describe similarities and differences of parasite-host cell interactions in Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes and Theileria-infected leukocytes and compare the observed phenotypes to other parasite stages interacting with host cells.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The current RIKEN transcript set represents a significant proportion of the mouse transcriptome but transcripts expressed in the innate and acquired immune systems are poorly represented. In the present study we have assessed the complexity of the transcriptome expressed in mouse macrophages before and after treatment with lipopolysaccharide, a global regulator of macrophage gene expression, using existing RIKEN 19K arrays. By comparison to array profiles of other cells and tissues, we identify a large set of macrophage-enriched genes, many of which have obvious functions in endocytosis and phagocytosis. In addition, a significant number of LPS-inducible genes were identified. The data suggest that macrophages are a complex source of mRNA for transcriptome studies. To assess complexity and identify additional macrophage expressed genes, cDNA libraries were created from purified populations of macrophage and dendritic cells, a functionally related cell type. Sequence analysis revealed a high incidence of novel mRNAs within these cDNA libraries. These studies provide insights into the depths of transcriptional complexity still untapped amongst products of inducible genes, and identify macrophage and dendritic cell populations as a starting point for sampling the inducible mammalian transcriptome.


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The On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs) in the rabbit retina comprise four distinct subtypes that respond preferentially to image motion in four orthogonal directions; each subtype forms a regular territorial array, which is overlapped by the other three arrays. In this study, ganglion cells in the developing retina were injected with Neurobiotin, a gap-junction-permeable tracer, and the DSGCs were identified by their characteristic type 1 bistratified (BiS1) morphology. The complex patterns of tracer coupling shown by the BiSl ganglion cells changed systematically during the course of postnatal development. BiSl cells appear to be coupled together around the time of birth, but, over the next 10 days, BiSl cells decouple from each other, leading to the mature pattern in which only one subtype is coupled. At about postnatal day 5, before the ganglion cells become visually responsive, each of the BiSl cells commonly showed tracer coupling both to a regular array of neighboring BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of the same subtype, and to a regular array of overlapping BiSl cells, presumably destined to be DSGCs of a different subtype. The gap-junction intercellular communication between subtypes of DSGCs with different preferred directions may play an important role in the differentiation of their synaptic connectivity, with respect to either the inputs that DSGCs receive from retinal interneurons or the outputs that DSGCs make to geniculate neurons. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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NADPH diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry labels two types of nitrergic amacrine cells in the rabbit retina. Both the large ND1 cells and the small ND2 cells stratify in the middle of the inner plexiform layer, and their overlapping processes produce a dense plexus, which makes it difficult to trace the morphology of single cells. The complete morphology of the ND1 amacrine cells has been revealed by injecting Neurobiotin into large round somata in the inner nuclear layer, which resulted in the labelling of amacrine cells whose proximal morphology and stratification matched those of the ND1 cells stained by NADPHd histochemistry. The Neurobiotin-injected ND1 cells showed strong homologous tracer coupling to surrounding ND1 cells, and double-labelling experiments confirmed that these coupled cells showed NADPHd reactivity. The ND1 amacrine cells branch in stratum 3 of the inner plexiform layer, where they produce a sparsely branched dendritic tree of 400-600 mum diameter in ventral peripheral retina. In addition, each cell gives rise to several fine beaded processes, which arise either from a side branch of the dendritic tree or from the tapering of a distal dendrite. These axon-like processes branch successively within the vicinity of the dendritic field before extending, with little or no further branching, for 3-5 mm from the soma in ventral peripheral retina. Consequently, these cells may span one-third of the visual field of each eye, and their spatial extent appears to be greater than that of most other types of axon-bearing amacrine cells injected with Neurobiotin in this study. The morphology and tracer-coupling pattern of the ND1 cells are compared with those of confirmed type 1 catecholaminergic cells, a presumptive type 2 catecholaminergic cell, the type 1 polyaxonal. cells, the long-range amacrine cells, a novel type of axon-bearing cell that also branches in stratum 3, and a type of displaced amacrine cell that may correspond to the type 2 polyaxonal cell. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The type 1 polyaxonal (PA1) cell is a distinct type of axon-bearing amacrine cell whose soma commonly occupies an interstitial position in the inner plexiform layer; the proximal branches of the sparse dendritic tree produce 1-4 axon-like processes, which form an extensive axonal arbor that is concentric with the smaller dendritic tree (Dacey, 1989; Famiglietti, 1992a,b). In this study, intracellular injections of Neurobiotin have revealed the complete dendritic and axonal morphology of the PA1 cells in the rabbit retina, as well as labeling the local array of PA1 cells through homologous tracer coupling. The dendritic-field area of the PA1 cells increased from a minimum of 0.15 mm(2) (0.44-mm equivalent diameter) on the visual streak to a maximum of 0.67 mm(2) (0.92-mm diameter) in the far periphery; the axonal-field area also showed a 3-fold variation across the retina, ranging from 3.1 mm(2) (2.0-mm diameter) to 10.2 mm(2) (3.6-mm diameter). The increase in dendritic- and axonal-field size was accompanied by a reduction in cell density, from 60 cells/mm(2) in the visual streak to 20 cells/mm(2) in the far periphery, so that the PA1 cells showed a 12 times overlap of their dendritic fields across the retina and a 200-300 times overlap of their axonal fields. Consequently, the axonal plexus was much denser than the dendritic plexus, with each square millimeter of retina containing similar to100 mm of dendrites and similar to1000 mm of axonal processes. The strong homologous tracer coupling revealed that similar to45% of the PA1 somata were located in the inner nuclear layer, similar to50% in the inner plexiform layer, and similar to5% in the ganglion cell layer. In addition, the Neurobiotin-injected PA1 cells sometimes showed clear heterologous tracer coupling to a regular array of small ganglion cells, which were present at half the density of the PA1 cells. The PA1 cells were also shown to contain elevated levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), like other axon-bearing amacrine cells.


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HMG box containing protein 1 (HBP1) is a high mobility group domain transcriptional repressor that regulates proliferation in differentiated tissues. We have found mouse Hbp1 to be expressed strongly in the embryonic mouse testis from approximately 12.5 days post coitum, compared with low levels of expression in the embryonic ovary. Expression of Hbp1 is maintained in the developing testis beyond the onset of spermatogenesis after birth. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showed that expression of Hbp1 in the XY gonad is localized within the developing testis cords, the precursors of the seminiferous tubules. Expression of Hbp1 is not apparent in testis cords of gonads from homozygous We mutant embryos, which lack germ cells. In situ hybridisation analysis on cryosectioned embryonic testis indicated that Hbp1 expression resembles that of the germ cell marker Oct4. We conclude that Hbp1 is up-regulated specifically in germ cells of the developing XY gonad. The expression of Hbp1 in XY germ cells appears to correlate with the onset of mitotic arrest in these cells. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The four mammalian golgins, p230/golgin-245, golgin-97, GCC88 and GCC185 are targeted to trans-Golgi network ITGN) membranes by their C-terminal GRIP domain in a G-protein-dependent process. The Arf-like GTPase, Arl1, has been shown to mediate TGN recruitment of p230/golgin245 and golgin-97 by interaction with their GRIP domains; however, it is not known whether all the TGN golgins bind to Arl1 and whether they are all recruited to the same or different TGN domains. Here we demonstrate differences in membrane binding properties and TGN domain recruitment of the mammalian GRIP domain proteins. Overexpression of full-length GCC185 resulted in the appearance of small punctate structures dispersed in the cytoplasm of transfected cells that were identified as membrane tubular structures by immunoelectron microscopy. The cytoplasmic GCC185-labelled structures were enriched for membrane binding determinants of GCC185 GRIP, whereas the three other mammalian GRIP family members did not colocalize with the GCC185-labelled structures. These GCC185-labelled structures included the TGN resident protein alpha2,6 sialyltransferase and excluded the recycling TGN protein, TGN46. The Golgi stack was unaffected by overexpression of GCC185. Overexpression of both full-length GCC185 and GCC88 showed distinct and nonoverlapping structures. We also show that the GRIP domains of GCC185 and GCC88 differ in membrane binding properties from each other and, in contrast to p230/golgin245 and golgin-97, do not interact with Arl1 in vivo. Collectively these results show that GCC88, GCC185 and p230/golgin245 are recruited to functionally distinct domains of the TGN and are likely to be important for the maintenance of TGN subdomain structure, a critical feature for mediating protein sorting and membrane transport.


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3D electron tomography studies of the structure of the mammalian Golgi complex have led to four functional predictions (1). The sorting and exit site from the Golgi comprises two or three distinct trans-cisternae (2). The docking of vesicular-tubular clusters at the cis-face and the fragmentation of trans-cisternae are coordinated (3). The mechanisms of transport through, and exit from, the Golgi vary with physiological state, and in different cells and tissues (4). Specialized trans-ER functions in the delivery of ceramide to sphingomyelin synthase in the trans-Golgi membrane, for the regulated sorting via sphingolipid-cholesterol-rich domains. These structure-based predictions can now be tested using a variety of powerful cell and molecular tools.