967 resultados para estimulació magnètica transcranial
BACKGROUND Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an emerging risk factor for cognitive impairment. Whether this impairment is a direct effect of this metabolic disorder on brain function, a consequence of vascular disease, or both, remains unknown. Structural and functional neuroimaging studies in patients with T2DM could help to elucidate this question. OBJECTIVE We designed a cross-sectional study comparing 25 T2DM patients with 25 age- and gender-matched healthy control participants. Clinical information, APOE genotype, lipid and glucose analysis, structural cerebral magnetic resonance imaging including voxel-based morphometry, and F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography were obtained in all subjects. METHODS Gray matter densities and metabolic differences between groups were analyzed using statistical parametric mapping. In addition to comparing the neuroimaging profiles of both groups, we correlated neuroimaging findings with HbA1c levels, duration of T2DM, and insulin resistance measurement (HOMA-IR) in the diabetic patients group. Results: Patients with T2DM presented reduced gray matter densities and reduced cerebral glucose metabolism in several fronto-temporal brain regions after controlling for various vascular risk factors. Furthermore, within the T2DM group, longer disease duration, and higher HbA1c levels and HOMA-IR were associated with lower gray matter density and reduced cerebral glucose metabolism in fronto-temporal regions. CONCLUSION In agreement with previous reports, our findings indicate that T2DM leads to structural and metabolic abnormalities in fronto-temporal areas. Furthermore, they suggest that these abnormalities are not entirely explained by the role of T2DM as a cardiovascular risk factor.
La Malformació de Chiari tipus I (MCI) ha estat definida tradicionalment com la herniació de les amígdales cerebel•loses d’almenys 5mm, a través del forat mange. En general, els símptomes es posen de manifest durant la segona o tercera dècada de vida, tot i que s’han descrit casos pediàtrics. Donada la complexitat del quadre clínic, per realitzar un diagnòstic adient es requereix avaluació clínica i estudi de neuroimatge. La tècnica de preferència és la ressonància magnètica d’imatge, considerant-se actualment com a pacients de MCI aquells que presenten un descens de les amígdales superior a 3mm per sota del forat magne. L'existència de casos asimptomàtics dificulta establir una prevalença concreta, però s’ha estimat que podria estar entre 1/1000 a 1/5000 sent major en dones que en homes (2:1 aproximadament). Fins el moment, es desconeix l’etiologia de la malaltia però la hipòtesi més acceptada és que MCI és deguda al desenvolupament insuficient del mesoderm paraxial. Diferents estudis realitzats fins el moment evidencien que almenys, un subgrup de pacients amb MCI són deguts a contribució genètica: 1) casos d’agregació familiar amb afectes en tres generacions; 2) estudis de bessons 3) associació amb síndromes genètics coneguts amb herència mendeliana produïts per anomalies óssies que donen suport a la hipòtesi de la insuficiència del mesoderm com a causa de MCI. Davant l’evidència clara d’un component genètic com a principal causant de l’etiologia de MCI, l’objectiu del projecte va ser la identificació de les bases genètiques de la MCI, tant en gens responsables de les formes mendelianes com en gens responsables de les formes complexes de MCI mitjançant dues estratègies: 1-Identificació de variants genètiques de susceptibilitat en pacients amb MCI mitjançant estudis d’associació de tipus cas-control. 2-Anàlisi genètic de formes monogèniques mitjançant l’anàlisi de lligament a marcardors polimòrfics i la seqüenciació del DNA a gran escala.
Background. Transient global amnesia (TGA) is a syndrome of sudden, unexplained isolated short-term memory loss. In the majority of TGA cases, no causes can be identified and neuroimaging, CSF studies and EEG are usually normal. We present a patient with TGA associated with a small acute infarct at the cingulate gyrus. Case Report. The patient, a 62 year-old man, developed two episodes of TGA. He had hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. He was found to have an acute ischemic stroke of small size (15 mm of maximal diameter) at the right cerebral cingulate gyrus diagnosed on brain magnetic resonance imaging. No lesions involving other limbic system structures such as thalamus, fornix, corpus callosum, or hippocampal structures were seen. The remainder of the examination was normal. Conclusion. Unilateral ischemic lesions of limbic system structures may result in TGA. We must bear in mind that TGA can be an associated clinical disorder of cingulate gyrus infarct.
: Para estudiar la historia natural del ictus isquémico por oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior se seleccionó una muestra prospectiva de pacientes con ictus agudo que no recibieron terapias de reperfusión en los que se confirmó una oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior mediante Dúplex transcraneal. El 74% de los pacientes tuvo mal pronóstico. Los pacientes con oclusión de la a.carótida interna terminal y de la a.cerebral media proximal tuvieron peor pronóstico funcional y mayor porcentaje de mortalidad a los tres meses que los pacientes con oclusión de la a.cerebral media distal.
El objetivo del estudio ha sido caracterizar mediante cardiorresonancia los fenotipos de válvula aórtica bicúspide (VAB) y su asociación con patrones de dilatación de aorta ascendente (AA). En este estudio la VAB fenotipo 1 (fusión velo coronario derecho -izquierdo) es la más prevalente y se asocia a coartación aórtica, insuficiencia aórtica moderada-severa y dilatación de raiz aórtica. El fenotipo 2 de VAB (fusión velo coronario derecho- no coronario) se asocia a dilatación de porción tubular aórtica. La edad predice dilatación de AA en pacientes con VAB y la estenosis aórtica moderada-severa es un factor protector contra dicha dilatación.
Dystonia is associated with impaired somatosensory ability. The electrophysiological method of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can be used for noninvasive stimulation of the human cortex and can alter cortical excitability and associated behavior. Among others, rTMS can alter/improve somatosensory discrimation abilities, as shown in healthy controls. We applied 5Hz-rTMS over the left primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in 5 patients with right-sided writer's dystonia and 5 controls. We studied rTMS effects on tactile discrimination accuracy and concomitant rTMS-induced changes in hemodynamic activity measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Before rTMS, patients performed worse on the discrimination task than controls even though fMRI showed greater task-related activation bilaterally in the basal ganglia (BG). In controls, rTMS led to improved discrimination; fMRI revealed this was associated with increased activity of the stimulated S1, bilateral premotor cortex and BG. In dystonia patients, rTMS had no effect on discrimination; fMRI showed similar cortical effects to controls except for no effects in BG. Improved discrimination after rTMS in controls is linked to enhanced activation of S1 and BG. Failure of rTMS to increase BG activation in dystonia may be associated with the lack of effect on sensory discrimination in this group and may reflect impaired processing in BG-S1 connections. Alternatively, the increased BG activation seen in the baseline state without rTMS may reflect a compensatory strategy that saturates a BG contribution to this task.
Time is embedded in any sensory experience: the movements of a dance, the rhythm of a piece of music, the words of a speaker are all examples of temporally structured sensory events. In humans, if and how visual cortices perform temporal processing remains unclear. Here we show that both primary visual cortex (V1) and extrastriate area V5/MT are causally involved in encoding and keeping time in memory and that this involvement is independent from low-level visual processing. Most importantly we demonstrate that V1 and V5/MT are functionally linked and temporally synchronized during time encoding whereas they are functionally independent and operate serially (V1 followed by V5/MT) while maintaining temporal information in working memory. These data challenge the traditional view of V1 and V5/MT as visuo-spatial features detectors and highlight the functional contribution and the temporal dynamics of these brain regions in the processing of time in millisecond range. The present project resulted in the paper entitled: 'How the visual brain encodes and keeps track of time' by Paolo Salvioni, Lysiann Kalmbach, Micah Murray and Domenica Bueti that is now submitted for publication to the Journal of Neuroscience.
In order to identify new compounds to treat Chagas disease during the acute phase with higher activity and lower toxicity than the reference drug benznidazole (Bz), two hydroxyphthalazine derivative compounds were prepared and their trypanocidal effects against Trypanosoma cruzi were evaluated by light microscopy through the determination of IC50 values. Cytotoxicity was determined by flow cytometry assays against Vero cells. In vivo assays were performed in BALB/c mice, in which the parasitemia levels were quantified by fresh blood examination; the assignment of a cure was determined by reactivation of blood parasitemia levels after immunosuppression. The mechanism of action was elucidated at metabolic and ultra-structural levels, by (1)H NMR and TEM studies. Finally, as these compounds are potentially capable of causing oxidative damage in the parasites, the study was completed, by assessing their activity as potential iron superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) inhibitors. High-selectivity indices observed in vitro were the basis of promoting one of the tested compounds to in vivo assays. The tests on the murine model for the acute phase of Chagas disease showed better parasitemia inhibition values than those found for Bz. Compound 2 induced a remarkable decrease in the reactivation of parasitemia after immunosuppression. Compound 2 turned out to be a great inhibitor of Fe-SOD. The high antiparasitic activity and low toxicity together with the modest costs for the starting materials render this compound an appropriate molecule for the development of an affordable anti-Chagas agent.
An alternative approach to the fundamental general physics concepts has been proposed. We demonstrate that the electrostatic potential energy of a discrete or a continuous system of charges should be stored by the charges and not the field. It is found that there is a possibility that any electric field has no energy density, as well as magnetic field. It is found that there is no direct relation between the electric or magnetic energy and photons. An alternative derivation of the blackbody radiation formula is proposed. It is also found that the zero-point of energy of electromagnetic radiation may not exist.
Amb aquest projecte es pretén dissenyar un sistema de recàrrega de les bateries delsvehicles elèctrics mentre aquests funcionen, i d’aquesta forma disminuir ladependència d’aquests al nivell de càrrega de la bateria, conferir-los més autonomia itransformar el temps de recàrrega del vehicle en temps útil de conducció. El sistema estarà format per un grup de bobines fixades al paviment i connectades enparal•lel al llarg de la calçada de la via per on el vehicle elèctric circularà, el qual tambéincorporarà, en la part inferior, una bobina en ressonància magnètica amb lesanteriorment anomenades. Les bobines immòbils, que estaran connectades a la xarxaelèctrica, induiran en la bobina fixada al vehicle un corrent elèctric a partir dels circuitsressonants als quals estan connectades. S’estudiarà la configuració més òptimad’aquest sistema per tal de subministrar la potència necessària per carregar la bateria,tenint en compte la despesa energètica extra derivada del fet de realitzar-ho enmoviment
Estudi de dues possibilitats de disseny i implementació d'eines didàctiques amb les biblioteques Physlets i Java3D, per a ser utilitzades en una pàgina web d'electromagnetisme. Com a resultat d'aquest estudi s'han desenvolupat dues aplicacions basades en el principi físic d'inducció magnètica i les seves aplicacions. L'estudi de les biblioteques Physlets i Java3D serveix per comprovar les seves virtuts i limitacions, i a la vegada sospesar la capacitat matemàtica de la primera amb les possibilitats gràfiques i disseny en 3D de la segona.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és ampliar la plataforma Starviewer integrant els mòdulsnecessaris per donar suport al diagnòstic de l’estenosi de caròtida permetentinterpretar de forma més fàcil les imatges Angiografia per Ressonància Magnètica(ARM). La plataforma Starviewer és un entorn informàtic que integra funcionalitatsbàsiques i avançades pel processament i la visualització d’imatges mèdiques. Estàdesenvolupat pel Grup d’Informàtica Gràfica de la Universitat de Girona i l’Institut deDiagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI) de l’hospital Dr. Josep Trueta. Una de les limitacions de la plataforma és el no suportar el tractament de lesions delsistema vascular. Per això ens proposem a corregir-ho i ampliar les seves extensionsper a poder diagnosticar l’estenosi de caròtida
Understanding brain reserve in preclinical stages of neurodegenerative disorders allows determination of which brain regions contribute to normal functioning despite accelerated neuronal loss. Besides the recruitment of additional regions, a reorganisation and shift of relevance between normally engaged regions are a suggested key mechanism. Thus, network analysis methods seem critical for investigation of changes in directed causal interactions between such candidate brain regions. To identify core compensatory regions, fifteen preclinical patients carrying the genetic mutation leading to Huntington's disease and twelve controls underwent fMRI scanning. They accomplished an auditory paced finger sequence tapping task, which challenged cognitive as well as executive aspects of motor functioning by varying speed and complexity of movements. To investigate causal interactions among brain regions a single Dynamic Causal Model (DCM) was constructed and fitted to the data from each subject. The DCM parameters were analysed using statistical methods to assess group differences in connectivity, and the relationship between connectivity patterns and predicted years to clinical onset was assessed in gene carriers. In preclinical patients, we found indications for neural reserve mechanisms predominantly driven by bilateral dorsal premotor cortex, which increasingly activated superior parietal cortices the closer individuals were to estimated clinical onset. This compensatory mechanism was restricted to complex movements characterised by high cognitive demand. Additionally, we identified task-induced connectivity changes in both groups of subjects towards pre- and caudal supplementary motor areas, which were linked to either faster or more complex task conditions. Interestingly, coupling of dorsal premotor cortex and supplementary motor area was more negative in controls compared to gene mutation carriers. Furthermore, changes in the connectivity pattern of gene carriers allowed prediction of the years to estimated disease onset in individuals. Our study characterises the connectivity pattern of core cortical regions maintaining motor function in relation to varying task demand. We identified connections of bilateral dorsal premotor cortex as critical for compensation as well as task-dependent recruitment of pre- and caudal supplementary motor area. The latter finding nicely mirrors a previously published general linear model-based analysis of the same data. Such knowledge about disease specific inter-regional effective connectivity may help identify foci for interventions based on transcranial magnetic stimulation designed to stimulate functioning and also to predict their impact on other regions in motor-associated networks.
En aquest projecte es pretén implementar un dispositiu capaç de ser auto-suficient i no dependre de cap tipus de pila, bateria o fil elèctric que l’abasteixi d’energia elèctrica. El dispositiu recol·lectarà la energia magnètica generada per la corrent elèctrica a un fil i la transformarà en energia elèctrica, que serà emmagatzemada per el seu posterior ús. A demès, aquest projecte s’ha desenvolupat en col·laboració amb un segon projecte, dintre del qual s’implementarà una xarxa de sensors, mitjançant el protocol MIWI. Aquest projecte es divideix en tres grans blocs. El primer bloc del projecte serà una introducció teòrica de tots els coneixements relacionats amb el concepte d’energy harvesting i els mecanismes físic implicats. Al segon bloc podrem veure com s’han realitzat els càlculs, simulacions i posada en marxa, dels diferents elements que formaran el dispositiu recol·lector d’energia. Per últim en el tercer bloc veurem el prototip ja implementat. Es valoraran els resultats obtinguts, i es veuran els temps que necessitarà per alimentar al microcontrolador.
The performance of the SAOP potential for the calculation of NMR chemical shifts was evaluated. SAOP results show considerable improvement with respect to previous potentials, like VWN or BP86, at least for the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine chemical shifts. Furthermore, a few NMR calculations carried out on third period atoms (S, P, and Cl) improved when using the SAOP potential