889 resultados para glutathione reductase
沙棘广泛分布于亚欧大陆的温带地区和亚洲亚热带的高海拔地区。沙棘能适应多种生态环境,能耐受多种逆境(如干旱、低温、高温和盐害等)。在中国,沙棘常常被用作植被恢复中的先锋树种而大量栽培。本文以中国沙棘为试验材料,探索沙棘适应干旱机制,以及沙棘对干旱胁迫的适应机制是否存在种群间的差异,同时试图通过分析干旱胁迫下沙棘叶片蛋白质表达变化探索沙棘适应干旱胁迫的分子机理。 对三个分别来自低海拔湿润地区、低海拔干旱地区和高海拔湿润地区的中国沙棘种群进行干旱胁迫处理。干旱胁迫能提高根冠比,比叶面积,降低平均叶面积和总生物量,提高沙棘的抗氧化性酶活性、脯氨酸含量、脱落酸(ABA)含量、降低光合作用,提高长期用水效率。实验中的这两个低海拔种群比高海拔种群抵抗干旱的能力更强,不同的种群采用了不同的策略来耐受干旱胁迫和过氧化胁迫。 在2004 年度的实验中,干旱胁迫处理下,高海拔湿润种群(道孚种群)严重失水,生长也受到更大的抑制,非气孔因素在抑制光合作用方面占支配地位,抗坏血酸含量下降,ABA和脯氨酸含量增加幅度比九寨沟种群的要高,这可能是因为道孚种群严重失水而引起的;而低海拔湿润种群(九寨沟种群)的体内水分状况几乎不受干旱的影响,生长情况也较道孚种群要好。 在2005 年度的试验中,和高海拔湿润地区种群(道孚)相比较,低海拔干旱地区种群(定西)在叶片相对水含量、根冠比、抗氧化酶活性(过氧化氢酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶)、保护性物质(脯氨酸,脱落酸)含量等方面都要高,光能热耗散能力也更强,而且气体交换参数(气孔扩散阻力和胞间CO2浓度等)对干旱也更不敏感。 分析了干旱胁迫下沙棘叶片蛋白质表达的变化。共发现319 个蛋白质,有4 个蛋白在干旱胁迫下消失(Putative ABCtransporter ATP-binding protein 、Hypothetical proteinXP-515578,热激蛋白Hslu219 和一个没得到鉴定的蛋白),4 个只在干旱胁迫下出现(没命名的蛋白质产物,对甲基苯-丙酮酸双加氧酶,NTrX 和一个没得到鉴定的蛋白),46 个蛋白质的表达丰度变化显著,包括32 个干旱负调蛋白,14 个干旱正调蛋白(3 个Rubisco 的大亚基、J-type–co-chaperone Hsc20、putative protein DSM3645-2335、putative acyl-COA 脱氢酶、nesprin-2 和两个没有得到鉴定的蛋白质)。这些蛋白质参与了氮代谢调控、抗氧化行物质的合成、脂肪酸β-氧化、核骨架构造、[Fe-S]基团组装、物质跨膜运输、细胞分裂或作为分子伴侣和蛋白质酶起作用。putative ABC transporter ATP-binging protein、NtrX、nesprin-2 和Hslu 是本试验新发现的高等植物蛋白,我们主要从它们的保守结构域或在其他生物中的同源物来猜测它们的功能。实验结果为我们研究植物抗干旱机制提供了新线索和新视野。 Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) is widly distributed throughtout the temperatureresiogn of Europe and Asia and sub-tropical plateau zone of Asia. H. rhamnoides can adapatseveral different environments, and can tolerant several envioronmental stresses (e.g, lowtemperature, high temperature, drought and salty). It has been widely used in forest restoration asthe pioneer species in China. In present study, we applied H.rhamnoides subsp. Sinensis asexperimental materials to study its drought-tolerant mechanism, and expected to findpopulational difference in drought-tolerant mechanism that may exist among populations, and tryto get some insight in drought-tolerant mechanism of it at morecular level through analyzing thechange of leaf protein expression. Three populations from high altitude wet zone, low altitude wet zone and low altitude arid znoe,respectively, were applied in our experiment, and were subjected to drought. Drought increasedthe root/shoot ratio(RS), special leaf area, long-term water use efficinency, activity of antioxidantenzymes, proline content and abscisic acid (ABA) content, declined the net photosynthesis rate(A), average leaf area (ALA), total biomass (TB). Both two low altitude populations were moredrought-tolerant than the high altitude population, and different population applied differentstratedgies to tolerant oxidant stress and drought stress. The results of the exprement in 2004 showed that Daofu population was more drought-sensitivethan Jiuzhai population. Under drought conditions, leaf relative water content (RWC) greatlydecreased in Daofu population, but not in Jiuzhai population. The large loss of water in Daofupopulation resulted in a limitation on A mainly caused by non-stomatal factors, severer suppression in growth rate and a significant reduction in ascorbic acid (AsA) content, comparedwith Jiuzhai population. The greater increase in content of ABA and proline in Daofu populationmay be also induced by large loss in water, so that enable plants to cope with sever drought. In the exprement of 2005, drought significantly increased RS, activities of catalase (CAT),peroxidase (POD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and alsosignificantly increased ABA and proline contents. On the other hand, compared with Daofupopulation, drought induced larger RS and activities of CAT, GPX and APX, and higher ABAcontent in Dingxi population, whereas gas exchange traits, e.g., stomatal limitation value (LS) andintercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), were less responsive to drought in Dingxi population thanthose in Daofu population. All these factors enable Dingxi population to tolerant drought betterthan Daofu population. The leaf protein profile of seabuchthorn subjected to drought was analyzed. Altogether 319proteins were detected in well-watered sample, four proteins disappeard by drought (putativeABCtransporter ATP-binding protein, hypothetical protein XP-515578, Hslu219and aunidentified protein), four only appeared under drought (a probable nitrogen regulation protein(NtrX), a 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase , an unnamed protein product and an identified protein), 32 drought down-regulated proteins, and 14 drought up-regulated proteins (nine wereidentified: three large subunits of Rubisco, a hypothetical protein DSM3645-23351, a putativeacyl-COA dehydrogenase, a nesprin-2, a J-type-co-chaperone HSC20 and two unmatchedproteins). These proteins may involve in β-oxidation, cross-membrane transport, cell division,cytoskeleton stabilization, iron-sulfur cluster assembly, nitrogen metabolism regulation andantioxidant substance biosynthesis or function as molecular chaperone or protease. Four proteins(a putative ABC transporter ATP-binging protein, NtrX, nesprin-2, Hslu) were new found in highplants, and their functions were estimated from their conserved domain or their homologues inother organism. Our results provided new clue and new insight for us to study thedrought-tolerant mechanism in plants.
维生素(Vitamin)又称维他命,为“万年青”产品,是维持人体生命健康必需的一类低分子有机化合物质。维生素对人体健康的作用人们研究很多, 维生素可以增强人体对感染的抵抗力,降低出生缺陷及降低癌症和心脏病发病率等,一旦缺乏,肌体代谢就会失去平衡,免疫力下降,各种疾病,病毒就会趁虚而入;而维生素对作物影响的研究却很少。目前为止,尚无对用维生素浸种的方法来研究外源维生素是否对小麦种子萌发及幼苗生长起调节作用的报道,且对其在小麦抗逆性方面影响的研究甚少,对盐的胁迫抗性研究尚未有人报道。小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)属于拒盐的淡土性作物。盐害不利于小麦生长,严重影响小麦的产量和品质。本研究采用4 种不同维生素VB1、VC、VB6、VPP,分别对供试小麦品种川育12(红皮)、川育16(白皮)小麦浸种后,在一般自然条件下和逆境(盐胁迫条件)下,进行试验。探讨在正常情况下与在不同盐浓度条件下,各维生素及盐浓度对小麦发芽及幼苗生长的影响,并且比较两种不同皮色的小麦在相同盐胁迫条件下的差异表现,同时研究维生素处理的特异性,且哪种维生素对盐害缓解作用最佳。研究结果表明:在无盐胁迫(自然)条件下,对用4 种不同维生素VB1、VC、VB6、VPP 浸种小麦川育12、川育16 后的种子萌发及幼苗生长(幼苗的根长、根重、苗高、苗鲜重)的研究结果表明:4 种外源维生素浸种均对小麦发芽有调节作用,都能提高其最终发芽率。但是提高幅度有所差异。用VB6 浸种后的小麦提高幅度最多,VC 次之,VPP 提高幅度最小。同时,4 种外源维生素浸种对小麦种子的出芽速度及芽后长势也有一定的影响。VB6、VC 处理的小麦种子出芽速度最快,萌发后长势最好;VB1 出芽速度相对较慢,VPP 最慢,但都大于对照;VB1 处理长势略高于对照,VPP 处理的小麦长势则低于对照。从整体来看,VB6、VC处理促进效应明显, VB1 次之,而VPP 在某些方面无效甚至产生负效应。此外,相同的维生素处理对不同的品种的种子萌发、生长效果也存在差异,各种维生素作用于川育12 的效应均强于对川育16。进一步对幼苗根系TTC 还原力及幼苗叶片中硝酸还原酶活性进行测定、分析。研究发现:并非所有种类的维生素对幼苗根系TTC 还原力及幼苗叶片中硝酸还原酶活性的提高都有帮助。幼苗根系TTC 还原力在不同维生素处理下存在显著差异,而与小麦品种关系甚微。经VB6、VC 处理后,根系TTC 还原力测定值均显著高于对照,VB1 不明显,VPP 则略低于对照。VB6、VC 处理的幼苗叶片中硝酸还原酶的含量大于对照,VB1 与对照相差无几,而VPP 处理的川育12 幼苗叶片中的硝酸还原酶活性比对照CK 略高,而在川育16 中则略比对照CK 有所下降,呈现出抑制效应。综上结果表明:VB6、VC 具有促进种子发芽,幼苗生长及根系生长的作用,是较好的促生长剂;VPP 具有抑制作用,是较好的抑制剂,可进一步研究、开发利用。在盐胁迫条件下,对用4 种不同维生素VB1、VC、VB6、VPP 浸种川育12、川育16 后的种子萌发及幼苗生长(幼苗的根长、根重、苗高、苗鲜重)的研究结果表明:在不同盐浓度胁迫条件下, 各处理的种子萌发及幼苗生长均受到不同程度的抑制。随着盐浓度的增加, 发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数成下降趋势;幼苗的根长、根重、苗高、苗鲜重不断降低。4 种维生素处理间也表现出较大差异。VB6、VC 在每个处理中均保持对盐害的缓解作用,VB6 较VC 更易于促进发芽及幼苗生长。最终发芽率高,根系多、长、重,苗高高、重。而VB1、VPP 则表现出抑制作用。在高盐浓度150mM 时,4 种维生素浸种后的种子,其最终发芽率均不能达到40%,但VB6、VC 处理最终发芽率、苗重、根重均高于对照,VPP 最终发芽率、苗重、根重均低于对照。进一步对幼苗根系TTC 还原力及幼苗叶片中脯氨酸含量进行测定、分析。研究发现:不同盐浓度,不同维生素处理、不同品种间存在差异。随着盐浓度的增加(75mM,100mM,150mM),幼苗根系TTC 还原力活性成下降趋势,幼苗叶片中脯氨酸的积累量成上升趋势。VB6 处理脯氨酸含量增加最为明显,VC 次之,VPP 与对照接近,其变化幅度最小。经VB6、VC 处理后的幼苗根系还原强度,在不同盐浓度下,测定值均显著高于对照,VB1 不明显,VPP 则低于对照,产生负效应。此外,品种间表现不尽相同,相同的维生素处理,相同的盐浓度对不同的品种的种子萌发、生长效果也存在差异, 4 种维生素对川育16 的作用均强于川育12,但其影响趋势是一致的。说明VB6、VC 具有耐(抗)盐性,可以促进种子发芽和幼苗生长,是较好的耐(抗)盐拌种剂。 Vitamin is one kind of necessary low molecular compound for humans tosustain health and life. Lots of Studies have been done on the effectc of the vitaminsfor people. Vitamin can help people improve the body's natural resistance to disease,Drop the rate of birth defects、cacers and the incidence of the heart diseases. Ifpeople have less of them, the metabolism of the organism may throw off balance,immunity may drop off, and catch disease; Though the effects for Vitamin to thecrops are limited. up to now, there’s no one use soking seeds of wheats with vitaminsas a method, to study on how the effects will happen on the wheat seed germinationand seedling growth, and there are only few reserches on antireversion force forwheats ,none for the antireversion force in Sault stress condition.Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)is sensitive to the salt, so the salt damage will doharm to wheat’s growth, it will have an unfavorable impact on the output and thequality of wheat.On this reaserch, we Soaking CHY12(red)、CHY16 (white) wheat seeds withVitamin C, B1, PP, B6 (50mg/L) as a pretreatment first. Then under two condition: one is in the normal environment the other is in different Salinity, we begin ourexperiments. Then disscuss on if the vitamin and salinity affect the wheat seedgermination and seedling growth, and what is the different between the two of them,the result shows that:Under the normal condition, after soaking seeds with VB1、VC、VB6、Vpp,we study on the their seed germination and the seeding growth(the root length andweights, The seedling heights and weights), it shows that all of those four kinds ofvitamin can adjust the seed germination, but different in The growth rate. VB6 isbest for increase, VC comes second,VPP is the worst. Meanwhile, those four vitaminalso have effect on the speed of the sprouting of the wheat. VB6、Vc can faster theseed germination most, and the seedlings are all doing well; VB1 do little effects onthe budding, Vpp is the worst, but all treatments are better than CK; but in Vi, VB1some what above the CK, while VPP lower than that. On the whole, the acceleratingeffect of VB6、VC are obvious, VB1 takes second place, but VPP in some aspects arenoneffective even have negative effect. Furthermore, different kind of seeds with thesame vitamin may different in seed germination and seedling growth, four vitaminson CHY16 is better than CHY12.More studies on TTC reductive capacity of roots and the activity of nitratereductase in the leaves, the reasult shows not all the vitamin can help the seedlings toimprove the TTC reductive capacity and the activity of nitrate reductase. TTCreductive capacity in different treatments shows significant differences,but notcorrelate to the variety of the wheat. The TTC reductive capacity of VB6、Vctreatments are all higher than CK, VB1 is nearly the same as CK, VPP is a littlelower than CK. Through the study of acivity of nitrate reductase, it shows that,VB6、VC are higher than CK ,VB1 is nearly the same as CK also, VPP is a little higher inthe CK of CHY12 but lower in CHY16. Through all the results above: VB6、Vc helpthe wheat seed germination, seedling growth and the growth of roots, is theperfectable factor of stimulating the growth; Vpp is a inhibition, that’ll be furtherreserch,and well develop and utilize in the future.Under the different Salinity condition, after soaking seeds with VB1、VC、VB6、Vpp,we study on the their seed germination and the seeding growth(the root lengthand weights, The seedling heights and weights), it shows that: under differentsalinity, the seed germination and the seedling growth of any treatment are inhibited.With the increase of the concentration, the germination rate, Vi、Gi all had fallen; theroot length and weight, the seedling heights and weights steadily sank down. There are also have pronounced difference between all treatments with four differentvitamins.VB6、VC in all treatments are alleviative the salt damage, VB6 is easier tocause to put forth buds than VC, and it’s quantitative value is the highest in theultimate germination rate, in root and seedlings’ hight and weight. Though the VPP、VB1 are seems to inhibite its growth. Under the high concentration150mM Nacl, theultimate germination rate in all treatments are below the 40%, but VB6、VC’squantitative values in any experiments are higher than CK,while VPP lower thanCK.Then we study on the TTC reductive capacity of roots and the content of Polinein leaves, the result shows that between the different salinity, different vitamintreatments, different varieties of the wheat have discrepancy.along with theincreasing concentraion of the salinity(75mM,100mM,150mM),TTC reductivecapacity of roots decreases, the accumulation of the content of Poline in leaves havean upward trend. The increase of VB6’s treatment are obviously, VC comessecond,VPP is nearly come up with CK, changes a little. In TTC reductive capacity of roots’s reserch, VB6、VC are higher than CK at any time,VB1 is not palpable,VPP is lower than CK, makes negative affect on wheat. In addition, varieties of thewheats are remain different, no matter it shows promoting or inhibiting, all fourvitamins have moreobvious effects on CHY16 than CHY12, but the tendency of theeffection are the same. It is say that VB6、VC can help wheat to standwith the saultwell, and promot in growth,they are the better reagent to mix with the seed.
经过细心的条件选择实现了无甲烷条件下甲烷氧化菌沼气甲基弯菌81Z(methylosinus methanica 81Z)利用C2化合物的生长,同时 发现二碳代谢中间产物甘氨酸的胞外积累及对生长的抑制作用。又在此基础上从81Z原种中富集得到一株菌81Z-A,兼性生长能力大 幅度提高,而且除乙酸外又能利用丙酮酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸、葡萄糖而生长。对细胞氧化各种有机底物时氧吸收的测定及酶分析结 果发现了在其它甲烷氧化细菌中未曾发现的异柠檬酸裂解酶和苹果酸酶的存在,表明81Z除了具有通常II型菌的碳代谢途径外,具 有特殊的补偿代谢途径——乙醛酸支路以及从乙酸生糖的回补途径。因此推证其兼性生长的能力是固有的,从而说明了甲烷氧化菌 的专一性概念没有普遍意义。说明了81Z还能在含有二碳的培养基中厌氧生长,包括细胞的分裂和增值行为。虽然这种厌氧生长还 很弱,但至少可以说明它不是严格好氧的,这对于传统的关于甲烷氧化菌的严格好氧的概念是一个冲击。81Z正常条件下是利用甲 烷而生长的,当供给它乙酸、乙醛酸和丝氨酸时能促进含C-C键有机物氧化的活性,而对甲烷单加氧酶和其它C2化合物的氧化有抑 制或阻遏作用,对碳同化的丝氨酸途径的关键酶羟基丙酮酸还原酶有阻抑作用。同时也证明了81Z的甲烷单加氧酶和甲醇氧化活性 可被甲烷、甲醇所诱导,而因甲酸而降低。The growth of Methylosinus methanica 81Z on C2-compounds without methane was realized by selecting suitable conditions. The intermediate product Gly from its C2 metabolism was found to accumulate out cells and inhibit its growth. 81Z-A, which was obtained from 81Z by richening, could grow on C2- compounds rapidly. It can even grow on pyruvate, malate, citrate and glucose. The results of measurements of oxygen consumption by cell suspensions in the presence of various organic compounds and the results of enzyme assays of detected activities of isocitrate lyaze and malic enzyme in cell extracts which were not found in other methantrophs showed that 81Z possesses not only the regular carbon metabalic pathways but also some peculiar anaplerotic pathways--the glyoxylate cycle and the gluconeogenic pathway from acetate. As a consequence of these studies, its ability of facultative growth is inherent. Therefore, the concept of obligate dependence on C2- compounds of methanotrophs is not of universal significance. The ability of 81Z's growth(including desintegration and proliferation behaviour) on C2-compounds anaerobically was also demonstrated. Despite of the weakness of this growth, at least it could be said that 81Z is not strictly aerobic. This is a strike to the traditonal concept about the strictly aerobic action of methanotrophs. Regularly, 81Z grows on methane. The presence of acetate, glyoxylate and serine could increaze its ability of oxidizing the organic coumpounds containing C-C ponds. In contrast, they could inhibit the activities of MMO and other C2-compounds oxidation, they also repressed the key enzyme hydroxypyruvate reductase of the serine-pathway for carbon assimilation. At the some time, it was testified that the activities of MMO and methanol oxidation were inducible by methane or methanol and were lower in the presence of formate.
探讨了N-乙酰半胱氨酸(N-acetylcysteine,NAC)对12C6+离子照射小鼠损伤的保护效应及可能的作用机制。预先给予昆明小鼠NAC(200mg/kg),后进行12C6+离子束4Gy的单次全身照射。照射后2h处死小鼠,取肝、肺组织,用化学法检测组织中超氧化物岐化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD)的活性,谷胱甘肽(Glutathione,GSH)含量及脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)水平;用碱性单细胞凝胶电泳法检测DNA单链断裂;用流式细胞术检测组织细胞凋亡率。与照射对照组相比,提前给予NAC可极显著地减轻12C6+离子导致的肝、肺组织中DNA断裂(p<0.001)和细胞凋亡(p<0.001),并显著地提高组织中GSH的含量;NAC还明显地抑制了肺组织中碳离子辐照所致的MDA水平增高(p<0.01)并显著地诱导了组织中SOD活性的升高(p<0.01)。提示NAC可通过抵御组织内的氧化作用,合成、补充GSH的含量,阻止DNA链的断裂和细胞的凋亡,实现对碳离子辐照损伤的保护效应。
用12C6+离子束对小鼠进行吸收剂量分别为0.05、0.1、0.3、0.5、0.75、1、1.5、2Gy的一次性全身照射,5d后测定血清及肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性和丙二醛(Maleicdialdehyde,MDA)含量,以及脑组织中还原性谷胱甘肽(Glutathione,GSH)的浓度。结果显示,吸收剂量小于0.75Gy小鼠的血清及肝脏中SOD活性高于对照组,大于0.75Gy则低于对照组;吸收剂量小于0.3Gy小鼠的血清及肝脏中MDA含量小于对照组,大于0.3Gy则大于对照组;吸收剂量小于0.5Gy小鼠的脑组织GSH浓度大于对照组,大于0.5Gy则小于对照组。低剂量的重离子全身辐照对小鼠的抗氧化系统有一定的激活作用,随着照射剂量的增大,抗氧化酶活性明显降低,脂质过氧化水平增高。
The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effects of different doses and administration modes of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) against X-ray-induced liver damage in mice. Kun-Ming mice were divided into four groups, each composed of six animals: two control groups and two NAC-treated groups. An acute study was carried out to determine alterations in lipid peroxidation (determined by measuring malondiadehyde (MDA) level), glutathione (GSH) content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (assayed by colorimetric method), and DNA damage (characterized by DNA-single strand break using with comet assay) as well as cell apoptosis (measured by flow cytometry) at 12 h after irradiation. The results showed that there were dose-related decreases in MDA level, DNA damage and cell apoptosis, and dose-dependent increases in GSH content and SOD activity in all NAC-treated groups compared to control groups, indicating that pre-treatment or post-treatment with NAC significantly attenuates the acute liver damage caused by X-ray. In addition, significant positive correlations were observed between MDA level and DNA damage or cell apoptosis, implying that lipid peroxidation plays a major role in X-ray-induced liver injury. The data suggest that NAC exerts its radioprotective effect by counteracting accumulated reactive oxygen species in the liver through its properties as a direct antioxidant and a GSH precursor, when administered before or after X-ray irradiation.
To investigate effects of nitric oxide on cellular radio-sensitivity, three human glioma cell lines, i.e. A172, A172 transfected green fluorescence protein (EGFP) gene (EA172) and A172 transfected inducible nitric oxide synthesis (iNOS) gene (iA72), were irradiated by C-12(6+) ions to 0, 1 or My. Productions of nitric oxide and glutathione (GSH) in A172, EA172 and iA172 were determined by chemical methods, cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry at the 24th hour after irradiation, and survival fraction of the cells was measured by colorimetric MTT assay at the 5th day after irradiation. The results showed that the concentrations of nitric oxide and GSH in iA172 were significantly higher than in A172 and EA172; the G(2)/M stage arrest induced by the C-12(6+) ion irradiation was observed in A172 and EA172 but not in iA172 at the 24th hour after exposure; and the survival fraction of iA172 was higher than that of EA172 and iA172. Data suggest that the radio-sensitivity of the A172 was reduced after the iNOS gene transfection. The increase of GSH production and the change of cellular signals such as the cell cycle control induced by nitric oxide may be involved in this radio-resistance.
The aim of this work is to identify if there is sex specificity on C-12(6+) ion-induced oxidative damage in mouse lung at different time points. Kun-Ming mice were divided into two groups, each composed of six males and six females: control group and irradiation group with a single acute dose of 4 Gy. Animals were sacrificed at 2, 4 and 12 h respectively, there lungs were removed immediately, and the oxidative stress-related biomarkers were measured by Diagnostic Reagent Kits. The results showed that the relative activities of superoxide dismutase (4 h), catalase (2 h) and Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (12 h) have significant changes (P < 0.05) between male groups and female groups, suggesting that the lungs of male mice are more sensitive to counteracting the oxidative challenge. Moreover, higher levels of malondiadehyde and lower contents of glutathione were also found in males, indicating that oxidative stress induced by C-12(6+) ion is pronounced in the lungs of males. We thought that these sex-responded differences may be attributed to the influence of sex hormones.
The study on the response of a mutant and a wild type of Arabidopsis to 660 μl·L -1 CO 2 and ambient CO 2 showed that under elevated CO 2,the stomatal numbers of the mutant increased,while those of the wild type decreased. The chlorophyll content and NR (nitrate reductase) activity of the mutant increased,but those of the wild type had no obvious response. The mutant was not reproductively mature after the continuous exposure to increased CO 2 for five months. The results provided evidence of plant response to the changes of atmospheric CO 2 concentration,and the clues to related studies on other plants.
Herein, a sensitive and selective sensor for biothiols based on the recovered fluorescence of the CdTe quantum dots (QDs)-Hg(II) system is reported. Fluorescence of QDs could be quenched greatly by Hg(II). In the presence of biothiols, such as glutathione (GSH), homocysteine (Hcy), and cysteine (Cys), however, Hg(H) preferred to react with them to form the Hg(II)-S bond because of the strong affinity with the thiols of biothiols rather than quenching the fluorescence of the QDs. Thus, the fluorescence of CdTe QDs was recovered. The restoration ability followed the order GSH > Hcy > Cys due to the decreased steric hindrance effect. A good linear relationship was obtained from 0.6 to 20.0 mu mol L-1 for GSH and from 2.0 to 20.0 mu mol L-1 for Cys, respectively. The detection limits of GSH and Cys were 0.1 and 0.6 mu mol L-1, respectively. In addition, the method showed a high selectivity for Cys among the other 19 amino acids. Furthermore, it succeeded in detecting biothiols in the Hela cell.
The homogeneous electrocatalytic reduction of 1,2-diiodoethane by anions of the supramolecular complex of (beta-CD)(2)/C-60 in DMF solution is reported. The results show that the trianion of (beta-CD)(2)/C-60 exhibits electrocatalytic behavior towards the reduction of 1,2-diiodoethane, whereas the diani on is unable to reduce the diiodoethane. The second-order catalytic rate constant in DMF solution was determined to be 3.1 x 10(5) M-1 s(-1) by analysis of voltammetric responses under pseudo-first-order conditions with respect to (beta-CD)(2)/C-60. The results suggest that the host beta-cyclodextrin molecules have little effect on the electrocatalytic ability of the encapsulated C-60 toward organic halides.
Neuromelanin is a complex polymer pigment found primarily in the dopaminergic neurons of the human substantia nigra, whose composition is complex including production of dopamine auto-oxidation, glutathione and a variety of amino acid. Neuromelanin forms stable complex with iron (111). We observed that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and its ramification possessed strong ability of chelating iron (111), and they are the production of dopamine auto-oxidation under physiological pH condition. In the present Of L-Cysteine, the relative yields of electrochemical oxidation of dopamine also had strong ability of chelating iron (111). The experimental results suggest that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and 5-S-cysteineldopamine play important roles in the process of synthetic neuromelanin chelating iron (111).
Graphite powder-supported cupric hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF) nanoparticles were dispersed into methyltrimethoxysilane based gels to produce a conducting carbon ceramic Composite, which was used as electrode material to fabricate surface- renewable CuHCF-modified electrodes. Electrochemical behavior of the CuHCF-modifled carbon ceramic composite electrodes was characterized using cyclic and square-wave voltammetry. Cyclic voltammograms at various scan rates indicated that peak currents were surface-confined at low scan rates. In the presence of glutathione, a clear electrocatalytic response was observed at the CuHCF-modified composite electrodes. In addition, the electrodes exhibited a distinct advantage of reproducible surface-renewal by simple mechanical polishing on emery paper, as well as ease of preparation, and good chemical and mechanical stability in a flowing stream.
Three selenium-containing catalytic antibodies mHB4, mHB5 and mHB7 which acted as mimics of cytosolic glutathione peroxidase(cGPX), were prepared by chemically introducing selenium into monoclonal antibodies HB4, HB5 and HB7. HB4. HB5 and HB7 were raised against a GSH derivative GSH-S-DNP dibenzyl ester, The cGPX activity of mHB4, mHB5, mHB7 were 170, 1 867, 32 U/mu mol, respectively. The cGPX activity of mHB5 was 0, 32 fold of natural rabbit liver cGPX and 1. 51 fold of m4A4. About two atoms of selenium existed in each of mHB5 molecule determined by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), The optimal activity of mHB5 was at between pH 8. 4 and 8, 8, The reaction catalyzed by mHB5 involved a Ping-Pong mechanism. At pH 7. 0 and 37 degreesC, the apparent second-order rate constants for reaction of mHB5 with H2O2 and t-ROOH were as followed: k(+1) (H2O2) = 9. 71 x 10(6) L/(mol min), k(+1)(t-ROOH) = 5. 99 x 10(5) L/(mol.min). Rate accelerations (k(cat)/K-m/k(uncat)) 9. 8 x 10(6) and 3.7 x 10(5) fold those of the uncatalytic reaction were observed.
Three organoselenium-containing derivatives of beta-cyclodextrins (beta-CD), mono-6-benzylseleno-6-deoxy-beta-cyclodextrin (compound 1), 6,6'-trimethylenediseleno bridged beta-cyclodextrin dimer(compound 2) and 6,6'- (o-phenylene)diseleno bridged beta-cyclodextrin dimer (compound 3) functioned as mimics of selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase(SeGPX). Acting on H2O2 and GSH, the SeGPX activities of these compounds were 0.83-, 0.26-, and 1. 23-fold of that of Ebselen (0.99 U/mu mol), respectively. The relationship between the structure and the function of these compounds was studied. The results suggested that the hydrophobicity and rigidity of phenyl group is the main reason that accounted for the higher activity of compounds 3 and 1. Phenyl group not only provided the hydrophobic circumstance which is necessary for the catalytic function of selenium, but also make it possible that the cyclodextrin unit of compounds 1 and 3 combines the substrate with a more effective direction. Fluorometric techniques were utilized to determine the yields of the hydroxyl radical produced by Fenton reactions through the formation of hydroxy benzoic acids from benzoate. Compared with Ebselen which showed a significant inhibition effect on the formation of HO., these organoselenium-containing cyclodextrins showed a little scavenging effect on the formation of HO. throughout the whole process.