982 resultados para increment rings
Within the latest decade high-speed motor technology has been increasingly commonly applied within the range of medium and large power. More particularly, applications like such involved with gas movement and compression seem to be the most important area in which high-speed machines are used. In manufacturing the induction motor rotor core of one single piece of steel it is possible to achieve an extremely rigid rotor construction for the high-speed motor. In a mechanical sense, the solid rotor may be the best possible rotor construction. Unfortunately, the electromagnetic properties of a solid rotor are poorer than the properties of the traditional laminated rotor of an induction motor. This thesis analyses methods for improving the electromagnetic properties of a solid-rotor induction machine. The slip of the solid rotor is reduced notably if the solid rotor is axially slitted. The slitting patterns of the solid rotor are examined. It is shown how the slitting parameters affect the produced torque. Methods for decreasing the harmonic eddy currents on the surface of the rotor are also examined. The motivation for this is to improve the efficiency of the motor to reach the efficiency standard of a laminated rotor induction motor. To carry out these research tasks the finite element analysis is used. An analytical calculation of solid rotors based on the multi-layer transfer-matrix method is developed especially for the calculation of axially slitted solid rotors equipped with wellconducting end rings. The calculation results are verified by using the finite element analysis and laboratory measurements. The prototype motors of 250 – 300 kW and 140 Hz were tested to verify the results. Utilization factor data are given for several other prototypes the largest of which delivers 1000 kW at 12000 min-1.
Background: In longitudinal studies where subjects experience recurrent incidents over a period of time, such as respiratory infections, fever or diarrhea, statistical methods are required to take into account the within-subject correlation. Methods: For repeated events data with censored failure, the independent increment (AG), marginal (WLW) and conditional (PWP) models are three multiple failure models that generalize Cox"s proportional hazard model. In this paper, we revise the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of all three models under simulated scenarios with varying degrees of within-subject correlation, censoring levels, maximum number of possible recurrences and sample size. We also study the methods performance on a real dataset from a cohort study with bronchial obstruction. Results: We find substantial differences between methods and there is not an optimal method. AG and PWP seem to be preferable to WLW for low correlation levels but the situation reverts for high correlations. Conclusions: All methods are stable in front of censoring, worsen with increasing recurrence levels and share a bias problem which, among other consequences, makes asymptotic normal confidence intervals not fully reliable, although they are well developed theoretically.
The pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, an omnivorous, nest guarding North American sunfish, was introduced into European waters about 100 years ago. To assess growth performance following introduction, we reviewed the available data for North American and European populations of pumpkinseed and compared the back-calculated age-specific growth for juveniles (standard length, SL, at age two) and adults (age two to five increment) as well as adult body size (SL at age five), von Bertalanffy growth model parameters and the index of growth (in length) performance (φ′). For continental comparisons of growth trajectory, mean growth curves for North American and Europe were calculated with the von Bertalanffy model using pooled data sets for each continent. Juvenile growth rate did not differ between European and North American pumpkinseed, but mean adult body size and adult growth rate were both significantly greater in North American than European populations. Adult body size decreased with increasing latitude (ANOVA) in North American populations, but this was not observed with adult growth rate. In contrast, adult body size tended to increase with latitude in European populations. Adult body size correlated significantly with φ′. The von Bertalanffy model described the overall growth patterns of North American and European populations reasonably well, but on the individual population level, length asymptotes were unrealistic (estimates that were > 20 % of the mean back-calculated size for the oldest age class) for a third of European populations and 80% of the North American populations. In contrast to North American pumpkinseed populations, somatic growth in European populations appears to be compromised by limited, but adequate, food resources, probably due to strong intraspecific interactions. This appears to be especially acute in adults, having potential ramifications for life span and reproductive allocation
Tämän kvalitatiivisin menetelmin suoritetun tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää, mikä on aineettoman pääoman tila Etelä-Karjalan kunnissa ja mitkä ovat niiden aineettoman pääoman kehittämisen haasteet. Kunnat valittiin tutkimukseen kunta- ja palvelurakenneuudistuslaissa määrätyn kaupunkiseutusuunnitelman velvoitteen rajaamana. Tutkimuksen aineisto perustuu kuntien aineettoman pääoman raportteihin sekä kuntien johdolle tehtyihin puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin. Aineettoman pääoman raporttien analysointi on suoritettu kirjallisuusanalyysina henkilöstötilinpäätösmallia viitekehyksenä käyttäen, teoreettinen viitekehys on muodostettu kirjallisuusanalyysina aineettoman pääoman ja tietojohtamisen tutkimuskirjallisuudesta. Etelä-Karjalan kunnissa aineetonta pääomaa on osaaminen, koulu-tus, kuntien erilaiset prosessit ja järjestelmät sekä yhteistyö erilaisten sidosryhmien kanssa ja kuntien maine. Kehittämishaasteita aineettomalle pääomalle asettaa kuntien henkilöstön eläköityminen, kuntien yhteistyön lisääntyminen ja erilaisten prosessien ja järjestelmien kehittäminen.
The goal of the thesis was to study fundamental structural and optical properties of InAs islands and In(Ga)As quantum rings. The research was carried out at the Department of Micro and Nanosciences of Helsinki University of Technology. A good surface quality can be essential for the potential applications in optoelectronic devices. For such device applications it is usually necessary to control size, density and arrangement of the islands. In order to study the dependence of the structural properties of the islands and the quantum rings on growth conditions, atomic force microscope was used. Obtained results reveal that the size and the density of the In(Ga)As quantum rings strongly depend on the growth temperature, the annealing time and the thickness of the partial capping layer. From obtained results it is possible to conclude that to get round shape islands and high density one has to use growth temperature of 500 ̊C. In the case of formation of In(Ga)As quantum rings the effect of mobility anisotropy is observed that so the shape of the rings is not symmetric. To exclude this effect it is preferable to use a higher annealing temperature of 570 ̊C. Optical properties were characterized by PL spectroscopy. PL emission was observed from buried InAs quantum dots and In(Ga)As quantum rings grown with different annealing time and temperature and covered with a various thickness of the partial capping layer.
Objective: Independently of total caloric intake, a better quality of the diet (for example, conformity to the Mediterranean diet) is associated with lower obesity risk. It is unclear whether a brief dietary assessment tool, instead of full-length comprehensive methods, can also capture this association. In addition to reduced costs, a brief tool has the interesting advantage of allowing immediate feedback to participants in interventional studies. Another relevant question is which individual items of such a brief tool are responsible for this association. We examined these associations using a 14-item tool of adherence to the Mediterranean diet as exposure and body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) as outcomes. Design: Cross-sectional assessment of all participants in the"PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea" (PREDIMED) trial. Subjects: 7,447 participants (55-80 years, 57% women) free of cardiovascular disease, but with either type 2 diabetes or $3 cardiovascular risk factors. Trained dietitians used both a validated 14-item questionnaire and a full-length validated 137-item food frequency questionnaire to assess dietary habits. Trained nurses measured weight, height and waist circumference. Results: Strong inverse linear associations between the 14-item tool and all adiposity indexes were found. For a two-point increment in the 14-item score, the multivariable-adjusted differences in WHtR were 20.0066 (95% confidence interval,- 0.0088 to 20.0049) for women and-0.0059 (-0.0079 to-0.0038) for men. The multivariable-adjusted odds ratio for a WHtR.0.6 in participants scoring $10 points versus #7 points was 0.68 (0.57 to 0.80) for women and 0.66 (0.54 to 0.80) for men. High consumption of nuts and low consumption of sweetened/carbonated beverages presented the strongest inverse associations with abdominal obesity. Conclusions: A brief 14-item tool was able to capture a strong monotonic inverse association between adherence to a good quality dietary pattern (Mediterranean diet) and obesity indexes in a population of adults at high cardiovascular risk.
La principal ventaja de las pilas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFCs) de una sola cámara, frente a las bicamerales convencionales, es que permiten simplificar el diseño del dispositivo y operar con mezclas de hidrocarburos (metano, propano...) y aire, sin necesidad de separar ambos gases, por medio del uso de electrodos selectivos a la oxidación del combustible y reducción del oxidante. En el presente trabajo, se han fabricado monopilas soportadas sobre electrolitos de ceria dopada con gadolinia (GDC), de 200 ¿m de espesor, usando Ni-GDC como ánodo y LSC(La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-¿)-GDC-Ag2O como cátodo. Las propiedades eléctricas de la celda se determinaron en un reactor de una sola cámara, usando mezclas de metano + aire y propano + aire. Se investigó la influencia de la temperatura, de las presiones parciales del combustible y oxígeno, y de la velocidad de flujo total sobre el rendimiento de las pilas preparadas. Así, la densidad de potencia se incrementó fuertemente con el aumento de la temperatura, la velocidad de flujo total y la composición de hidrocarburo. Una vez se optimizaron los parámetros operacionales, la celda presentó unas densidades de potencia máximas de 70 y 320 mW/ cm2, operando con propano a 600ºC y con metano a 795ºC, respectivamente.
Concomitant aortic and mitral valve replacement or concomitant aortic valve replacement and mitral repair can be a challenge for the cardiac surgeon: in particular, because of their structure and design, two bioprosthetic heart valves or an aortic valve prosthesis and a rigid mitral ring can interfere at the level of the mitroaortic junction. Therefore, when a mitral bioprosthesis or a rigid mitral ring is already in place and a surgical aortic valve replacement becomes necessary, or when older high-risk patients require concomitant mitral and aortic procedures, the new 'fast-implantable' aortic valve system (Intuity valve, Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA) can represent a smart alternative to standard aortic bioprosthesis. Unfortunately, this is still controversial (risk of interference). However, transcatheter aortic valve replacements have been performed in patients with previously implanted mitral valves or mitral rings. Interestingly, we learned that there is no interference (or not significant interference) among the standard valve and the stent valve. Consequently, we can assume that a fast-implantable valve can also be safely placed next to a biological mitral valve or next to a rigid mitral ring without risks of distortion, malpositioning, high gradient or paravalvular leak. This paper describes two cases: a concomitant Intuity aortic valve and bioprosthetic mitral valve implantation and a concomitant Intuity aortic valve and mitral ring implantation.
This work describes the formation of transformation products (TPs) by the enzymatic degradation at laboratory scale of two highly consumed antibiotics: tetracycline (Tc) and erythromycin (ERY). The analysis of the samples was carried out by a fast and simple method based on the novel configuration of the on-line turbulent flow system coupled to a hybrid linear ion trap – high resolution mass spectrometer. The method was optimized and validated for the complete analysis of ERY, Tc and their transformation products within 10 min without any other sample manipulation. Furthermore, the applicability of the on-line procedure was evaluated for 25 additional antibiotics, covering a wide range of chemical classes in different environmental waters with satisfactory quality parameters. Degradation rates obtained for Tc by laccase enzyme and ERY by EreB esterase enzyme without the presence of mediators were ∼78% and ∼50%, respectively. Concerning the identification of TPs, three suspected compounds for Tc and five of ERY have been proposed. In the case of Tc, the tentative molecular formulas with errors mass within 2 ppm have been based on the hypothesis of dehydroxylation, (bi)demethylation and oxidation of the rings A and C as major reactions. In contrast, the major TP detected for ERY has been identified as the “dehydration ERY-A”, with the same molecular formula of its parent compound. In addition, the evaluation of the antibiotic activity of the samples along the enzymatic treatments showed a decrease around 100% in both cases
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the relation between body mass index (BMI) and endometrial cancer risk, and to describe the shape of such a relation. DESIGN: Pooled analysis of three hospital-based case-control studies. SETTING: Italy and Switzerland. POPULATION: A total of 1449 women with endometrial cancer and 3811 controls. METHODS: Multivariate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were obtained from logistic regression models. The shape of the relation was determined using a class of flexible regression models. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The relation of BMI with endometrial cancer. RESULTS: Compared with women with BMI 18.5 to <25 kg/m(2) , the odds ratio was 5.73 (95% CI 4.28-7.68) for women with a BMI ≥35 kg/m(2) . The odds ratios were 1.10 (95% CI 1.09-1.12) and 1.63 (95% CI 1.52-1.75) respectively for an increment of BMI of 1 and 5 units. The relation was stronger in never-users of oral contraceptives (OR 3.35, 95% CI 2.78-4.03, for BMI ≥30 versus <25 kg/m(2) ) than in users (OR 1.22, 95% CI 0.56-2.67), and in women with diabetes (OR 8.10, 95% CI 4.10-16.01, for BMI ≥30 versus <25 kg/m(2) ) than in those without diabetes (OR 2.95, 95% CI 2.44-3.56). The relation was best fitted by a cubic model, although after the exclusion of the 5% upper and lower tails, it was best fitted by a linear model. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study confirm a role of elevated BMI in the aetiology of endometrial cancer and suggest that the risk in obese women increases in a cubic nonlinear fashion. The relation was stronger in never-users of oral contraceptives and in women with diabetes. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Risk of endometrial cancer increases with elevated body weight in a cubic nonlinear fashion.
An annual-resolved precipitation reconstruction for the last 800 yr in Southern Spain has been performed using stable carbon isotope (δ13C) of Pinus nigra tree rings. The reconstruction exhibits high- to low-frequency variability and distinguishes a Little Ice Age (LIA, AD 13501850) characterized by lower averaged rainfall than both in the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the LIA and in the 20th century. The driest conditions are recorded during the Maunder solar Minimum (mid 17thearly 18th centuries), in good agreement with the Spanish documentary archive. Similar linkage between solar activity (maximum/minimum) and precipitation (increase/decrease) is observed throughout the entire LIA. Additionally, the relationship between the hydrological pattern in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco during the LIA suggests different spatial distribution of precipitation in the south-eastern sector of the North Atlantic region such as it is known currently. Whereas in the instrumental record the precipitation evolves similarly in both regions and opposite to the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index, the coldest periods of the LIA shows a contrasting pattern with drier conditions in the South of Spain and wetter in Northern Africa. We suggest an extreme negative NAO conditions, accompanied by a southward excursion of the winter rainfall band beyond that observed in the last century, can explain this contrast. The sustained NAO conditions could have been triggered by solar minima and higher volcanic activity during the LIA.
L"augment en l"esperança de vida va associat a un increment significatiu en la incidència de determinades malalties, entre les quals cal destacar les malalties neurodegeneratives per l"alt cost personal, social i econòmic que representen.
Multicellular organisms rely on specialized tissues that allow for the controlled exchange of matter with their surrounding. In order to function properly, these tissues need to establish a tight connection between the individual cells to prevent uncontrolled passive diffusion across the extracellular space. In animals, these connections are called tight and adherens junctions and are a critical feature of epithelia. These connections, however, rely on direct protein-protein interaction of plasma membrane proteins of adjacent cells. Such a mechanism is not possible in plants due to the cell wall, which encases the individual cells. In order to absorb nutrients, while simultaneously preventing uncontrolled diffusion between cells, land plants have evolved the root endodermis, which is functionally equivalent to animal epithelia. Its cells are surrounded by a precisely localized and aligned, ring-like lignin deposition, called the Casparian strip, and therefore tightly connected between each other. Very little was known about the development of the endodermis and the Casparian strip until recently. In the meantime, however, we have identified a family of endodermis- specific proteins, the CASPs, which recruits extracellular proteins the specific Casparian strip membrane domain (CSD) to locally synthesize lignin in the cell wall. Yet, we hardly knew any specifics on how the CSD is initially defined and how the critically important CASPs are being recruited to it. We therefore conducted a forward genetic screen on the localization of CASPI-GFP in order to identify novel mutants, which lack a defined CSD. We identified 48 mutants, which fell into 15 different complementation groups. While some of the isolated genes had previously been identified through different approaches, nine novel genes, which had never been implicated in CSD development and maintenance, were identified. One of them, LORD OF THE RINGS 2 (.LOTR2) is described to greater detail in this work. LOTR2 encodes for EX070A1, a protein of the evolutionary conserved exocyst complex. This complex has frequently been implicated in various secretory processes across kingdoms. In Arabidopsis, it transiently defines the positioning of CASPI-GFP. We have performed a detailed analysis of the dynamics of EX070A1 and CASPI-GFP, including studies with other markers and propose a mechanism, by which the cytosolic EX070A1 transiently defines a plasma membrane domain to recruit transmembrane proteins, which then recruit extracellular enzymes for localized cell wall modification. Considering the ubiquitous expression of EX070A1, we think that this mechanism is potentially of importance not only for the endodermis and the Casparian strip but also for many other tissues, in which the cell wall becomes locally modified. In fact, many other tissues with secondary cell wall modifications contain proteins very similar to the CASPs. It will be interesting to see to which degree this mechanism is employed in other tissues. As for the endodermis, we have now identified the first gene, which is not specific to the endodermis but shows endodermis-specific dynamics. This might give us a better insight on how the plant modulates this ubiquitously present factor in a cell- or tissue-type specific manner. Considering the knowledge, mutants and tools, which are available to us for investigating the endodermis, the Casparian strip, the exocyst complex and EX070A1 might be just the right experimental system to address these questions. -- Les organismes multicellulaires dépendent des tissues spécialisé pour l'échange contrôlé entre eux et leur environnement. Pour leur bon fonctionnement, les cellules de ces tissus ont besoin d'être très étroitement assemblés afin de prévenir la diffusion non-contrôlée à travers l'espace extracellulaire. Chez les animaux, ces connexions sont appelées jonctions serrées et jonctions adhérentes. Ces jonctions dépendent des interactions directes entre les protéines des cellules voisines. Ceci n'est pas possible chez les plantes à cause de la paroi cellulaire qui recouvre chaque cellule individuellement. Pour absorber les nutriments et en même temps empêcher la diffusion non-contrôlé entre cellules, les plantes ont évolué 1'endoderme dans la racine, qui est fonctionnellement équivalent aux épithéliums des animaux. Les cellules de l'endoderme sont ceinturées par une déposition de lignine très précisément localisées comme un anneau et alignées entre les cellules, et qui, donc, connecte étroitement les cellules avoisinante: Le cadre de Caspary. Peu était connu sur le développement de l'endoderme et le cadre de Caspaiy jusqu'à il y a quelques années. Récemment, pourtant, nous avons identifié une famille de protéines spécifiques à l'endoderme, les CASPs, qui définissent le domaine membranaire du cadre de Caspaiy (CSD). Les CASPs recrutent les protéines extracellulaires nécessaire à la synthèse du cadre de Caspary vers une région limité dans la paroi cellulaire. Pourtant, on connaît très peu les processus spécifiques concernant la définition initiale du CSD et comment les CASPs, qui ont une importance cruciale, sont recrutées vers ce domaine. Par conséquent nous avons mené un crible génétique sur la localisation du CASPI- GFP, qui sert comme marqueur pour le CSD. Notre but étant d'isoler de nouveaux mutants affectés dans l'établissement du CSD. Nous avons identifié 48 mutants, en 15 groupes de complémentation. Bien que certains des gènes isolés étaient déjà impliqué dans la formation du cadre de Caspary, neuf nouveaux gènes n'ayant jamais été impliqués dans le développement ou la maintenance du CSD ont pu être identifiés. Un de ces gènes, LORD OF THE RINGS2 (LOTR2) sera décrit plus en détail dans cette étude. LOTR2 code pour EX070A1, qui est une protéine, du complexe exocyste. Ce complexe de protéines a très bien été conservé au cours de l'évolution. Il était souvent impliqué dans plusieurs processus de sécrétion dans toutes les branches de la vie. Chez Arabidopsis, EX070A1 définit la position du CSD d'une façon transitoire et recrute CASP1- GFP. Nous avons mené une analyse détaillée des dynamiques d'EX070Al et CASPI-GFP ainsi que, des études avec des autres mutants. Nous proposons un mécanisme, d'après lequel EX070A1, recruté du cytosol, définit un domaine dans la membrane plasmique pour localiser des protéines transmembranaires, ces dernières ensuite recruteront des enzymes extracellulaires pour la modification locale de la paroi cellulaire. Vu qu'EX070A1 est exprimé dans toute dans la plante, nous pensons que ce mécanisme est potentiellement important non seulement pour l'endoderme et le cadre de Caspary, mais aussi pour les autres tissus où la paroi cellulaire doit être localement modifiée. En effet, plusieurs autres tissus contiennent des protéines très similaires aux CASPs. Il serait intéressant de voir à quelle dégrée ce mécanisme est également utilisé dans ces tissues. En ce qui concerne l'endoderme, nous avons maintenant identifié le premier gène qui n'est pas exprimé spécifiquement dans l'endoderme, mais qui montre tout de même une dynamique caractéristique dans ce tissu. Il serait intéressant de voir comment la plante peut moduler ce facteur omniprésent d'une façon spécifique. Vu les connaissances, les mutants et les outils qu'on a maintenant à notre disposition, l'endoderme et son cadre de Caspary, le complexe exocyste et EX070A1 sont probablement des bons systèmes expérimentaux pour étudier ces questions. -- Identification des nouveaux facteurs pendant l'établissement du cadre de Caspary dans l'endoderme. Lothar Kalmbach, Département de Biologie Moléculaire Végétale (DBMV), Université de Lausanne. Comme tous les autres organismes multicellulaires, les plantes terrestres dépendent de tissus spécialisés pour l'échange contrôlé avec leur environnement. Ces tissus sont importants pour l'absorption des nutriments mais également pour éviter l'influx de composés toxiques. Chez les plantes, ce tissu se trouve dans la racine. C'est l'endoderme. Grâce au cadre de Caspary, qui permet une forte connexion entre les cellules au niveau de leur paroi, l'endoderme empêche les éléments toxiques d'entrer dans le système vasculaire. Depuis quelques années, nous comprenons de plus en plus la nature et la biosynthèse, ainsi que les protéines impliquées dans l'ancrage des enzymes à la membrane plasmique. Nous n'avons eu, par contre, aucune idée sur le mécanisme qui d'abord définit cet endroit dans la membrane plasmique. Nous avons mené un crible génétique sur la localisation de CASPI-GFP, une protéine, qui recrute les enzymes extracellulaires pour la synthèse du cadre de Caspary. Nous avons identifié plusieurs nouveaux gènes qui sont impliqués dans l'intégrité du cadre de Caspary. L'un de ces gènes est EX070A1, qui est un facteur ayant un rôle important lors de la sécrétion des protéines dans tous les organismes eukaryotes. Ces mutants sont gravement affectés au niveau du cadre de Caspary, mais surtout ils ne sont plus capables de localiser CASPI-GFP. Nous avons suivi la dynamique d'EX070Al et de CASP1-GFP en combinaison avec d'autres marqueurs. Nous avons pu montrer que l'accumulation d'EX070Al est spécifique pour l'endoderme et essentielle pour bien localiser CASPI-GFP et donc, le cadre de Caspary. Ces résultats nous aident à mieux comprendre le développement de l'endoderme mais peuvent potentiellement aussi être utilisés pour étudier les modifications de la paroi cellulaire dans d'autres cellules de la plante.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: It is not clear whether symptoms alone can be used to estimate the biologic activity of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). We aimed to evaluate whether symptoms can be used to identify patients with endoscopic and histologic features of remission. METHODS: Between April 2011 and June 2014, we performed a prospective, observational study and recruited 269 consecutive adults with EoE (67% male; median age, 39 years old) in Switzerland and the United States. Patients first completed the validated symptom-based EoE activity index patient-reported outcome instrument and then underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy with esophageal biopsy collection. Endoscopic and histologic findings were evaluated with a validated grading system and standardized instrument, respectively. Clinical remission was defined as symptom score <20 (range, 0-100); histologic remission was defined as a peak count of <20 eosinophils/mm(2) in a high-power field (corresponds to approximately <5 eosinophils/median high-power field); and endoscopic remission as absence of white exudates, moderate or severe rings, strictures, or combination of furrows and edema. We used receiver operating characteristic analysis to determine the best symptom score cutoff values for detection of remission. RESULTS: Of the study subjects, 111 were in clinical remission (41.3%), 79 were in endoscopic remission (29.7%), and 75 were in histologic remission (27.9%). When the symptom score was used as a continuous variable, patients in endoscopic, histologic, and combined (endoscopic and histologic remission) remission were detected with area under the curve values of 0.67, 0.60, and 0.67, respectively. A symptom score of 20 identified patients in endoscopic remission with 65.1% accuracy and histologic remission with 62.1% accuracy; a symptom score of 15 identified patients with both types of remission with 67.7% accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with EoE, endoscopic or histologic remission can be identified with only modest accuracy based on symptoms alone. At any given time, physicians cannot rely on lack of symptoms to make assumptions about lack of biologic disease activity in adults with EoE. ClinicalTrials.gov, Number: NCT00939263.
PURPOSE: We aimed to a) introduce a new Test to Exhaustion Specific to Tennis (TEST) and compare performance (test duration) and physiological responses to those obtained during the 20-m multistage shuttle test (MSST), and b) determine to which extent those variables correlate with performance level (tennis competitive ranking) for both test procedures. METHODS: Twenty-seven junior players (8 males, 19 females) members of the national teams of the French Tennis Federation completed MSST and TEST, including elements of the game (ball hitting, intermittent activity, lateral displacement), in a randomized order. Cardiorespiratory responses were compared at submaximal (respiratory compensation point) and maximal loads between the two tests. RESULTS: At the respiratory compensation point oxygen uptake (50.1 +/- 4.7 vs. 47.5 +/- 4.3 mL.min-1.kg-1, p = 0.02), but not minute ventilation and heart rate, was higher for TEST compared to MSST. However, load increment and physiological responses at exhaustion did not differ between the two tests. Players' ranking correlated negatively with oxygen uptake measured at submaximal and maximal loads for both TEST (r = -0.41; p = 0.01 and -0.55; p = 0.004) and MSST (r = -0.38; P = 0.05 and -0.51; p = 0.1). CONCLUSION: Using TEST provides a tennis-specific assessment of aerobic fitness and may be used to prescribe aerobic exercise in a context more appropriate to the game than MSST. Results also indicate that VO2 values both at submaximal and maximal load reached during TEST and MSST are moderate predictors of players competitive ranking.