999 resultados para face muscle


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PURPOSE: This preliminary investigation was designed to test the hypothesis that high intensity single-leg exercise can cause extensive cell DNA damage, which subsequently may affect the expression of the HO-1 gene. METHODS: Six (n=6) apparently healthy male participants (age 27 + 7 yrs, stature 174 + 12 cm, body mass 79 + 4 kg and BMI 24 + 4 kg/m2) completed 100 isolated and continuous maximal concentric contractions (minimum force = 200 N, speed of contraction = 60°/sec) of the rectus femoris muscle. Using a spring-loaded and reusable Magnum biopsy gun with a 16-gauge core disposable biopsy needle, skeletal muscle micro biopsy tissue samples were extracted at rest and following exercise. mRNA gene expression was determined via two-step quantitative real-time PCR using GAPDH as a reference gene. RESULTS: The average muscle force production was 379 + 179 N. High intensity exercise increased mitochondrial 8-OHdG concentration (P < 0.05 vs. rest) with a concomitant decrease in total antioxidant capacity (P < 0.05 vs. rest). Exercise also increased protein oxidation as quantified by protein carbonyl concentration (P < 0.05 vs. rest). HO-1 expression increased (> 2-fold change vs. rest) following exercise, and it is postulated that this change was not significant due to low subject numbers (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: These preliminary findings tentatively suggest that maximal concentric muscle contractions can cause intracellular DNA damage with no apparent disruption to the expression of the antioxidant stress protein HO-1. Moreover, it is likely that cell oxidant stress is required to activate the signal transduction cascade related to the expression of HO-1. A large-scale study incorporating a greater subject number is warranted to fully elucidate this relationship.


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Amphibian skin, and particularly that of south/Central American phyllomedusine frogs, is supposed to be "a huge factory and store house of a variety of active peptides". The 40 amino acid amphibian CRF-like peptide, sauvagine, is a prototype member of a unique family of these Phyllomedusa skin peptides. In this study, we describe for the first time the structure of a mature novel peptide from the skin secretion of the South American orange-legged leaf frog, Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis, which belongs to the amphibian CRF/sauvagine family. Partial amino acid sequence from the N-terminal was obtained by automated Edman degradation with the following structure: pGlu-GPPISIDLNMELLRNMIEI-. The biosynthetic precursor of this novel sauvagine peptide, consisted of 85 amino acid residues and was deduced from cDNA library constructed from the same skin secretion. Compared with the standard sauvagine from the frog, Phyllomedusa sauvagei, this novel peptide was found to exert similar contraction effects on isolated guinea-pig colon and rat urinary bladder smooth muscle preparations.


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This paper presents a novel method of audio-visual fusion for person identification where both the speech and facial modalities may be corrupted, and there is a lack of prior knowledge about the corruption. Furthermore, we assume there is a limited amount of training data for each modality (e.g., a short training speech segment and a single training facial image for each person). A new representation and a modified cosine similarity are introduced for combining and comparing bimodal features with limited training data as well as vastly differing data rates and feature sizes. Optimal feature selection and multicondition training are used to reduce the mismatch between training and testing, thereby making the system robust to unknown bimodal corruption. Experiments have been carried out on a bimodal data set created from the SPIDRE and AR databases with variable noise corruption of speech and occlusion in the face images. The new method has demonstrated improved recognition accuracy.


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The Muslim Brotherhood is the most significant and enduring Sunni Islamist organization of the contemporary era. Its roots lie in the Middle East but it has grown into both a local and global movement, with its well-placed branches reacting effectively to take the opportunities for power and electoral competition offered by the Arab Spring.

Regarded by some as a force of moderation among Islamists, and by others as a façade hiding a terrorist fundamentalist threat, the potential influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on Middle Eastern politics remains ambiguous.The Muslim Brotherhood: The Arab Spring and its Future Face provides an essential insight into the organisation, with chapters devoted to specific cases where the Brotherhood has important impacts on society, the state and politics. Key themes associated with the Brotherhood, such as democracy, equality, pan-Islamism, radicalism, reform, the Palestine issue and gender, are assessed to reveal an evolutionary trend within the movement since its founding in Egypt in 1928 to its manifestation as the largest Sunni Islamist movement in the Middle East in the 21st century. The book addresses the possible future of the Muslim Brotherhood; whether it can surprise sceptics and effectively accommodate democracy and secular trends, and how its ascension to power through the ballot box might influence Western policy debates on their engagement with this manifestation of political Islam.

Drawing on a wide range of sources, this book presents a comprehensive study of a newly resurgent movement and is a valuable resource for students, scholars and policy makers focused on Middle Eastern Politics.


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This piece of writing is an excerpt from a keynote talk given at the Symposium on Artistic Research in Borås, Sweden, on 28 November 2014.


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This paper explores a recent, broadly 'electroacoustic', fixed medium composition by Tullis Rennie, which uses his background in ethnographic fieldwork to explore (in this case through auto-ethnography) modes of listening, and the role of technologies in mediating this listening. Muscle Memory: A conversation about jazz, with Graham South (trumpet) (2014) begins to answer questions about how one work can comment on and analyse or critique another through its own agency as music, bringing composition and ethnography together in fruitful collision, and illuminating the human capacity to manipulate and be manipulated by musical activity. The paper uses the piece to test the extent to which four functions, identified by Simon Frith (1987. Towards an aesthetic of popular music. In R. Leppert & S. McClary (Eds.), Music and society (pp. 133-49). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) as crucial to the meaningfulness of popular music may, in the context of ubiquitously technologised music, have broader application than he originally intended.


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In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to face recognition which simultaneously tackles three combined challenges: 1) uneven illumination; 2) partial occlusion; and 3) limited training data. The new approach performs lighting normalization, occlusion de-emphasis and finally face recognition, based on finding the largest matching area (LMA) at each point on the face, as opposed to traditional fixed-size local area-based approaches. Robustness is achieved with novel approaches for feature extraction, LMA-based face image comparison and unseen data modeling. On the extended YaleB and AR face databases for face identification, our method using only a single training image per person, outperforms other methods using a single training image, and matches or exceeds methods which require multiple training images. On the labeled faces in the wild face verification database, our method outperforms comparable unsupervised methods. We also show that the new method performs competitively even when the training images are corrupted.


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Intestinal smooth muscle contracts rhythmically in the absence of nerve and hormonal stimulation because of the activity of pacemaker cells between and within the muscle layers. This means that the autonomic nervous system modifies rather than initiates intestinal contractions. The practical described here gives students an opportunity to observe this spontaneous activity and its modification by agents associated with parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve activity. A section of the rabbit small intestine is suspended in an organ bath, and the use of a pressure transducer and data-acquisition software allows the measurement of tension generated by the smooth muscle of intestinal walls. The application of the parasympathetic neurotransmitter ACh at varying concentrations allows students to observe an increase in intestinal smooth muscle tone with increasing concentrations of this muscarinic receptor agonist. Construction of a concentration-effect curve allows students to calculate an EC50 value for ACh and consider some basic concepts surrounding receptor occupancy and activation. Application of the hormone epinephrine to the precontracted intestine allows students to observe the inhibitory effects associated with sympathetic nerve activation. Introduction of the drug atropine to the preparation before a maximal concentration of ACh is applied allows students to observe the inhibitory effect of a competitive antagonist on the physiological response to a receptor agonist. The final experiment involves the observation of the depolarizing effect of K+ on smooth muscle. Students are also invited to consider why the drugs atropine, codeine, loperamide, and botulinum toxin have medicinal uses in the management of gastrointestinal problems.


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Older adults use a different muscle strategy to cope with postural instability, in which they ‘co-contract’ the muscles around the ankle joint. It has been suggested that this is a compensatory response to age-related proprioceptive decline however this view has never been assessed directly. The current study investigated the association between proprioceptive acuity and muscle co-contraction in older adults. We compared muscle activity, by recording surface EMG from the bilateral tibalis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis muscles, in young (aged 18-34) and older adults (aged 65-82) during postural assessment on a fixed and sway-referenced surface at age-equivalent levels of sway. We performed correlations between muscle activity and proprioceptive acuity, which was assessed using an active contralateral matching task. Despite successfully inducing similar levels of sway in the two age groups, older adults still showed higher muscle co-contraction. A stepwise regression analysis showed that proprioceptive acuity measured using variable error was the best predictor of muscle co-contraction in older adults. However, despite suggestions from previous research, proprioceptive error and muscle co-contraction were negatively correlated in older adults, suggesting that better proprioceptive acuity predicts more co-contraction. Overall, these results suggest that although muscle co-contraction may be an age-specific strategy used by older adults, it is not to compensate for age-related proprioceptive deficits.


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With the rapid development of internet-of-things (IoT), face scrambling has been proposed for privacy protection during IoT-targeted image/video distribution. Consequently in these IoT applications, biometric verification needs to be carried out in the scrambled domain, presenting significant challenges in face recognition. Since face models become chaotic signals after scrambling/encryption, a typical solution is to utilize traditional data-driven face recognition algorithms. While chaotic pattern recognition is still a challenging task, in this paper we propose a new ensemble approach – Many-Kernel Random Discriminant Analysis (MK-RDA) to discover discriminative patterns from chaotic signals. We also incorporate a salience-aware strategy into the proposed ensemble method to handle chaotic facial patterns in the scrambled domain, where random selections of features are made on semantic components via salience modelling. In our experiments, the proposed MK-RDA was tested rigorously on three human face datasets: the ORL face dataset, the PIE face dataset and the PUBFIG wild face dataset. The experimental results successfully demonstrate that the proposed scheme can effectively handle chaotic signals and significantly improve the recognition accuracy, making our method a promising candidate for secure biometric verification in emerging IoT applications.