915 resultados para flooding
Widespread flooding in June 2013 caused damage costs of €6 to 8 billion in Germany, and awoke many memories of the floods in August 2002, which resulted in total damage of €11.6 billion and hence was the most expensive natural hazard event in Germany up to now. The event of 2002 does, however, also mark a reorientation toward an integrated flood risk management system in Germany. Therefore, the flood of 2013 offered the opportunity to review how the measures that politics, administration, and civil society have implemented since 2002 helped to cope with the flood and what still needs to be done to achieve effective and more integrated flood risk management. The review highlights considerable improvements on many levels, in particular (1) an increased consideration of flood hazards in spatial planning and urban development, (2) comprehensive property-level mitigation and preparedness measures, (3) more effective flood warnings and improved coordination of disaster response, and (4) a more targeted maintenance of flood defense systems. In 2013, this led to more effective flood management and to a reduction of damage. Nevertheless, important aspects remain unclear and need to be clarified. This particularly holds for balanced and coordinated strategies for reducing and overcoming the impacts of flooding in large catchments, cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation, the role of the general public in the different phases of flood risk management, as well as a transparent risk transfer system. Recurring flood events reveal that flood risk management is a continuous task. Hence, risk drivers, such as climate change, land-use changes, economic developments, or demographic change and the resultant risks must be investigated at regular intervals, and risk reduction strategies and processes must be reassessed as well as adapted and implemented in a dialogue with all stakeholders.
Land use in the river catchments of tropical North Queensland appears to have increased the export of sediment and nutrients to the coast. Although evidence of harmful effect of sediment on coastal and riverine ecosystems is limited, there is a growing concern about its possible negative impacts. Sugarcane cultivation on the floodplains of the tropical North Queensland river catchments is thought to be an important source of excess sediment in the river drainage systems. Minimum-tillage, trash blanket harvesting has been shown to reduce erosion from sloping sugarcane fields, but in the strongly modified floodplain landscape other elements (e.g. drains, water furrows and headlands) could still be important sediment sources. The main objectives of this thesis are to quantify the amount of sediment coming from low-lying cane land and identify the important sediment sources in the landscape. The results of this thesis enable sugarcane farmers to take targeted measures for further reduction of the export of sediment and nutrients. Sediment budgets provide a useful approach to identify and quantify potential sediment sources. For this study a sediment budget is calculated for a part of the Ripple Creek catchment, which is a sub-catchment of the Lower Herbert River. The input of sediment from all potential sources in cane land and the storage of sediment within the catchment have been quantified and compared with the output of sediment from the catchment. Input from, and storage on headlands, main drains, minor drains and water furrows, was estimated from erosion pin and surface profile measurements. Input from forested upland, input from fields and the output at the outlet of the catchment was estimated with discharge data from gauged streams and flumes. Data for the sediment budget were collected during two ‘wet’-seasons: 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. The results of the sediment budget indicate that this tropical floodplain area is a net source of sediment. Plant cane fields, which do not have a protective trash cover, were the largest net source of sediment during the 1999-2000 season. Sediment input from water furrows was higher, but there was also considerable storage of sediment in this landscape element. Headlands tend to act as sinks. The source or sink function of drains is less clear, but seems to depend on their shape and vegetation cover. An important problem in this study is the high uncertainty in the estimates of the sediment budget components and is, for example, likely to be the cause of the imbalance in the sediment budget. High uncertainties have particularly affected the results from the 20002001 season. The main source of uncertainty is spatial variation in the erosion and deposition processes. Uncertainty has to be taken into consideration when interpreting the budget results. The observation of a floodplain as sediment source contradicts the general understanding that floodplains are areas of sediment storage within river catchments. A second objective of this thesis was therefore to provide an answer to the question: how can floodplains in the tropical North Queensland catchments can be a source of sediment? In geomorphic literature various factors have been pointed out, that could control floodplain erosion processes. However, their importance is not 'uniquely identified'. Among the most apparent factors are the stream power of the floodwater and the resistance of the floodplain surface both through its sedimentary composition and the vegetation cover. If the cultivated floodplains of the North Queensland catchments are considered in the light of these factors, there is a justified reason to expect them to be a sediment source. Cultivation has lowered the resistance of their surface; increased drainage has increased the drainage velocity and flood control structures have altered flooding patterns. For the Ripple Creek floodplain four qualitative scenarios have been developed that describe erosion and deposition under different flow conditions. Two of these scenarios were experienced during the budget study, involving runoff from local hillslopes and heavy rainfall, which caused floodplain erosion. In the longer term larger flood events, involving floodwater from the Herbert River, may lead to different erosion and deposition processes. The present study has shown that the tropical floodplain of the Herbert River catchment can be a source of sediment under particular flow conditions. It has also shown which elements in the sugarcane landscape are the most important sediment sources under these conditions. This understanding will enable sugarcane farmers to further reduce sediment export from cane land and prevent the negative impact this may have on the North Queensland coastal ecosystems.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
In the 21st century climate change will cause a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events across Europe. Investigating farmers’ resilience to extreme weather events in the past can be used to establish the inherent level of resilience farmers’ will have to respond to comparable events in the future. The Welsh Marches has experienced a range of extreme weather events including: heatwaves, flooding; prolonged rainfall; and heavy snowfall. To identify the resilience of farmers in the Marches farmers’ apparent vulnerabilities, coping capacity, social capital and adaptive capacity that have been exposed in past events are discussed. Rural isolation is identified as an exacerbating factor of farming vulnerability. Yet, this is also an apparent source of resilience as farmers are found to rely on high social capital to assist each other in emergency and challenging situations during extreme weather events. The paper concludes by indicating that more localised studies are required, situated within unique farming cultures. This will enable a more complete picture of farmers’ resilience across Europe to be established.
This booklet has been prepared from the actions for the university extension project entitled "Housing and Environment: building dialogue on urbanization of the settlement Ilha”. The study was conducted in a community located on the south end of the city of Almirante Tamandaré, among Barigui and Tanguá rivers. This project was conducted by a group of professors and students of the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR), Campus Curitiba. The main objective was to investigate ways of intervention in housing and urbanization of the settlement Ilha, for the regularization of their properties. However, throughout the project, the group found that regularization of this settlement was not possible, in view of the risk of flooding on site. Therefore, this booklet provides information about the area and the rivers in their surroundings, on the positive aspects of living there, brings the story of some struggles of residents for better living conditions, as well as suggestions of funding sources for facilitating a possible relocation of existing families.
(Estrutura da comunidade arbórea e suas relações com fatores edáficos na floresta de restinga paludosa da estrada Velha, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul). O presente estudo tem como objetivo estudar a estrutura da comunidade arbórea da floresta de restinga paludosa da Estrada Velha (32º07’S; 52º09’W) localizada no município do Rio Grande, na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul e suas correlações com fatores edáficos. Para a amostragem do componente arbóreo foram demarcadas três transecções paralelas, ao longo das quais foram alocadas 30 unidades amostrais de 10m X 10m, de forma não contígua e amostrados todos os indivíduos com perímetro a altura do peito maior ou igual a 15 cm. Foram coletadas amostras de solo para análises químicas e granulométricas e realizadas medidas da coluna d’água nas unidades amostrais. Os principais parâmetros fitossociológicos foram estimados para descrever a estrutura da floresta, bem como os índices de Diversidade de Shannon (H’) e de Equabilidade de Pielou (J’). A similaridade com outras florestas no Rio Grande do Sul foi estimada pelo índice de Jaccard (ISj). As relações entre a abundância das espécies nas unidades amostrais e fatores edáficos foram avaliadas por meio de análise de componentes principais (PCA) e análise de correspondência canônica (CCA). Foram registrados 585 indivíduos distribuídos em 19 espécies, 17 gêneros e 16 famílias. A família com maior riqueza específica foi Moraceae e as espécies com maiores valores de importância foram Citronela gongonha (Mart.) R.A. Howard, Erythrina crista-galli L., Sebastiania brasiliensis Spreng., Ficus cestrifolia Schott. e Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman. O Índice de diversidade foi 1,99 nat.ind-1 e o de Equabilidade foi 0,68. As análises multivariadas de ordenação evidenciaram um gradiente de distribuição das espécies correlacionado principalmente com a densidade de C. gongonha e fatores edáficos como pH, Ca, CTC(t), MO, K e nível de alagamento. O componente arbóreo mostrou similaridade florística (ISj) com outras florestas paludosas localizadas em maiores latitudes no Estado.
Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. é um arbusto que pode atingir de 1-4m de altura, cuja floração ocorre na primavera e no verão, frutificando no outono. O fruto é do tipo legume reto, produzindo em média 10 sementes por fruto. Sua propagação é frequentemente facilitada por perturbações na natureza, sendo bastante tolerante a solos pobres se adaptando a qualquer clima. O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar os requisitos para germinação de Sesbania punicea sob influência de fatores abióticos. As sementes de Sesbania utilizadas neste estudo foram coletadas na APA da Lagoa Verde, Rio Grande- RS. Para avaliar o investimento reprodutivo da espécie foram realizadas as medidas morfométricas de 200 sementes. Para o teste de germinação, foram utilizados dois tipos de tratamentos: umidade e alagamento, ambos nas condições de luz e escuro, à temperatura de 25ºC, submetidos a quatro potenciais salinos: 0, 5, 10 e 15g de NaClL -1 . No teste em alagamento foram colocadas 100 sementes para cada salinidade em tubos Falcon transparentes, e para umidade, o mesmo número de sementes foi disposta em caixas gerbox transparentes contendo papel germitest, distribuídas de acordo com as respectivas salinidades. Os testes tiveram duração de 30 dias e a germinação foi acompanhada diariamente. Para avaliar o crescimento, 80 sementes foram colocadas em copos de poliestireno transparente de 100 ml, sendo 10 sementes para cada teste e, para análise da concentração de pigmentos, foram utilizadas plântulas com 30 dias de idade, crescendo nas mesmas condições de salinidade em que as sementes germinaram. As amostras de plântulas foram pesadas e logo após maceradas com 100 ml de acetona a 80% de concentração. A seguir, foram realizadas as leituras da concentração dos pigmentos em espectrofotômetro. As sementes de S. punicea utilizadas neste estudo, apresentaram tamanho pequeno (0,6 ± 0,01 cm). Houve respostas positivas de germinação tanto em presença quanto em ausência de luz, embora a germinação no teste em luz tenha sido maior, assim como a germinação no tratamento Alagado/ Luz, em 0g NaCl L-1 . Ao serem realizados os testes adicionando a variável salinidade, as respostas de germinação destas sementes mostraram um comportamento diferenciado, tendo um número menor de sementes germinadas com o aumento da concentração salina. As plântulas cresceram mais nos tratamentos em alagado e o aumento da concentração salina também reduziu o tamanho e o número de folhas das mesmas. No experimento de extração de pigmentos, clorofila a e b, os testes não demonstraram diferenças entre os tratamentos. Embora sementes de Sesbania punicea germinem sob influência de salinidade, o baixo desenvolvimento das plântulas observadas neste estudo sinalizam o cuidado que deve ser tomado ao utilizarmos a espécie para recuperação de áreas degradadas em ambientes com influência de salinidade.
The geography of Scotland, with a highly undulating hinterland, long and indented coastline, together with a large number of islands, means that much social and economic activity is largely located at the coast. The importance of the coast is further highlighted by the large number of ecosystem services derived from the coast. The threat posed by climate change, particularly current and future sea level rise, is of considerable concern and the associated coastal erosion and coastal flooding has the potential to have a substantial effect on the socioeconomic activity of the whole country. Currently, the knowledge base of coastal erosion is poor, which serves to hinder the current and future management of the coast. This research reported here aimed to establish four key aspects of coastal erosion within Scotland: the physical susceptibility of the coast to erosion; the assets exposed to coastal erosion; the vulnerability of communities to coastal erosion; and the coastal erosion risk to those communities. Coastal erosion susceptibility was modelled here within a GIS, using data for ground elevation, rockhead elevation, wave exposure and proximity to the open coast. Combining these data produced the Underlying Physical Susceptibility Model (UPSM), in the form of a 50 m2 raster of national coverage. The Coastal Erosion Susceptibility Model (CESM) was produced with the addition of sediment supply and coastal defence data, which then moderates the outputs of the UPSM. Asset data for dwellings, key assets, transport infrastructure, historic assets, and natural assets were used along with the UPSM and CESM to assess their degree of exposure to coastal erosion. A Coastal Erosion Vulnerability Model (CEVM) was produced using Experian Mosaic Scotland (a geodemographic classification which identifies 44 different social groups within Scotland) to classify populations based upon 11 vulnerability variables. Dwellings were assigned a CESM and CEVM score in order to establish their coastal erosion risk. This research demonstrated that the issue of coastal erosion will impact on a relatively low number of properties compared to those impacted by flooding (both coastal and fluvial) as many dwellings are already protected by coastal defences. There is therefore, a considerable future liability, and great pressure for coastal defences to be maintained and upgraded in their current form. The use of the CEVM is a novel inclusion within a coastal erosion assessment for Scotland. Use of the CEVM established that coastal erosion risk is not distributed equally amongst the Scottish coastal population and highlighted that risk can be reduced by either reducing exposure or reducing vulnerability. Thus far in Scotland, reducing exposure has been the primary management approach, which has a number of implications with regards social justice. This research identified the existing data gaps that should be addressed by future research in order to further improve coastal management in Scotland. Future research should focus on assessing historical coastal change rates on a national scale, improve modelling of national scale wave exposure, enhance the information held about current coastal defences and, determine the direct and indirect economic cost associated with the loss of different asset types. It is also necessary to clarify the social justice implications of using adaptation approaches to manage coastal erosion as well as establishing a method to communicate the susceptibility, exposure, vulnerability and risk aspects whilst minimising the potential negative impacts (e.g. property blight) of releasing such information.
Network intrusion detection sensors are usually built around low level models of network traffic. This means that their output is of a similarly low level and as a consequence, is difficult to analyze. Intrusion alert correlation is the task of automating some of this analysis by grouping related alerts together. Attack graphs provide an intuitive model for such analysis. Unfortunately alert flooding attacks can still cause a loss of service on sensors, and when performing attack graph correlation, there can be a large number of extraneous alerts included in the output graph. This obscures the fine structure of genuine attacks and makes them more difficult for human operators to discern. This paper explores modified correlation algorithms which attempt to minimize the impact of this attack.
A dense grid of high- and very high resolution seismic data, together with piston cores and borehole data providing time constraints, enables us to reconstruct the history of the Bourcart canyon head in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last glacial/interglacial cycle. The canyon fill is composed of confined channel–levee systems fed by a series of successively active shelf fluvial systems, originating from the west and north. Most of the preserved infill corresponds to the interval between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and the early deglacial (19 cal ka BP). Its deposition was strongly controlled by a relative sea level that impacted the direct fluvial/canyon connection. During a period of around 100 kyr between MIS 6 and MIS 2, the canyon “prograded” by about 3 km. More precisely, several parasequences can be identified within the canyon fill. They correspond to forced-regressed parasequences (linked to punctuated sea-level falls) topped by a progradational-aggradational parasequence (linked to a hypothetical 19-ka meltwater pulse (MWP)). The bounding surfaces between forced-regressed parasequences are condensed intervals formed during intervals of relative sediment starvation due to flooding episodes. The meandering pattern of the axial incision visible within the canyon head, which can be traced landward up to the Agly paleo-river, is interpreted as the result of hyperpycnal flows initiated in the river mouth in a context of increased rainfall and mountain glacier flushing during the early deglacial.
A batata está sujeita a stresses bióticos (doenças, pragas, infestantes) e abióticos (condições climáticas, secura, excesso de água, ou fitotoxicidade provocada por herbicidas, entre outros). Os adubos foliares contendo nutrientes (macro e micronutrientes) poderão contribuir para uma melhor nutrição da planta, para além de exercer uma ação benéfica ao nível do potencial hídrico da folha e sua proteção contra os diversos inimigos bióticos. Instalou-se um ensaio em Marinhais na variedade de batata de indústria Lady Rosetta, para avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar de uma gama de adubos foliares “Humigel”, contendo, entre outros nutrientes, o enxofre e o potássio, numa situação de fitotoxidade causada pela aplicação de um herbicida. O ensaio foi instalado com um dispositivo experimental de parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram a aplicação de “Humigel” e sem aplicação (testemunha). A produção comercial nas parcelas com “Humigel” foi significativamente mais elevada (48 192 kg/ha) do que nas parcelas testemunha (43 458 kg/ha). Não se registaram diferenças significativas ao nível do número de tubérculos (comercial e total) por planta, nem ao nível dos parâmetros de qualidade (peso específico e teste de fritura).
The Alcantarilha lowland, partly barred by a well developed barrier, including foredunes covering Pleistocene-Holocene beachrock and aeolianite, develops across the Alcantarilha infilled estuary, the beach-dune extending further SE until the Salgados lagoon. A topographic and coring survey revealed a peculiar feature at the leeward toe of the dune ridge close to the inlet area: a sandy fan with location, shape and morphology suggesting emplacement by single or multiple overwash of the barrier tip rather than tidal forcing. Its storm or tsunami origin and age are under investigation, and the only time-constrain available at present is that it should post-date ca. 6600 cal BP, the most recent in situ aeolianite (Moura et al., 2007) dated so far. METHODS, DATA SET AND RESULTS The fan boundaries are distinctive in aerial photos and satellite images: it is roughly ellipsoidal, ~200 m wide and ~300 m elongated paralleling the shoreline, rising ~ 0.9-1.2 m above the surrounding floodplain surface. Detailed topography shows that its short axis aligns with SW-NE elongated (though irregular) depressions in the dune crest, which link the beach with the fan. This could have favoured funnelling of, or erosion by, water overtopping the barrier but, in either case, the fan should correspond to extreme and abrupt event(s) of coastal flooding. 18 trenches and cores were performed in the exposed area of the fan and nearby flood plain to obtain samples and data on its sedimentology, lithostratigraphy and geometry. The fan consists of well sorted and rounded sand (Fig. 2). It thins away and wedges out landwards of the apex (located near Alc29T) where it is partly covered by dune sand. Its lower boundary is undulating and marked by textural contrast between sand (fan) and underlying mud (alluvial/lagoonal); an accumulation of marine-sourced perforated pebbles showing limited lateral continuity may pinpoint this boundary near the foredune (core Alc 25, ca. 80 m westward of profile in Fig.1); mud-balls were also observed immediately above this surface in cores and trenches. As the washover was probably emplaced in a barred lagoonal/estuarine floodplain setting, the fan’s northern outer belt is enclosed by low-energy sediments (not shown in Fig. 2).
Sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a major subsistence crop throughout the region of Sahel. With the exception of seeds and labour, no agricultural inputs are in general used in sorghum production since the grain is of a relatively low commercial value and the risk of losing the crop to drought, flooding, etc. is substantial. A meta-analysis of 118 field experiments was carried out to identify conditions in which two protective seed treatments could support a yield increase of sorghum in Burkina Faso. The two treatments were: i) treatment with the pesticide Calthio C (thiram and chlorpyrifos) and ii) treatment with an aqueous extract from the plant Eclipta alba . Both treatments were found to produce a yield increase (Medians: Calthio C +199 kg ha-1, P<2x10-9; E. alba +90.5 kg ha-1 P<4x10-4). A strong relative effect of Calthio C on yield (+36%) was found for field experiments with a low baseline yield. A strong relative effect of E. alba extract on yield (+22%) was found for experiments with a low baseline of emergence. ANOVA of the 118 field tests showed that baseline crop performance (yield and emergence) and the effect of seed treatments were strongly linked to geographical location (twelve different villages included). Roots from sorghum in the village showing the strongest effect of both seed treatments (>40% yield increase) were found to carry a comparatively high load of the infectious ascomycetes: Fusarium equiseti , Macrophomina phaseolina and Curvularia lunata .
This executive order by Governor Nikki R. Haley establishes the South Carolina Community Development Block Grant Steering Committee to advise the South Carolina Department of Commerce on the development of the South Carolina State Action Plan and oversee its implementation for the disbursement of the Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Relief funds due to the historic flooding in October of 2015, leading to widespread damage to homes across the state
This veto message from Governor Nikki Haley vetoes a bill would give farmers an additional $40 million in cash payments other small businesses will never receive because it is an unprecedented bailout for a single industry affected by last year's flooding.