944 resultados para fibroblast


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The term secretome has been defined as a set of secreted proteins (Grimmond et al. [2003] Genome Res 13:1350-1359). The term secreted protein encompasses all proteins exported from the cell including growth factors, extracellular proteinases, morphogens, and extracellular matrix molecules. Defining the genes encoding secreted proteins that change in expression during organogenesis, the dynamic secretome, is likely to point to key drivers of morphogenesis. Such secreted proteins are involved in the reciprocal interactions between the ureteric bud (UB) and the metanephric mesenchyme (AM) that occur during organogenesis of the metanephros. Some key metanephric secreted proteins have been identified, but many remain to be determined. In this study, microarray expression profiling of E10.5, E11.5, and E13.5 kidney and consensus bioinformatic analysis were used to define a dynamic secretome of early metanephric development. In situ hybridisation was used to confirm microarray results and clarify spatial expression patterns for these genes. Forty-one secreted factors were dynamically expressed between the E10.5 and E13.5 timeframe profiled, and 25 of these factors had not previously been implicated in kidney development. A text-based anatomical ontology was used to spatially annotate the expression pattern of these genes in cultured metanephric explants.


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Functional interactions between classical cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton involve diverse actin activities, including filament nucleation, cross-linking, and bundling. In this report, we explored the capacity of Ena/VASP proteins to regulate the actin cytoskeleton at cadherin-adhesive contacts. We extended the observation that Ena/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) proteins localize at cell-cell contacts to demonstrate that E-cadherin homophilic ligation is sufficient to recruit Mena to adhesion sites. Ena/VASP activity was necessary both for F-actin accumulation and assembly at cell-cell contacts. Moreover, we identified two distinct pools of Mena within individual homophilic adhesions that cells made when they adhered to cadherin-coated substrata. These Mena pools localized with Arp2/3-driven cellular protrusions as well as at the tips of cadherin-based actin bundles. Importantly, Ena/VASP activity was necessary for both modes of actin activity to be expressed. Moreover, selective depletion of Ena/VASP proteins from the tips of cadherin-based bundles perturbed the bundles without affecting the protrusive F-actin pool. We propose that Ena/VASP proteins may serve as higher order regulators of the cytoskeleton at cadherin contacts through their ability to modulate distinct modes of actin organization at those contacts.


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Bone tissue homeostasis relies upon the ability of cells to detect and interpret extracellular signals that direct changes in tissue architecture. This study utilized a four-point bending model to create both fluid shear and strain forces (loading) during the time-dependent progression of MC3T3-E1 preosteoblasts along the osteogenic lineage. Loading was shown to increase cell number, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, collagen synthesis, and the mRNA expression levels of Runx2, osteocalcin (OC), osteopontin, and cyclo-oxygenase-2. However, mineralization in these cultures was inhibited, despite an increase in calcium accumulation, suggesting that loading may inhibit mineralization in order to increase matrix deposition. Loading also increased fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 (FGFR3) expression coincident with an inhibition of FGFR1, FGFR4, FGF1, and extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)1/2 phosphorylation. To examine whether these loading-induced changes in cell phenotype and FGFR expression could be attributed to the inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation, cells were grown for 25 days in the presence of the MEK1/2 inhibitor, U0126. Significant increases in the expression of FGFR3, ALP, and OC were observed, as well as the inhibition of FGFR1, FGFR4, and FGF1. However, U0126 also increased matrix mineralization, demonstrating that inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation cannot fully account for the changes observed in response to loading. in conclusion, this study demonstrates that preosteoblasts are mechanoresponsive, and that long-term loading, whilst increasing proliferation and differentiation of preosteoblasts, inhibits matrix mineralization. In addition, the increase in FGFR3 expression suggests that it may have a role in osteoblast differentiation.


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To address the issue of melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) expression in non-melanocytic cells, we have quantitatively evaluated the relative expression levels of both MC1R mRNA and protein in a subset of different cell types. Using semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at high cycle numbers, we detected MC1R mRNA in all cell types examined, including human embryonic kidney-293 (HEK 293) cells, a cell type widely used as a negative control in melanocortin expression studies. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed the highest levels of MC1R transcripts were in melanocytic cells, whereas the keratinocyte and fibroblast cell cultures examined had only a low level of expression, similar to that of HEK 293 cells. Antibody mediated detection of MC1R protein in membrane extracts demonstrated exogenous receptor in MC1R transfected cell lines, as well as endogenous MC1R in melanoma cells. However, radioligand binding procedures were required to detect MC1R protein of normal human melanocytes and no surface expression of MC1R was detected in any of the non-melanocytic cells examined. This was consistent with their low level of mRNA, and suggests that, if present, the levels of surface receptor are significantly lower than that in melanocytes. The capacity of such limited levels of MC1R protein to influence non-melanocytic skin cell biology would likely be severely compromised. Indeed, the MC1R agonist [NIe(4), D-Phe(7)] alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (NDP-MSH) was unable to elevate intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels in the keratinocyte and fibroblast cells examined, whereas a robust increase was elicited in melanocytes. Although there are a variety of cell types with detectable MC1R mRNA, the expression of physiologically significant levels of the receptor may be more restricted than the current literature indicates, and within epidermal tissue may be limited to the melanocyte


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It is well established that prostaglandins are essential mediators of bone resorption and formation. In the early 1990s, it was discovered that enzymatic reactions producing prostaglandins were regulated by two cyclooxygenase enzymes, one producing prostaglandins constitutively in tissues like the stomach, prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase-1 (PGHS-1 or COX-1), and another induced by mitogens or inflammatory mediators (PGHS-2 or COX-2). This neat distinction has not been maintained because both enzymes act in different cell systems to provide physiological signaling, constitutively or by induction under certain conditions. For example, the regulation patterns of PGHS-1 and PGHS-2 are distinct, but the evidence shows that PGHS-2 functions constitutively in the skeleton. PGHS-2 hits quickly been established, therefore, as a key regulator of bone biology, capable of rapid and transient expression in bone cells, and mediating osteoclastogenesis, mechanotransduction, bone formation and fracture repair. The goal of this review is to Summarize the current state of our knowledge of PGHS regulation of bone metabolism and to identify some of the key unresolved challenges and questions that require further study. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fracture healing is a complex process regulated by numerous growth and adhesive factors expressed at specific stages during healing. The naturally occurring, cell surface-expressed sugar, heparan sulfate (HS), is known to bind to and potentiate the effects of many classes of growth factors, and as such, may be a potential candidate therapy for enhancing bone repair. This study investigated the local application of bone-derived HS in the repair of rat femoral fractures. After 2 weeks, there was a significant increase in the callus size of rats administered with 5 mu g HS compared to the control and 50 mu g HS groups, presumably due to increased trabecular bone volume rather than increased cartilage production. In addition, 5 mu g HS increased the expression of ALP, Runx2, FGF-1, IGF-II, TGF-beta 1, and VEGF. It is hypothesized that these increases resulted from changes in HS-mediated receptor/ligand interactions that increase local growth factor production to augment bone formation. The findings of this study demonstrate the anabolic potential of HS in bone repair by recruiting and enhancing the production of endogenous growth factors at the site of injury. (c) 2006 Orthopaedic Research Society.


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The dogma that the genesis of new cells is a negligible event in the adult mammalian brain has long influenced our perception and understanding of the origin and development of CNS tumours. The discovery that new neurons and glia are produced throughout life from neural stem cells provides new possibilities for the candidate cells of origin of CNS neoplasias. The emerging hypothesis is that alterations in the cellular and genetic mechanisms that control adult neurogenesis might contribute to brain tumorigenesis, thereby allowing the identification of new therapeutic strategies.


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Background: The regulation of plasminogen activation is a key element in controlling proteolytic events in the extracellular matrix. Our previous studies had demonstrated that in inflamed gingival tissues, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is significantly increased in the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue and that interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) can up regulate the level of t-PA and plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) synthesis by human gingival fibroblasts. Method: In the present study, the levels of t-PA and PAI-2 in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) were measured from healthy, gingivitis and periodontitis sites and compared before and after periodontal treatment. Crevicular fluid from 106 periodontal sites in 33 patients were collected. 24 sites from 11 periodontitis patients received periodontal treatment after the first sample collection and post-treatment samples were collected 14 days after treatment. All samples were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for t-PA and PAI-2. Results: The results showed that significantly high levels of t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF were found in the gingivitis and periodontitis sites. Periodontal treatment led to significant decreases of PAI-2, but not t-PA, after 14 days. A significant positive linear correlation was found between t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF (r=0.80, p


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La Fibrosi Polmonare Idiopatica (IPF) è una malattia polmonare cronica, irreversibile la cui eziologia risulta essere ignota, caratterizzata da un processo fibrotico progressivo che inizia nel tratto respiratorio inferiore. Le persone affette da IPF presentano età media compresa tra 55 e 77 anni. L’incidenza annuale di IPF è stata recentemente stimata tra 14 e 42,7 casi per 100.000 persone e tale dato risulta essere in aumento. IPF fa parte delle malattie Polmonari Idiopatiche Interstiziali (IIP) che comprendono patologie con quadri istologici e clinici differenti. Le affezioni su cui si concentrerà questo studio sono: UIP (Usual Interstitial Pneumonia) caratterizzata da fibrosi interstiziale e dalla presenza di foci fibrotici connessi alla pleura e corrispondente al quadro anatomopatologico della maggior parte dei casi di IPF; NSIP (Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonia) simile alla UIP ma con maggiore uniformità temporale e spaziale delle manifestazioni; Sarcoidosi, malattia granulomatosa ad eziologia ignota. Attualmente la gravità della IPF, che implica una mortalità del 50% dei pazienti a 5 anni dall’esordio, e la scarsa efficacia farmacologica nel rallentarne la progressione vedono il trapianto polmonare come unica possibilità di sopravvivenza nelle forme più severe. Al momento non è chiaro il meccanismo patogenetico di insorgenza e progressione della IPF anche se sono stati individuati alcuni fattori scatenanti quali fumo di sigaretta, infezioni respiratorie e inquinanti atmosferici; tuttavia nessuno di tali elementi può da solo determinare un così esteso e progressivo rimodellamento del parenchima polmonare. Numerose sono le evidenze di come il substrato genetico, le alterazioni del rapporto morte/proliferazione cellulare e le citochine svolgano un ruolo nella genesi e nella progressione della malattia, ma non sono ancora chiari i fenomeni biologico-cellulari che la sostengono e, quindi, quali siano i punti di attacco per poter incidere terapeuticamente nel modificare l’evoluzione della IPF. Poiché il nostro laboratorio ha partecipato alla scoperta dell’esistenza di cellule staminali nel polmone umano normale, uno degli obiettivi finali di questo progetto si basa sull’ipotesi che un’alterazione del compartimento staminale svolga un ruolo cruciale nella eziopatogenesi di IPF. Per questo in precedenti esperienze abbiamo cercato di identificare nella IPF cellule che esprimessero antigeni associati a staminalità quali c-kit, CD34 e CD133. Questo lavoro di tesi si è proposto di condurre un’indagine morfometrica ed immunoistochimica su biopsie polmonari provenienti da 9 pazienti affetti da UIP, 3 da NSIP e 5 da Sarcoidosi al fine di valutare le alterazioni strutturali principali imputabili alle patologie. Preparati istologici di 8 polmoni di controllo sono stati usati come confronto. Come atteso, è stato osservato nelle tre patologie esaminate (UIP, NSIP e Sarcoidosi) un significativo incremento nella sostituzione del parenchima polmonare con tessuto fibrotico ed un ispessimento dei setti alveolari rispetto ai campioni di controllo. L’analisi dei diversi pattern di fibrosi presenti fa emergere come vi sia una netta differenza tra le patologie con una maggiore presenza di fibrosi di tipo riparativo e quindi altamente cellulata nei casi di UIP, e NSIP mentre nelle Sarcoidosi il pattern maggiormente rappresentato è risultato essere quello della fibrosi replacement o sostitutiva. La quantificazione delle strutture vascolari è stata effettuata tenendo separate le aree di polmone alveolare rispetto a quelle occupate da focolai sostitutivi di danno (componente fibrotica). Nei campioni patologici analizzati era presente un significativo riarrangiamento di capillari, arteriole e venule rispetto al polmone di controllo, fenomeno principalmente riscontrato nel parenchima fibrotico. Tali modifiche erano maggiormente presenti nei casi di NSIP da noi analizzati. Inoltre le arteriole subivano una diminuzione di calibro ed un aumento dello spessore in special modo nei polmoni ottenuti da pazienti affetti da Sarcoidosi. Rispetto ai controlli, nella UIP e nella Sarcoidosi i vasi linfatici risultavano inalterati nell’area alveolare mentre aumentavano nelle aree di estesa fibrosi; quadro differente si osservava nella NSIP dove le strutture linfatiche aumentavano in entrambe le componenti strutturali. Mediante indagini immunoistochimiche è stata documentata la presenza e distribuzione dei miofibroblasti, positivi per actina muscolare liscia e vimentina, che rappresentano un importante componente del danno tissutale nella IPF. La quantificazione di questo particolare fenotipo è attualmente in corso. Abbiamo inoltre analizzato tramite immunoistochimica la componente immunitaria presente nei campioni polmonari attraverso la documentazione dei linfociti T totali che esprimono CD3, andando poi a identificare la sottopopolazione di T citotossici esprimenti la glicoproteina CD8. La popolazione linfocitaria CD3pos risultava notevolmente aumentata nelle tre patologie analizzate soprattutto nei casi di UIP e Sarcoidosi sebbene l`analisi della loro distribuzione tra i vari distretti tissutali risultasse differente. Risultati simili si sono ottenuti per l`analisi dei linfociti CD8pos. La componente monocito-macrofagica è stata invece identificata tramite la glicoproteina CD68 che ha messo in evidenza una maggiore presenza di cellule positive nella Sarcoidosi e nella UIP rispetto ai casi di NSIP. I dati preliminari di questo studio indicano che il rimodellamento strutturale emo-linfatico e cellulare infiammatorio nella UIP si differenziano rispetto alle altre malattie interstiziali del polmone, avanzando l’ipotesi che il microambiente vascolare ed immunitario giochino un ruolo importante nella patogenesi della malattia


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1. The calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR) and specific receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMPs) together form receptors for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and/or adrenomedullin in transfected cells. 2. There is less evidence that innate CGRP and adrenomedullin receptors are formed by CRLR/RAMP combinations. We therefore examined whether CGRP and/or adrenomedullin binding correlated with CRLR and RAMP mRNA expression in human and rat cell lines known to express these receptors. Specific human or rat CRLR antibodies were used to examine the presence of CRLR in these cells. 3. We confirmed CGRP subtype 1 receptor (CGRP(1)) pharmacology in SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells. L6 myoblast cells expressed both CGRP(1) and adrenomedullin receptors whereas Rat-2 fibroblasts expressed only adrenomedullin receptors. In contrast we could not confirm CGRP(2) receptor pharmacology for Col-29 colonic epithelial cells, which, instead were CGRP(1)-like in this study. 4. L6, SK-N-MC and Col-29 cells expressed mRNA for RAMP1 and RAMP2 but Rat-2 fibroblasts had only RAMP2. No cell line had detectable RAMP3 mRNA. 5. SK-N-MC, Col-29 and Rat-2 fibroblast cells expressed CRLR mRNA. By contrast, CRLR mRNA was undetectable by Northern analysis in one source of L6 cells. Conversely, a different source of L6 cells had mRNA for CRLR. All of the cell lines expressed CRLR protein. Thus circumstances where CRLR mRNA is apparently absent by Northern analysis do not exclude the presence of this receptor. 6. These data strongly support CRLR, together with appropriate RAMPs as binding sites for CGRP and adrenomedullin in cultured cells.


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The multivariable and progressive natural history of type 2 diabetes limits the effectiveness of available glucose-lowering drugs. Constraints imposed by comorbidities (notably cardiovascular disease and renal impairment) and the need to avoid hypoglycaemia, weight gain, and drug interactions further complicate the treatment process. These challenges have prompted the development of new formulations and delivery methods for existing drugs alongside research into novel pharmacological entities. Advances in incretin-based therapies include a miniature implantable osmotic pump to give continuous delivery of a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist for 6-12 months and once-weekly tablets of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Hybrid molecules that combine the properties of selected incretins and other peptides are at early stages of development, and proof of concept has been shown for small non-peptide molecules to activate glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors. Additional sodium-glucose co-transporter inhibitors are progressing in development as well as possible new insulin-releasing biological agents and small-molecule inhibitors of glucagon action. Adiponectin receptor agonists, selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor modulators, cellular glucocorticoid inhibitors, and analogues of fibroblast growth factor 21 are being considered as potential new approaches to glucose lowering. Compounds that can enhance insulin receptor and post-receptor signalling cascades or directly promote selected pathways of glucose metabolism have suggested opportunities for future treatments. However, pharmacological interventions that are able to restore normal β-cell function and β-cell mass, normalise insulin action, and fully correct glucose homoeostasis are a distant vision.


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Increasing evidence suggests that tissue transglutaminase (tTGase; type II) is externalized from cells, where it may play a key role in cell attachment and spreading and in the stabilization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) through protein cross-linking. However, the relationship between these different functions and the enzyme's mechanism of secretion is not fully understood. We have investigated the role of tTGase in cell migration using two stably transfected fibroblast cell lines in which expression of tTGase in its active and inactive (C277S mutant) states is inducible through the tetracycline-regulated system. Cells overexpressing both forms of tTGase showed increased cell attachment and decreased cell migration on fibronectin. Both forms of the enzyme could be detected on the cell surface, but only the clone overexpressing catalytically active tTGase deposited the enzyme into the ECM and cell growth medium. Cells overexpressing the inactive form of tTGase did not deposit the enzyme into the ECM or secrete it into the cell culture medium. Similar results were obtained when cells were transfected with tTGase mutated at Tyr(274) (Y274A), the proposed site for the cis,trans peptide bond, suggesting that tTGase activity and/or its tertiary conformation dependent on this bond may be essential for its externalization mechanism. These results indicate that tTGase regulates cell motility as a novel cell-surface adhesion protein rather than as a matrix-cross-linking enzyme. They also provide further important insights into the mechanism of externalization of the enzyme into the extracellular matrix.


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We have produced human fibroblast growth factor 1 (hFGF1) in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris in order to obtain the large amounts of active protein required for subsequent functional and structural characterization. Four constructs were made to examine both intracellular and secreted expression, with variations in the location of the His6 tag at either end of the peptide. hFGF1 could be produced from all four constructs in shake flasks, but production was optimized by growing only the highest-yielding of these strains, which produced hFGF1 intracellularly, under tightly controlled conditions in a 3 L fermentor. One hundred and eight milligrams of pure protein was achieved per liter culture (corresponding to 0.68 mg of protein per gram of wet cells), the function of which was verified using NIH 3T3 cell cultures. This is a 30-fold improvement over previously reported yields of full-length hFGF1. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An efficient means of evaluating potential biomaterials is to use the in vitro fibroblast cell culture model. However, the chemistry which influences cell adhesion on polymer substrates is poorly understood. The work in this thesis aims to rationalise several theories of current opinion and introduce new chemical techniques that may predict cellular behaviour. The keratoprosthesis is a typical example of the need to be able to manipulate cell adhesion of materials since both adhesive and non adhesive sections are needed for proper integration and optical function. Calcein AM/ethidium homodimer-1 and DAPI assays were carried out using 3T3 and EKl.BR cells. Poly(HEMA) was found to be the most cell adhesive hydrogel tested. The reactivity of monomers and the resulting sequence distribution were found to affect surface properties and this may explain the poor levels of cell adhesion seen on NVP/MMA copolymers. Surface free energy is shown to be dependent on the polar and non polar groups present along the backbone chain of the polymers. Dehydrated and hydrated contact angle measurements show the effect of rotation of surface groups around the backbone chain. This effect is most apparent on hydrogels containing methacrylic acid. Dynamic contact angle measurements confirm sequence distribution irregularities and demonstrate the mobility of surface groups. Incorporation of NVI or DEAEMA into the hydrogels does not affect the mobility of the surface groups despite their bulkiness. Foetal calf serum was used for the first time as a test solution in an attempt to mimic a biological environment during surface experiments. A Vroman effect may be present, and may involve different surface proteins for each material tested. This interdisciplinary study combines surface characterisation and biological testing to further the knowledge of the biomaterial/host interface. Surface chemistry techniques appear to be insufficiently sensitive to predict cellular behaviour. The degree of ionisation of hydrogels containing ionic groups depends on the nature of the functional groups as well as the concentration and this is an important parameter to consider when comparing charged materials.


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The aim of this study was to systematically investigate the factors considered to be responsible for anchorage-dependent cell behaviour to determine which, if any, of these factors exerts greater influence. An efficient means of doing so is the in vitro fibroblast cell culture model. The interaction of fibroblasts with novel substrata gives information about how a biological system reacts to a foreign material. The may ultimately lead to the development of improved biomaterials. This interdisciplinary study combines the elements of surface characterisation and biological testing to determine the nature of the biomaterial/host interface. Polarity and surface charge were found to have an important influence on fibroblast adhesion to hydrogel polymers, by virtue of their water-structuring effects. The same factors were found to affect cell adhesion on undegraded PHB-HV copolymers and their blends with polysaccharides. On degraded PHB-HV copolymers, the degradation process itself played the greatest role in influencing cell response. Increasing surface charge and mechanical instability in these polymers inhibited cell adhesion. Based on the observations of hydrogels and PHB-copolymers a novel material, gel-spun PHB was designed for use as a wound scaffold. In vitro tests using human and mammalian fibroblasts accentuated the importance of polarity and surface charge in determining cellular response. The overall view of cellular behaviour on a broad spectrum of materials highlighted the effects that polarity and surface charge have on water-structuring, and how this affects interfacial conversion. In degradable systems, mechanical stability also plays an inportant role in determining anchorage-dependent cell behaviour.