916 resultados para literature teaching
What role have translations from Hindi literary works played in shaping and transforming our knowledge about India? In this book, renowned scholars, translators and Hindi writers from India, Europe, and the United States offer their approaches to this question. Their articles deal with the political, cultural, and linguistic criteria germane to the selection and translation of Hindi works, the nature of the enduring links between India and Europe, and the reception of translated texts, particularly through the perspective of book history. More personal essays, both on the writing process itself or on the practice of translation, complete the volume and highlight the plurality of voices that are inherent to any translation. As the outcome of an international symposium held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2008, India in Translation through Hindi Literature engages in the building of critical histories of the encounter between India and the «West», the use and impact of translations in this context, and Hindi literature and culture in connection to English (post)colonial power, literature and culture.
La sarcoïdose est une affection inflammatoire granuiomateuse systémique d'origine inconnue touchant le plus fréquemment les poumons, le système lymphoïde, le foie, les yeux et la peau. Dans cet article, nous rapportons deux cas de sarcoïdose cutanée touchant les avant-bras de deux patients anciens toxicomanes traités par interféron-a et ribavirine pour une hépatite C chronique. Nous procédons à une revue de la littérature de la sarcoïdose induite par l'interféron et élaborons une nouvelle hypothèse pathogénique de l'effet Koebner dans la sarcoïdose cutanée. Dans le cas des deux patients que nous décrivons, la distribution des lésions cutanées coïncide avec les anciens sites d'injection d'héroïne le long des trajets veineux des deux avant- bras. Cette distribution unique de l'atteinte cutanée suggère que les dommages tissulaires induits par la répétition d'injections percutanées puissent représenter un terrain favorisant au développement local d'une sarcoïdose cutanée. Fait intéressant, il a été récemment démontré que les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes - sous-type de cellules dendritiques généralement absent de la peau - infiltrent rapidement les sites de peau lésée. Ces cellules sont la source d'une production endogène d'interféron-a, cytokine connue pour promouvoir le processus de cicatrisation, mais également pour favoriser le développement de sarcoïdose chez des individus prédisposés. Ainsi, nous postulons que les lésions de sarcoïdose cutanée limitées le long des trajets veineux - sites préalables d'injection percutanée de drogues - peuvent résulter d'une expression locale supplémentaire d'interféron-a. Celle-ci serait en outre favorisée par le traitement de ribavirine dans le cadre de l'hépatite C, connu pour renforcer la production endogène d'interféron-a. L'identification de nombreuses cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes circonscrivant l'inflammation granuiomateuse sur la biopsie cutanée de l'un de nos patients semble être un argument dans ce sens, conforté par l'absence de corps étranger détecté en microscopie par lumière polarisée. Cette observation semble pouvoir représenter un point crucial dans la compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques à la base de l'infiltration des cicatrices cutanées par la sarcoïdose. Des investigations supplémentaires doivent encore être effectuées afin de confirmer cette hypothèse.
This interdisciplinary collection brings together world leaders in Gothic Studies, offering new readings on popular Gothic cultural productions from the last decade. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: contemporary High Street Goth/ic fashion, Gothic performance and art festivals, Gothic popular fiction from Twilight to Shadow of the Wind, Goth/ic popular music, Goth/ic on TV and film, new trends like Steampunk, well-known icons Batman and Lady Gaga, and theorizations of popular Gothic monsters (from zombies and vampires to werewolves and ghosts) in an age of terror/ism.
Chordomas are uncommon tumours occuring from remnants of the notochord. They are mainly localized in the sacrococcygium, the spine and the skull base. We focused our study on skull base chordomas and reviewed 531 published cases and 6 cases diagnosed in our institution. The six cases diagnosed at our hospital are described with a special mention of a unique case presenting with meningitis. Clinical features, radiology, histopathology and survival with different treatments are reviewed. Skull base chordomas can occur at any age and are slightly more frequent in males. Patients complain most often of diplopia and headaches. Abducens nerve palsy is the commonest neurological finding. Radiological examination should include both CT-scan which shows extensive osteolysis, calcifications and contrast enhancement and MRI for topographical definition. Metastases rarely occur. Treatment remains controversial but combined surgery and radiotherapy is the best treatment with a 5 year survival rate of 75%.
INTRODUCTION: Developments in technology, web-based teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media such as radiologic images, whole slides, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs, is now accessible to most universities. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of resources needed. In this perspective, a French-national university network was initiated in 2011 to build joint online teaching modules consisting of clinical cases and tests. The network has since expanded internationally to Québec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast. METHOD: One of the first steps of the project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology for interns and residents in pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Québec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform under the supervision of two dermatopathologists. The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, virtual slides, images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. RESULTS: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 virtual images and more than 50 microscopic and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in the spring of 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international resident whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. CONCLUSION: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated and its accuracy reviewed by experts in each individual domain. The learning modules also need to be promoted within the academic community to ensure maximal benefit for trainees. A collateral benefit of the project was the establishment of international partnerships between French-speaking universities and pathologists with the common goal of promoting pathology education through the use of multi-media technology including whole slide imaging.
The Iowa Department of Transportation's Access Management Task Force was established as part of the Iowa Department of Transportation's overall Safety Management System (SMS) effort. The goal of the Access Management Task Force is to develop a program designed to educate and market the concept and benefits of access management to landowners and developers, professional planners and engineers, planning and zoning staff members, appointed and elected officials, and motorists. Access management is pursued through the design and control of driveways, curb cuts, turning movements, interior circulation of parking lots, and public street connections and intersections. Usually, state highways or major urban and suburban arterial streets are the targets of access management projects. Access management is also a concern on main county roads when there is a transition from a rural environment to a town or city.
Training future pathologists is an important mission of many hospital anatomic pathology departments. Apprenticeship-a process in which learning and teaching tightly intertwine with daily work, is one of the main educational methods in use in postgraduate medical training. However, patient care, including pathological diagnosis, often comes first, diagnostic priorities prevailing over educational ones. Recognition of the unique educational opportunities is a prerequisite for enhancing the postgraduate learning experience. The aim of this paper is to draw attention of senior pathologists with a role as supervisor in postgraduate training on the potential educational value of a multihead microscope, a common setting in pathology departments. After reporting on an informal observation of senior and junior pathologists' meetings around the multihead microscope in our department, we review the literature on current theories of learning to provide support to the high potential educational value of these meetings for postgraduate training in pathology. We also draw from the literature on learner-centered teaching some recommendations to better support learning in this particular context. Finally, we propose clues for further studies and effective instruction during meetings around a multihead microscope.
Iowa Elementary Teachers handbook, vol. 13
In 2012 several articles reported interesting findings for the ambulatory practice in internal general medicine. A negative rapid test for influenza does not rule out that diagnosis. A test assessing the walking speed in the elderly can help determining who would benefit from antihypertensive therapy. Antibiotic treatment has no benefit for acute uncomplicated rhinosinusitis and diverticulitis. Probiotics can reduce the risk of post-antibiotic diarrhea. Daily coffee intake could reduce mortality. Oral supplementation of calcium can be harmful to the cardiovascular system. Subclinical hyperthyroidism should be treated to prevent cardiovascular complications. Aspirin can prevent recurrences in case of a primary thromboembolic event. Local injection of corticosteroids under ultrasonographic guidance for plantar fasciitis can be a safe treatment. Ibuprofen can prevent acute mountain sickness.
Introduction : La prise en charge des patients critiques nécessite dans la majorité des situations l'obtention rapide d'un accès vasculaire, afin d'administrer des médicaments, des solutés de remplissage, ou des produits sanguins. La mise en place d'un accès vasculaire peut s'avérer difficile chez ces patients. En cas d'échec de pose d'une voie veineuse périphérique, des abords vasculaires alternatifs existent. Il s'agit essentiellement de la pose d'une voie veineuse centrale, la réalisation d'une dénudation veineuse, ou la pose d'une voie intra-osseuse. Depuis le développement de dispositifs d'insertion « semi-automatique » à la fin des années 90, la voie intra-osseuse, traditionnellement réservée aux cas pédiatriques, est de plus en plus fréquemment utilisée chez les patients adultes. Le Service des Urgences du CHUV a introduit en 2009 les dispositifs d'insertion d'aiguilles intra-osseuses de type EZ-IO® (perceuse électrique), en salle de réanimation des urgences vitales (déchoquage), ainsi qu'au sein du secteur préhospitalier pour les interventions du SMUR de Lausanne et de l'hélicoptère REGA de la base de Lausanne. Par cette étude, nous voulions mettre en évidence les aspects épidémiologiques des patients ayant dû être perfusés par cet abord dans un contexte préhospitalier, ainsi que les circonstances cliniques ayant justifié un tel usage, le taux de succès, les éventuelles complications, les médicaments perfusés et la mortalité des patients ayant bénéficié de ce dispositif. Méthode: Chaque patient ayant bénéficié de la mise en place d'une voie intra-osseuse par EZ-IO® du 1er janvier 2009 au 31 décembre 2011 a été inclus. Les données récoltées étaient l'âge, le sexe, l'indication à la mise en place de l'intra-osseuse, la localisation, le taux de succès, les médicaments et fluides administrés, les complications, la mortalité à 48 heures et à la sortie de l'hôpital. Tous les articles mentionnant l'utilisation de ΙΈΖ-ΙΟ® dans des situations cliniques ont également été analysés par une revue de littérature structurée exhaustive, afin de comparer nos résultats avec les données de la littérature. Résultats : Cinquante-huit patients, représentant 60 intra-osseuses EZ-IO®, ont été inclus. Leur âge moyen (47 ans), le taux de succès (90%), les indications, la localisation de l'aiguille (98% au niveau du tibia proximal) et le taux de complications (0%) correspondent aux valeurs trouvées dans la littérature. Le taux de survie de nos patients est de 38% à 48 heures et de 29% à la sortie de l'hôpital. De nombreux médicaments ou solutés de perfusion ont été administrés; l'adrénaline restant le médicament le plus fréquemment administré par cette voie. Dans 7 cas, les patients ont bénéficié d'une induction d'anesthésie par voie intra-osseuse. La revue de littérature a permis de compiler 30 études distinctes, représentant un total de 1603 accès vasculaires de type EZ-IO®. Conclusion : La voie intra-osseuse s'avère fiable et rapide pour obtenir un accès vasculaire, avec un taux de complications très faible et permet l'administration d'un grand nombre de substances. D'autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l'impact de la voie intra osseuse, notamment en termes de mortalité, de complications tardives, ainsi que d'analyse coût/bénéfice de ce matériel.
This article reports on a project at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC: The Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona) to develop an innovative package of hypermedia-based learning materials for a new course entitled 'Current Issues in Marketing'. The UOC is a distance university entirely based on a virtual campus. The learning materials project was undertaken in order to benefit from the advantages which new communication technologies offer to the teaching of marketing in distance education. The article reviews the main issues involved in incorporating new technologies in learning materials, the development of the learning materials, and their functioning within the hypermedia based virtual campus of the UOC. An empirical study is then carried out in order to evaluate the attitudes of students to the project. Finally, suggestions for improving similar projects in the future are put forward.
Deletions on the short arm of chromosome 4 cause Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) and Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome (PRDS). WHS is associated with severe growth and mental retardation, microcephaly, a characteristic facies and congenital malformations. The PRDS phenotype is similar to WHS but generally less severe. Seizures occur in the majority of WHS and PRDS patients. Sgrò et al. [17] described a stereotypic electroclinical pattern in four unrelated WHS patients, consisting of intermittent bursts of 2-3 Hz high voltage slow waves with spike wave activity in the parietal areas during drowsiness and sleep associated with myoclonic jerks. We report a patient with PRDS and the typical EEG pattern and review 14 WHS patients with similar EEG findings reported in the literature. CONCLUSION: Awareness and recognition of the characteristic electroclinical findings in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome might help in the early diagnosis of such patients.
The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is an online university that has innovation as a transversal feature in all its activities and processes. Therefore, innovation is present in the annual objectives of all the academic and management departments in order to increase student satisfaction. UOC stimulates innovation by funding strategic projects as well as organizing regular internal calls for small projects which brings about innovative academic and management proposals. In this paper we present the method for evaluating teaching and management innovations through internal calls (APLICA), by selecting which initiatives are suitable to become strategic innovative projects (INNOVA) or which features should compose any application available at the OpenApps platform. Besides, general indicators used by the Innovation Program to evaluate the activities carried out are also reported.