966 resultados para greater trochanteric pain syndrome


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Objective: To explore circadian variation in pain, stiffness, and manual dexterity inpatients with hand osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: Twenty one patients with hand OA, as defined by ACR criteria (17 women, four men, mean age 62.2 years, range 52-74 years) self rated pain and stiffness on separate 10 cm horizontal visual analogue scales and performed bead intubation coordinometry (BIC) six times each day (on waking up, at bedtime, and every four hours in between) for 10 consecutive days. Each series (using data with the trend removed if there was a significant trend) was analysed for circadian rhythmicity by a cosine. vector technique (single cosinor). With individual data expressed as the percentage of the mean, group rhythm characteristics at period 24 hours were summarised for each variable by population mean cosinor analysis. Results: Individual analyses identified significant circadian rhythms at pless than or equal to0.05 for pain (n=15/21), stiffness (n=16/20), and dexterity (n=18/21), and a significant circadian rhythm on a group basis was identified for pain (p=0.013), stiffness (p


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Objective To evaluate cardiac electrical function in dogs with tick toxicity. Design A prospective clinical investigation of 39 client-owned dogs treated for naturally occurring tick toxicity. Procedure An ECG was performed on each dog on several occasions; at admission to hospital with tick toxicity, 24 h later, at discharge from hospital when clinically normal and approximately 12 months later. Results The mean QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) was prolonged at admission, 24 h and at discharge compared to the QTc measured 12 months later. T wave morphology was altered in dogs at admission. All other parameters were within normal limits. Conclusions The prolonged QTc interval and altered T wave morphology of dogs with tick toxicity reflects delayed cardiac repolarisation and is comparable with long QT syndrome (LQTS) in people who are predisposed to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and sudden death. Resolution of ECG changes lagged behind clinical recovery.


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Dr. Jules Cotard (1840-1889) was a Parisian neurologist who first described the delire des negations. Cotard's syndrome or Cotard's delusion comprises any one of a series of delusions ranging from the fixed and unshakable belief that one has lost organs, blood, or body parts to believing that one has lost one's soul or is dead. In its most profound form, the delusion takes the form of a professed belief that one does not exist. Encountered primarily in psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Cotard's syndrome has also been described in organic lesions of the nondominant temporoparietal cortex as well as in migraine. Cotard's delusion is the only self-certifiable syndrome of delusional psychosis. Jules Cotard, a Parisian neurologist and psychiatrist and former military surgeon, was one of the first to induce cerebral atrophy by the experimental embolization of cerebral arteries in animals and a pioneer in studies of the clinicopathologic correlates of cerebral atrophy secondary to perinatal and postnatal pathologic changes. He was the first to record that unilateral cerebral atrophy in infancy does not necessarily lead to aphasia and was also the pioneer of studies of altered conscious states in diabetic hyperglycemia.


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Sucrose has been shown to attenuate the behavioural response to painful procedures in human infants undergoing circumcision or blood collection via heelstick. Sucrose has also been found to have a behaviour-modifying effect in neonatal rats exposed to a hot plate. The effect was abolished in neonatal rats by injection of the opioid antagonist naltrexone, suggesting that it was mediated by endogenous opioids. In this experiment, the behaviour of 571 newborn Large White x Landrace hybrid piglets in a specific-pathogen-free piggery of the University of Queensland was recorded during and after the routine management practices of tail docking, ear notching and teeth clipping. Piglets were randomly assigned to receive 1.0 ml of a 12% sucrose solution (treatment group) or a placebo (1.0 ml of air) administered via syringe in the mouth, 60 s before commencement of one of the management procedures. Behaviours were recorded at the time of the procedure, and then 2 min after completion of the procedure. Piglets that received the sucrose solution did not behave significantly differently from piglets receiving the placebo. Regardless of whether sucrose or placebo was administered, piglets undergoing the routine management procedures showed significantly greater behavioural responses than piglets undergoing no procedure. It was concluded that under commercial conditions, a 12% sucrose solution administered I min prior to surgery was not effective in decreasing the behavioural indicators of distress in piglets undergoing routine management procedures, Further research into methods of minimising distress caused to piglets by these procedures is recommended.


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Quantifying the analgesic effect of placebo electrotherapy is an important part of understanding the placebo response in physiotherapy. This repeated measures study of induced ischaemic pain compared reports of pain threshold, pain tolerance, and pain endurance under three conditions: control, placebo interferential, and placebo TENS. Both of the placebo conditions significantly delayed the report of pain threshold. Placebo interferential also delayed pain tolerance. Each placebo condition reduced pain intensity in the 6th minute. Only placebo TENS reduced pain at the 9th minute of ischaemic pain. The nature of pain reduction in the placebo conditions suggests that analgesia was due to learned expectancies and endogenous opioid release. Further research into the impact of positive expectancies of pain relief in our patients could clarify the efficacy of physiotherapy outcomes for pain.


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Objective. A pilot investigation of the influence of different force levels on a treatment technique's hypoalgesic effect. Design. Randomised single blind repeated measures. Background. Optimisation of such biomechanical treatment variables as the point of force application, direction of force application and the level of applied manual force is classically regarded as the basis of best practice manipulative therapy. Manipulative therapy is frequently used to alleviate pain, a treatment effect that is often studied directly in the neurophysiological, paradigm and seldom in biomechanical research. The relationship between the level of force applied by a technique (e.g. biomechanics) and its hypoalgesic effect was the focus of this study. Method. The experiment involved the application of a lateral glide mobilisation with movement treatment technique to the symptomatic elbow of six subjects with lateral epicondylalgia. Four different levels of force, which were measured with a flexible pressure-sensing mat, were randomly applied while the subject performed a pain free grip strength test. Results. Standardised manual force data varied from 0.76 to 4.54 N/cm, lower-upper limits 95 Cl, respectively. Pain free grip strength expressed as a percentage change from pre-treatment values was significantly greater with manual forces beyond 1.9 N/cm (P = 0.014). Conclusions. This study, albeit a pilot, provides preliminary evidence that in terms of the hypoalgesic effect of a mobilisation with movement treatment technique, there may be an optimal level of applied manual force.


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Manual therapy, exercise and education target distinct aspects of chronic low back pain and probably have distinct effects, This study aimed to determine the efficacy of a combined physiotherapy treatment that comprised all of these strategies. By concealed randomisation, 57 chronic low back pain patients were allocated to either the four-week physiotherapy program or management as directed by their general practitioners, The dependent variables of interest were pain and disability. Assessors were blind to treatment group. Outcome data from 49 subjects (86%) showed a significant treatment effect. The physiotherapy program reduced pain and disability by a mean of 1.5/10 points on a numerical rating scale (95% CI 0.7 to 2.3) and 3.9 points on the 18-point Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (95% CI 2 to 5.8), respectively. The number needed to treat in order to gain a clinically meaningful change was 3 (95% CI 3 to 8) for pain, and 2 (95% CI 2 to 5) for disability. A treatment effect was maintained at one-year follow-up. The findings support the efficacy of combined physiotherapy treatment in producing symptomatic and functional change in moderately disabled chronic low back pain patients.


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Abnormal patterns of trunk muscle activity could affect the biomechanics of spinal movements and result in back pain. The present study aimed to examine electromyographic (EMG) activity of abdominal and back muscles as well as triaxial torque output during isometric axial rotation at different exertion levels in back pain patients and matched controls. Twelve back pain patients and 12 matched controls performed isometric right and left axial rotation at 100%, 70%, 50%, and 30% maximum voluntary contractions in a standing position. Surface EMG activity of rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum and multifidus were recorded bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were measured. Results showed that there was a trend (P = 0.08) of higher flexion coupling torque during left axial rotation exertion in back pain patients. Higher activity for external oblique and lower activity for multifidus was shown during left axial rotation exertion in back pain group when compared to the control group. In right axial rotation, back pain patients exhibited lesser activity of rectus abdominis at higher levels of exertion when compared with matched controls. These findings demonstrated that decreased activation of one muscle may be compensated by overactivity in other muscles. The reduced levels of activity of the multifidus muscle during axial rotation exertion in back pain patients may indicate that spinal stability could be compromised. Future studies should consider these alternations in recruitment patterns in terms of spinal stability and internal loading. The findings also indicate the importance of training for coordination besides the strengthening of trunk muscles during rehabilitation process. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report a case of a patient with the triad of retinoblastoma, dysplastic naevus syndrome (DNS) and multiple cutaneous melanomas. The combination of retinoblastoma and DNS is a significant risk factor for the development of cutaneous melanoma. This risk extends to family members. We recommend that survivors of (inherited) retinoblastoma and their relatives are closely screened for the presence of dysplastic naevi. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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Inconclusive findings have been shown in previous studies comparing lumbar range of movement (LROM) and lumbar lordosis between back pain patients and healthy subjects. In these studies, confounding variables such as age, gender, height, obesity, and pain level were usually not well controlled. The present study aimed to compare LROM and lumbar lordosis between back pain patients and matched controls. Fifteen male back pain patients and 15 age-, height-, obesity-, and physical activity-matched male controls were investigated. To minimize the effect of pain on the measurements, only patients with minimal or no pain at the time of testing were included in the study. Inclinometer technique was used for the evaluation of LROM in flexion, extension and lateral flexion as well as lumbar lordosis. A lumbar rotameter was used for measuring axial rotation. Pelvic motion was limited by a pelvic restraint device during LROM measurements. Results showed that there were no significant differences between the back pain and control groups in flexion, extension, lateral flexion and axial rotation LROM and also in lumbar lordosis. This may indicate that when a back pain patient is not in pain, LROM and lumbar lordosis may not be the measures that distinguish between back pain patients and subjects without back pain.


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Cushing's syndrome is associated with hypertension in approximately 80% of cases. Hypertension contributes to the marked increased mortality risk of past or current Cushing's syndrome, largely because of increased cardiovascular risk. Observation of the pathophysiological effect of chronically elevated ACTH and cortisol values in patients with ectopic ACTH secretion complements the available data from acute studies of the effects of ACTH and glucocorticoid infusions in normal volunteers. In a retrospective case review, we identified 58 patients with Cushing's syndrome caused by ectopic ACTH secretion, who were treated at the National Institutes of Health between 1983-1997. The diagnosis of an ectopic ACTH cause was confirmed by inferior petrosal sinus sampling and/or pathologic examination of tumor. The commonest causes were bronchial carcinoid (40%) and thymic carcinoid (10%), but 18 of 58 (31%) patients had an unknown source of ectopic ACTH. Hypertension (systolic blood pressure >140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure >90 mmHg in adults) was noted in 45 of 58 (78%) ectopic Cushing's patients, a prevalence similar to that noted in other endogenous Cushing's syndrome etiologies. Hypertension was severe, deemed to require 3 or more drugs by the treating physicians, in 26 of 58 (45%) patients. Hypokalemia was much more prevalent than in patients with other causes of Cushing's syndrome, affecting 33 of 58 (57%) patients. The range of plasma ACTH (17-1557 pg/mL, normal


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Purpose: The aims of the present study were to examine electromyographic (EMG) activity of six bilateral trunk muscles during maximal contraction in three cardinal planes, and to determine the direction of contraction that gives maximal activation for each muscle. both for healthy subjects and back-pain patients. Methods: Twenty-eight healthy subjects and 15 back-pain patients performed maximum voluntary contractions in three cardinal planes, Surface EMG signals were recorded from rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum, and multifidus bilaterally. Root mean square values of the EMG data were calculated to quantify I the amplitude of EMG signals. Results: For both healthy subjects and back-pain patients. one single direction of contraction was found to give the maximum EMG signals for most muscles. Rectus abdominis demonstrated maximal activity in trunk flexion, external oblique in lateral flexion. internal oblique in axial rotation, and multifidus in extension. For the latissimus dorsi and iliocostalis lumborum. maximal activity was demonstrated in more than one cardinal plane. Conclusion: This study has implications for future research involving normalization of muscle activity to maximal levels required in many trunk EMG studies. As the latissimus dorsi and iliocostalis lumborum demonstrate individual differences in the plane that gives maximal activity, these muscles may require testing in more than one plane.