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The present work is a collection of three essays devoted at understanding the determinants and implications of the adoption of environmental innovations EI by firms, by adopting different but strictly related schumpeterian perspectives. Each of the essays is an empirical analysis that investigates one original research question, formulated to properly fill the gaps that emerged in previous literature, as the broad introduction of this thesis outlines. The first Chapter is devoted at understanding the determinants of EI by focusing on the role that knowledge sources external to the boundaries of the firm, such as those coming from business suppliers or customers or even research organizations, play in spurring their adoption. The second Chapter answers the question on what induces climate change technologies, adopting regional and sectoral lens, and explores the relation among green knowledge generation, inducement in climate change and environmental performances. Chapter 3 analyzes the economic implications of the adoption of EI for firms, and proposes to disentangle EI by different typologies of innovations, such as externality reducing innovations and energy and resource efficient innovations. Each Chapter exploits different dataset and heterogeneous econometric models, that allow a better extension of the results and to overcome the limits that the choice of one dataset with respect to its alternatives engenders. The first and third Chapter are based on an empirical investigation on microdata, i.e. firm level data extracted from innovation surveys. The second Chapter is based on the analysis of patent data in green technologies that have been extracted by the PATSTAT and REGPAT database. A general conclusive Chapter will follow the three essays and will outline how each Chapter filled the research gaps that emerged, how its results can be interpreted, which policy implications can be derived and which are the possible future lines of research in the field.


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China is a large country characterized by remarkable growth and distinct regional diversity. Spatial disparity has always been a hot issue since China has been struggling to follow a balanced growth path but still confronting with unprecedented pressures and challenges. To better understand the inequality level benchmarking spatial distributions of Chinese provinces and municipalities and estimate dynamic trajectory of sustainable development in China, I constructed the Composite Index of Regional Development (CIRD) with five sub pillars/dimensions involving Macroeconomic Index (MEI), Science and Innovation Index (SCI), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Human Capital Index (HCI) and Public Facilities Index (PFI), endeavoring to cover various fields of regional socioeconomic development. Ranking reports on the five sub dimensions and aggregated CIRD were provided in order to better measure the developmental degrees of 31 or 30 Chinese provinces and municipalities over 13 years from 1998 to 2010 as the time interval of three “Five-year Plans”. Further empirical applications of this CIRD focused on clustering and convergence estimation, attempting to fill up the gap in quantifying the developmental levels of regional comprehensive socioeconomics and estimating the dynamic convergence trajectory of regional sustainable development in a long run. Four clusters were benchmarked geographically-oriented in the map on the basis of cluster analysis, and club-convergence was observed in the Chinese provinces and municipalities based on stochastic kernel density estimation.


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Charge transport in conjugated polymers as well as in bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells made of blends between conjugated polymers, as electron-donors (D), and fullerenes, as electron-acceptors (A), has been investigated. It is shown how charge carrier mobility of a series of anthracene-containing poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene)-alt-poly(p-phenylene-vinylene)s (AnE-PVs) is highly dependent on the lateral chain of the polymers, on a moderate variation of the macromolecular parameters (molecular weight and polydispersity), and on the processing conditions of the films. For the first time, the good ambipolar transport properties of this relevant class of conjugated polymers have been demonstrated, consistent with the high delocalization of both the frontier molecular orbitals. Charge transport is one of the key parameters in the operation of BHJ solar cells and depends both on charge carrier mobility in pristine materials and on the nanoscale morphology of the D/A blend, as proved by the results here reported. A straight correlation between hole mobility in pristine AnE-PVs and the fill factor of the related solar cells has been found. The great impact of charge transport for the performance of BHJ solar cells is clearly demonstrated by the results obtained on BHJ solar cells made of neat-C70, instead of the common soluble fullerene derivatives (PCBM or PC70BM). The investigation of neat-C70 solar cells was motivated by the extremely low cost of non-functionalized fullerenes, compared with that of their soluble derivatives (about one-tenth). For these cells, an improper morphology of the blend leads to a deterioration of charge carrier mobility, which, in turn, increases charge carrier recombination. Thanks to the appropriate choice of the donor component, solar cells made of neat-C70 exhibiting an efficiency of 4.22% have been realized, with an efficiency loss of just 12% with respect to the counterpart made with costly PC70BM.


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Flow features inside centrifugal compressor stages are very complicated to simulate with numerical tools due to the highly complex geometry and varying gas conditions all across the machine. For this reason, a big effort is currently being made to increase the fidelity of the numerical models during the design and validation phases. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) plays an increasing role in the assessment of the performance prediction of centrifugal compressor stages. Historically, CFD was considered reliable for performance prediction on a qualitatively level, whereas tests were necessary to predict compressors performance on a quantitatively basis. In fact "standard" CFD with only the flow-path and blades included into the computational domain is known to be weak in capturing efficiency level and operating range accurately due to the under-estimation of losses and the lack of secondary flows modeling. This research project aims to fill the gap in accuracy between "standard" CFD and tests data by including a high fidelity reproduction of the gas domain and the use of advanced numerical models and tools introduced in the author's OEM in-house CFD code. In other words, this thesis describes a methodology by which virtual tests can be conducted on single stages and multistage centrifugal compressors in a similar fashion to a typical rig test that guarantee end users to operate machines with a confidence level not achievable before. Furthermore, the new "high fidelity" approach allowed understanding flow phenomena not fully captured before, increasing aerodynamicists capability and confidence in designing high efficiency and high reliable centrifugal compressor stages.


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Abstract Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal abnormality (total or partial absence of one of the sexual chromosomes in some or all cells of the body), which affects approximately 1:2000 female. Principal characteristics are short stature and gonadal disgenesis. Clinical management consist of Growth Hormone (GH) treatment and oestrogen replacement therapy (HRT), to induce development of secondary characteristics and to avoid the sequelae of oestrogen deficiency. Aim of the study: To assess clinical management, quality of life (QoL) and general psychosocial adjustment of women with TS. Population: 70 adult Caucasian females with TS (mean age: 27.8, ± 7.6; range 18-48 y.). Setting: Specialist service for Rare Disease care, University Hospital. Methods: Subjects were required to fill in questionnaires collecting ASR, WHOQOL, and 8 open questions. Data were compared with those of the Italian population or to those collected in a comparison group (70 healthy females, mean age: 27.9, ±7.3, range 21-48 y.). Results: Women with TS are educated as well as the Italian Population, but they have a less successful professional life. They show good QoL in general, but they appeared less satisfied in social area. They had statistically higher scores than the comparison group for depression, anxiety and withdrawal. Are less involved in a love relationship. Diagnosis communication was mostly performed by doctors or parents, satisfaction was higher when information was given by parents. Main preoccupation about TS are infertility, feeling of being different and future health problem. Conclusions: Italian people with TS were generally well adapted and have a good QoL, but lived more often with parents and show impaired sentimental and sexual life. They have higher degree of psychological distress compared to a comparison group. Psychological intervention should firstly address parents in order to encourage an open communication on diagnosis issues and on sexual education.


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During the PhD program in chemistry, curriculum in environmental chemistry, at the University of Bologna the sustainability of industry was investigated through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the chemical sector in order to investigate reactions dealing with the Green Chemistry and Green Engineering principles, evaluating their sustainability in comparison with traditional pathways by a life cycle perspective. The environmental benefits associated with a reduction in the synthesis steps and the use of renewable feedstock were assessed through a holistic approach selecting two case studies with high relevance from an industrial point of view: the synthesis of acrylonitrile and the production of acrolein. The current approach wants to represent a standardized application of LCA methodology to the chemical sector, which could be extended to several case studies, and also an improvement of the current databases, since the lack of data to fill the inventories of the chemical productions represent a huge limitation, difficult to overcome and that can affects negatively the results of the studies. Results emerged from the analyses confirms that the sustainability in the chemical sector should be evaluated from a cradle-to-gate approach, considering all the stages and flows involved in each pathways in order to avoid shifting the environmental burdens from a steps to another. Moreover, if possible, LCA should be supported by other tools able to investigate the other two dimensions of sustainability represented by the social and economic issues.


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This thesis aims to fill the gap in the literature by examining the relationship between technological trajectories and environmental policy in the automotive industry, focusing on the role of environmental policies in unlocking the industry from fossil fuel path-dependence. It first explores the inducement mechanism that underpins the interaction between environmental policy and green technological advances, investigating under what conditions the European environmental transport policy portfolio and the intrinsic characteristics of assignees' knowledge boost worldwide green patent production. Subsequently, the thesis empirically analyses the dynamics of technological knowledge involved in technological trajectories assessing evolution patterns such as variation, selection and retention, in order to study the impact of policy implementation on technological knowledge related to electric and hybrid vehicle technologies. Finally, the thesis sheds light on the drivers that encourage a shift from incumbent internal combustion engine technologies towards low-emission vehicle technologies. This analysis tests whether tax-inclusive fuel prices and technological proximity between technological fields induce a shift from non-environmental inventions to environmentally friendly inventive activities and if they impact the competition between alternative vehicle technologies. The findings provide insights into the effectiveness of environmental policy in triggering inventive activities related to the development of alternative vehicle technologies. In addition, there is evidence that environmental policy redirects technological efforts towards a sustainable path and impacts the competition between low-emission vehicles.


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The topic of this thesis fo cus on the preliminary design and the p erformance analysis of a multirotor platform. A multirotor is an electrically p owered Vertical Take Off (VTOL) machine with more than two rotors that lift and control the platform. Multirotor are agile, compact and robust, making them ideally suited for b oth indo or and outdo or application especially to carry-on several sensors like electro optical multisp ectral sensor or gas sensor. The main disadvantage is the limited endurance due to heavy Li-Po batteries and high disk loading through the use of different small prop ellers. At the same time, the design of the multirotor do es not follow any engineering principle but it follow the ideas of amateurs’ builder. An adaptation of the classic airplane design theory for the preliminary design is implemented to fill the gap and detailed study of the endurance is p erformed to define the right way to make this kind of VTOL platforms.


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Krebs stellt eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in Europa dar. Grundlage für eine langfristige Verbesserung des Behandlungserfolgs ist ein molekulares Verständnis der Mechanismen, welche zur Krankheitsentstehung beitragen. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen Proteasen nicht nur eine wichtige Rolle, sondern stellen auch bei vielerlei Erkrankungen bereits anerkannte Zielstrukturen derzeitiger Behandlungsstrategien dar. Die Protease Threonin Aspartase 1 (Taspase1) spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aktivierung von Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL)-Fusionsproteinen und somit bei der Entstehung aggressiver Leukämien. Aktuelle Arbeiten unterstreichen zudem die onkologische Relevanz von Taspase1 auch für solide Tumore. Die Kenntnisse über die molekularen Mechanismen und Signalnetzwerke, welche für die (patho)biologischen Funktionen von Taspase1 verantwortlich sind, stellen sich allerdings noch immer als bruchstückhaft dar. Um diese bestehenden Wissenslücken zu schließen, sollten im Rahmen der Arbeit neue Strategien zur Inhibition von Taspase1 erarbeitet und bewertet werden. Zusätzlich sollten neue Einsichten in evolutionären Funktionsmechanismen sowie eine weitergehende Feinregulation von Taspase1 erlangt werden. Zum einen erlaubte die Etablierung und Anwendung eines zellbasierten Taspase1-Testsystem, chemische Verbindungen auf deren inhibitorische Aktivität zu testen. Überraschenderweise belegten solch zelluläre Analysen in Kombination mit in silico-Modellierungen eindeutig, dass ein in der Literatur postulierter Inhibitor in lebenden Tumorzellen keine spezifische Wirksamkeit gegenüber Taspase1 zeigte. Als mögliche Alternative wurden darüber hinaus Ansätze zur genetischen Inhibition evaluiert. Obwohl publizierte Studien Taspase1 als ααββ-Heterodimer beschreiben, konnte durch Überexpression katalytisch inaktiver Mutanten kein trans-dominant negativer Effekt und damit auch keine Inhibition des wildtypischen Enzyms beobachtet werden. Weiterführende zellbiologische und biochemische Analysen belegten erstmalig, dass Taspase1 in lebenden Zellen in der Tat hauptsächlich als Monomer und nicht als Dimer vorliegt. Die Identifizierung evolutionär konservierter bzw. divergenter Funktionsmechanismen lieferte bereits in der Vergangenheit wichtige Hinweise zur Inhibition verschiedenster krebsrelevanter Proteine. Da in Drosophila melanogaster die Existenz und funktionelle Konservierung eines Taspase1-Homologs postuliert wurde, wurde in einem weiteren Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit die evolutionäre Entwicklung der Drosophila Taspase1 (dTaspase1) untersucht. Obwohl Taspase1 als eine evolutionär stark konservierte Protease gilt, konnten wichtige Unterschiede zwischen beiden Orthologen festgestellt werden. Neben einem konservierten autokatalytischen Aktivierungsmechanismus besitzt dTaspase1 verglichen mit dem humanen Enzym eine flexiblere Substraterkennungs-sequenz, was zu einer Vergrößerung des Drosophila-spezifischen Degradoms führt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen des Weiteren, dass zur Definition und Vorhersage des Degradoms nicht nur proteomische sondern auch zellbiologische und bioinformatische Untersuchungen geeignet und notwendig sind. Interessanterweise ist die differentielle Regulation der dTaspase1-Aktivität zudem auf eine veränderte intrazelluläre Lokalisation zurückzuführen. Das Fehlen von in Vertebraten hochkonservierten aktiven Kernimport- und nukleolären Lokalisationssignalen erklärt, weshalb dTaspase1 weniger effizient nukleäre Substrate prozessiert. Somit scheint die für die humane Taspase1 beschriebene Regulation von Lokalisation und Aktivität über eine Importin-α/NPM1-Achse erst im Laufe der Entwicklung der Vertebraten entstanden zu sein. Es konnte also ein bislang unbekanntes evolutionäres Prinzip identifiziert werden, über welches eine Protease einen Transport- bzw. Lokalisations-basierten Mechanismus zur Feinregulation ihrer Aktivität „von der Fliege zum Menschen“ nutzt. Eine weitere Möglichkeit zur dynamischen Funktionsmodulation bieten post-translationale Modifikationen (PTMs) der Proteinsequenz, zu welcher Phosphorylierung und Acetylierung zählen. Interessanterweise konnte für die humane Taspase1 über den Einsatz unabhängiger Methoden einschließlich massenspektrometrischer Analysen eine Acetylierung durch verschiedene Histon-Acetyltransferasen (HATs) nachgewiesen werden. Diese Modifikation erfolgt reversibel, wobei vor allem die Histon-Deacetylase HDAC1 durch Interaktion mit Taspase1 die Deacetylierung der Protease katalysiert. Während Taspase1 in ihrer aktiven Konformation acetyliert vorliegt, kommt es nach Deacetylierung zu einer Reduktion ihrer enzymatischen Aktivität. Somit scheint die Modulation der Taspase1-Aktivität nicht allein über intra-proteolytische Autoaktivierung, Transport- und Interaktionsmechanismen, sondern zudem durch post-translationale Modifikationen gesteuert zu werden. Zusammenfassend konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entscheidende neue Einblicke in die (patho)biologische Funktion und Feinregulation der Taspase1 gewonnen werden. Diese Ergebnisse stellen nicht nur einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung eines verbesserten Verständnis der „Taspase1-Biologie“, sondern auch zur erfolgreichen Inhibition und Bewertung der krebsrelevanten Funktion dieser Protease dar.


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The aim of this thesis is to analyse the main translating issues related to the subtitling of the Italian social movie Italy in a day into English: Italy in a day is a crowdsourced film, comprising a selection of video clips sent by ordinary people, showing occurrences of everyday life on a single day, October 26th, 2013. My dissertation consists of four chapters. The first provides a general overview of audiovisual translation, from the description of the characteristics of filmic products to a summary of the most important audiovisual translation modes; a theoretical framework of the discipline is also provided, through the analysis of the major contributions of Translations Studies and the multidisciplinary approach proposed by the scholar Frederic Chaume. The second chapter offers insight into the subtitling practice, examining its technical parameters, the spatial and temporal constraints, together with the advantages and pitfalls of this translation mode. The main criteria for quality assessment are also outlined, as well as the procedures carried out in the creation of subtitles within a professional environment, with a particular focus on the production of subtitles for the DVD industry. In the third chapter a definition of social movie is provided and the audiovisual material is accurately described, both in form and content. The creation of the subtitling project is here illustrated: after giving some information about the software employed, every step of the process is explained. In the final chapter the main translation challenges are highlighted. In the first part some text reduction techniques in the shift from oral to written are presented; then the culture-specific references and the linguistic variation in the film are analysed and the compensating strategies adopted to fill the linguistic and cultural gap are commented on and justified taking into account the needs and expectations of the target audience.