904 resultados para literature of exile


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Analysis of terms ‘social relationship’ and ‘legal relationship’ in the literature of legal theory and legal philosophy encounters many difficulties especially because of the ambiguity of such terms as ‘law’, ‘positive (statutory) law’, ‘rule’, ‘legal rule’, ‘norm’ and ‘legal norm’. Insight into the mentioned above literature points out that particularly the former pair of these notions have been so far wrongly considered as equivalent. It does not result a correct description of the relationship between different normative social systems such as statutory (positive) law, morality, religion and customs. Next it translates into a numbers of disputes about the content of positive law both in law-making’ and law-applying’s decisions.


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Las bibliografías han formado parte del quehacer de personas interesadas en rescatar el patrimonio documental del país, las cuales se realizaron con el fin de hacer un inventario de la producción impresa del país.Con el crecimiento de la producción documental la bibliografía toma una nueva concepción, se dejan de elaborar bibliografías universales dada la dificultad de abarcar todo lo publicado en el mundo para dar paso a las bibliografías nacionales y las especializadas.La bibliografía especializada facilita el trabajo intelectual, orienta al usuario entre las enormes cantidades de información, además, le permite identificar información más pertinente, obteniendo como producto final la generación de más conocimiento.Esta investigación consistió en realizar una bibliografía especializada del Cantón Central de Heredia, se tomaron en cuenta organismos locales y nacionales


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The theoretical recital of the present study it is initiated of the evidence that the work occupies an important space in the man s life in way that the majority of the people works and passes great part of its time inside organizati ons. However, it is verified that the relation between man and work is becoming increasingly disagreement a time that the employees had started to complain work s routines, stress, not use all their potential and inadequate work s conditions. It can be observed by the way of Dejours (1994) studies. Thus, as contribution for the quality of work life s (QWL) studies the research developed here objectified to characterize the public employees quality of work life at EMATER -RN taking as reference an instrumen t of research synthesized from the typical academic literature of the subject. The synthesis of an ampler instrument is a necessity not taken care to the literature that treats on the subject but already perceived by some studies like Moraes et al (1990); Rodrigues (1989); Siqueira & Coleta (1989); Moraes et al (1992); Carvalho & Souza (2003); El -Aouar & Souza (2003) and Mourão, Kilimnick & Fernandes (2005); Adorno, Marques & Borges (2005) amongst others. These studies point out weak points of the existing models in the QWL s literature, as well as they recommend the elaboration of a model more flexible, that contemplates Brazilian cultural characteristics, and that contemplates the entire variable studied in the main existing models. For reach this objectiv e the adopted methodology was characterized as a case study with collected data in qualitative and quantitative way. Questionnaires and comments had been used as sources of evidences. These evidences had been tabulated through of statistical package SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science), in which the main technique of multivariate analysis used were the factorial analysis. As for the gotten results, it was verified the grouping of the quality of work life s indicators in 11 factors which are: Work s execution, Individual accomplishment, Work s equity, Relation individual and organization, Work s organization, Adequacy of the remuneration, Relation between head and subordinate, Effectiveness of the communication and the learning, Relation between work and personal life, Participation and Effectiveness of the work processes. Whatever to the characterization of the EMATER -RN s quality of work life it was clearly that to the measure that the satisfaction s evaluation with the QWL in the organization walks to intrinsic factors for extrinsic factors this level of satisfaction goes diminishing what points to the importance to improve these extrinsic factors in the institution. In summary it is possible to conclude that the organization studied has offered a significant set of referring variable to the quality of work life of the individual


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The present objective study to inside identify the critical factors of success of the local family companies of a competitive boarding. For in such a way the same it understands the culture and the management of the family companies of success, identifies the essential areas of performance, it establishes the restrictive factors of the success, and analyzes the level of influence of the critical factors of success in the competitiveness of this type of company. In function of the subject little to be explored, and of this study to provide a general vision concerning the factors that take the family companies to get success, this research is explorer. On the other hand, for describing characteristic of the familiar companies in prominence in the local scene and for being worried about the practical performance, the same one also is descriptive. The sample in turn is the not-probabilist one of the intentional type, for accessibility. For operacionalization of the collection of data, the direct contact was used, being the composed instrument of research for variable as management, culture, critical factors of success and competitiveness. The study it evidences that in regards to the management and the culture of the family companies of success, some variable are turned aside from the standard of the conventional family companies cited by literature. Of general form in the familiar companies of success it has a bigger level of professionalization of the management. As for the value given to the knowledge, the study sample that the conventional family companies give little importance to it, in contrast of the family companies in prominence, who value of significant form the search for the knowledge. He is demonstrated despite the family companies of success, even so total are not professionalized, possess a bigger level of professionalization of the management, ratifying of certain forms the reason for which the majority develops the Strategical Planning formal periodically. In short, the results point 17 critical factors of success with respect to the family companies, in special factors as the product quality and services, and the use of the technology


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W artykule przedstawiono problematykę śmierci osobniczej (mózgowej) jako przesłanki dopuszczalności przeszczepu ex mortuo. W pierwszej kolejności zostały opisane podstawowe zagadnienia dotyczące pojęcia transplantacji oraz jej rodzajów występujących w piśmiennictwie medycznym. Dalej poruszono tematykę śmierci i jej rodzajów w kontekście transplantacji, podkreślono również występującą w doktrynie różnicę utożsamiania śmierci klinicznej ze śmiercią pozorną, a także przedstawiono występujący w literaturze sztuczny podział śmierci ze względu na narządy, tj. mózg, płuca i serce. Głównym punktem pracy jest zagadnienie śmierci mózgowej (osobniczej). Wskazano wątpliwości natury prawnej, medycznej i społecznej odnośnie do tej przesłanki. Wskazano na metodykę pracy przy ustaleniu śmierci mózgowej. Zwrócono uwagę na fakt zmiany definicji na gruncie obowiązującej ustawy transplantacyjnej. W dalszej kolejności zostało poruszone zagadnienie śmierci wskutek nieodwracalnego zatrzymania krążenia. W podsumowaniu zebrano w sposób ścisły wątki omawiane przez całą pracę i wspominano o innych przesłankach dopuszczalności przeszczepu ex mortuo.


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ERIC is an information system sponsored by the National Institute of Education, Department of Education, United States acquires, selects, summarizes, indexes, processes and disseminates information that is generated and produced in the field of education.ERIC was founded in 1966 with the purpose of controlling and collecting the literature of education and research and technical reports, conferences, studies by commissions and committees, descriptions of projects and programs, lectures, speeches and the like.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações, 2016.


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O Humor é uma das bases da interação social humana e, por conseguinte, uma parte importante das relações que os indivíduos de uma sociedade estabelecem uns com os outros, utilizando-o com as mais variadas intenções. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar nos dois subgéneros narrativos humorísticos - a Piada e a Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico - as semelhanças e as diferenças na construção das suas estruturas, na utilização das estratégias interacionais usadas pelos interlocutores durante as interações, bem como alguns elementos avaliativos que traduzem as reações dos intervenientes perante as narrativas ouvidas. Na primeira parte, procedemos à referência das principais linhas teóricas que norteiam o tema do presente trabalho. Neste âmbito, referenciamos os quadros teóricos como o de Raskin (1985) e o de Morais (2010), tendo este último sido utilizado como ferramenta base nas nossas análises. Na segunda parte, analisámos Piadas e Narrativas Conversacionais de Cariz Humorístico, uns retirados do Corpus Morais (2010), outros de um Corpus por nós criado (Furtado (2014)). A partir desta análise constatou-se que (i) a estrutura tanto da Piada como da Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico se constrói de forma muito semelhante; (ii) o Ataque na Narrativa Conversacional de Cariz Humorístico se assemelha em muito ao Ataque da Piada; (iii) que o modo como o locutor constrói a Orientação e a Ação na Piada é, de um modo geral, fixo; (iv) que ambos os géneros narrativos contêm formas de qualificação dos enunciados muito semelhantes; (v) que o trigger das Piadas opõe sempre duas ideias distintas, conforme o preconizado por Raskin; (vi) que tanto nas Piadas como nas Narrativas Conversacionais de Cariz Humorístico os interlocutores necessitam de partilhar os mesmos conhecimentos prévios para que o objetivo final do locutor seja alcançado, isto é, o riso.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Microbiana, 2016.


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Las resinas compuestas y adhesivos dentales se utilizan ampliamente para la restauración de dientes con pulpas vitales. La preferencia en el uso de estas resinas compuestas podría estar atribuida a que son materiales con buenos resultados estéticos y se consideran materiales de restauración estables. Sin embargo se ha demostrado que son susceptibles a la degradación y liberación de la fracción de sus componentes y que cierta cantidad de los monómeros de su composición permanecen sin polimerizar por un largo periodo de tiempo, pudiendo estos filtrarse hacia el tejido pulpar y causar alteraciones de la actividad fisiológica de las células de la pulpa (DPCs) (1). Además, estudios in vitro han demostrado que los componentes de las resinas compuestas tienen potenciales tóxicos, generando respuestas inmediatas y a largo plazo luego de su aplicación. Identificar el potencial tóxico y deletéreo de los materiales de restauración sobre el tejido pulpar es de gran interés y relevancia clínica, por ello este estudio comprende en una revisión de la literatura acerca de la respuesta pulpar a los materiales de restauración tipo resina.


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Gabriel García Márquez asume la oralidad del homo caribbeans como síntoma de diversidad , por oposición a la universalizante estandarización trascendental de la escritura, en palabras del antillano Edouard Glissant, y representa una reacción a la cultura letrada establecida por el sistema imperial occidental, custodiada por los organismos reguladores del orden establecido en el centro. De este modo, la literatura oficia como archivo cultural. A la luz de la concepción de literatura como escritura, es preferible hablar de diseminación, de intertextualidad, de palimpsesto, en vez de recurrir al trajinado concepto de influencias literarias. En tal sentido, Cien años de Soledad se constituye en un canon emergente, un código maestro, un nuevo mapa cultural que permite múltiples lecturas y re-escrituras. El realismo mágico pone en crisis el concepto aristotélico de mimesis del arte verbal y exige una nueva perspectiva de analisis.Según un importante sector de la critica, la obra garciamarquiana en sus diferentes rostros, desde las tempranas producciones del ciclo Macondiano hasta la Summa Amorosa que concluye con Del amor y otros demonios, señala el tránsito de la narrativa colombiana de la modernidad a la posmodernidad . Por cierto, veinte años después del Nobel, su rastro se puede seguir desde el campo novelístico nacional contemporáneo hasta recónditas geografias literarias del globo. El realismo mágico, así como en general la literatura del boom, constituye desde la década del setenta una nueva fórmula de respuesta a la situación posmoderna, dado que reemplaza el antiguo canon colonial hegemónico y sus ecos esencialistas, realistas y nacionalistas posteriores a la independencia, y proporciona una ficción de autorrepresentación de la realidad híbrida del discurso otro latinoamericano, en la que la categoría de lo maravilloso reemplazará a la de lo sublime. Sin duda, Macondo existe, es una región de la memoria. Pero sus límites no son occidentales. Dentro del mapa literario mundial, es vecino de remotos espacios geolingüísticos y geoculturales.AbstractGabriel García Márquez assumes the oral tradition of the homo caribbeans as a symptom of diversity, by an opposition to the universalizing standardization of writing, to use the words of Antillean writer Edouard Glissant, and represents a reaction against the educated culture established by the Western imperial system and kept by the regulating organisms of the established order in the center. Thus, literature represents a cultural file.Following the notion of literature as writing, it is preferable to talk about dissemination, intertextuality, or palimpsest instead of resorting to the overused concept of literary influences. In this sense, One Hundred Years of Solitude becomes an emerging cannon, a master code, a new cultural map that allows multiple readings and re-writings. Magic realism puts into crisis the Aristotelian concept of mimicry of the verbal art and demands a new perspective of analysis. According to an important sector of critique, the Garciamarquian work– in its different phases, from the early productions of the Macondian cycle to the Summa Amorosa that finishes with Love and Other Demons, represents the path of the colombian narrative from the modernism to postmodernism. By the way, twenty years after the Nobel, its path can be followed from the novel national contemporary field to distant literary geographies of the world. Magic realism, as well as in general terms the literature of the boom, makes from the sixties decade a new form of answering to the postmodern situation, because it substitutes the old colonial hegemonic cannon and its essential , realistic and national voices after the independence. It gives a fiction of sel-frepresentation of the hybrid reality of the other Latin American discourse, in which the marvelous category will replaced that of the sublime. With no doubt, Macondo exists, it is a region of the memory. But its borders are not Western, inside the literary world map, it is a neighbor of remote geolinguistics and geocultural spaces.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.


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BACKGROUND: To aid in the differentiation of individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) from healthy controls, numerous peripheral biomarkers have been proposed. To date, no comprehensive evaluation of the existence of bias favoring the publication of significant results or inflating effect sizes has been conducted. METHODS: Here, we performed a comprehensive review of meta-analyses of peripheral nongenetic biomarkers that could discriminate individuals with MDD from nondepressed controls. PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO databases were searched through April 10, 2015. RESULTS: From 15 references, we obtained 31 eligible meta-analyses evaluating biomarkers in MDD (21,201 cases and 78,363 controls). Twenty meta-analyses reported statistically significant effect size estimates. Heterogeneity was high (I2 ≥ 50%) in 29 meta-analyses. We plausibly assumed that the true effect size for a meta-analysis would equal the one of its largest study. A significant summary effect size estimate was observed for 20 biomarkers. We observed an excess of statistically significant studies in 21 meta-analyses. The summary effect size of the meta-analysis was higher than the effect of its largest study in 25 meta-analyses, while 11 meta-analyses had evidence of small-study effects. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that there is an excess of studies with statistically significant results in the literature of peripheral biomarkers for MDD. The selective publication of 'positive studies' and the selective reporting of outcomes are possible mechanisms. Effect size estimates of meta-analyses may be inflated in this literature.


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Understanding the amalgamation mechanisms between mercury and gold is of fundamental interest and importance to many mercury sensing applications. However, there is only limited and piecemeal discussion in the literature of the mechanisms by which Au-Hg amalgams are formed on thin Au films. Here, we present a comprehensive description of a series of morphological changes occurring in a thin polycrystalline Au film during Au-Hg amalgamation investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). These microscopic investigations enable us to offer a coherent explanation for the features and the mechanisms of amalgamation of Hg with Au in the film. We also use an optical technique (fringes of equal chromatic order, FECO) to observe changes in optical thickness and reflectivity of the film. Amalgamation reactions in the film render it inhomogeneous, thus making optical techniques unsuitable as a method for quantitative monitoring of Hg vapor using Au films of this type.


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BACKGROUND: To date no comprehensive evaluation has appraised the likelihood of bias or the strength of the evidence of peripheral biomarkers for bipolar disorder (BD). Here we performed an umbrella review of meta-analyses of peripheral non-genetic biomarkers for BD. METHOD: The Pubmed/Medline, EMBASE and PsycInfo electronic databases were searched up to May 2015. Two independent authors conducted searches, examined references for eligibility, and extracted data. Meta-analyses in any language examining peripheral non-genetic biomarkers in participants with BD (across different mood states) compared to unaffected controls were included. RESULTS: Six references, which examined 13 biomarkers across 20 meta-analyses (5474 BD cases and 4823 healthy controls) met inclusion criteria. Evidence for excess of significance bias (i.e. bias favoring publication of 'positive' nominally significant results) was observed in 11 meta-analyses. Heterogeneity was high for (I 2 ⩾ 50%) 16 meta-analyses. Only two biomarkers met criteria for suggestive evidence namely the soluble IL-2 receptor and morning cortisol. The median power of included studies, using the effect size of the largest dataset as the plausible true effect size of each meta-analysis, was 15.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that there is an excess of statistically significant results in the literature of peripheral biomarkers for BD. Selective publication of 'positive' results and selective reporting of outcomes are possible mechanisms.