959 resultados para local processing bias


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Multiresolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation has been proven to be beneficial in a variety of applications such as improved imaging and target detection as well as speckle reduction. SAR signal processing traditionally carried out in the Fourier domain has inherent limitations in the context of image formation at hierarchical scales. We present a generalized approach to the formation of multiresolution SAR images using biorthogonal shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform (SIDWT) in both range and azimuth directions. Particularly in azimuth, the inherent subband decomposition property of wavelet packet transform is introduced to produce multiscale complex matched filtering without involving any approximations. This generalized approach also includes the formulation of multilook processing within the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) paradigm. The efficiency of the algorithm in parallel form of execution to generate hierarchical scale SAR images is shown. Analytical results and sample imagery of diffuse backscatter are presented to validate the method.


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Replication and transcription of the RNA genome of alphaviruses relies on a set of virus-encoded nonstructural proteins. They are synthesized as a long polyprotein precursor, P1234, which is cleaved at three processing sites to yield nonstructural proteins nsP1, nsP2, nsP3 and nsP4. All the four proteins function as constitutive components of the membrane-associated viral replicase. Proteolytic processing of P1234 polyprotein is precisely orchestrated and coordinates the replicase assembly and maturation. The specificity of the replicase is also controlled by proteolytic cleavages. The early replicase is composed of P123 polyprotein intermediate and nsP4. It copies the positive sense RNA genome to complementary minus-strand. Production of new plus-strands requires complete processing of the replicase. The papain-like protease residing in nsP2 is responsible for all three cleavages in P1234. This study addressed the mechanisms of proteolytic processing of the replicase polyprotein in two alphaviruses Semliki Forest virus (SFV) and Sindbis virus (SIN) representing different branches of the genus. The survey highlighted the functional relation of the alphavirus nsP2 protease to the papain-like enzymes. A new structural motif the Cys-His catalytic dyad accompanied with an aromatic residue following the catalytic His was described for nsP2 and a subset of other thiol proteases. Such an architecture of the catalytic center was named the glycine specificity motif since it was implicated in recognition of a specific Gly residue in the substrate. In particular, the presence of the motif in nsP2 makes the appearance of this amino acid at the second position upstream of the scissile bond a necessary condition for the cleavage. On top of that, there were four distinct mechanisms identified, which provide affinity for the protease and specifically direct the enzyme to different sites in the P1234 polyprotein. Three factors RNA, the central domain of nsP3 and the N-terminus of nsP2 were demonstrated to be external modulators of the nsP2 protease. Here I suggest that the basal nsP2 protease specificity is inherited from the ancestral papain-like enzyme and employs the recognition of the upstream amino acid signature in the immediate vicinity of the scissile bond. This mechanism is responsible for the efficient processing of the SFV nsP3/nsP4 junction. I propose that the same mechanism is involved in the cleavage of the nsP1/nsP2 junction of both viruses as well. However, in this case it rather serves to position the substrate, whereas the efficiency of the processing is ensured by the capability of nsP2 to cut its own N-terminus in cis. Both types of cleavages are demonstrated here to be inhibited by RNA, which is interpreted as impairing the basal papain-like recognition of the substrate. In contrast, processing of the SIN nsP3/nsP4 junction was found to be activated by RNA and additionally potentiated by the presence of the central region of nsP3 in the protease. The processing of the nsP2/nsP3 junction in both viruses occurred via another mechanism, requiring the exactly processed N-terminus of nsP2 in the protease and insensitive to RNA addition. Therefore, the three processing events in the replicase polyprotein maturation are performed via three distinct mechanisms in each of two studied alphaviruses. Distinct sets of conditions required for each cleavage ensure sequential maturation of P1234 polyprotein: nsP4 is released first, then the nsP1/nsP2 site is cut in cis, and liberation of the nsP2 N-terminus activates the cleavage of the nsP2/nsP3 junction at last. The first processing event occurs differently in SFV and SIN, whereas the subsequent cleavages are found to be similar in the two viruses and therefore, their mechanisms are suggested to be conserved in the genus. The RNA modulation of the alphavirus nonstructural protease activity, discovered here, implies bidirectional functional interplay between the alphavirus RNA metabolism and protease regulation. The nsP2 protease emerges as a signal transmitting moiety, which senses the replication stage and responds with proteolytic cleavages. A detailed hypothetical model of the alphavirus replicase core was inferred from the data obtained in the study. Similar principles in replicase organization and protease functioning are expected to be employed by other RNA viruses.


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Polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, BmNPV (BGL) isolated from infected silkworms around Bangalore were propagated either in the cultured B. mori cell line, BmN or through infection of larvae. Electron microscopic (EM) observations of the polyhedra revealed an average length of 2 mu m and a height of 0.5 mu m. The purified polyhedra derived virions (PDV) showed several bands in sucrose gradient centrifugation, indicating the multiple nucleocapsid nature of BmNPV. Electron microscopic studies of PDV revealed a cylindrical, rod-shaped nucleocapsid with an average length of 300 nm and a diameter of 35 nm. The genomic DNA from the PDV was characterized by extensive restriction analysis and the genome size was estimated to be 132 kb. The restriction pattern of BmNPV (BGL) resembled that of the prototype strain BmNPV-T3. Distinct differences due to polymorphic sites for restriction enzyme HindIII were apparent between BmNPV (BGL) and the virus isolated from a different part of Karnataka (Dharwad area), BmNPV (DHR).


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Background Medication safety is a pressing concern for residential aged care facilities (RACFs). Retrospective studies in RACF settings identify inadequate communication between RACFs, doctors, hospitals and community pharmacies as the major cause of medication errors. Existing literature offers limited insight about the gaps in the existing information exchange process that may lead to medication errors. The aim of this research was to explicate the cognitive distribution that underlies RACF medication ordering and delivery to identify gaps in medication-related information exchange which lead to medication errors in RACFs. Methods The study was undertaken in three RACFs in Sydney, Australia. Data were generated through ethnographic field work over a period of five months (May–September 2011). Triangulated analysis of data primarily focused on examining the transformation and exchange of information between different media across the process. Results The findings of this study highlight the extensive scope and intense nature of information exchange in RACF medication ordering and delivery. Rather than attributing error to individual care providers, the explication of distributed cognition processes enabled the identification of gaps in three information exchange dimensions which potentially contribute to the occurrence of medication errors namely: (1) design of medication charts which complicates order processing and record keeping (2) lack of coordination mechanisms between participants which results in misalignment of local practices (3) reliance on restricted communication bandwidth channels mainly telephone and fax which complicates the information processing requirements. The study demonstrates how the identification of these gaps enhances understanding of medication errors in RACFs. Conclusions Application of the theoretical lens of distributed cognition can assist in enhancing our understanding of medication errors in RACFs through identification of gaps in information exchange. Understanding the dynamics of the cognitive process can inform the design of interventions to manage errors and improve residents’ safety.


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Adoptive T cell therapy uses the specificity of the adaptive immune system to target cancer and virally infected cells. Yet the mechanism and means by which to enhance T cell function are incompletely described, especially in the skin. In this study, we use a murine model of immunotherapy to optimize cell-mediated immunity in the skin. We show that in vitro - derived central but not effector memory-like T cells bring about rapid regression of skin-expressing cognate Ag as a transgene in keratinocytes. Local inflammation induced by the TLR7 receptor agonist imiquimod subtly yet reproducibly decreases time to skin graft rejection elicited by central but not effector memory T cells in an immunodeficient mouse model. Local CCL4, a chemokine liberated by TLR7 agonism, similarly enhances central memory T cell function. In this model, IL-2 facilitates the development in vivo of effector function from central memory but not effector memory T cells. In a model of T cell tolerogenesis, we further show that adoptively transferred central but not effector memory T cells can give rise to successful cutaneous immunity, which is dependent on a local inflammatory cue in the target tissue at the time of adoptive T cell transfer. Thus, adoptive T cell therapy efficacy can be enhanced if CD8+ T cells with a central memory T cell phenotype are transferred, and IL-2 is present with contemporaneous local inflammation. Copyright © 2012 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.


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Many conventional statistical machine learning al- gorithms generalise poorly if distribution bias ex- ists in the datasets. For example, distribution bias arises in the context of domain generalisation, where knowledge acquired from multiple source domains need to be used in a previously unseen target domains. We propose Elliptical Summary Randomisation (ESRand), an efficient domain generalisation approach that comprises of a randomised kernel and elliptical data summarisation. ESRand learns a domain interdependent projection to a la- tent subspace that minimises the existing biases to the data while maintaining the functional relationship between domains. In the latent subspace, ellipsoidal summaries replace the samples to enhance the generalisation by further removing bias and noise in the data. Moreover, the summarisation enables large-scale data processing by significantly reducing the size of the data. Through comprehensive analysis, we show that our subspace-based approach outperforms state-of-the-art results on several activity recognition benchmark datasets, while keeping the computational complexity significantly low.


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This paper presents a novel crop detection system applied to the challenging task of field sweet pepper (capsicum) detection. The field-grown sweet pepper crop presents several challenges for robotic systems such as the high degree of occlusion and the fact that the crop can have a similar colour to the background (green on green). To overcome these issues, we propose a two-stage system that performs per-pixel segmentation followed by region detection. The output of the segmentation is used to search for highly probable regions and declares these to be sweet pepper. We propose the novel use of the local binary pattern (LBP) to perform crop segmentation. This feature improves the accuracy of crop segmentation from an AUC of 0.10, for previously proposed features, to 0.56. Using the LBP feature as the basis for our two-stage algorithm, we are able to detect 69.2% of field grown sweet peppers in three sites. This is an impressive result given that the average detection accuracy of people viewing the same colour imagery is 66.8%.


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Processing of Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) polyprotein 2a and 2ab was reanalyzed in the view of the new genome organization of sobemoviruses. Polyprotein 2a when expressed in E coli, from the new cDNA clone, got cleaved at the earlier identified sites E325-T326, E402-T403 and E498-S499 to release protease, VPg, P10 and P8, respectively. Additionally, a novel cleavage was identified within the protease domain at position E132-S133, which was found to be essential for efficient polyprotein processing. Products, corresponding to cleavages identified in E. coli, were also detected in infected Sesbania leaves. Interestingly, though the sites are exactly the same in polyprotein 2ab, it got cleaved between Protease-VPg but not between VPg-RdRp. This indicates to a differential cleavage preference, governed probably by the conformation of 2ab. Also, the studies revealed that, in SeMV, processing is regulated by mode of cleavage and context of the cleavage site.


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Visual information processing in brain proceeds in both serial and parallel fashion throughout various functionally distinct hierarchically organised cortical areas. Feedforward signals from retina and hierarchically lower cortical levels are the major activators of visual neurons, but top-down and feedback signals from higher level cortical areas have a modulating effect on neural processing. My work concentrates on visual encoding in hierarchically low level cortical visual areas in human brain and examines neural processing especially in cortical representation of visual field periphery. I use magnetoencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neuromagnetic and hemodynamic responses during visual stimulation and oculomotor and cognitive tasks from healthy volunteers. My thesis comprises six publications. Visual cortex forms a great challenge for modeling of neuromagnetic sources. My work shows that a priori information of source locations are needed for modeling of neuromagnetic sources in visual cortex. In addition, my work examines other potential confounding factors in vision studies such as light scatter inside the eye which may result in erroneous responses in cortex outside the representation of stimulated region, and eye movements and attention. I mapped cortical representations of peripheral visual field and identified a putative human homologue of functional area V6 of the macaque in the posterior bank of parieto-occipital sulcus. My work shows that human V6 activates during eye-movements and that it responds to visual motion at short latencies. These findings suggest that human V6, like its monkey homologue, is related to fast processing of visual stimuli and visually guided movements. I demonstrate that peripheral vision is functionally related to eye-movements and connected to rapid stream of functional areas that process visual motion. In addition, my work shows two different forms of top-down modulation of neural processing in the hierachically lowest cortical levels; one that is related to dorsal stream activation and may reflect motor processing or resetting signals that prepare visual cortex for change in the environment and another local signal enhancement at the attended region that reflects local feed-back signal and may perceptionally increase the stimulus saliency.


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Dynamic systems involving convolution integrals with decaying kernels, of which fractionally damped systems form a special case, are non-local in time and hence infinite dimensional. Straightforward numerical solution of such systems up to time t needs O(t(2)) computations owing to the repeated evaluation of integrals over intervals that grow like t. Finite-dimensional and local approximations are thus desirable. We present here an approximation method which first rewrites the evolution equation as a coupled in finite-dimensional system with no convolution, and then uses Galerkin approximation with finite elements to obtain linear, finite-dimensional, constant coefficient approximations for the convolution. This paper is a broad generalization, based on a new insight, of our prior work with fractional order derivatives (Singh & Chatterjee 2006 Nonlinear Dyn. 45, 183-206). In particular, the decaying kernels we can address are now generalized to the Laplace transforms of known functions; of these, the power law kernel of fractional order differentiation is a special case. The approximation can be refined easily. The local nature of the approximation allows numerical solution up to time t with O(t) computations. Examples with several different kernels show excellent performance. A key feature of our approach is that the dynamic system in which the convolution integral appears is itself approximated using another system, as distinct from numerically approximating just the solution for the given initial values; this allows non-standard uses of the approximation, e. g. in stability analyses.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis readily activates both CD4+ and Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells. Despite similarity in function, these T-cell subsets differ in the antigens they recognize and the manners in which these antigens are presented by M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes. We investigated mechanisms of antigen processing of M. tuberculosis antigens to human CD4 and gammadelta T cells by monocytes. Initial uptake of M. tuberculosis bacilli and subsequent processing were required for efficient presentation not only to CD4 T cells but also to Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells. For gammadelta T cells, recognition of M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes was dependent on Vdelta2+ T-cell-receptor expression. Recognition of M. tuberculosis antigens by CD4+ T cells was restricted by the class II major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-DR. Processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli for Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells was inhibitable by Brefeldin A, whereas processing of soluble mycobacterial antigens for gammadelta T cells was not sensitive to Brefeldin A. Processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli for CD4+ T cells was unaffected by Brefeldin A. Lysosomotropic agents such as chloroquine and ammonium chloride did not affect the processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli for CD4+ and gammadelta T cells. In contrast, both inhibitors blocked processing of soluble mycobacterial antigens for CD4+ T cells. Chloroquine and ammonium chloride insensitivity of processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli was not dependent on the viability of the bacteria, since processing of both formaldehyde-fixed dead bacteria and mycobacterial antigens covalently coupled to latex beads was chloroquine insensitive. Thus, the manner in which mycobacterial antigens were taken up by monocytes (particulate versus soluble) influenced the antigen processing pathway for CD4+ and gammadelta T cells.


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We have studied the microstructure, surface states, valence fluctuations, magnetic properties, and exchange bias effect in MnO2 nanowires. High purity α-MnO 2 rectangular nanowires were synthesized by a facile hydrothermal method with microwave-assisted procedures. The microstructure analysis indicates that the nanowires grow in the [0 0 1] direction with the (2 1 0) plane as the surface. Mn3+ and Mn2+ ions are not found in the system by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The effective magnetic moment of the manganese ions fits in with the theoretical and experimental values of Mn4+ very well. The uncoupled spins in 3d3 orbitals of the Mn 4+ ions in MnO 6 octahedra on the rough surface are responsible for the net magnetic moment. Spin glass behavior is observed through magnetic measurements. Furthermore, the exchange bias effect is observed for the first time in pure α-MnO2 phase due to the coupling of the surface spin glass with the antiferromagnetic α-MnO2 matrix. These α-MnO2 nanowires, with a spin-glass-like behavior and with an exchange bias effect excited by the uncoupled surface spins, should therefore inspire further study concerning the origin, theory, and applicability of surface structure induced magnetism in nanostructures.