993 resultados para format
The IDPH Public Health Tracking Program is an excellent way to collect data related to various indicators for Iowans, but those looking for national statistics or data from other states may want to check out the Health Indicators Warehouse (healthindicators.gov). Run and maintained by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, this site is a centralized source for national, state, and county data for a wide variety of indicators. The data is available to the public, and can be accessed either through the tables and charts directly on the website, or indicators can be downloaded to use in a spreadsheet. Once on the site, users are able to search for their desired data either by topic or geographic region. Filters can then be applied to the chosen field to narrow down the user’s search and obtain the preferred statistics. In addition, users are also able to search for indicators derived from state and federal health indicator initiatives: County Health Rankings, Community Health Status Indicators, Healthy People 2020, and CMS Community Indicators. The warehouse provides an overview of each indicator after the user has made their selection. This overview includes information on how the data was calculated and what characteristics are being represented. For example, percent of binge drinking adults is prefaced in the overview that data was based on the question: “Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have [5 for men, 4 for women] or more drinks on an occasion?" Data is viewable either in the basic table format, chart format, or for some indicators it is possible to view it in terms of a national map. The Health Indicators Warehouse updates indicators as data becomes available, but the collection of years varies amongst the indicators. Nonetheless, this site is a useful resource to anyone looking for comparative indicators throughout the nation or is interested in one of the hundreds of indicators housed by the site. For more information or to check out what the warehouse has to offer visit: http://healthindicators.gov/
L'article s'inicia relflexionant sobre la concepció actual de la familia i de com les seves activitats socioeducatives poden potenciar el desenvolupament de la convivència i la promoció de l'acceptació de la diferència. Continuem presentant a les famílies multiculturals que s'han format a partir de l'adopció i de l'acolliment i analitzant alguns dels grans interrogants que plantejen aquestes pràctiques socioeducatives per a que aquestes famílies puguin atendre a les necessitats dels nens i nenes i formin ciutadans i ciutadanes capaços de conviure en una societat plural. Per últim, obrim alguns aspectes a la discussió.
The theoretical context of this study is related with the observational methodology in the context of group games and sports studies, specifically Handball. Thus, this study intends to analyze the performance of the pivot player in the World Cup 2007 - Germany, European 2008 - Norway 2008 and China OG 2008 in a qualitative dimension. Our purpose was to get as much information as possible about the whole activity of the pivot player, by identifying sequential patterns of behaviour or conduct of the player/game, by using the sequential analysis. The observation instrument used to meet the main purpose of this work consists of a combination of format fields (FF) and systems of categories (SC). The codifications undertaken occurred in several handball games. Using this instrument we have shown that it provides support for the purposes for which it was developed, allowing more research into the offensive process of handball. Besides this, it makes possible the analysis of aspects of the game through perspective and contextual sequences, which we consider to be more accurate, to fit the "reality" of a game such as handball.
The following paper introduces a new approach to the analysis of offensive game in football. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to create an instrument for collecting information for the analysis of offensive action and interactions game. The observation instrument that was used to accomplish the main objective of this work consists of a combination of format fields (FC) and systems of categories (SC). This methodology is a particular strategy of the scientific method that has as an objective to analyse the perceptible behaviour that occurs in habitual contexts, allowing them to be formally recorded and quantified and using an ad hoc instrument in order to obtain a behaviour systematic registration that, since they have been transformed in quantitative data with the necessary reliability and validity determined level, will allow analysis of the relations between these behaviours. The codifications undertaken to date in various games of football have shown that it serves the purposes for which it was developed, allowing more research into the offensive game methods in football.
Resumen: El artículo analiza los problemas de accesibilidad que actualmente presentan los artículos científicos en soporte digital. El estudio se centra en los aspectos de facilidad de uso del contenido de los documentos digitales según la forma en que se publiquen, sin entrar en el estudio de los distintos sistemas de recuperación. Se analizan los dos formatos más utilizados para la publicación de artículos científicos en soporte digital: HTML y PDF, estudiando el desempeño lector en relación a la presencia de sumarios o de tablas internas o vinculadas. El estudio se ha realizado con dos colectivos: 30 sujetos ciegos, usuarios de Jaws, contactados gracias a la mediación de la Fundación ONCE, y 30 sujetos no ciegos, profesores del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Barcelona. El estudio muestra que la localización de los datos contenidos en tablas se ve facilitada en documentos HTML por la inclusión de un sumario que vincule con la tabla, así como la inclusión de tablas completas en el cuerpo del documento HTML facilita la actividad lectora por parte de los usuarios ciegos. A nivel metodológico la presente investigación aporta dos novedades relevantes respecto a la literatura existente en los estudios de usabilidad con ciegos: estudia la usabilidad del formato PDF y es un test de usabilidad cuantitativo; este último hecho dificulta su comparación con la mayoría de artículos publicados. Abstract: This paper analyses the problems of accessibility posed by scientific articles published in digital format, focusing on the ease of use of their content with respect to the form in which they are published (irrespective of the recovery system). The two most widely used formats for the publication of scientific articles in digital format, HTML and PDF, are analysed, examining reader performance in relation to the presence of contents lists or internal or linked tables. The study involved two groups: 30 blind subjects, all JAWS users, contacted through the ONCE Foundation, and 30 sighted subjects, lecturers in the Department of Librarianship and Documentation of the University of Barcelona. The results shows the location of data in tables is easier in HTML documents through the inclusion of a contents list linked to these tables. Further, the inclusion of complete tables in the body of HTML document facilitates the reading activity of blind users. At the methodological level, this work reports two novelties with respect to the existing literature on usability by blind people: it examines the usability of the PDF format, and discusses a quantitative usability test. The latter hinders comparison with the majority of published articles.
Advanced neuroinformatics tools are required for methods of connectome mapping, analysis, and visualization. The inherent multi-modality of connectome datasets poses new challenges for data organization, integration, and sharing. We have designed and implemented the Connectome Viewer Toolkit - a set of free and extensible open source neuroimaging tools written in Python. The key components of the toolkit are as follows: (1) The Connectome File Format is an XML-based container format to standardize multi-modal data integration and structured metadata annotation. (2) The Connectome File Format Library enables management and sharing of connectome files. (3) The Connectome Viewer is an integrated research and development environment for visualization and analysis of multi-modal connectome data. The Connectome Viewer's plugin architecture supports extensions with network analysis packages and an interactive scripting shell, to enable easy development and community contributions. Integration with tools from the scientific Python community allows the leveraging of numerous existing libraries for powerful connectome data mining, exploration, and comparison. We demonstrate the applicability of the Connectome Viewer Toolkit using Diffusion MRI datasets processed by the Connectome Mapper. The Connectome Viewer Toolkit is available from http://www.cmtk.org/
Most states, including Iowa, have a significant number of substandard bridges. This number will increase significantly unless some type of preventative maintenance is employed. Both the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa counties have successfully employed numerous maintenance, repair and rehabilitation (MR&R) strategies for correcting various types of deficiencies. However, successfully employed MR&R procedures are often not systematically documented or defined for those involved in bridge maintenance. This study addressed the need for a standard bridge MR&R manual for Iowa with emphasis for secondary road applications. As part of the study, bridge MR&R activities that are relevant to the state of Iowa have been systematically categorized into a manual, in a standardized format. Where pertinent, design guidelines have been presented. Material presented in this manual is divided into two major categories: 1) Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Superstructure Components, and 2) Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Substructure Components. There are multiple subcategories within both major categories that provide detailed information. Some of the detailed information includes step-by-step procedures for accomplishing MR&R activities, material specifications and detailed drawings where available. The source of information contained in the manual is public domain technical literature and information provided by Iowa County Engineers. A questionnaire was sent to all 99 counties in Iowa to solicit information and the research team personally solicited input from many Iowa counties as a follow-up to the questionnaire.
Introduction: The field of Connectomic research is growing rapidly, resulting from methodological advances in structural neuroimaging on many spatial scales. Especially progress in Diffusion MRI data acquisition and processing made available macroscopic structural connectivity maps in vivo through Connectome Mapping Pipelines (Hagmann et al, 2008) into so-called Connectomes (Hagmann 2005, Sporns et al, 2005). They exhibit both spatial and topological information that constrain functional imaging studies and are relevant in their interpretation. The need for a special-purpose software tool for both clinical researchers and neuroscientists to support investigations of such connectome data has grown. Methods: We developed the ConnectomeViewer, a powerful, extensible software tool for visualization and analysis in connectomic research. It uses the novel defined container-like Connectome File Format, specifying networks (GraphML), surfaces (Gifti), volumes (Nifti), track data (TrackVis) and metadata. Usage of Python as programming language allows it to by cross-platform and have access to a multitude of scientific libraries. Results: Using a flexible plugin architecture, it is possible to enhance functionality for specific purposes easily. Following features are already implemented: * Ready usage of libraries, e.g. for complex network analysis (NetworkX) and data plotting (Matplotlib). More brain connectivity measures will be implemented in a future release (Rubinov et al, 2009). * 3D View of networks with node positioning based on corresponding ROI surface patch. Other layouts possible. * Picking functionality to select nodes, select edges, get more node information (ConnectomeWiki), toggle surface representations * Interactive thresholding and modality selection of edge properties using filters * Arbitrary metadata can be stored for networks, thereby allowing e.g. group-based analysis or meta-analysis. * Python Shell for scripting. Application data is exposed and can be modified or used for further post-processing. * Visualization pipelines using filters and modules can be composed with Mayavi (Ramachandran et al, 2008). * Interface to TrackVis to visualize track data. Selected nodes are converted to ROIs for fiber filtering The Connectome Mapping Pipeline (Hagmann et al, 2008) processed 20 healthy subjects into an average Connectome dataset. The Figures show the ConnectomeViewer user interface using this dataset. Connections are shown that occur in all 20 subjects. The dataset is freely available from the homepage (connectomeviewer.org). Conclusions: The ConnectomeViewer is a cross-platform, open-source software tool that provides extensive visualization and analysis capabilities for connectomic research. It has a modular architecture, integrates relevant datatypes and is completely scriptable. Visit www.connectomics.org to get involved as user or developer.
The IDPH Public Health Tracking Program is an excellent way to collect data related to various indicators for Iowans, but those looking for national statistics or data from other states may want to check out the Health Indicators Warehouse (healthindicators.gov). Run and maintained by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, this site is a centralized source for national, state, and county data for a wide variety of indicators. The data is available to the public, and can be accessed either through the tables and charts directly on the website, or indicators can be downloaded to use in a spreadsheet. Once on the site, users are able to search for their desired data either by topic or geographic region. Filters can then be applied to the chosen field to narrow down the user’s search and obtain the preferred statistics. In addition, users are also able to search for indicators derived from state and federal health indicator initiatives: County Health Rankings, Community Health Status Indicators, Healthy People 2020, and CMS Community Indicators. The warehouse provides an overview of each indicator after the user has made their selection. This overview includes information on how the data was calculated and what characteristics are being represented. For example, percent of binge drinking adults is prefaced in the overview that data was based on the question: “Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have [5 for men, 4 for women] or more drinks on an occasion?" Data is viewable either in the basic table format, chart format, or for some indicators it is possible to view it in terms of a national map. The Health Indicators Warehouse updates indicators as data becomes available, but the collection of years varies amongst the indicators. Nonetheless, this site is a useful resource to anyone looking for comparative indicators throughout the nation or is interested in one of the hundreds of indicators housed by the site. For more information or to check out what the warehouse has to offer visit: http://healthindicators.gov/
La gran diversitat lingüística i cultural present en la nostra societat sovint no s'ha fet gaire visible. Determinats aspectes més aparents, com la nacionalitat, imposen estereotips que amaguen realitats complexes. D'altra banda, persisteix una actitud assimiladora basada en la idea que la integració ha de voler dir la renúncia a bona part del bagatge cultural dels nouvinguts. Tanmateix, Catalunya té una llengua molt poc coneguda en altres societats, i per això la consciència que és important reconèixer l'altre aquí és molt habitual: la nacionalitat diu massa poc de nosaltres, i el mateix passa amb molts altres. Aquest projecte de recerca pretén reunir en format de fitxes una sèrie de dades molt bàsiques, especialment sobre la diversitat lingüística, i oferirles a qualsevol persona que tingui contacte amb persones immigrades per tal de posar a disposició algun element senzill que permeti expressar reconeixement i sensibilitat cap a la diversitat.
La gran diversitat lingüística i cultural present en la nostra societat sovint no s'ha fet gaire visible. Determinats aspectes més aparents, com la nacionalitat, imposen estereotips que amaguen realitats complexes. D'altra banda, persisteix una actitud assimiladora basada en la idea que la integració ha de voler dir la renúncia a bona part del bagatge cultural dels nouvinguts. Tanmateix, Catalunya té una llengua molt poc coneguda en altres societats, i per això la consciència que és important reconèixer l'altre aquí és molt habitual: la nacionalitat diu massa poc de nosaltres, i el mateix passa amb molts altres. Aquest projecte de recerca pretén reunir en format de fitxes una sèrie de dades molt bàsiques, especialment sobre la diversitat lingüística, i oferirles a qualsevol persona que tingui contacte amb persones immigrades per tal de posar a disposició algun element senzill que permeti expressar reconeixement i sensibilitat cap a la diversitat.
El proyecto sigue el formato de un encargo de una solución de almacén de datos por parte de un cliente hipotético llamado ONdO que necesita poder analizar datos de establecimientos turísticos, población y equipamientos del territorio catalán.
Per tal de valorar el grau de satisfacció que té l’estudiantat de les biblioteques de la UPC, el Servei de Biblioteques i Documentació elabora amb periodicitat biennal l’Enquesta sobre l’ús i la satisfacció de les biblioteques de la UPC per part de l’estudiantat.Atès que l’any 2008/2009 no es va lliurar l’enquesta i que la primera es va realitzar el curs 1994/1995, els resultats que es presenten en aquest document corresponen a la vuitena edició. [...] La present edició 2010/2011 s’ha realitzat en format en línia, format que permet la incorporació de les dades a un programa i posterior extracció i anàlisi de les mateixes de forma automatitzada.