960 resultados para exacerbation in illness


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A considerable number of young people face the challenge of living with a chronic illness.  For many, the experience of a chronic illness can be fraught with feelings of frustration, alienation and a sense of isolation.  Recently there has been growing interest in the use of peer support programs as a means of assisting young people's adjustment to life with a chronic illness.  Peer support programs offer therapeutic gain while being financially accessible.  This document describes the development of the Chronic Illness Peer Support (ChIPS) program run through the Centre for Adolescent Health, Melbourne.


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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial issues facing young people living with a chronic medical condition.

Materials and Methods: Subjects were young people with a range of medical conditions who were on a waiting list to participate in the Chronic Illness Peer Support programme at the Centre for Adolescent Health, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Young people agreed to in-depth interviews which were taped and transcribed. Thematic analysis was undertaken by two researchers working independently.

Results: Thirty-five young people were interviewed. Thematic analysis revealed five broad themes: control (in control, under control, out of control); emotional reactions (happiness, frustration, anger, sadness, anxiety); acceptance (of illness, of others, of self); coping strategies, and; a search for meaning. The importance of social connections was emphasised. While illustrating the difficulties of managing a chronic medical condition during adolescence, a generally positive message emerges about these young people.

Many young people with chronic illness appear relatively resilient in the face of the adjustment challenges presented by their illness. Interventions that allow a young person to explore meaning, build self-esteem, and acceptance through positive social connections are likely to improve adjustment outcomes in this group.


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Exposure to social stress has been linked to the development and maintenance of mood-related psychopathology; however, the underlying neurobiological changes remain uncertain. In this study, we examined numbers of ΔFosB-immunoreactive cells in the forebrains of rats subjected to 12 episodes of social defeat. This was achieved using the social conflict model whereby animals are introduced into the home cage of older males (“residents”) trained to attack and defeat all such “intruders”; importantly, controls were treated identically except that the resident was absent. Our results indicated that the only region in which ΔFosB-positive cells were found in significantly higher numbers in intruders than in controls was the infralimbic medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). This same effect was not apparent using another psychological stressor, noise stress. Cells of the infralimbic mPFC also displayed evidence of chromatin remodeling. We found that exposure to repeated episodes of social defeat increased numbers of cells immunoreactive for histone H3 acetylation, but not for histone H3 phosphoacetylation, in the infralimbic mPFC. Collectively, these findings highlight the importance of the infralimbic mPFC in responding to social stress—a finding that provides insight into the possible neurobiological alterations associated with stress-induced psychiatric illness.


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Aims : To describe the incidence of parentally reported illness in otherwise healthy South Island toddlers; characterise the predictors of illness; and determine whether there was a relationship between teething and illness in this population.

Methods :
A 20-week randomised controlled trial was conducted on 1-year-old children (n=225) from Otago and Southland between February 2004 and December 2005. Information on symptoms of morbidity, occurrence of teething, and childcare attendance were recorded daily throughout the intervention period. Morbidity symptoms were categorised into respiratory illness (RI), gastrointestinal illness (GII), ear infection, and total illness, and the number and duration of events were determined.

Results :
The mean (SD) number of total illnesses was 3.4 (2.3) per 20 weeks, with an average duration of 4.5 days. Episodes of RI were most common (50% of total illness events), and tended to be the longest in duration (mean of 3.7 days). Having siblings aged less than 5 years (23% increase, 95%CI 6%–42%, p=0.007) and attending childcare (72% increase, 95%CI 38%–113%, p<0.001)), were positively associated with the number of total illness events but not duration. In addition, teething was positively associated with total events (OR 1.94, 95%CI 1.45–2.60, p<0.001), RI events (OR 2.03, 95%CI 1.41–2.93, p<0.001) and GII events (OR 1.90, 95%CI 1.36–2.67, p<0.001).

Conclusion :
This study has shown that illness (particularly RI) is common in the second year of life. It has also confirmed that attending childcare and having siblings aged under 5 years increases the number of illness events. An association between teething and the occurrence of illness was also seen but the exact nature of this relationship requires verification.


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Objective: The clinical distinction between bipolar II disorder (BD II) and bipolar I disorder (BD I) is not clear-cut. Cognitive functioning offers the potential to explore objective markers to help delineate this boundary. To examine this issue, we conducted a quantitative review of the cognitive profile of clinically stable patients with BD II in comparison with both patients with BD I and healthy controls.
Method: Meta-analytical methods were used to compare cognitive functioning of BD II disorder with both BD I disorder and healthy controls.
Results: Individuals with BD II were less impaired than those with BD I on verbal memory. There were also small but significant difference in
visual memory and semantic fluency. There were no significant differences in global cognition or in other cognitive domains. Patients with BD II performed poorer than controls in all cognitive domains.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that with the exception of memory and semantic fluency, cognitive impairment in BD II is as severe as in BD I. Further studies are needed to investigate whether more severe deficits in BD I are related to neurotoxic effects of severe manic episodes on medial temporal structures or neurobiological differences from the onset of the illness.


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Objectives: The objective of the study was to examine patients’ experiences of pain in Hospital in the Home (HITH) programs and
identify the issues related to providing optimal pain management for acute care patients in the home environment.
Methods: A descriptive survey of patients’ experience of pain and pain management in 3 HITH programs in metropolitan Melbourne,
Australia (n=359). Data were collected by telephone interview using a modified version of The American Pain Society’s Patient Outcome Questionnaire. Patients were interviewed 48 to 72 hours after admission to the HITH program. Consecutive, adult, acute care patients were invited to participate in the study. Patients who had previously participated or had communication difficulties unable to be overcome with the assistance of an interpreter were excluded.
Results: Sixty-nine percent of patients interviewed experienced pain at home and 86% of these patients had experienced pain in the 24 hours before the interview. Over half (56%) of the patients had experienced moderate-to-severe worst pain in the previous 24 hours and 33% reported moderate-to-severe pain as their average pain experience. Two hundred thirty-two (93.2%) of the 250 patients who experienced pain had pain in hospital before being transferred to HITH. Of these patients, 52.2% (n=132) were prescribed analgesics to take home with them; the remaining 118 patients experiencing pain were not prescribed analgesics and either sourced analgesics once home (n=81, 68.1%) or did not take any analgesics (n=38, 31.9%).
Discussion: Treatment of pain at home was suboptimal with patients experiencing moderate-to-severe pain and discomfort during the treatment phase of their illness. Lack of appropriate discharge planning strategies meant that patients went home without adequate analgesia and use of non prescribed pain medication was common. The number of patients transferred home without analgesics indicates a worrying under recognition of the need for analgesia in this care context and poses a risk to patient safety that is no less significant because patients are at home.


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We assessed intergenerational differences in food, physical activity, and body size perceptions among refugees and migrants from the Horn of Africa living in Victoria, Australia. We used a qualitative design and obtained data from 48 participants (18 individual interviews; 3 semistructured focus groups). Three major themes emerged: (a) food and physical activity, (b) preference of body size and social expectations, and (c) perceived consequences of various body sizes. For parents, large body size was perceived to equate with being beautiful and wealthy; slimness was associated with chronic illness and poverty. Parents adopted strategies that promoted weight gain in children. These included tailored food practices and restricting children’s involvement in physical activity. For young people, slimness was the ideal body size endorsed by their peers, and they adopted strategies to resist parental pressure to gain weight. Obesity-prevention programs in this subpopulation need to adopt a multigenerational approach.


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The report measures mortality, disability, illness and injury arising from over 170 diseases and injuries. Burden of disease analysis gives a unique perspective on health


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The aetiological fraction methodology and the associated fraction estimates enable estimation of the proportion of cases of an illness or injury that can be attributed to a risk factor. This report presents aetiological fraction estimates attributing deaths and hospital separations resulting from a range of specific illnesses or injuries to tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. The fractions represent a revision of the fractions originally presented by Holman et al. (1990) and later revised by English et al. (1995). Also presented here are estimates of 1998 mortality and 1997–98 hospital separations attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs based on the revised fractions.


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This report provides an overview of results from the Australian Burden of Disease and Injury Study undertaken by the AIHW during 1998 and 1999. The Study uses the methods developed for the Global Burden of Disease Study, adapted to the Australian context and drawing extensively on Australian sources of population health data. It provides a comprehensive assessment of the amount of ill health and disability, the ‘burden of disease’ in Australia in 1996.

Mortality, disability, impairment, illness and injury arising from 176 diseases, injuries and risk factors are measured using a common metric, the Disability-Adjusted Life Year or DALY. One DALY is a lost year of ‘healthy’ life and is calculated as a combination of years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and equivalent ‘healthy’ years of life lost due to disability (YLD). This report provides estimates of the contribution of fatal and non-fatal health outcomes to the total burden of disease and injury measured in DALYs in Australia in 1996.


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An overview of the results of the Australian Burden of Disease (ABD) study is presented. The ABD study was the first to use methodology developed for the Global Burden of Disease study to measure the burden of disease and injury in a developed country. In 1996, mental disorders were the main causes of disability burden, responsible for nearly 30% of total years of life lost to disability (YLD), with depression accounting for 8% of the total YLD. Ischaemic heart disease and stroke were the main contributors to the disease burden disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), together causing nearly 18% of the total disease burden. Risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, obesity and inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption were responsible for much of the overall disease burden in Australia. The lessons learnt from the ABD study are discussed, together with methodological issues that require further attention.


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Nitric oxide is implicated in the pathogenesis of various neuropathologies characterized by oxidative stress. Although nitric oxide has been reported to be involved in the exacerbation of oxidative stress observed in several neuropathologies, existent data fail to provide a holistic description of how nitrergic pathobiology elicits neuronal injury. Here we provide a comprehensive description of mechanisms contributing to nitric oxide induced neuronal injury by global transcriptomic profiling. Microarray analyses were undertaken on RNA from murine primary cortical neurons treated with the nitric oxide generator DETA-NONOate (NOC-18, 0.5 mM) for 8–24 hrs. Biological pathway analysis focused upon 3672 gene probes which demonstrated at least a ±1.5-fold expression in a minimum of one out of three time-points and passed statistical analysis (one-way anova, P < 0.05). Numerous enriched processes potentially determining nitric oxide mediated neuronal injury were identified from the transcriptomic profile: cell death, developmental growth and survival, cell cycle, calcium ion homeostasis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, oxidative stress, mitochondrial homeostasis, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, and GSH and nitric oxide metabolism. Our detailed time-course study of nitric oxide induced neuronal injury allowed us to provide the first time a holistic description of the temporal sequence of cellular events contributing to nitrergic injury. These data form a foundation for the development of screening platforms and define targets for intervention in nitric oxide neuropathologies where nitric oxide mediated injury is causative.


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Introduction It has been recognised for many years that in Western contexts social support is associated with depression. However, relatively few studies have investigated this association in non-Western countries, and few, if any, in a clinical population. The present study aimed to establish how the perceived quality of social support provided by their spouse, their family and their friends to people in China who have a clinical diagnosis of depression is associated with aspects of their illness.

Methods The sample comprised 50 males and 50 females ranging in age from 19 to 62 years. All participants had a clinical diagnosis of depression. They completed the Beck Depression Inventory and a scale assessing perceived social support.

Results Contrary to predictions and previous research findings, no significant association was found between perceived quality of social support and level of depression, length of depression, and number of episodes of depression.

Discussion A variety of cultural factors may be associated with the quality of social support provided to patients with depression. Further research is required to investigate if these findings generalise across other non-Western populations, and also, to explore other factors that may influence the onset and continuation of depression among people in China.


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Introduction: This article explores how community engagement by paramedics in an expanded scope role contributes to both primary health care and to an overall improved emergency response capacity in rural communities. Understanding how expanded scope paramedics (ESP) can strengthen community healthcare collaborations is an important need in rural areas where low workforce numbers necessitate innovation.

Methods: Four examples of Australian rural ESP roles were studied in Tasmania, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria to gather information on consistent elements that could inform a paramedic expanded scope model. Qualitative data were collected from semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and organisational documents. Thematic analysis within and across cases found community engagement was a key element in the varied roles. This article relies heavily on data from the Victorian and Tasmanian case studies because community engagement was a particularly strong aspect of these cases.

Results: The ESP in the case studies increased interactions between ambulance services and rural communities with an overall benefit to health care through: increasing community response capacity; linking communities more closely to ambulance services; and increasing health promotion and illness prevention work at the community level. Leadership, management and communication skills are important for paramedics to successfully undertake expanded scope roles.

Conclusion: ESP in rural locations can improve health care beyond direct clinical skill by active community engagement that expands the capacity of other community members and strengthens links between services and communities. As health services look to gain maximum efficiency from the health workforce, understanding the intensification of effort that can be gained from practitioner and community coalitions provides important future directions.