984 resultados para lymphocyte and humoral alterations


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A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma miopatia severa de caráter recessivo ligada ao cromossomo X e o modelo animal de estudo mais relevante é o Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD). Além das severas alterações que ocorrem na musculatura estriada, muitos estudos mostram que outras estruturas, inclusive viscerais, podem se mostrar alteradas nesta patologia. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou análisar e comparar possíveis alterações estruturais e funcionais do rim em cães GRMD. Neste modelo de estudo, foi possível observar a presença das faces convexa e côncava, do hilo renal e dos pólos craniais e caudais dos rins. O órgão mostrou-se envolto por uma cápsula fibrosa. Em um corte sagital do órgão, notou-se a presença das regiões cortical e medular e da pelve renal. Na análise microscópica foi possível identificar a zona medular e cortical com suas estruturas: os corpúsculos renais formados pelo glomérulo e pela cápsula de Bowman, os túbulos contorcidos proximais e distais, os ductos coletores, vasos sanguíneos e os segmentos das Alças de Henle. As dosagens séricas de creatinina e uréia encontram-se dentro dos limites de normalidade. Desta forma, de acordo com os nossos resultados, podemos concluir que os animais afetados estudados, não apresentaram alterações estruturais ou funcionais dos rins, o que nos permitir sugerir que apesar da ingestão hídrica comprometida, a estrutura renal, mantem- se preservada nos animais GRMD.


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Introduction. Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is the most commonly valvular dysfunction found after heart transplantation (HTx). It may be related to endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) performed for allograft rejection surveillance. Objective. This investigation evaluated the presence of tricuspid valve tissue fragments obtained during routine EMB performed after HTx and its possible effect on short-term and long-term hemodynamic status. Method. This single-center review included prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed data. From 1985 to 2010, 417 patients underwent 3550 EMB after HTx. All myocardial specimens were reviewed to identify the presence of tricuspid valve tissue by 2 observers initially and in doubtful cases by a third observer. The echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters were only considered for valvular functional damage analysis in cases of tricuspid tissue inadvertently removed during EMB. Results. The 417 HTx patients to 3550 EMB, including 17,550 myocardial specimens. Tricuspid valve tissue was observed in 12 (2.9%) patients corresponding to 0.07% of the removed fragments. The echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters of these patients before versus after the biopsy showed increased TR in 2 cases (2/12; 16.7%) quantified as moderate without progression in the long term. Only the right atrial pressure showed a significant increase (P = .0420) after tricuspid injury; however, the worsening of the functional class was not significant enough in any of the subjects. Thus, surgical intervention was not required. Conclusions. Histological evidence of chordal tissue in EMB specimens is a real-world problem of relatively low frequency. Traumatic tricuspid valve injury due to EMB rarely leads to severe valvular regurgitation; only a minority of patients develop significant clinical symptoms. Hemodynamic and echocardiographic alterations are also less often observed in most patients.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dental anomalies in individuals with Richieri-Costa-Pereira syndrome. Study Design. A total of 13 individuals with Richieri-Costa-Pereira syndrome who were older than 8 years with at least 1 available panoramic radiograph were assessed. Dental anomalies were evaluated clinically and radiographically and classified as hyperplastic, hypoplastic, or heterotopic and as alterations of shape, number, position, and structure. Enamel alterations were classified by the DDE index. Results. All individuals exhibited anomalies, with predominance of hypoplastic disorders, mainly agenesis of mandibular incisors and second premolars and demarcated creamy-white enamel opacities primarily affecting the maxillary premolars. Conclusions. Individuals with Richieri-Costa Pereira syndrome exhibit high prevalence of tooth agenesis, especially mandibular incisors and premolars, as well as high frequency of enamel opacities. These findings are compatible with the mandibular cleft observed in all individuals and also reflect the hypoplastic characteristic of the syndrome. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:99-106)


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Background. The eating disorders anorexia and bulimia nervosa can cause several systemic and oral alterations related to poor nutrition and induced vomiting; however, the oral microflora of these patients is poorly studied. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate fungal microflora in the oral cavity of these patients by culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. Study Design. Oral rinse samples were cultured to assess the prevalence of Candida species, and the isolates were identified by API system. Microorganism counts were compared by the Mann-Whitney test (5%). Ribotyping, a type of molecular analysis, was performed by sequencing the D1/D2 regions of 28S rRNA. Results. Our results demonstrated that the eating disorder group showed higher oral Candida spp. prevalence with culture-dependent methods and higher species diversity with culture-independent methods. Conclusions. Eating disorders can lead to an increased oral Candida carriage. Culture-independent identification found greater fungal diversity than culture-dependent methods. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;113:512-517)


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We analyze the turbulence driven particle transport in Texas Helimak [K. W. Gentle and H. He, Plasma Sci. Technol. 10, 284 (2008)], a toroidal plasma device with a one-dimensional equilibrium with magnetic curvature and shear. Alterations on the radial electric field, through an external voltage bias, change the spectral plasma characteristics inducing a dominant frequency for negative bias values and a broad band frequency spectrum for positive bias values. When applying a negative bias, the transport is high where the waves propagate with phase velocities near the plasma flow velocity, an indication that the transport is strongly affected by a wave particle resonant interaction. On the other hand, for positive bias values, the plasma has a reversed shear flow, and we observe that the transport is almost zero in the shearless radial region, an evidence of a transport barrier in this region. (c) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3676607]


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-linked form of muscular dystrophy characterized by progressive and irreversible degeneration of the muscles. The mdx mouse is the classical animal model for DMD, showing similar molecular and protein defects. The mdx mouse, however, does not show significant muscle weakness, and the diaphragm muscle is significantly more degenerated than skeletal muscles. In this work, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was used to study the metabolic profile of quadriceps and diaphragm muscles from mdx and control mice. Using principal components analysis (PCA), the animals were separated into groups according to age and lineages. The classification was compared to histopathological analysis. Among the 24 metabolites identified from the nuclear MR spectra, only 19 were used by the PCA program for classification purposes. These can be important key biomarkers associated with the progression of degeneration in mdx muscles and with natural aging in control mice. Glutamate, glutamine, succinate, isoleucine, acetate, alanine and glycerol were increased in mdx samples as compared to control mice, in contrast to carnosine, taurine, glycine, methionine and creatine that were decreased. These results suggest that MRS associated with pattern recognition analysis can be a reliable tool to assess the degree of pathological and metabolic alterations in the dystrophic tissue, thereby affording the possibility of evaluation of beneficial effects of putative therapies. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Exposure to elevated levels of maternal cytokines can lead to functional abnormalities of the dopaminergic system in the adult offspring, including enhanced amphetamine (AMPH)-induced locomotion. Therefore, it seems reasonable to consider that offspring of challenged mothers would behave differently in models of addictive behavior, such as behavioral sensitization. Thus, we sought to evaluate the effects of prenatal exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the locomotor response to acute and chronic AMPH treatment in male mice offspring. For this purpose, LPS (Escherichia coli 0127:B8; 120 mu g/kg) was administered intraperitoneally to pregnant Swiss mice on gestational day 17. At adulthood, male offspring were studied under one of the following conditions: (1) locomotor response to acute AMPH treatment (2.5 or 5.0 mg/kg) in an open field test; (2) behavioral sensitization paradigm, which consists of a daily injection of AMPH (1.0 mg/kg) for 10 days and observation of locomotion in the open field on days 1, 5, 10 (development phase), 15 and 17 (expression phase). The LPS stimulated offspring showed enhancement of the locomotor-stimulant effect after an acute AMPH challenge in comparison to baseline and saline pre-treated mice. They also showed development of behavioral sensitization earlier than the saline pre-treated group, although no changes between saline and LPS pre-treated groups were observed on development or expression of locomotor behavioral sensitization to AMPH. Furthermore, there was up-regulation of D1 receptor protein level within striatum in the LPS-stimulated offspring which was strongly correlated with increased grooming behavior. Taken together, our results indicate that motor and dopaminergic alterations caused by maternal immune activation are restricted to the acute AMPH challenge, mostly due to up-regulation of the D1 receptor within the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal pathways, but no locomotor differences were observed for behavioral sensitization to AMPH. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Gd-chelate on renal function, iron parameters and oxidative stress in rats with CRF and a possible protective effect of the antioxidant N-Acetylcysteine (NAC). Male Wistar rats were submitted to 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx) to induced CRF. An ionic - cyclic Gd (Gadoterate Meglumine) was administrated (1.5 mM/KgBW, intravenously) 21 days after Nx. Clearance studies were performed in 4 groups of anesthetized animals 48 hours following Gd-chelate administration: 1 - Nx (n = 7); 2 - Nx+NAC (n = 6); 3 - Nx+Gd (n = 7); 4 - Nx+NAC+Gd (4.8 g/L in drinking water), initiated 2 days before Gd-chelate administration and maintained during 4 days (n = 6). This group was compared with a control. We measured glomerular filtration rate, GFR (inulin clearance, ml/min/kg BW), proteinuria (mg/24 hs), serum iron (mu g/dL); serum ferritin (ng/mL); transferrin saturation (%), TIBC (mu g/dL) and TBARS (nmles/ml). Normal rats treated with the same dose of Gd-chelate presented similar GFR and proteinuria when compared with normal controls, indicating that at this dose Gd-chelate is not nephrotoxic to normal rats. Gd-chelate administration to Nx-rats results in a decrease of GFR and increased proteinuria associated with a decrease in TIBC, elevation of ferritin serum levels, transferrin oversaturation and plasmatic TBARS compared with Nx-rats. The prophylactic treatment with NAC reversed the decrease in GFR and the increase in proteinuria and all alterations in iron parameters and TBARS induced by Gd-chelate. NAC administration to Nx rat did not modify the inulin clearance and iron kinetics, indicating that the ameliorating effect of NAC was specific to Gd-chelate. These results suggest that NAC can prevent Gd-chelate nephrotoxicity in patients with chronic renal failure.


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Leishmania (Viannia) shawi was characterized only recently, and few studies concerning the immunogenic and protective properties of its antigens have been performed. The present study aimed to evaluate the protective potential of the five antigenic fractions isolated from L. (V.) shawi promastigotes in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. Soluble antigen from L. (V.) shawi promastigotes was submitted to reverse phase HPLC to purify F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 antigens. BALB/c mice were immunized once a week for two consecutive weeks by subcutaneous routes in the rump, using 25 mu g protein. After 1 week, groups were challenged in the footpad with L. (V.) shawi promastigotes. After 8 weeks, those same mice were sacrificed and parasite burden as well as the cellular and humoral immune responses were evaluated. F1 and F5-immunized mice restrained lesion progression and parasite load in the skin. However, only the F1 group was able to control the parasitism in lymph nodes, which was associated with low IL-4 and high IFN-gamma production; IgG2a isotype was increased in this group. Immunizations with F2, F3 and F4 antigens did not protect mice. The capability of antigens to restrain IL-4 levels and increase IFN-gamma was associated with protection, such as in immunization using F1 antigen.


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Studies about cortical auditory evoked potentials using the speech stimuli in normal hearing individuals are important for understanding how the complexity of the stimulus influences the characteristics of the cortical potential generated. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the cortical auditory evoked potential and the P3 auditory cognitive potential with the vocalic and consonantal contrast stimuli in normally hearing individuals. METHOD: 31 individuals with no risk for hearing, neurologic and language alterations, in the age range between 7 and 30 years, participated in this study. The cortical auditory evoked potentials and the P3 auditory cognitive one were recorded in the Fz and Cz active channels using consonantal (/ba/-/da/) and vocalic (/i/-/a/) speech contrasts. Design: A crosssectional prospective cohort study. RESULTS: We found a statistically significant difference between the speech contrast used and the latencies of the N2 (p = 0.00) and P3 (p = 0.00) components, as well as between the active channel considered (Fz/Cz) and the P3 latency and amplitude values. These correlations did not occur for the exogenous components N1 and P2. CONCLUSION: The speech stimulus contrast, vocalic or consonantal, must be taken into account in the analysis of the cortical auditory evoked potential, N2 component, and auditory cognitive P3 potential.


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Aims: The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) plays a major role in cardiovascular diseases in postmenopausal women, but little is known about its importance to lower urinary tract symptoms. In this study we have used the model of ovariectomized (OVX) estrogen-deficient rats to investigate the role of RAS in functional and molecular alterations in the urethra and bladder. Main methods: Responses to contractile and relaxant agents in isolated urethra and bladder, as well as cystometry were evaluated in 4-month OVX Sprague–Dawley rats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and Western blotting for AT1/AT2 receptors were examined. Key findings: Cystometric evaluations in OVX rats showed increases in basal pressure, capacity and micturition frequency, as well as decreased voiding pressure. Angiotensin II and phenylephrine produced greater urethral contractions in OVX compared with Sham group. Carbachol-induced bladder contractions were significantly reduced in OVX group. Relaxations of urethra and bladder to sodium nitroprusside and BAY 41-2272 were unaffected by OVX. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity was 2.6-fold greater (p < 0.05) in urethral tissue of OVX group,whereas enzyme activity in plasma and bladder remained unchanged. Expressions of AT1 and AT2 receptors in the urethra were markedly higher in OVX group. In bladder, AT1 receptors were not detected, whereas AT2 receptor expression was unchanged between groups. 17β-Estradiol replacement (0.1 mg/kg, weekly) or losartan (30 mg/kg/day) largely attenuated most of the alterations seen in OVX group. Significance: Prolonged estrogen deprivation leads to voiding dysfunction and urethral hypercontractility that are associated with increased ACE activity and up-regulation of angiotensin AT1/AT2 receptor in the urethral tissue.


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Introdução: Muitos pacientes ainda morrem devido a infecções. Crescentes relatos da literatura atual têm atribuído ao intestino o papel de agravamento de doenças graves, e/ou a sua participação na gênese da sepse por mecanismo de translocação bacteriana (TB). Objetivo: Avaliar de forma cinética a TB e suas repercussões microcirculatórias e imunológicas. Método: Ratos Wistar-EPM (n=162) foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em grupo Sham (n=72) e grupo TB (n=90), e avaliados nos períodos de 2h, 6h, 24h, 72h, 7 e 14 dias, em relação a índice de translocação bacteriana; microscopia intravital; perfusão tecidual; e componentes celulares e humorais da linfa mesentérica por linfograma, citometria de fluxo e CBA-Flex. Resultado: A TB ocorreu somente no grupo TB e foi expressiva nas primeiras 24 horas tornando-se negativa somente com 7 dias. A conseqüência de um episódio de TB repercutiu na celularidade e citocinas pró e antiinflamatórias da linfa mesentérica associado a lesões da microcirculação e hipoperfusão tecidual de forma local e sistêmica. A citometria de fluxo mostrou que a linfa mesentérica eferente pós TB difere significativamente do grupo Sham quanto a número e subpopulação de linfócitos. Conclusão: Um episódio agudo de TB determinou uma recuperação máxima bacteriana com 6 horas e sua completa depuração entre 3 e 7 dias, além de provocar alterações da microcirculação intestinal e sistêmica associadas à ativação do GALT, principalmente no período de permanência das bactérias translocadas no hospedeiro, sendo a via linfática mesenterial uma importante rota na intercomunicação imunológica entre o ambiente intestinal e sistêmico.


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L’enzima IDO interviene nella via di degradazione del triptofano, essenziale per la vita cellulare; l’iperespressione di IDO favorisce la creazione di un microambiente immunotollerante. Nelle LAM IDO è funzionalmente attivo nelle cellule blastiche e determina l’acquisizione di un fenotipo regolatorio da parte delle cellule T alloreattive; l’espressione della proteina aumenta in modo consensuale con l’evoluzione clinica della patologia. Scopo della Tesi è indagare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’iperespressione di IDO da parte delle cellule leucemiche, le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi e l’outcome dei pazienti. Sono stati esaminati 45 pazienti adulti affetti da LAM afferiti all’Istituto di Ematologia di Bologna. I pazienti sono stati stratificati a seconda di: età di insorgenza della leucemia, secondarietà a Mielodisplasia o radio chemioterapia, iperleucocitosi, citogenetica, biologia molecolare (sono state valutate le alterazioni a carico dei geni FLT3 ed NPM). I pazienti sono stati analizzati per l’espressione del gene IDO mediante RT-PCR, seguita da Western Blot, allo scopo di stabilire la presenza di una proteina attiva; successivamente si è proceduto a verificare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’espressione di IDO e le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi per identificare una relazione tra l’espressione del gene ed un subset di pazienti a prognosi favorevole o sfavorevole. Dei 45 pazienti adulti affetti da LAM il 28,9% è risultato negativo per l’espressione di IDO, mentre il rimanente 71,1% è risultato positivo ed è stato suddiviso in tre ulteriori categorie, in base ai livelli di espressione. I dati non sembrano al momento suggerire l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’espressione di IDO e le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi. Nel gruppo di pazienti ad elevata espressione di IDO si riscontra un rate di resistenza alla chemioterapia di induzione più elevato, con una quota di pazienti resistenti pari al 71,4%, contro il 23,1% nel gruppo di pazienti IDO-negativi.


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L’osteosarcoma (OS) è il tumore primitivo dell’osso più comune in età pediatrica e adolescenziale. L’OS è stato recentemente riconsiderato come una patologia da de-differenziamento, legata all’interruzione del processo cui vanno incontro i precursori osteoblastici, quali le cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSCs), per trasformarsi in osteoblasti maturi. Il sistema IGF è coinvolto nella regolazione della proliferazione e del differenziamento di cellule di OS. IRS-1 è un mediatore critico di tale via di segnalazione e il suo livello di espressione modula il differenziamento di cellule ematopoietiche. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di definire il ruolo di IRS-1 nel differenziamento osteoblastico di MSCs e cellule di OS. Il potenziale differenziativo di cellule di OS umano e murino e di MSCs derivate da midollo osseo è stato valutato tramite Alizarin Red staining e Real Time-PCR. Dai dati ottenuti è emerso come i livelli di espressione di IRS-1 diminuiscano durante il differenziamento osteoblastico. Conseguentemente, i livelli di espressione di IRS-1 sono stati manipolati utilizzando shRNA per down-regolare l’espressione della proteina o un plasmide per sovra-esprimerla. Sia la down-regolazione sia la sovra-espressione di IRS-1 hanno inibito il differenziamento osteoblastico delle linee cellulari considerate. Allo scopo di valutare il contributo di IRS-1 nella via di segnalazione di IGF-1R è stato utilizzato l’inibitore di tale recettore, αIR-3. Anche in questo caso è stata osservata una riduzione della capacità differenziativa. L’inibitore del proteasoma MG-132 ha portato ad un aumento dei livelli di IRS-1, portando nuovamente all’inibizione del differenziamento osteoblastico e suggerendo che l’ubiquitinazione di questa proteina potrebbe avere un ruolo importante nel mantenimento di appropriati livelli di espressione di IRS-1. I risultati ottenuti indicano la criticità dei livelli di espressione di IRS-1 nella determinazione della capacità differenziativa sia di cellule di OS umano e murino, sia delle MSCs.


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Automatically recognizing faces captured under uncontrolled environments has always been a challenging topic in the past decades. In this work, we investigate cohort score normalization that has been widely used in biometric verification as means to improve the robustness of face recognition under challenging environments. In particular, we introduce cohort score normalization into undersampled face recognition problem. Further, we develop an effective cohort normalization method specifically for the unconstrained face pair matching problem. Extensive experiments conducted on several well known face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of cohort normalization on these challenging scenarios. In addition, to give a proper understanding of cohort behavior, we study the impact of the number and quality of cohort samples on the normalization performance. The experimental results show that bigger cohort set size gives more stable and often better results to a point before the performance saturates. And cohort samples with different quality indeed produce different cohort normalization performance. Recognizing faces gone after alterations is another challenging problem for current face recognition algorithms. Face image alterations can be roughly classified into two categories: unintentional (e.g., geometrics transformations introduced by the acquisition devide) and intentional alterations (e.g., plastic surgery). We study the impact of these alterations on face recognition accuracy. Our results show that state-of-the-art algorithms are able to overcome limited digital alterations but are sensitive to more relevant modifications. Further, we develop two useful descriptors for detecting those alterations which can significantly affect the recognition performance. In the end, we propose to use the Structural Similarity (SSIM) quality map to detect and model variations due to plastic surgeries. Extensive experiments conducted on a plastic surgery face database demonstrate the potential of SSIM map for matching face images after surgeries.